
(Chapter three)


The day has been so long it's only 5pm and I have finished the painting I started a few days ago, I have gotten a shower changed into some sweats and a hoodie and began to prepare dinner for Kyle coming home.

Jason came earlier with my present from Kyle it was a dress, not something I particularly like wearing but it was beautiful floor length silk with a scoop neck and thick straps. The back was open to just above my bum not the kinda dress you can wear underwear with, But classy and elegant none the less.

All I thought seeing it was 100% not me but here is too a little more pretending. My phone had been going off all day, family members trying to get intouch so when I heard Kyle come through the door I put it on silent and slipped it into my sweats pocket.

"You hungry" I look up and say smiling as he comes into the kitchen.

"Starving baby, smells good" he kisses me with more passion than I have felt from him since we met and straight away I taste bourbon.

I smile as my anxiety all of a sudden floods my body. He walks to the wine bar and pours two glasses bringing me one over. I take a sip and begin setting the table.

We eat in silence for awhile and I remember I have to tell him Terri is bringing bobby tonight. He isn't her biggest fan because she would always speak her mind but he tolerated her for me.

"So Terri asked if she could bring someone tonight"

"I hope you said no" he mutters with out even looking up from his food.

"Why would I say no" the confusion in my voice apparent.

"Because Ava it's not an excuse for her to get pissed and make a show of us with her new bit on the side"

I frown "it's not like that she knows this party is formal, god when aren't your parties formal"

He looks up glaring "I said no"

I slam my fork on the plate "I wasn't asking Kyle I was letting you know, she's my friend and the only person I have invited, so I'm letting you know she is bringing a friend"

He sits back in his chair eyebrows raised "well just know if she makes a show of me I will be holding you responsible"

I push up out of my chair taking my food to the bin

"Whatever" I mutter  "I'm going to get dressed".

I walk past the table and feel an overwhelming pain in my arm I look and as his grip tightens I try to pull him off  "your hurting me" his grip doesn't loosen instead he pulls on my arm as he stands. grabbing my face his thumb and forefinger pushing so hard I feel like my jaw is about to crack. Backed into the wall My eyes wide my whole body freezing in fear. I react before I have time to think and bring my knee up between his legs making him let go instantly.

"BITCH!" I can hear the pain in his breathless insult and I realise then I fucked up.

I kneel down to where he has fell to the floor

"Kyle I'm sorry it was a reaction you were hurting me" I stand back up and go to the kitchen to get some ice. My whole body shaking as I turn to head back to him I feel my back slam against the wall and I quickly loose breath as I realise his grip is tight round my throat.

The look in his eyes petrified me they where black no trace of him in them.

"Please" "stop" I claw at his hands dropping the ice on the floor "Kyle please I can't breathe" I feel my head going fuzzy and the light slowly fading.

This is how I die. All the shit I've been through and this is how I go in a pouncy house at the hands of a man. Fucking great.

At that I fall to the floor I gasp hard unable to get air in fast enough. As I lay in the melting ice 2 blows hit my ribs by what felt like a steel boot. I use my arms to cover myself as he bends over me and one more slap set my face on fire.

Unwanted tears roll down my cheek as I beg for him to stop, barely able to speak. He stands up and walks alway taunting back at me "tidy this up then get dressed baby"

I sit infront of my dressing table mirror trying to do my hair but the pain everytime I lift my arms takes my breath away. So I decide to leave it straight down which is perfect as it covers the marks around my neck.

I finish putting my makeup on and am strangely proud that I managed to cover everything he had done up.

God Ava you are fucked

"You need help getting in your dress" I hear Kyle say as he walks in dressed in black dress pants and white shirt as much as I hate to admit it right now he looks hot.

"No" I snip

"You need to get out of this mood before people show up" he bites back

"Mood! Are you taking the piss. Fuck your party. Fuck your guests" I scream

My entire body burning with the pain.

He glares and walks over to me, I flinch as he brings his hand out but instead he reaches past me and picks up my diamond chocker he bought me on our first date.

As he fastens it he says "wear this it will be fitting for tonight"

I frown as I run my fingers over it looking in the mirror, wincing when I bring my arm back down.

