
Chapter 168: Hulk Versus Red-Hulk.

Author: Chapter 165(complete) Chapter 166( 96/150) 167 (27/150)

Pity. I really thought you guys will have 3 extra chapter this weekend. I guess you didn't want it enough.  

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A few drones and satellite images were displaying the battle of Hulk versus Red-Hulk.

The battle was monitored by several highly decorated military generals inside a hidden location. They were a part of the conservative faction that wanted the country to stay the way it was.

"Oof-" The generals exclaimed as they saw Red-Hulk headbutting the Hulk, making him fly and crash onto a parked van, causing an explosion.

The battle was spreading quickly despite Ryan's intervention, and had breached the perimeters he created. Now, all the focus of the residents in New York City was on the fight. The generals smirked and could barely contain their laughter anymore.

A military general with a greasy look and a handlebar moustache said while playing with the edge of his moustache. "Dell Rusk. I don't expect that a politician like you could create such a good battle plan."

He was so happy because for the first time ever, Ryan couldn't contain the battle like the Omniscient Oracle that he used to be. The battle had dragged Ryan down to human levels, and made the generals think that he wasn't as terrifying as his rumours were.

"I can only do that because of the wise advice from you gentlemens. I will be nothing without you." A fat politician named Dell Rusk, said in a Texan accent while bowing slightly.

He was extremely humble, making the other generals love him more. He was basically their gopher and a scapegoat, but Dell Rusk had done everything perfectly – making the generals reluctant to let him be exposed. That's why they brought Ross in their plan.

"I'm sure that we can put our hand on the superhuman act he was creating. How could he let all these… Monsters… out of their cages and into OUR society?! They needed to be locked up and only be released to complete our orders!" A random politician commented.

The lone politician in the circle nodded his head slightly, seemingly agreeing with the random commentator's statement. His hand went to his neck, and his finger touched the nickel-sized metal on his necklace gently.

The origin of the metal was shocking. It was a metal that was created from outside of Eternity itself.

The metal had been making Ryan oblivious of the politician's existence if he tried to locate him through magic. The small piece of metal also interfered with his magi-craft tech, a highly advanced technology that he created by combining magic and technology.

Mysterium. That was the metal that Dell Rusk was wearing. It has anti-magic properties, and was the bane of all magicians.

While smiling gently on the outside, the politician disdained the shallow thinking generals in front of him on the inside.

'All of them were resistant to the change the Knight will bring. Let me use your last futile struggle of existence to a good use instead.' The politician thought.

He had waited over 70 years and he had learned how to be patient unlike any others. His eyes turned to monitor the battle while holding a small trigger between his fingers, waiting on the cue for his next plan.

Red-Hulk kicked Hulk with all of his strength. The Avenger member was slammed on the Hulk Buster around him, destroying them by the impact.

"1 billion. Gone just like that..." Ryan, who had been monitoring the battle, muttered sadly. He ordered the brainbots that were dispatched to the area to widen the perimeter of the battle and recover the Hulk Buster's scraps. It will be evidence for when he finds the person responsible for this mess.

The battle in the outskirts was heating up.

Hulk tried to fight back against the Red-Hulk, but General Thadeus Ross was a war veteran and had always trained his combat skills. He wasn't the same as those fat generals hidden someplace who only knew how to bark orders.

Hulk's fighting skill was like a toddler in front of him. He could read every single one of Hulk's moves and counter it.

"I have created you!" Red-Hulk said while punching Hulk. Hulk tanked the hit and returned his punch after studying how the Red-Hulk fight, but the result wasn't as he expected.

Hulk didn't know why, but everytime he was hit by the Red-Hulk, his strength seemed to have been sapping away. His punches barely did anything toward the Red-Hulk.

"But now I know. You're an embarrassment." Red-Hulk said while smirking.

He felt that he was the superior Hulk instead of the savage beast in front of him. At the very least, he had kept a lot of his mind during his transformation and didn't have an alternate ego.

He stomped on the Hulk's face multiple times, planting the Hulk's head inside the destitute road. The newly paved road became like that because of their one minute battle.

