
Heaven Chronicles: The Awakening of Shivaay

A boy named Shivaay is born into a different world inhabited by many powerful figures. In this world, every 7-year-old receives a blessing from different gods and goddesses of all mythologies mainly Hindu, granting them various weapons and powerful skills. Shivaay's blessing from a high god becomes the envy of someone incredibly powerful. Can he overcome these hurdles? If you are reading this note from an amateur writer, thank you for your support. I've done my best to address errors and plot holes in the story, but if any reader notices anything, please reach out to me. Shivaay is an ordinary boy, sometimes timid, sometimes brave, and sometimes foolish. Bravery and cleverness come from experience. Together, you and I will follow Shivaay on his journey to achieve greatness. Please share your suggestions; I'm eager to improve myself. Note: The image was taken from http://evolvinglaunda.com/2020/08/lord-shiva-images/

Super_Knight · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Black Halo

"I don't think so. We took you to the hospital, but the doctor said there were no injuries on your body. It's like you were in a deep sleep," the grandpa said.

"Anyways, you rest; let me bring you some food," the old man and the young girl closed the door and left.

Shivaay didn't take the doctor's remark as misconduct. He just wanted to believe the operation was successful. For one last time, he wanted to believe in himself. He concentrated his mind on the root meridian, which was originally missing.

Shivaay nearly shouted from joy. He could not believe it. He felt what he had felt was his root meridian in its actual place, far more rigid and perfectly compatible with his body and mind. He knew it was the artificial root meridian, so it was successful. But then, what happened at the laboratory? He didn't think that after the successful procedure, they would let him go. He needed to find out what actually happened.

He was still overjoyed, but after calming himself down, he closed his eyes and concentrated on the chakra at the base of his spine.

A black halo appeared below him, instantly enveloping the room in an eerie darkness. Shivaay's astonishment gave way to a burning determination. He hadn't anticipated this outcome, and now, with unwavering certainty, he recognized the figure from his dream—it was Supreme God Shiva. This wasn't a mere dream; it was a divine blessing, a new blessing.

Overwhelmed with emotion, tears of rage welled up in his eyes. "Mom, Dad, I haven't lost everything. I will avenge your suffering with the blood of our enemies," he declared, his fist clenching with newfound resolve.

The next day, a young boy was climbing a steep waterfall. He was smashed to the ground by the force of the water, but he soon stood up. Injuries could be seen all over his body, but they soon disappeared one by one. He began climbing again. His astonishing regenerative abilities were discovered accidentally when a hot bowl of soup fell on his body from Aisha's hand. 

After she bandaged him, he observed that his injury was hardly visible. So he experimented on himself and found out that any minor injuries on his body would heal itself, limited to the chakra power left in his body. The heavier the injury, the more chakra power would be used.

"Brother, you are hurt. Please stop," Aisha shouted from the side, almost crying.

"Once more."

"But why are you hurting yourself?"

"Some people just entered my life and destroyed everything I had. That day, I promised myself I would do anything to achieve the power to take my revenge. I have to train hard to become strong... again," he fell down and started climbing again.

After trying to climb several times, he said, "Just a little more, and I will be there." He reached the top. Shivaay exhausted himself. Even his regenerative abilities solely work on the chakra power he has. The sun began to set, and the whole sky was mixed with different colours. Shivaay just stood and watched the scene, contemplating his future .

But Shivaay couldn't remain still. The memories of his parents' tragic fate and the burning questions of why he couldn't protect them, why they had to die, why destiny had torn his family apart, all fueled a rising tide of anger within him. His fists clenched, and with each strike against a nearby tree, his rage surged. He started shouting, howling like a raging tiger .

As Shivaay's fists met the rugged bark, a small but vivid electric spark emanated from his strikes, igniting the center of the tree making a hole out of it. His entire body pulsed with excitement as if his very cells were charged with newfound power.

