
Heavenly Fate

My life, my destiny or better still my fate was already written and decided. I never felt happy knowing that I wasn't living my life the way I wanted but the way it was fated to be. I felt like a puppet, being controlled by someone great. My only purpose of existence was to serve as a guard to someone who was extremely powerful and doesn't even need me. Hahaha, I feel like a joke. My entire life is.... Alora Smith is an African American woman who thought life was going great until she met the tall, dark and deadly stranger who took her out of her protective city into a world of impending danger. Overnight, she was dragged into a world of hell, where heavenly beings were at war, she thought she was just another human caught up in an imaginary world, but could she be wrong? Would Alora let the three Moriai( the sisters of fate) defeated her or would she defeat them and change her destiny? Find out more in the first book of the Children Of A.

Miss_Black05 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Sam's POV

Samantha stole a look at the quiet man sitting across her. He hasn't altered a word since she brought him home, it was almost two hours.

She wasn't like Alora who would force someone to talk no matter how stubborn the person seems.

She already offered him food, but he rejected. She offered to get his wound treated by giving him first aid, he refused. She offered to take him to the hospital but he adamantly turned down her help. She was getting worried because he looked very pale like he was going to pass out any minute, she didn't want someone dying in her house.

"Where is Alora, maybe she can help me out here? Sitting with this guy is so weird. " She muttered under her breath.

As if on cue, she heard a car drive into her driveway and directly into the garage. Who drove Alora here?

The guy abruptly jumped up and gestured to her telling her not to let anyone know he was here.

She nodded in reply and saw him climb up the stairs clumsily. She scowl at him, why did he seem different just now and more approachable? He seemed different from the collected cold guy awhile ago, maybe the fear of being caught made him act this way. She thought.

The door bell rang and her heart dropped when she saw it was Calhoun who drove Alora home, he could easily tell if she was lying. She silently prayed he wouldn't suspect anything before proceeding to open the door.

"Alora, you're home, thank goodness. Are you alright, hope they didn't stress you too much, come in my child." She said fussing over her friend.

They both stepped in and Samantha immediately ran to the kitchen under the disguise to serve her guest hot tea wiped away her sweat, took a deep breath to calm her breathing also praying that Calhoun would leave instead of staying behind and he stood up when he saw her come in.

"I would take my leave now that your friend is safely home. "

He turned to Alora and gave her a polite nod before saying "Alora, take care and get some rest. Also do not go anywhere without security, I'm reassured your grandmother would handle that "

Samantha silently followed him to the door when she saw Alora turn up the TV and slip her tea. She gently closed the door behind her before she gave the smiling man before her a death glare.

"Why you looking at me like that? "He asked

"You know why, it's a lot of whys which I don't have time to discuss now but the next time we meet. But for now answer this, why did you call Lora by her name?"

"She told me to stop being formal and address her as Alora" He said innocently and swiftly already knowing she was going to ask that question.

Samantha suddenly remembered the man inside and panicked.

"Okay, you can leave now"

"Are you trying to send me away? " He narrowed his eyes "Are you perhaps hiding someone in there? "

Samantha freaked as she feigned annoyance "What? Are you accusing me of cheating? "

Calhoun laughed "I was just kidding babe, you know I trust you. I would come back when your friend leaves. "

"She's staying here overnight "

Calhoun looked disappointed, and Samantha quickly said "We can meet tomorrow and make up for tonight. "

He nodded and she smiled as she gently kissed his cheek and pushed him towards his car when they both heard Alora scream.

They rushed in to see her trembling with fear.

Samantha just sighed and stared at Alora because she already knew what made her shout, but she still pretended so the Cop won't be suspicious.

"Are you alright, Lora? Did you see something that scared you?" She made sure not to say someone in case Calhoun decided to search the house then all her effort to hide him would be in vain and she might even get arrested.

"I'mm... I'm fine. I'm sorry to make you guys worry, I just saw myself falling on TV, and it was like I was experiencing it over again. " Alora lied.

Calhoun nodded in understanding "It would be best if you don't watch this for now" He picked up the TV remote control and turned off the TV.

He stared at her for a minute like he was trying to figure out something. Then finally decided to leave.

After they saw his car leave the drive way, both friends sighed in relief.