
Heaven Chronicles: The Awakening of Shivaay

A boy named Shivaay is born into a different world inhabited by many powerful figures. In this world, every 7-year-old receives a blessing from different gods and goddesses of all mythologies mainly Hindu, granting them various weapons and powerful skills. Shivaay's blessing from a high god becomes the envy of someone incredibly powerful. Can he overcome these hurdles? If you are reading this note from an amateur writer, thank you for your support. I've done my best to address errors and plot holes in the story, but if any reader notices anything, please reach out to me. Shivaay is an ordinary boy, sometimes timid, sometimes brave, and sometimes foolish. Bravery and cleverness come from experience. Together, you and I will follow Shivaay on his journey to achieve greatness. Please share your suggestions; I'm eager to improve myself. Note: The image was taken from http://evolvinglaunda.com/2020/08/lord-shiva-images/

Super_Knight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


The morning sun cast long shadows through the thick canopy as Shivaay ventured deep into the forest. His steps were cautious, and his grip on his gun was tight. He was on a mission to prove the power of his newly crafted weapon, and he had set his sights on a formidable beast rumored to roam these woods.

Shivaay activated his location tracking skill, allowing him to sense the movements of creatures within a five-kilometer radius. Every rustle of leaves, every distant growl, was amplified in his senses. He felt like a predator, stalking his prey.

As he ventured further, the forest grew darker, and the air grew heavy with anticipation. His heart pounded in his chest, and his breath came out in shallow bursts. The forest was eerily silent, as if it too sensed the impending confrontation.

Suddenly, the ground beneath Shivaay's feet gave way, and he tumbled into a hidden pitfall. He landed hard, his gun slipping from his grasp and rolling out of reach. Pain shot through his body as he struggled to climb out of the pit, his clothes and body smeared with mud.

"Great start," he muttered sarcastically to himself as he finally clambered out.

Shivaay retrieved his gun, wiped the mud off as best he could, and continued deeper into the forest. He knew that this mishap was just the beginning of his trials.

As he followed the trail of the beast, he encountered thick underbrush and twisted vines that seemed to conspire against him. Every step was a battle, every obstacle a test of his determination. But Shivaay pressed on, determined to face whatever challenges nature threw his way.

His location tracking skill came in handy as he sensed the presence of the beast growing nearer. The creature's movements were deliberate, as if it knew it was being hunted. Shivaay's senses were heightened, and he moved with the stealth of a seasoned predator.

Finally, he spotted it—a massive, hulking creature with gnarled horns and sharp, gleaming teeth. It was the very beast he had come to find, a creature of immense power and danger.

Shivaay raised his gun, his hands steady, and took aim. He knew that the key to his success was a single, well-placed shot. His finger tightened on the trigger, and he fired.

The bullet struck the beast with deadly accuracy, but it only seemed to enrage the creature further. With a thunderous roar, it charged toward Shivaay, its massive form barreling through the underbrush. Panic surged through him as he fumbled to shoot his gun, his hands shaking with fear.

He managed to control his fear in time, and he fired again, this time hitting the creature in the heart. The beast let out a final, earth-shaking bellow before collapsing to the ground, defeated.

Shivaay stood there, his heart racing, his breath ragged. The forest was once again silent, as if holding its breath in the wake of the battle. He approached the fallen creature, his gun still trained on it, just in case.

But his triumph was short-lived as he heard a low growl behind him. He spun around, gun at the ready, only to find another creature emerging from the shadows. This one was smaller but no less dangerous, its eyes fixed on Shivaay with a predatory hunger.

With a sinking feeling, Shivaay realized that he was not alone in this forest, and the challenges he faced were far from over.

The creature advanced, its sinewy muscles rippling beneath its dark fur. Shivaay had to think fast; he couldn't afford to miss a shot like before. He activated his location tracking skill, focusing on the creature before him. His vision became a pulsating web of sensory information, highlighting key areas of vulnerability on the beast.

As the creature lunged, Shivaay aimed with precision. His finger squeezed the trigger, and the gun roared to life. The bullet struck the creature's exposed throat, a perfect shot that sent it crashing to the ground, lifeless.

Shivaay's heart pounded with a mixture of relief and exhilaration. His location tracking skill had allowed him to pinpoint the beast's weak point, and his shot had been true. He was getting the hang of this.

But there was no time to revel in his success. The forest was still and silent, and Shivaay couldn't shake the feeling that more dangers lurked in the shadows.

He continued to move cautiously, his senses on high alert. With each step, he used his location tracking skill to detect any potential threats. It was like a game of cat and mouse, with Shivaay being both the hunter and the hunted.

Hours passed, and Shivaay's nerves were stretched taut. He had encountered and dispatched several more creatures, each time using his tracking skill to find their vulnerabilities. It was a deadly dance of tracking, aiming, and firing, and he was becoming more proficient with every encounter.

Shivaay had spent days honing his hunting skills in the dense forest, and each day brought new challenges. He had used his tracking skill to stalk and eliminate various creatures, gradually becoming more proficient with his gun. Yet, the forest held one elusive challenge that had managed to elude him—a particularly cunning and dangerous animal that was known for its evasive maneuvers.

It was a creature of the forest, a formidable opponent. Shivaay had heard the tales of its intelligence and agility from the local villagers, and he was determined to prove himself by hunting it down.

Every morning, he would venture deep into the forest, following his location tracking skill's guidance to detect any signs of the elusive beast. He had to rely on his wits and the information his senses provided to outsmart his quarry.

One day, he picked up a faint trail, a sign that the creature had passed through the area recently. Shivaay's heart quickened with anticipation. This was his chance to face the forest's ultimate challenge.