"Uh-oh." Kai just reached the scene and saw what was happening to the Hulk.

"I AM STRONGER!" Red-Hulk raised both his hands in celebration after defeating the Hulk – his mortal enemy.

He saw that Kai was looking coldly at him from mid-air, and he smiled at the premise of another battle.

Suddenly, his leg was grabbed with unworldly strength and was flung away to the walls. He crashed into the wall and it broke down into debris. The throw broke a few of his bones, but his healing factor was already working on fixing it.

"IN. YOUR. DREAMS…!" Hulk said gruffly while swiping the blood on his lips with the back of his hand. His pupils shook violently and he gritted his teeth. As Kai feared, he was in a berserk mode. He became angrier than he had ever been before!

A green gamma fog shrouded the Hulk as he became angrier, strengthening him. His towering 6'11 height is becoming bigger. His biceps increased in size, and so did his legs. Ryan's clothing couldn't stop from tearing any longer, and The Hulk's shirt ripped, revealing his muscled green abs.

Hulk let himself loose, as it was the only way he could win! Inside his mind, Banner was desperately screaming at him to calm down, but he couldn't listen any longer.

The Red-Hulk stood up abruptly from the debrises and smirked while he was looking at his previous opponent. Hulk's power had caused him to shiver, but it wasn't from fear. It was from EXCITEMENT!

If he could absorb more Gamma-radiation that the Hulk was giving out, then he would become the strongest! Even the Avengers wouldn't be able to stop him by then!

The Red-Hulk became stronger by absorbing radiation, especially from the Hulk. The more they were in contact, the weaker the Hulk will be. He was the bane of the Hulk's existence, and he was glad to be one.

"Round 2." The Red Hulk said. The Hulk had lost all reason and jumped toward the Red-Hulk.

Red-Hulk gathered the strength in his legs and jumped toward the Hulk!

"That's bad. VERY bad!" Kai muttered. If both of them clashed, then the impact will destroy the buildings around them.

He dived from the air and stopped in the clashing point of the two monsters. Time seemed to have slowed down for him, and the two monsters were 2 meters away from one another.

"Limit Release." Kai whispered quietly.


Kai was slammed by the two monsters mid-air. The Avengers were only seconds away, and they saw the scene through the live-broadcast of the entire battle.

"What the-" Tony's eyes shivered when he saw the unreal scene in front of him. Kai had stopped both of the monsters using only his palms! His arms shook, but his block didn't falter.

"You are in the way!" The Red-Hulk yelled angrily with gritted teeth as Kai had blocked him from his delicious feast.

Kai turned coldly toward the Red-Hulk, changing his palm blocking from the fist to the opponent's wrist, and threw the Red-Hulk away like a ragdoll, making a deep ridge on the road.

His extraordinary strength was revealed to the world. Even Thor who was a few hundred meters away could sense the emergence of another powerful being.

"Hulk. Snap out of it." Kai ordered while he and Hulk dropped down to the ground.

However, instead of the usual obedient self, Hulk grinded his teeth and attacked Kai instead!

The terrifying power of the angry Hulk was pin-pointed into a single punch, and it headed toward Kai's head!

"Why do I have to come here instead of fighting?" Thor muttered, a bit dissatisfied by Kai's choice for him to check the house first before joining the battle.

At Bruce's apartment.

Thor entered through the hole in the wall, and landed inside.

However, before he could assess anything, a big but slender green arm punched him in the face. He was flung away by the ambush, and another hole opened up in Bruce's apartment.

She-Hulk covered her mouth and gasped. She said while peeking her head through the hole and looking at Thor who was just standing up, "I'm sososososo sorry! I thought you were the attacker."

"Hmm? A female Hulk?" Thor muttered softly, confused by the sudden development. He thought that he would have a good fight in the apartment and had readied himself. Then, he stopped swirling his hammer and yelled at the sexy woman, "Are you uhh, Hulk's friend?"

"I'm Jen. His cousin." She-Hulk yelled back.

"Makes sense to me."

While Thor was conversing with Jen, he heard Tony's voice from the earpiece that was enforced on him by Kai.

