
He Died Again

Charssein, a character who should have been dead long ago, had twisted the plot in the book in which he lives. Such a sin that God himself was mesmerized, to the point that the only punishment was being alive and being killed by the main character in a loop. But Charssein's character was so gifted with deadly sins that he used them against his god. The sin of lust.

Deathmare · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Everything just feels so heavy these days.


I watch the students laughing with their friends, and it makes me feel even more pathetic.


"Haist." I rest my head on the railing.


The wind was freezing my skin, and I forgot to bring my jacket because I was in a rush to leave that house. The only place where I can feel at home is this rooftop.


"You know that watching students from the rooftop sounds creepy, right?" I slightly raised my head to look who it is.




She was smiling at me so annoyingly while holding a medicine kit.


"Go away," I said, avoiding her gaze.


I felt a hand grab my hair, and then she suddenly pulled it aggressively.


"AHHHH! IT HURTS, FUCK!" I scream, pulling her hand off me.


"And who taught you how to curse at your older sister?"


"Ask yourself!"


"Just shut up and..." She suddenly stopped. Wait, sh*t my face. "Did mother hate you that much?" Her tone of voice changed as she stared at the bruises on my cheeks.


'Is she even my real mother? '


I should have known from the look in her eyes. She never loved me as her own; she just raised a monster. A monster to use for her image as a pitiful mother.




"I'm Sorry--"


"No, I said leave!" I shouted, pushing her away from me.


"I just wanted to help."


"You're not helping; you're just making me feel even worse!"


Silence weighed on us like never before, and with a heavy heart, I bit my lips.




"Fine," she said, handing me the medicine kit. "If that's what you want, but at least clean your wounds." And with that, she finally left.


I should be used to it, after all... This is no ordinary world, and she can't know that.


A yellow screen cast in front of me revealed the disgusting twist of this fake world.


[Great Lines, Villain]


That's right... I'm a villain, and I will die as a villain.




Ezrael's Point of View


"Ezra, are you okay?!"


"Hahaha, and what makes you all think that I'm not?" I laugh, placing my arms at their shoulders.


They all stare at me with the most spine-shivering look. It's making me sick...


"Hahaha!" I laugh, trying to shift the mood. "So should we proceed to the café later? Oh! Oh! I heard their croissant is a must!"


"Dude, Charssein attempted to murder you last night. Aren't you bothered?"


'I'm not bothered to be killed by him; I'm bothered that he was forced to do that'


"Oh god, who told you guys about that? Those rumors are fake. Why would he even try to hurt me in the first place?" I just need to shrug it off.


"Ezrael is the most heartwarming person. Bet that even Charssein, the most cold-blooded human alive, would melt to this guy, haha." Nick laughed and messed with my hair, and so did everybody else.


"Yah, bruh, you're right," Dylan agreed.


"What's our next subject, btw?" I ask.


"P.E. Wait, you know what that means!" Nick's eyes widened as he realized.


"The last one to go to the locker room is going to buy us our snacks later!!!" Mark ran as fast as he could.


"Hey! No fair, you asshole!"


"Hahahaha!" I laugh; they all look so silly. What are they? a fourth grader?


As the three of us tried to catch up on Mark, I caught in my peripheral vision a familiar gaze—a gaze possessed by anger and envy.


'Charssein, he was watching us from the rooftop.'


'I miss you; I really do... If only I'm not the protagonist'

When I was about to focus on chasing after them, I felt something hit my head.


"Ah, what was that?" I turn around, but there is no one, but on the floor there is a red converse.


'Who in their right mind would throw their shoes on a random person?! '


Are they a mad person? perhaps an asshole. Kids these days love doing pranks for fame. I should give this report to the council and file for the lost and found shoe.


I grab it on the floor and head to the locker room first because I'm already late to my PE class.


"I want a burger and nachos!" Mark winked as he greeted me at my locker.


"Damn, you love burning my wallet, huh?"


"Of course, Wahhahaha," he said, flipping his imaginary long hair.


"Mine are the usual." Dylan said.


"What do you mean, usual, you indecisive asshole? You can't even pick between being dumb or being brainless." Mark raises his eyebrows, looking down on Dylan.


"Of course, because I want the best for myself!" Dylan defended himself and slammed my locker.


"They're just the same!"


"And you are all getting an F in my class if you continue being late." In horror, we slowly turn our heads to face the owner of that voice; it was our PE teacher.




"Faster or else!" He said and left us.


"HAHAHAHA!" We all laughed so hard that Nick was on the floor holding his stomach.


"Damn guys, his mustache was also looking great today. Hahaha."


We all stopped laughing when the door was suddenly slammed open.


His face was covered in sweat and bandages, but most of all...


'Where is the other half of his shoe? '


I look at the shoe that I'm holding and back to his foot.


'Damn this fucker...'


He looked at me for a split second, but he turned his head away, proceeded to his locker, grabbed another pair of shoes, and left us slamming the door without saying a word.


"Wow, he's crazy," Mark laughed.