
Heavenly Fate

My life, my destiny or better still my fate was already written and decided. I never felt happy knowing that I wasn't living my life the way I wanted but the way it was fated to be. I felt like a puppet, being controlled by someone great. My only purpose of existence was to serve as a guard to someone who was extremely powerful and doesn't even need me. Hahaha, I feel like a joke. My entire life is.... Alora Smith is an African American woman who thought life was going great until she met the tall, dark and deadly stranger who took her out of her protective city into a world of impending danger. Overnight, she was dragged into a world of hell, where heavenly beings were at war, she thought she was just another human caught up in an imaginary world, but could she be wrong? Would Alora let the three Moriai( the sisters of fate) defeated her or would she defeat them and change her destiny? Find out more in the first book of the Children Of A.

Miss_Black05 · Fantasy
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17 Chs


I turned to the quiet man staring at me innocently and I snapped.

"Why did you do that? "

"I didn't do anything, you're just too wimpish."

"No am not, you purposely did that. "

"And draw attention to myself? " He asked as annoyance flashed on his face.

I glared back at him, when Alora stepped out to see Black off and I was gently sipping my tea and thinking about my life problems. I just suddenly felt the hair on my body rise as I felt someone giving me a death stare.

Did the killer finally find me?

My body was already in flight mode as I slowly looked up the stairs and found the guy in the baseball cap looking deathly pale with bloodshot eyes with an evil grin and I almost had an heart attack.

Thank God I was quick enough to understand the meaning behind the secret look Samantha gave me.

"How would I know, who knows maybe you actually tried to kill me but failed and know you played on my friend's sympathy and decided to come finish me here Mr B-l-a-d-e? " I said emphasing on the Blade.

He froze "Don't ever call me that." He said as if I'm disgust, his voice colder than ice.

Samantha slightly shivered when she heard him, but as usual I was always the one to ignore every warning.

"It's not like I know your name."I defended.

He didn't reply immediately, but after what felt like two minutes he said "Call me Sei instead. "

"Sei? Sei what? " I asked visibly angry like the name Sei was a weird name.

"Sei nothing! " He exploded.

Samantha just sat there drinking tea as she watched us exchange words like children.

Samantha son's voice interrupted our stupid exchange of words and we both looked up at the cute child wearing an ugly looking pajamas.

The boy saw the look on our faces and looked down. He shricked.

"What am I wearing? " He asked a look of horror on his face.

"Well, I didn't wear them on you, you must have done that yourself. " His mother said.

The boy shook  his head in disapproval "I would never do that. "

He suddenly yanked the shirt open and proceeded to do the same to his trousers when his mother screamed.

"What are you doing Troy? "

"Taking off this terrible thing of course. "

"Did you forget you didn't wear anything under your pajamas? "

The boy turned deep red as he got embarrassed. "That means Katie saw me naked? "

"Nothing to be ashamed of Little Troy, you only five and Katie is a mother too and a nurse, she gets to see naked people almost everyday. " His mother explained, but the boy turned more red.

"I'm going to bed, too ashamed to ever show my face to the world." He said running up the stairs.

Samantha sighed.

"Aren't you going to go after him? " I asked.

"He would be fine, besides we need to decide where you both are staying the night."

I gasped " You're throwing me out? "

"No, I'm throwing you both out. " Sam replied.

"But why? "

"Obviously, I think her lover would be back tonight. " Sei said as he stared at Samantha.

I gasped again, louder this time.

"You have a lover, and you never told me? Who is he, and how did Sei know, did you tell him? If I catch your LOVER, I Swear I would skin him alive. " I said laying emphasis on the word lover.

"Let's not talk about him tonight " Samantha said, glaring at Sei.

"Calhoun is suspicious and I think he might be back, so it would be safe if you take him home and let him stay there instead. "

I pretended to faint as I lay on the chair eyes shut in exhaustion.

"How did you know his name?" I asked narrowing my eyes in suspicion, like I didn't already know the lover was Calhoun.

"He told me "

"And you decided to address him informally?"

"Yes, just like the way you told him to call you Alora" Samantha retorted angrily.

"Why you angry at me, why's she mad at me?" I turned facing Sei, but the guy looked like he was dying of boredom.

What was all that about, Samantha getting angry because someone addressed me informally?

Narrowing my  eyes at my friend I started grinning like a mad woman.

"Calhoun is your lover, I now know why he volunteered to drive me home so he could see you, he even entered the other time without you inviting him in and he sat feeling at home. I noticed the sweet smile you gave him.

Oh God Sam, you such a bad girl." I  smacked my friend on the arm as she turned a deep red.

Sam's faced paled drastically and I followed the direction of her gaze and saw Sei unconscious on the Sofa. The idiot!

"He's so stubborn Lora, he refused to let me dress his wound, he did it by himself and he didn't even collect the food I offered him" Samantha complained to me as we were taking care of the unconscious guy looking like he was dead because of his white skin and cold body.

"His hands are awfully cold Lora, I'm scared what if he dies."

"He wouldn't "

"Do you think I should call Katie to come take a look? "

"No, we don't want anyone else getting involved in this, he would be alright, he just have a slight fever. If he rests he would be fine."

After awhile, the unconscious Sei's temperature returned back to normal, and the Two fell into the sofa in exhaustion.

"What have we gotten ourselves into Lora? "

"Why did you bring him home in the first place?" Alora asked

"Because he saved you, without him, you would be gone now, I just wanted to show my appreciation. I planned to let him go in the morning when he's okay. " Samantha explained.

"Just looking at him so vulnerable, I felt bad for him, I don't know why but I feel like he's being dragged into hell, he's innocent. " Samantha said as if she was trying to convince me. "But then again I feel like he's someone dangerous with ulterior motives, like he's a person with two different beings in him"

I sighed "If I told you he was the one who was in my room searching for something and tried to kill me when I came in, would you still feel he's innocent. "

Samantha thought for awhile "Yes! " Her reply was firm and I raised my eyebrow in question.

"You were the same person that told me to avoid someone like him, why the sudden change of heart?"

"I really do not know. " She said as confusion was written on her face for a very brief moment that I was almost convinced that I saw wrong.

"Come to think of it, he told you he didn't  plan to kill but madd you unconscious and when he tried to, he couldn't stop. I think they must have done something to him. " Samantha said in all seriousness.

I shook my head in disagreement "It's not possible. "

"It is, if I remember correctly, you told me he had that chemical that only exist in movies. " She lowered her voice and purposely didn't mention the name of the chemical.

She continued "And he came to safe you when he saw you in danger, despite knowing that that place was swarming with cops and he could get caught. He overlooked that and saved you instead, he's not the villain here Alora. "

I sighed and nodded in agreement this time. I glanced at my phone and saw that it was past eleven I decided to leave in case Black comes back to see his girlfriend.

"I would let you borrow my car, yours is still at the lab, I would have someone drive it down to your place tomorrow. I think you should stay home for the week till all this drama dies down. Edward would understand. "

Picking up my jacket, I nodded, too tired to say anything much. "What about him, how are we going to move him?"

"Let's do it together. "

After a little while, I was behind the wheels waving at my friend who was standing at the door as I drove into the night in deep thought.