
Heavenly Fate

My life, my destiny or better still my fate was already written and decided. I never felt happy knowing that I wasn't living my life the way I wanted but the way it was fated to be. I felt like a puppet, being controlled by someone great. My only purpose of existence was to serve as a guard to someone who was extremely powerful and doesn't even need me. Hahaha, I feel like a joke. My entire life is.... Alora Smith is an African American woman who thought life was going great until she met the tall, dark and deadly stranger who took her out of her protective city into a world of impending danger. Overnight, she was dragged into a world of hell, where heavenly beings were at war, she thought she was just another human caught up in an imaginary world, but could she be wrong? Would Alora let the three Moriai( the sisters of fate) defeated her or would she defeat them and change her destiny? Find out more in the first book of the Children Of A.

Miss_Black05 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

New Idea About The Incident

I glanced worriedly at the direction the criminal and my hero called blade went. Even though he saved me, I still can't ignore the fact that he's a wanted man who also tried to kill me on our first meeting.

They escorted me out of the building, as the paramedic led me towards their vehicle for thorough inspection.

The cops had finally managed to dismiss the overwhelming crowd and reporters who crowded me like I was a star.

I was already preparing to have my life temporarily disturbed because reporters will follow me around trying to pry into my life,it will only get worse if they figure out my identity.

I groaned internally, definitely not ready for that kind of attention right now. What would happen if they found out I was sick or worst dying. Then the assumption that I was really trying to commit suicide would come up again, I have no idea how the authorities plan to settle this but I know everything will be alright when I saw Adonis doing what he does best.... cleaning up my mess.

After they checked me and clarified that there was no need to worry to the worrywart standing beside me, Samantha finally relaxed as she hugged me again.

"If you keep hugging me that tight, I might really get injured this time." I complained.

Samantha burst into tears again

I groaned wiping her tears.

"Stop crying now, you've being so helpful, but I think it's time for you to go home. Little Troy would have being expecting you."

When Samantha heard her child's name, she looked like she just remembered him.

She nodded in agreement. "Trust me, he must have fallen asleep without his mama, besides I already phoned my neighbor Katie to watch him.

Would you be okay by yourself? "

"I would, am not a kid anymore Sam, I'm twenty-four and I promise I would come sleep over to your place so you won't have to worry about me sleep walking or trying to kill myself." I said trying to make a joke and lighten the mood.

My friend didn't find it funny as she glared at me. She was about to say something when Adonis came gave Samantha a tight smile and whispered something into her ear. A blank look crossed her face for a brief seconds before she gave me a sweet smile.

"I should get going. Keep your promise this time you little brat, I would be expecting you."

She didn't say anything else but briefly glanced at Adonis and I wondered what was going on.

" I was sure she was about to say something" I said to Adonis. He just gave me a tired smile walked away and continued to do the same thing he did to Samantha. Give them a smile and whispered in their ears before walking to someone else and doing the same thing.

Was he bribing them? If he was how....

"Tell those cops not to hold you up more than twenty minutes and let one of them drive you home, I don't want you going home alone. " Samantha said interrupting my thoughts and giving me a scare.

" Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I guess the activity of the day still makes me panicky" I slowly replied

" Don't worry dearest, you are safe now. No one would try to come after you " Samantha pecked me on the cheek and waved me byebye glaring at the cops that handcuffed her, but she gave a sweet smile to the boss which she thought no one saw, but it didn't slip my keen eyes.


The police approached me as they started their questioning.

" Do you know who tried you kill you by knocking you unconscious and placing you at the edge of the roof Miss Smith?"


I gave him a blank stare

"It's okay, you don't have to fear anymore. You can tell us, we know how to keep you safe but we need to apprehend the suspect since the CCTV didn't get anything but we only have two witnesses who saw you being kidnapped but they never saw the culprit's face. "

Sweat broke across my forehead, although I couldn't remember a thing but why does it feel like that wasn't really what happened?

I went ahead to explain that I was knocked unconscious before and I didn't see or know anyone who would want me dead as I don't have enemies. Although I couldn't remember anything and I don't plan to let them know I forgot about everything that happened today, I decided to play along by giving my statement from what the officer first told me.

The questioning went for awhile and after twenty minutes I yelled in frustration .

"I said I don't know how I got to the rooftop, I didn't see who tried to kill me neither do I have anyone in mind who would want me died. I also don't know Blade neither have I ever met him in my entire life. " I said repeating the same thing that I have being trying to make this knucklehead understand.

The boss finally spoke "Let the lady go, she needs rest, she already had a tiring day. "

"Thank you!" I said as someone with brains finally realized I needed rest.

"Young lady, I'm letting you off tonight, but I hope you would be available for questioning anytime "

I nodded, not paying attention to whatever he was saying and yawned loudly.

The boss frowned at my unladylike attitude. "And if Blade comes to meet you or tries to meet up with you, let us know. Here is my card. " He said giving me a black card.

'What's with this man and black ' I thought as I collected the card.

"Call me, name is Black, Calhoun Black."

I raised my eyebrow on hearing him say his name was Black, I get the gist mister.

"I would drive you home." Black said.


Nodding my head, I followed him without any questions asked. I told him I was going to Samantha's house, didn't give him any address but came to the conclusion that he knew where he was going to.

I secretly gave an evil smirk, Samantha!

The drive towards Sam's place was usually long and I fell asleep.