He was surprised, he lost control over his emotions but what is this extraordinary power. It didn't seem to be a part of his recent blessing. Instead, it felt like a remnant of the blessings he had received previously. Lord Indra, the divine controller of lightning, might have bestowed upon him a skill related to lightning before he lost his root meridian.

Shivaay raised a finger, and a serpentine bolt of lightning crackled around it. Though very weak, it held an undeniable presence, one that would make any witness mistakenly believe that this young boy was blessed by a pseudo lightning god. Maybe he can learn a skill related to it in the future and make the lightning power more useful.

"Brother, let's go. It's already late," Aisha shouted .

"Okay, let's go."

He became friends with everyone in the town. They were not rich, but they were happy with whatever they had. On the way home, he hunted a rabbit and gave a chunk of it to an old grandmother trying to sell her belongings to survive. She happily accepted it and thanked him.

After reaching home, Shivaay gave the rabbit to Aisha, and he went to his room. For now, Shivaay faced a big challenge. He didn't know how to cultivate his chakra powers or what skills he got from the blessing.  Lightning was only present in small amount in his cells, he was acutely aware that this was the remnant of power from the previous god . 

"Shivaay, may I come in? Are you busy?" Grandpa came knocking on the door.

"No, grandpa, please come in."

"I just wanted to ask you, how are you? Aisha told me you fell down the waterfall. Did you get hurt anywhere?"

"No, grandpa, I was just training and trying to see my limits," Shivaay said, looking guilty.

"Okay, you are a young boy, already 8 years old. Are you preparing for the national entrance exams? You have only 6 months left. If you want, I could help."

Shivaay's eyes shined. "Thank you, grandpa. I would very much appreciate it."

Grandpa asked, "So tell me, what do you know about chakra power?" Shivaay told him everything his father had told him before. "Good. Then I don't have to start from the basics. I'm assuming you don't know anything about how to develop and train your chakra power." 

"Yes," Shivaay replied honestly.

"Then I will explain in short. Chakra power will increase with time and your talent in absorbing natural power. You can consume pills to boost it for a short period of time, but it's very costly. The other way is to fight wild animals and beasts, increasing the harmony between the body and natural energy."

"But the most important thing in a fight is skills. Every person receives one skill just after their blessings, and it will become stronger the more you progress in your cultivation." Shivaay listened with full concentration. Grandpa nodded his head, pleased.

"To learn about your inherited skill, you just have to observe the god's image in your life wheel present in your conscious. The skill will be automatically implemented in your mind. You can also learn skills from outside as much as you want, but not the inherited skills from others, as they are not compatible with the person's blessing. The outside skills will not be as powerful as your own god skills."

Shivaay had already reached the fifth level of the Root Chakra while trying to climb the waterfall. He was incredibly talented in absorbing energy from nature, and his healing factor also played an important role in it. He closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on the life wheel present in his consciousness. He entered the dreamland.

He saw Lord Shiva, in his own size, fighting a demon with a black bow. Both the demon and Lord Shiva were showing violent fighting techniques. But this time, he did not feel the powerful waves coming out of their bodies. It felt like he was watching a live-action movie.

He witnessed Lord Shiva's divine archery, three arrows drawn from his celestial bow. The first arrow struck the demon's forehead, leaving an ominous black mark before vanishing. In seamless succession, the second and third arrows were released, the second piercing the demon's forehead, while the third encircled Lord Shiva in a protective aura.

Suddenly, an earth-shattering explosion erupted, engulfing everything within its vast radius, obliterating the demon into countless fragments. Amidst the cataclysmic chaos, Lord Shiva remained untouched, not a speck of dust adhering to his divine form. It was a spectacle of divine power and annihilation beyond imagination.

Shivaay was startled. He couldn't react to what he saw. Soon after, he woke up from his dream.

In the capital city of Vulture Empire, inside the golden palace.

"Sister, look . Sister look" a young boy could be seen playing around with lightning around his body.

His sister writing something on her notebook and occasionally watching him playing with a smile on her face. She was engrossed in something, a sinister plan that could potentially cast a dark cloud of destruction over the entire empire.