"Thor, we need you here." Tony said. Thor nodded to show his understanding — not understanding how the earpiece worked after all of this time on Midgard.

"I'm going to go and help. Will you do the same?" Thor asked.

"I…I'm not a hero." She-Hulk replied. She wasn't sure what was going on or what had happened to her. Although she felt powerful, she was only a normal woman who was working her day-to-day job before this.

"I see. If you want to stay here, then stay here. It will be a tough battle from the looks of it. You'll be safer here." Thor said while swirling his hammer. Then, he released the hammer and let himself be carried with it, moving toward the battle's direction.

Jen watched Thor leave with a complicated feeling. She admired heroes, but it didn't mean that she wanted to become one. Right now, she was confused as to why she could retain her personality even when she had turned into a Hulk.

Inside the apartment, a starry night painting was radiating some calming magic without her knowing about it. The only reason she could be herself and could contain the anger was because of a special painting Ryan had gifted to Bruce to help with his anger issues.

Jen then was snapped out from her thoughts as she heard a massive shockwave coming from the direction of the battle. She gritted her teeth, pushed all of the intrusive thoughts aside, and took her step toward the direction of the battle.

Then, she jogged. After that, she ran. Then, she JUMPED!

"AHAHA! This is fun!"

She was distracted by the thrill for a moment and didn't realize that a wall was right in front of her. She crashed into the wall, and into the room on the 12th floor apartment.

"Now it's less fun." Jen grumbled while rubbing her nose. It was not only physically painful, but also emotionally.

"Yo-" A military man that was hiding inside the room was extremely startled by the sudden intrusion.

"Hmm?" Jen noticed that the man was monitoring the entire battle and was relaying it someplace else.

The man wanted to run, but Jen grabbed the top of his head and turned him to face her while his feet were dangling midair.

"You have a part in all of this don't you?" Jen said while flashing a stunning smile that didn't ease the soldier's dread and fear. She left a few seconds later, but not before bending the metal bed frame into a restraint and tying the mystery man on the bed.

"I'll come for you later~" Jen said while giving him a flying kiss. With pants that seemed like panties and a very tight top without any bra on, she would instigate the male to become excited if she did it to anyone else. Too bad the one on the other end was a suspect.

Before Thor came, Kai was handling both of the monsters by himself.

The punch Hulk made had caused the hair at the side of his head to be shaved off. He was lucky the hair at the side of his head was kept thin to begin with.

He aimed his palm at the Hulk's face, and injected something into the Hulk's nostril using extreme speed.

"Arghh!" Hulk yelled and tried to smack Kai away. But Thor arrived at that time.

"Face me Hulk!" Thor said arrogantly. He swung Mjolnir from the ground and hit Hulk's jaw. He hammered Hulk a few times before…

"Hmm?" Thor was confused that his hammer had stopped. Then, he realized that Hulk was stopping the unstoppable Mjolnir with the palm of his hand.


Hulk punched Odinson, making him fly away for a kilometer and through multiple buildings before he finally stopped.

However, Hulk didn't chase the self-proclaimed God of Thunder. He held his head as it was in soul-shattering pain and light started to shine in his foggy mind.

"You've calmed down yet?" Kai asked while landing next to the green monster. He had been playing keep away with Red, moving him away from the Hulk multiple times.

"Barely." Hulk replied as he became conscious again.

"Good. I almost took away your burger privileges for a month." Kai said playfully.

"Now. Follow my lead." Kai said while flying towards the Red-Hulk.

"You're an annoying FLY!" Red-Hulk said and tried to punch at Kai.

Time seemed to have slowed down again. The fist is inches away from Kai. "Grandioso." Kai muttered underneath his breath as he dodged the punch of the Red-Hulk by only retreating back a step and making it miss him by a hairthin distance.

Then, he used the momentum to counterattack on the Red-Hulk while his body was still moving, and punched him with his back hand at the monster's jaw.

It broke instantly, and the Red-Hulk jaw dangled for a while before the Hulk punched him in the face, slamming him away.

