
( Chapter four)


His eyes suddenly widen as if a switch was flicked

"Ava Rae" he says with a smile still shaking my hand.

At that my stomach fills with dread and I remember where I know him from. He was the reason I snuck out to that party, he is the reason my parents are dead. I can feel sick building in my throat when I hear Kyle. "Ava Rae ?" He says confused. I snap out of it at the sound of his voice and pull my hand out of Jordan's.

"I'm , erm I'm sorry no, you have the wrong person."

I stammer out kyles hand tightening so hard it makes me wince and I see Jordan's eyes lower to my hand in kyles. As he looks back up to me my eyes widen.

"Sorry" he smiles "you just look like someone I used to know"

"It's fine" I send him a thankful smile

"Jordan if you want to wait in my office I'll be with you in a second" Kyle snaps he looks at me "go join Terri and bobby, and I'll come find you shortly" I nod. Looking back to Jordan one last time I smile as I walk back into the party.

I neck my 4th glass of champagne and reach for another. When I hear Terri laugh "someone's in the mood to party, let's do this"

I can't concentrate Jordan's face his words just keep playing over in my head

Ava Rae ! That person doesn't exist she died at 17. Why is he here, what does he want, what does he do and why does he know Kyle.

The sick slowly starts to rise again and I realise I haven't contributed a word to the conversation going on around me "excuse me" I say as I turn to walk away.

"Ava are you ok" bobby asks

"I'm fine just going to the bathroom I'll be right back, don't let her make a scene" I laugh pointing to Terri at the bar making shots.

"I can't promise anything" he jokes

I run to the guest bathroom as it's the closest I lock the door and all the emotions I've bottled up come rising to the surface. I make it to the toilet to be sick as I sit on the cold floor all I want to do is go to sleep until I don't feel anything anymore. I feel tears pool in my eyes as I push them back.

No ! No stop no crying not over a man, suck it up Ava get your shit together

I pull myself to my feet looking in the mirror and realise I need to fix my make up. I decide I'm going to take some painkillers and head up to my room to fix my make up. I rush out the bathroom and hit something that felt like a wall "FUCK" the pain makes me stumble backwards and I know I am hitting the floor until I don't, I look up and as I lay in his arm I see his dark hazels eyes staring into my soul. It feels like an eternity of just staring at each other until the pain ruins the moment as his grip tightens to keep me up "Jordan" I say breathless as I push out of his arms. Before I get a chance to say anything else he pushes me back walks into the bathroom and locks the door.

"What are you doing, open the door" I shout as panic starts to take over.

"I knew it was you" he smiled

"I don't know what you mean" I snap "I don't know who you think I am but my name is Ava Hendricks"

I try to push by him to get to the door but he puts his arm out on the door blocking me in the corner and stopping the door from opening.

"I know it's you Ava I'd never forget those eyes, admit it and you can leave"

Panic is replaced quickly by annoyance and I cross my arms staring back at him trying to keep my face straight. He flashes his most perfect smile and I almost brake.

"What are you doing here. How do you know Kyle" I ask.

Laughing and copying me, arms crossed In front of him staring me down.

"I'm sure I asked you a question 1st, answer mine I'll answer yours"

We have a full blown stand off for what feels like minutes.

"You don't understand, if he catches us in here, please just open the door"

"Do I look like I'm scared of your boyfriend Ava" he scoffs "I can do this all night"

Rolling my eyes, I run my hands through my hair in frustration. At that he grips my hand pulling it from my face.

"What the fuck happened to your face" I see his eyes darken and it's that same look that scares me from Kyle, but strangely I don't feel threatened at all. I shake my head. "I caught it on the car door earlier today, I didn't realise it was going to mark"

He laughs shaking his head "don't lie to me"

"I'm not" I look at him.

"So your neck and arm get caught on that car door too"

"Just drop it" I snap

"Then you stop fucking lying and tell me the truth" his voice louder than I'd like.

