
He Died Again

Charssein, a character who should have been dead long ago, had twisted the plot in the book in which he lives. Such a sin that God himself was mesmerized, to the point that the only punishment was being alive and being killed by the main character in a loop. But Charssein's character was so gifted with deadly sins that he used them against his god. The sin of lust.

Deathmare · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Charssein's POV


'Shit, Shit, Shit, why do I have to make a fool out of myself!? '


I was busy fighting the urge to just jump out of the window because of my stupidity when a student accidentally bumped right into me.


"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? ARE YOU BLIND?!" I look at her from head to toe when I realize.




'What a great day to be an asshole after getting abused last night.'


"Sorry," she said,kneeling to pick up the book she dropped, when my eyes caught an interesting title for a book.


'He died again'


She was about to pick it up when I immediately stepped on it.


"Let it go." she said.


"Shut up." I respond, looking down at her.


She tilted her head to stare right at me. Her eyes have neither sparks nor life; they have only emptiness. This type of character scares the shit out of me.

'She's not a human.'


I lifted my foot, and with incredible speed, she snatched the book and ran away, but that was a mistake because a torn page was left behind. I bent down to pick it up and put it in my pocket.


'It was an interesting title because people can't just die again.'


I proceed to walk towards my next class, which is about to end. Hahahaha, so this is rebellion.


When I arrived at the classroom, the students were already greeting the teacher goodbye. and when the teacher left, they all turned their heads towards me.


'That's fine, if gossiping can keep them alive.'


I proceed to my chair and rest my head on the desk to try to get some sleep.


"Kyahh! oh my god. guys look, Ezrael is on the feild!" One of the girls shouted while pointing at Ezrael from the window. And they all gathered to praise him like a saint.


"Shet! he's so hot, even if he just stand and do nothing."


"Damn girl, his biceps are bulging."


"I think I'm going to pass out."


"Of course you're going to pass out if I slap you for being a hoe on my crushiecakes."


'Aughh, disgusting, and cringe'


Yah, I know it. He's perfect, tall, handsome, smart, famous, and charming—in people's eyes, of course. but not for me. That's because he's the protagonist. While I could be the opposite of his character.


This story actually doesn't make sense. I don't know what to do; I just exist to be hated by people and ruin Ezrael's life. While he could make decisions that could turn this story upside down, I don't even know the plot nor the genre. The author sucks.


It wasn't like this before though. I used to live as a normal kid with a friend by my side to do fun stuff. But not until my 13th birthday...


'I don't understand being alive anymore.'


When I was about to close my eyes, I felt a sting right in my chest, and my heart beat was heavily pumping back and forth.


"I... can't breathe." I cried underneath my breath as tears slowly fell down my cheeks.


'Am I finally going to die? '


But when I closed my eyes, my body went numb. as those pains were gone and patched by an unknown feeling.


"You're weak as a villain."


I slowly open my eyes to find myself sitting on a cushion inside a dark room filled with books and high shelves. The place was lit by a large chandelier right above me, as it has sharp crystals; enough to kill a person.


"Who the fuck are you?" I ask the guy sitting right in front of me. He was wearing a plain black mask and a black long robe.


"Such a dirty little mouth. I like it," he said, licking his lips.


He has this mischievous smile curved on his lips, highlighting the richness of his golden eyes, which glow behind his mask.


"Don't tell me." I paused and looked him right in the eye. "You're the creator."


"HAHAHAHA! Oh silly dear, of course I'm not, but well, I sure--"


"Great, because if I find that fucker who wrote this shity book, I'll kill him."


I'm just serving my head on the platter of death. Well, he must be eager to dine on a sinner like me. No one dares to go against his god, as death is the only punishment.


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" His laugh echoed in the chamber, making my spine shiver.


"I underestimated your character, but holy shit, I'm impressed! I've cast antagonists and villains with great reputations for being sinful, but you..." His smile faded. "You're something else."


"Where is he?"




"I don't have time for your chitchat; I need to kill him." I said, and I was about to leave my seat when he suddenly pulled my neck and slammed my face against the glass table.


The glass was shattered by my face, but I can't feel my face bleeding. I can only see my blood stream in every cracks.


"Pride, Greed, Envy, Sloth, Gluttony, Wrath, and Lust. Those are the seven deadly sins, and do you know how people can get insane having one of those?" He smiled and tightened his grip on my neck.


"Just kill me if you want; I'll keep a spot for you in hell. hahaha." I laugh.


"You're not listening."


"Because why would I listen to you?"


"So you could kill him." My eyes widen, and I turn to look at him seriously.


"Now we are talking."


"Ineed you, I need you to ruin him. If you can't hurt the creator physically, then destroy his creation."


"Stop spouting bullshit; only God himself can--"


"I'm also a God."


His words stitch my mouth shut. What the... He's also what? 


"He destroyed my creation; then I shall too with his, but I can't do that because..."


"Because you can't sin. That's what you all do. Making others do your disgusting desire to keep your hands clean. But what about us? What about me? A monster responsible for all the..."


"No, you're wrong. That's why you need me. I can make you the protagonist. You no longer need to be a monster Charssein" 


"I'll do it."




"If that's what makes me feel alive, I can fucking do it."