
He Died Again

Charssein, a character who should have been dead long ago, had twisted the plot in the book in which he lives. Such a sin that God himself was mesmerized, to the point that the only punishment was being alive and being killed by the main character in a loop. But Charssein's character was so gifted with deadly sins that he used them against his god. The sin of lust.

Deathmare · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

As every story starts, there should be a main character. A character who had all the readers attention.

And readers who seeks entertainment in the Characters life. They don't give a shit if you live or die, just to make the plot interesting.

Because you're just another character in a book they'll soon forget, or live off your story. yet still, It depends on how far you could go to be the star.

But in every creation of life, the Creator lies above. The God...

"He's watching; he won't forgive you." Her smile hunts my insanity.

'How could someone on the edge of their life smile in this situation?'

I held her trembling hands that held the knife, pointing towards my throat. It's no use; she is still going to die. In God's will.

"You're not a monster like me, Nellie." She look at me with a tint of sorrow as tears slowly started streaming down her cheeks.

'I want to reach out. I want to wipe away her tears.'

"Of course I'm no such thing as you, but... Your presence is making me one Charssein."

'Fuck. I died and died—a thousand times! just to avoid this moment, but here I am. Watching you die again because of my selfishness'

I could live a thousand lives, and I would still be the worst brother...

"Mi vida te perecerá." I closed my eyes as her blood scattered across the garden.

Her blood was warm and sweet, like her soul; I could taste it at the tip of my lips.

Again, she was gone, and there I can feel the coldness of this world towards me. If only I am the main character...

[The character Nellie Liquet, the villain's sibling, had died. Character 1367: sign off]

My jaw cleanch and I aim my trembling fist at the bright yellow screen that stood in front of me.

"If I can't bring back the dead, then I might as well meet the death itself."

I grab the gun on the floor and place it on the roof of my mouth.

My hands no longer tremble in the face of death. It scares me that my fear has gone into madness.

My finger finally slipped the trigger. And the white flash banged on my head.

"Aren't you tired of this bullshit?" that voice.

"No, but I'm tired of seeing your face."


When I open my eyes, I was in that place again. I was on my knees in the cold pavement, staring at that thing seated on their throne.

"How can you be tired of seeing my face when you can't even dare to look at it?"

"Maybe because if I took a small glance at it, the darkest pit of hell would swallow me whole."

"You.... are truly remarkable."

His face was concealed by the dark shadow in this place, but his eyes... Glow like a precious Ruby gem buried in ignorance.

'I want to pluck it out'

"Despite the sins you've committed, I still fancy you the most. therefore..." He raises his hand to unveil a book. "You shall fulfill my desire to be the perfect character."

'A God Who Loves My Madness'