"Who do you think you are?! , I owe you no explanation for anything. For who I am and whether I walked into a door or not, now get out of my way"

He nods his head and a smirk crosses his face. "You are definitely Ava Rae only she dared talk to me like that back then too"

I laugh as I remember the arguments we would get in which would end in us play fighting and everyone wondering how I got away with it.

His hand reaches out to my face "he did that didn't he"

I shake my head "don't"

His whole body shifts and he reaches for the door "fine let's ask the arsehole shall we"

He grabs my hand and starts to walk out the bathroom.

I pull back "stop please stop" my whole body begins to shake and sick rises again as I run back to the toilet. Within a second I hear the door lock and feel my hair being scooped up on the top of my head. I finally stop and rest my head on my arms in embarrassment "erm thanks you can let go now"

He laughs which makes me laugh. "So embarrassing, bet you wanna pretend you don't know me now" I joke as I flush the chain and try to stand. I struggle as my ribs ache. He jumps forward to help me and sits me on the edge of the bath. I look up at him and his Face Is full of, anger and concern its like his expressions are battling each other. "Are you doing ok you look like you want to be sick" I joke.

He shakes his head , clenching his jaw bringing my eyes back to that perfect jawline that caught my eye all those years ago along with his eyes. "Look we really should get out of here, if you have finished with Kyle he will be looking for me" the fear in my voice apparent.

He just stands there fist clenched eyes dark "Jordan are you listening, I need to go"

"We ain't going anywhere" he snaps

"Erm I am" I scoff as I go to stand up.

"Sit the fuck down, give me a chance to calm down or I will go out there and beat that son of a bitch into the ground" he says through gritted teeth.

I sit immediately with out even a second thought, it wasn't often Jordan lost his temper but there was a reason no one messed with him when we where younger and by the looks of things I'm guessing that goes for today too.

I stand up in front of him slowly with my heels I'm almost eye level. "Jordan, please" I plead as he looks into my eyes he brings his hand up and twirls a piece of my hair and smiles, looking at him confused.

"You haven't changed a bit Ava" he laughs, "you were always my calm"

I smile and before I realise what I'm doing I lean in to kiss him, I feel his hand run round my back and up to the nape of my neck as he softly but with so much authority grips it and pulls me in close as I feel his tongue explore my mouth. The passion in this one kiss was almost to much to handle I hadn't felt this ever. I push away "stop" I take a step back "I'm sorry this is a mistake" I run out of the bathroom and head for the stairs when I hear Kyle "Ava baby where have you been" I turn to look and realise he's walking towards me as everyone stares smiling. I glance round the room and see Terri bouncing on the spot grinning I look at her confused and she just beams at me.

"Ava 1 year ago today, you came into my life and I have never been so happy" Kyle says as he reaches where I stand

Shit he's doing it ! He's actually doing it! He's proposing, why is he doing this now. He's doing it now because you can't say no!

I look at him and see him lower to one knee and grab my hand, I had clearly zoned out and missed his speech. I look at him there and back to the room filled with people and I feel like I might pass out. Then I lock eyes with the one person who knows the real me. The one person I never expected to see again. The one fucking person who I just kissed in my bathroom while my boyfriend was planning to propose. Holy hell I laugh and realise it's louder than I expected and see a smirk cross Jordan's face.

"Don't leave him hanging" I hear Terri shout and it brings me back into the room

I shake my head painting the perfect smile across my face. Blocking out Jordan's eyes burning into me.

"Yes" I nod "yes I will marry you" he pushes the ring on my finger and picks me up spinning me round as all I hear is shouts and cheers. I glance to where Jordan was and he's gone. I look out into the crowd of people descending on us to give there congratulations for him but he's disappeared. I shake it off when I hear "out of my way she's my best friend I get to see the ring first" and I see Terri pushing through everyone, she makes me giggle so loud and I hold my hand out.