As he cautiously followed the trail, he came across a series of tracks and scuffles. The creature had been here, and it was close. Shivaay's grip tightened on his gun as he prepared for the encounter.

Suddenly, a rustle in the bushes ahead caught his attention. He raised his gun, ready to take the shot, but the creature was quicker than he expected. With a lightning-fast leap, it sprang out of the underbrush and lunged at Shivaay.

Instinctively, Shivaay fired, but the creature twisted in mid-air, narrowly avoiding the bullet. It landed gracefully and darted back into the dense foliage. Shivaay couldn't believe it; the creature had outmaneuvered him.

He continued to track it through the forest, his tracking skill proving invaluable in keeping up with the creature's movements. But the animal was relentless, always one step ahead, always eluding his grasp.

After a few days, Shivaay's pursuit of the elusive creature became an obsession. He had come close to catching it several times, but each encounter ended with the creature slipping away, leaving him frustrated and determined to try again.

One fateful day, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Shivaay found himself at the edge of a hill. There, under the dim light of the moon, he spotted the creature. It was resting, unaware of his presence.

Shivaay's heart pounded with a mix of excitement and nervousness. This was his moment, his chance to prove himself as a hunter. He aimed his gun carefully, using his skill to identify the creature's vulnerable points.

With a deep breath, he squeezed the trigger. The shot rang out, and the creature let out a pained cry as the bullet struck home. It stumbled but managed to regain its footing, glaring at Shivaay with fierce determination.

The two adversaries locked eyes, and Shivaay knew that this was a battle of wills. He had wounded the creature, but it was far from defeated.

In a burst of desperate fury, the creature leaped from the outcrop and lunged at Shivaay. It was faster and more agile than anything he had ever faced. In the ensuing struggle, Shivaay's gun was knocked from his hand, and he found himself locked in a deadly dance with the creature.

Teeth gnashed, claws slashed, and Shivaay fought with every ounce of his strength. But the creature was relentless, its attacks calculated and precise. In the fierce battle that ensued, Shivaay was badly injured. His body bore deep gashes and bite marks, and he was bleeding profusely.

With a final, brutal strike, the creature knocked Shivaay to the ground, leaving him gasping for breath and in excruciating pain. It seemed as though the hunter had become the hunted, and Shivaay was at the mercy of the creature.

As the creature loomed over him, Shivaay's vision blurred, and he knew that he was in grave danger. But he refused to give in to despair. With the last reserves of his strength, he called upon the skills he had acquired during his time in the forest.

Drawing upon his tracking skill, he assessed the creature's weak points, identifying vulnerabilities he had never noticed before. With a surge of determination, he unleashed an electric shock in the creature's mouth , stunning the creature .

The creature roared in agony and ran deep into the forest, wounded. Shivaay knew he had a brief respite. The battle had taken a heavy toll on him, and he needed time to recover. He quickly scrambled to his feet and made a strategic retreat, seeking refuge in a nearby cave.

As he huddled in the darkness of the cave, Shivaay's heart raced. He knew that his life had been spared for the moment, but the battle was far from over. The creature was wounded and enraged, and it wouldn't rest until it had exacted its revenge.

Shivaay bided his time, allowing his injuries to heal and his body to regain its strength. During his recovery, he meticulously planned his next encounter with the creature. He had become obsessed with the need to conquer this formidable adversary, fearing that it might haunt his dreams and torment his soul if he failed.

Few days later, the day of reckoning arrived, Shivaay emerged from the cave, armed with newfound determination and a deeper understanding of the creature's tactics. He knew he had to be more prepared and strategic this time, for there would be no second chances.

The forest once again bore witness to a battle of epic proportions. The creature was relentless, its movements more calculated and vicious than ever before. Shivaay dodged and weaved, his senses heightened by his location tracking skill. He could sense the creature's every move, anticipate its attacks, and identify its vulnerabilities.

The battle raged on, each shot and maneuver executed with brutal precision. Shivaay used his gun to deliver deadly bullets, targeting the creature's weak points with precise accuracy. But the creature was far from defeated, and it fought back with unrelenting ferocity.

Hours turned into an eternity as the two adversaries clashed. Shivaay's body bore fresh wounds, and his strength was decreasing, but he refused to yield. With a final surge of energy, he delivered a relentless assault, firing shot after shot with a steady hand.

In a climactic showdown, Shivaay gathered all the electricity in his body onto his hand and fired the bullet. The bullet flew at an unprecedented speed never seen before, hitting the beast and blasting its eyes out. It let out a deafening roar of defeat before collapsing. Shivaay stood victorious, his chest heaving with exhaustion, and his body battered and bruised.

But this time, he had emerged triumphant. The creature that had once been his tormentor had been vanquished, and Shivaay's obsession had been laid to rest. As he stood over the fallen beast, he knew that he had conquered not only a formidable adversary but also the inner demons that had driven him to seek revenge.

With a sense of closure and newfound strength, Shivaay left the forest behind, knowing that he had emerged from the ordeal stronger and more resolute than ever before.

After the grueling battle with the creature, Shivaay reflected on his weaknesses.

He returned to the same cave where he had recovered and began pondering. It dawned on him that his lack of speed had become a significant vulnerability. While his gun was powerful, he couldn't pull the trigger as quickly as he needed. Moreover, due to the limitations of the current in his body, he could only fire one or two short bursts of bullets, and his tracking skill was usable for only a few minutes. After that, he became prone to ambush.

Most of these issues would likely be solved as he grew stronger, but he knew he needed to find a solution for his speed problem.