
Heart made of stone

All my life, love has always been a painful decision. Just thinking of loving someone again make my heart pains. People I thought are my family and friends just abandon me for cheap reasons. It hurts. To be judged by people u loved, having to survive on your own because people simply don't care, wanting to love someone, just one person but afraid that we may be hurt, not knowing who to trust. l these brought me to a painful but better solution, I'll just move away from people, move away from family, never love someone again, staying without anything or anyone to care about is better than having my heart ache because of some worthless human, so I'll just live the rest if my life with a heart made of stones, an emotionless and expressionless life, just then will I be able to regain myself from that mystery called love.

Dosunmu_Olubusola · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Past Events

"can I take my leave now?" asked Darren, a guy in his early twenties that seemed bored with a discussion.

Darren was an orphan. He was also a college student studying MEDISURG (medine and surgery), he is quite brainy and he stood out for his good looks and expressionless ways. Because of his qualities, he was quite famous especially among girls on campus. Though he was always secluded and tried to stay far away from human beings as much as possible but the more he went far, the more followers he had.

On a bright afternoon, after lectures, he was on his way to his apartment when two girls stopped him. "erm... can u please join us? we are on our way to get lunch" one of the girls asked. "No" Darren replied emotionless and cold. "please, we really want to have lunch with you" the other girl begged. "Just this once and we won't ask again" the first girl said. "Okay but after you order, I'm going and I'm also not waiting any longer than thirty minutes" said Darren. "well.... okay. I mean it's still better than nothing" the first girl said while the other nodded her head in agreement and they proceeded to the nearest restaurant around there. They sat down and were ordering their food. The waiter took the orders of the two girls and proceeded to Darren. "sir, what would like order? " the waiter asked. "nothing" Darren replied ." Darren "she said acting shy and innocent " are u sure u don't want to eat anything? " trying to make eye contact and placing her hand on him. "yes, I'm sure, now please get ur hands off me" he said." yh, okay" she replied embarrassed. "so if that's it, I'll serve you very soon" the waiter said as he made his way to the kitchen, Soon enough, the waiter was back with their orders and he served it to them. While eating, Darren felt bored and more than anything he wished to leave there, especially because the girls were trying to engage him in a conversation which didn't work. A few minutes later, he decided that he was too busy to stay there and watch some girls that he didn't even know so it was more better if he just left. "can I take my leave now? " said Darren as he was completely bored with their conversation. "but u said thirty minutes" one of the girls complained. "yes but I'm bored and I have more important things to do than sitting around, talking gibberish with you girls" he said offensively and then he left.

𝘿𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙣'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

"It's been a long time since I felt this angry" he said to himself while walking down the street to his apartment. "No, not angry at those girls but angry at myself for allowing myself to get swayed by those worthless humans. The last time I felt like this was my last breakup with Evan. At that time he smeed perfect" he thought to himself as he made his way into a small dark room that seemed to be his apartment"he made me feel happy, he made me feel like the world is a good place and that he's better. I opened up my heart to him, loved him and trusted him more than the world "he thought to himself while tearing up. A quick glimpse of his former memory ran through his head, all the good times, all the promises of both never to break each other's heart, only to find out that their relationship was only a lie, it was only based on a long term bet. And during that period he was cheating on him with his step brother. He remembered how hurt he was emotionally, the years, the pain, how he was thrown out of his home because his step mother thought he would be a third party in her son's relationship. All these memories were so painful that he couldn't forget them no matter how hard he tried, so jealous just learn to live with them and learn from them. He decided never to fall in love again, never keep anything or anyone precious or dear to his heart because he didn't want to lose anything. Tear streamed out of his eyes remembering the past events " calm down Darren " he said to himself "now I won't have anything to lose, after all the key to having nothing to lose is having nothing and nobody to care about, So as far as I stay far away from humans, I would be fine" he said stopping his own tears. "Let's go prepare for our evening shift"