"Come on" his tone soft as he helps me to my feet "let me help you no more of this behaviour though baby. We both know you have nowhere or no one, don't turn me against you aswell" I don't reply as I just stand in shock as he slowly undresses me. And helps me into the dress. There was nothing sexual or sensuous about it he was cold and collected. I stepped into my dress as he pulled it up over my hips he looks at my ribs that have already started to bruise "no gym wear for a while eh baby" he laughs. I dont move from the spot he stood me in as he zips me up all I can think about it he is right I have no one I have nowhere to go. Jason knocks on the door "sir people are starting to arrive"

He smiles untucking my hair from behind my ear and kissing me.

"Get your shoes on and finish getting ready I expect you down in 5 min" at that he leaves closing the door.

I stand frozen to the spot for a split second before I go to the closet. My whole body and mind feels like it's about to give up and I can feel a huge wave of emotions and anxiety ready to hit me full force.

You can't do this Ava not now pull yourself together, fucking push that shit down and forget it.

I hear my bedroom door open.

" I'm just getting my shoes I'm sorry I'll be right there" I shout out from my closet.

"Who the fuck are you apologising too" she laughs

It's Terri I almost brake with relief at the sound of her voice but I pull it together.

I come out of the closet.

"Omg Ava you look" she smiles

I shake my head hating the compliment never been able to take them they make me so uncomfortable.

"You look beautiful too Terri" I smile

She was wearing a red dress to match her hair rightly fitted and showing off her amazing curvy figure and of course just coving her arse. I loved her confidence.

"Are you ok" she looked at me concerned.

I nod unable to speak because I can feel the emotions building in my throat.

"No you ain't what's happening"

I shake my head managing to get out a "nothing"

She looks at me with not one ounce of belief.

"So where's bobby I can't wait to officially meet him" I push as much excitement into my voice as I can and it works because she gets all giddy

"He's down stairs with Kyle, they are getting on like a house on fire" she says

His name makes me shudder, but I smile it off

"Let's go then" I grab her hand leading her out the room.

Walking down the stairs and towards bobby and Kyle who seem too be legit getting along with each other. Making me more angry at what had happened. I walk over and watch as Terri wraps herself around bobby the second she sees him holding onto his arm.

I don't even look at Kyle as I introduce myself to him

"You must be the famous bobby I've heard a lot about you, I'm Ava" I hold my hand out but he goes in for a hug and it takes all I have to hold in a cry as the pain radiates through my body.

"Ok get your hands off my girl" Kyle jokes and I couldn't have been happier. He grabs my hand squeezing it tight. As everyone laughs at kyles comment.

"Sorry Ava, just the amount Terri talks about you I feel like I know you" he laughs.

Kyle looks at me and then back to them. I can't concentrate on anything the pain is getting worse.

"Will you excuse us a second" Kyle says as he pulls me away. Still dazed I look at him.

"What" I snap

"Get yourself together, I'm sorry you are hurting but you did it yourself so suck it up and get through this party"

I roll my eyes nodding, he pushes me further out of sight.

"Ava I mean it get your shit together" he hits the wall I jump raising my hands. Before I hear an unfamiliar voice.

"Mr Carter" a deep voice with slight annoyance comes out of nowhere.

I put my hands down and see. A guy. A man. A god. I'm not sure how you would explain him but he was familiar. Kyle was handsome but this guys jaw line alone makes kyle look average. He was wearing dark denim jeans a black T-shirt and black leather jacket. I realise I am staring when I hear him ask "everything ok" flashing his perfect teeth. Before I get to answer Kyle pulls me off the wall and all I can think is why do I feel like I know this person. "She's fine she was feeling a little off, she just needed a breather".

I realise I haven't taken my eyes off him until he looks at me concerned waiting for my response. I nod "I feel better now" I smile Kyle grabs my hand and I brake eye contact for the 1st time with him.

"Jordan this is my girlfriend Ava" Kyle introduces

Jordan, Jordan. That name was familiar, why do I know this guy. Is he from the bar. Has he been here before.

"Ava, Jordan" Kyle squeezes my hand as I snap out of my daze.

"I'm sorry" I hold my hand out "Ava nice to meet you" I look up and see him looking at me in the exact same way. He recognises me too I thought.