"Good. Don't touch him for a long time. He will absorb your strength." Kai said. Hulk nodded and looked at the Red-Hulk menacingly.

"Am I late to the party?" Tony said as he floated 50 meters in the air from Kai and Hulk. However, before he could join the battle, Ryan interjected.

"Tony. go and back up Thor. A giant pedestrian overpass is falling and some citizens still haven't evacuated."

Thor was holding the rectangular overpass that was used to cross from building to building from falling down, however his strength couldn't handle the weight alone. He could knock it over, but some civilians were trapped inside!

"I… see it." Tony replied as the footage of the overpass popped out from his helmet interior. "We're not done here." Tony said to the red monster before rocketing away.

"Natasha. Clint. Ayala. Go to the direction I am giving and help the people there." Ryan hijacked the Avengers communication and hierarchy, completely taking over the whole operation. Although he did that, no one there was mad at him for it.

"Cap. You can join the battle." Ryan said.

Captain America jumped from his hoverbike and slammed his new shield at Red-Hulk's face. The monster staggered, and Steve swiped his legs, making him fall down. Then, he raised his shield with both hands while holding its side, and slammed the edge of the shield on the Red-Hulk's abdomen.

"Oof-!" The Red-Hulk whimpered before he smacked the Captain away.

"That's… got to be painful." Kai said.

"Shut up and fight!" Steve said in a disbelieving tone, wondering if Kai was one of the monsters in the battle after seeing him handle the Red-Hulk easily.

Kai and Steve led the battle and tag-teamed the Red-Hulk, before Hulk landed a killing blow.

"Remind me again not to get on Cap's bad side," Barton said while shooting a few net arrows, saving some civilians from falling down.

The outskirts were destitute because of the battle. The robots, the green and red monsters, and Thor's mistake had caused a mass panic among the people.

"Why bother? You'll do it a moment later anyway," Natasha said while jumping and saving a little boy from falling to his certain death.

"Why the snark?" Barton was confused.

"Because you can't remember what we said, " Ayala interjected.

"Ahh, you guys are still bitter about the coffee huh?" Barton finally realized what he did to earn the ire of the female members in his team. He forgot what they ordered and just bought them a black coffee at Starb*cks.

"It's still a coffee right?" Barton said. However, both Ayala and Natasha weren't replying to him.

"Thor, need a hand?" Tony said as he approached Thor.

"Now will be great." Thor replied.

Tony flew and landed next to Thor. He helped him to hold the overpass from falling. The moment he shared the weight, he felt as if he was going to be crushed by the pressure.

"Sir. You won't make it." JARVIS said.

"Have a little trust, JARVIS." Tony replied.

"Yes sir. I trust that you will be flattened like a pancake." JARVIS replied.

"Now it's not the time to practice sarcasm… JARVIS-!"

The overpass couldn't be held by Thor and Tony any longer. But then, the pressure gradually lessened.

Tony turned to his side to see a female Hulk sharing the weight. They could finally push the overpass upward, and the civilians were no longer trapped.

"Enough!" Red-Hulk yelled in anger. Fire bursted out from his skin, burning those who were all around him.

"This Hulk could generate fire?" Captain asked while summoning his fire gauntlet. The gauntlet greedily absorbed the fire, strengthening Steve to 10 times his normal strength.

"He wasn't a Hulk. He is a Red Hulk." Kai said. Steve stared at him for giving a ridiculous answer. Then, he sighed and focused on Red-Hulk.

Inside the hidden location where the military general was convening. The gleeful generals were still standing in their respective seats. However, when the lights shone on them, they were all already dead by a bullet shot at their forehead.

The politician was already outside of the room, and was moving toward New York City.

Dell Rusk muttered. "Now. It's time for my revenge."

He pressed the trigger on his hand, activating the biochemical virus he had stored all over the city. The ones who were affected by the virus fall to the ground. Their skin became red and they lost all of their hair. Their nose was damaged, making their face look like a skull.

Dell Rusk. The name was actually an anagram for…

Red Skull.

He is back. And he is seeking revenge for the fall of Hydra when he wasn't around.



We Will Have Fun There!


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