
( Chapter five)


The rest of the party consisted of congratulating and hugging and my god I was so ready for it all to be over. I stood, I smiled and I said thank you.

It had quietened down now and there was only a hand full of people left. Terri was dancing to the music playing in the living room as I sat with a whisky on the sofa falling asleep but just enjoying her company. I had managed to slip off and take some pain killers earlier and those mixed with the alcohol, I can't lie I was feeling pretty spaced out. I glanced round the room at the people left, knowing fully who I was looking for. Jordan had just disappeared and although I'm glad I didn't have to face him, I found myself wanting to see him. My eyes land on Kyle, bobby and 2 other guys talking and laughing. But I quickly look away laying my head back on the sofa, I feel a sense of calm and I drift in and out of sleep.

"I think someone is partied out" Terri laughs as she comes and sits next to me, I force my eyes open and smile.

"It's been a long day" I sigh

"Are you sure you are ok, you seriously don't seem yourself today" I see that concerned look flash across her face.

I nod not even able to speak any more I'm so tired I just need to sleep.

"I think you need to take your future wife to bed Kyle" she yells across the room. I don't even have to open my eyes to see the look on his face at her brash tone, but it makes me smile nonetheless.

"We are good to crash here right?" she asks me.

"Sure, pick a room" i laugh she joins in then try's to  pull me to my feet.

"Ok so just dance with me just once before bed" she begs, "like the club days".

I wiggle my eyebrows and stand up. And jokingly twerk up against her.

"Go on Ava" I hear a voice shout "I know why you want to wife her now" the same voice shouted and at that the music stops.

I stop and look up and Kyle looks pissed. I don't know what it was, it could have been the alcohol or the painkillers, even the sleep deprivation or maybe a mix of all 3 but the words left my mouth before I had chance to stop them "aww baby what's the matter don't want your friends to see why you fell for me in the 1st place" I think I'm funny and that's backed up by Terri laughing too.

"I think it's time we called it a night" he snaps.

At that the rest of the people make a sharp exist and bobby grabs Terri and takes her upstairs, I swear they barely make it there they can't keep their hands off each other, I half expect to see them going at it on the stairs on my way up to bed. I laugh watching them as I sit back on the sofa not liking the thought of having to walk upstairs.

"I said bed Ava" he drags me to my feet and walks me to the bedroom. He's saying something but god knows what all I keep thinking about is my head hitting the pillow. We get into the bedroom and he slams the door behind him, making me jump

"Shhh, you will wake our guests" I snigger. Knowing full well they are not sleeping right now.I sit at my dressing table and take off my make up. Thinking these painkillers are good cause I can't feel a thing. Until I do feel something. I feel Kyle behind me. "So Jordan seemed to think he knew you" he is so close I can feel his breath on my skin with every word. I ignore him as just the mention of his name sobers me up. As I finish removing my make up I stand up "can you unzip me please" I say softer than I expect it to come out.

"I asked you a fucking question" he glares at me through the mirror

"You did?" I scoff "because it sounded like you where making a statement not asking me anything"

"Don't get fucking clever Ava" he says as he slips my dress of my shoulders and I step out of it. I go to walk to my closet to get my shorts and vest I sleep in when he stops me and pushes me to the bed.

"Answer the fucking question, why does he know you an why am I being told he was locked in the bathroom with you?" he snarls his eyes darken and his jaw clenching. I watch as he starts to get undressed undoing the buttons on his shirt first. I sigh and try to add so much conviction to my voice.

" I have no idea why he thought he knew me, and as for the bathroom I ran in on him in there as I was about to be sick and he stayed to make sure I was ok, what are you trying to imply exactly? " I snap right back as I go to get up to get my clothes.

He nods as if he believes me but surely it's not that easy.

I walk into my closet and catch a glimpse of myself in the full length mirror in there. In just some small lace panties my hair tied up in a messy bun I run my fingers over the marks that now cover me head to foot. I jump as I feel kyles hand on my back I look up and see him behind me in the mirror. He wraps his arms round my waist and starts kissing down my neck. I close my eyes but the 1st thing I do is picture Jordan's arms around me, Jordan's lips setting my skin on fire. I quickly open my eyes, and move my neck away pushing his hands down to his side. I try to smile, but I just don't have the energy. I just want to go to sleep.

"Don't push me away" he snaps.

"I'm just tired, can I just get ready for bed please" I can't even hide the frustration in my voice anymore.

Suddenly a burning in my scalp makes me scream out and I realise he has his hand fisted in my hair pulling my neck back.

"You just agreed to be my wife, and you want to tell me you're tired" he spits out in my ear.

"Your hurting me Kyle, let go" I try to pull on his hand in my hair but he just grips tighter.

"You don't want to fuck me because you fucked HIM" the anger in his voice scares me.

"Who, what are you talking about" my voice shaking

I know exactly who he is talking about. He drags me to the bed and throws me to it. I grab the throw and pull it over myself moving up to the head of the bed.

"Let's fucking ask him shall we" he laughs.

My heart begins to race thinking he's here, how did I not see him. Until I see him pull out his phone.

Shit, stop him, do what you need to do fucking stop him!

My mind is spinning, I get up off the bed and walk towards him as he looks through his phone. I put my hands over it.

"Baby please, you have it all wrong I have no idea who tha..." my sentence stopped dead in its tracks as The back of his hand meets my face.

" don't try and play me you slut" he laughs

I grab my face and sink to the floor tears streaming.

"Hello" Jordan's voice comes over the speaker, it sounds sleepy like he's just been woken up.

"How do you know Ava" Kyle snaps

I hear the seriousness in Jordan's voice "what are you talking about man, I told you I fucked up I thought she was someone else"

"Well she now says different" Kyle lies

"I do not" I sob

"AVA!, what the fuck Kyle why is she crying" I can hear the anger in his voice.

"That's none of your fucking business, keep your hands off my fucking girl" kyles voice so loud it bellows through the room and makes me want to throw up. I climb into bed. I hold my face thinking these painkillers are legit as I can't feel the pain of why my face is on fire. Then I hear something that makes my heart stop.

"HOW ABOUT YOU KEEP YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF YOUR GIRL YOU PEICE OF SHIT" Jordan's voice is so loud and full of hatred It makes me jump from the other side of the room, and I can't believe he's just said that he's just made things 10x worse. I see Kyle glare at me.

"I haven't said anything" I shake my head.

He hangs up on Jordan and in what feels like two steps reaches the bed, he throws back the covers and drags me to the floor.