
Heaven Chronicles: The Awakening of Shivaay

A boy named Shivaay is born into a different world inhabited by many powerful figures. In this world, every 7-year-old receives a blessing from different gods and goddesses of all mythologies mainly Hindu, granting them various weapons and powerful skills. Shivaay's blessing from a high god becomes the envy of someone incredibly powerful. Can he overcome these hurdles? If you are reading this note from an amateur writer, thank you for your support. I've done my best to address errors and plot holes in the story, but if any reader notices anything, please reach out to me. Shivaay is an ordinary boy, sometimes timid, sometimes brave, and sometimes foolish. Bravery and cleverness come from experience. Together, you and I will follow Shivaay on his journey to achieve greatness. Please share your suggestions; I'm eager to improve myself. Note: The image was taken from http://evolvinglaunda.com/2020/08/lord-shiva-images/

Super_Knight · Fantasy
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10 Chs

New Profound Skills

Shivaay sat on his bed, pondering over the new information he had just acquired. The skill he possessed was the same as the one Barbarik received from Lord Shiva in the Mahabharata. Barbarik had been granted three arrows, each capable of destroying the entire world. In contrast, Shivaay had received three distinct skills:

Location Sensing

Tracking and Armour Piercing

Absolute Defense

He closed his eyes and focused on trying to sense his skills. Within a 5 km range, he could vaguely perceive the presence of others, much like a bat's echolocation. He couldn't understand conversations, but with intense concentration, he could identify individuals. After using the skill for a mere five minutes, he felt drained, but it was enough to locate potential enemies.

Then he tried using the other two skills, but he didn't have enough chakra to even initiate them. However, he wasn't disappointed. In the future, when he becomes more abundant in chakra, these two skills could become immensely powerful.

For now, he had only mastered the location tracking skill. However, the potential of this skill was immense, and it would grow stronger as he did. The pressing question was how to make the best use of it and become stronger. He sat down with a pen and paper, determined to find a solution.

He acknowledged his limitations. Close-quarter combat was not his forte, despite having better physical fitness. He lacked physical combat skills.

"Alright, I should focus on long-range combat," he mused.

Previously, his father had trained him in swordsmanship, but now, his new skill leaned towards long-range combat. Firearms crossed his mind as he was a gun enthusiast. However, firearms were unknown in this world. There was no equivalent to gunpowder, and the concept of guns simply did not exist.

"Perhaps I should opt for traditional archery, considering the nature of my skill," he contemplated. Still, he wasn't entirely satisfied. Archery required extensive training and practice.

Then, a brilliant idea struck him. He recalled a documentary from his previous world about railguns, which utilized electromagnetic forces to propel high-velocity projectiles. He wondered if he could harness his electric skill, courtesy of Lord Indra's blessing, to replace the electricity in a railgun. Additionally, the Blue World's materials can be used to mitigate the damage caused by excessive heating, similar to how the locals used flame-related skills on their swords that lasted for years, this will solve the most important problem in railgun.

Regarding projectiles, he considered using the metals from this world, fashioned into bullet-like shapes. He knew that damage was primarily determined by projectile velocity, obviating the need for explosive propellants. That is also the reason every major nation on Earth invested a tremendous amount of wealth in its development, as it greatly reduces the cost of building a warhead and makes it more deadly than any other weapons.

But what he needed was a handgun based on the basic principle of the railgun. Shivaay enthusiastically began sketching a blueprint, incorporating his knowledge from the documentary. Days passed, with Shivaay dedicating most of his time to training, eating, and refining his blueprint. Aisha and her grandpa were relieved to see him regain his motivation, as he had initially been overwhelmed with anger, sadness, and depression.

Finally, the blueprint was complete. Although he understood the basic principles of a railgun, he needed to consult a skilled blacksmith to address certain technical aspects. Blacksmiths were highly respected in the Blue Planet, as every cultivator required a weapon.

With the blueprint in hand, Shivaay tied his shoes and headed toward the village blacksmith's shop, eager to discuss his innovative ideas with an expert.

Shivaay reached the blacksmith shop, a massive broad-shouldered man was tirelessly hammering at a piece of metal.

"Hey there, kid. What can I do for you?" the man inquired, his eyes briefly leaving the metal in front of him.

"Hi, Sir. I need to create a weapon, and I've got a blueprint with me," 

The man stepped closer and accepted the blueprints from Shivaay's hands. With a keen eye, he quickly assessed that the weapon was divided into various parts that needed assembly. Shivaay had presented blueprints for each component, intending to assemble the weapon himself.

"Alright, kid, it doesn't seem too complicated, and heat-resistant metals are readily available. Deposit one gold coin, and you'll have the parts by tomorrow ".

  In this world, bizarre weaponry was not uncommon, and the blacksmith was accustomed to crafting a variety of designs.

Shivaay handed over the gold coin he had earned from his hunting endeavours and patiently awaited the next day.

When the appointed day arrived, he returned to the blacksmith's shop after his usual training session to collect the expertly crafted gun parts. The craftsmanship in the world of blacksmithing was of the highest quality.

With the parts in his possession, Shivaay hastened back home. He carefully locked himself in his room and spread out the components before him.

As he began assembling the parts—a muzzle, handle, magazine, and a box containing 500 bullets—he marvelled at the artistic design intricately etched into the handle. The blacksmith had added this personal touch to showcase his craftsmanship.

With all the components assembled, the gun now closely resembled a Desert Eagle but with a unique, artistic flair in its design. However, the true challenge lay ahead—testing whether his theory would actually work. Shivaay ventured into the forest for the crucial trial.

In recent days, he had been honing his ability to sense his surroundings. He aimed the gun at a distant target using his sensing skill. Then, he carefully channelled a small electric current through his hands and onto the gun before firmly pressing the trigger.


The recoil sent the gun tumbling from Shivaay's grasp, but the bullet had already surged out of the nozzle. It struck a tree two kilometers away with incredible force, causing the tree's bark to shatter into pieces. The tree itself was propelled several meters before finally coming to a stop. The bullet, undeterred, continued its path, colliding with several more trees before eventually coming to rest.

Shivaay stood there, astounded by the power and accuracy of his creation. His ingenious transformation of Earth's railgun technology into a handgun had seamlessly materialized in this new world, propelling him one step closer to achieving his goals.