
Chapter Fifty Seven

...She wasn't one to pretend, after all pretending was for children and she was no longer a child. She was still on the road to accepting that it was the man before her and his wife who had hurt her. Who had taken away her chance of becoming a mother.

And what mother would forget that?

"You have hurt me more than anyone else in my life. You and your wife " She told him.

"Don't you dare try to play the victim here. You have nearly destroyed my political career. Everyone now judges me from my daughter's actions " he said, rising his voice a little.

"Play the victim? I am not playing the victim. I am the victim. All you care about is your political career , nothing else. Not even your daughter " she all but shouted though her voice wavered, breaking in the end.

Was she pathetic for wanting his affection after all he had put her through? Was she stupid for waiting for him to tell her that he loved her?