
(Chapter six)


I can't believe she just kissed me like that and then agreed to marry that son of a bitch. I walk to my bike that is parked outside their huge house. I'm not staying here too see her ruin her fucking life.

Almost 10 years it's been since I seen this girls face and it's beaten like that what the fuck man, I punch the wall, immediately realising that was a bad idea. "SHIT!!" I shake it off as my phone rings.

"Yo! Sniper, boss man needs you in the club house in 20min, you finished up with Kyle" it's kestrel, my brother, well not my brother by blood but this guy would take a bullet for me in a second and vice verser, so in my eyes that makes us brothers, along with the oath we took when we joined the deadly demons MC.

"oh I'm finished alright the guy is a douche bag" I scoff.

" I told you he was brother" he laughs "see you in 10" he hangs up as I take one last look at the girl I once knew but no longer recognise through the window. I hop on my bike and head towards the club house. I pull up and see a line of bikes I pull along side. Hopping off I pull a bandana out of my pocket and wrap it around my hand. Griping the handle bar has made the Mother fucker bleed like hell.

I walk in the club house, and it's dead apart from the odd club whore and prospect. Which makes me realise church has already started.

I head to the back room where we have all our meetings and open the door.

"Nice of you to join us sniper" blade says.

Blade is the president of the deadly demons, and he's not someone you fuck with. I owe him my life he took me in when I had completely lost my way, and give me a reason to live again.

"Soz pres, that took longer than I wanted, the guy is a fucking prick" I sit down next to kess.

"Yo what happened to the hand" kess laughs. I shake my head as I carry on talking to blade.

"He said he will have the drugs tomorrow for us to pick up, if we have the 50k" I say

Blade nods and carries on talking about other business, my mind drifts off to Ava, I think about that arse in that dress, them eyes, her smile. Fuck man this girl had gotten fine. I mean she was always fine but damn. Where has she been, what had she been doing for 9years, I needed to see her again.

I snap out of it when I hear the gavel hit the table, telling us church is over.

"Staying for a beer?" Kestrel asks

"Sure thing" I say as we head to the bar.

The club house is cushty it has a bar ,a games room, a stage with a pole (obviously) and 8 bed rooms incase any members wanna crash. Then it has our chapel where we hold our meetings and the presidents office.

I sink a few more beers than I expect too and sit and talk shit with kess and a few other brothers for maybe an hour or so making it impossible to drive my bike home so I call it a night and head to one of the rooms. Crystal who works behind the bar who I may have fucked a couple of times tried to come with me, but there is no chance in hell I can concentrate bending her over while thinking about Ava that damn girl hasn't left my mind all night. I strip off take a quick shower and jump into bed. The beer helps me slip into a deep sleep.

My phone wakes me up. I look at the time on the clock by my bed and see it's almost 4:30am damn I've been out for 3 hrs. I look at my phone and see kyles name on the screen, what the fuck. I sit up running my hand through my hair. "Hello".

"How do you know Ava" The prick bellows down the phone.

Not this shit again, I spent almost half an hour convincing him in his office that I had gotten the wrong person, what the hell has she told him.

"What the fuck are you talking about man I told you I fucked up I got the wrong person" I lie

"Well she says different now" he mocks

I hear Ava say something in the background, she's crying. At that my entire body goes on alert and I jump out of bed. Pacing the room.

"What the fuck Kyle why is she crying" I can feel the anger building inside me this son of a bitch is going to get the beating of a life time if he put hands on her again.

"That's none of your fucking business, keep your hands off my girl" he shouts down the phone.

I completely lose it as with out thinking shout back

"HOW ABOUT YOU KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF YOUR FUCKING GIRL" I know the second I say it I fucked up, I just confirmed everything he was asking what the fuck have I done. I hear Ava mutter something and the line goes dead.

"FUCK!!!!" I throw my phone across the room

At that kestrel walks in. "What's happening" he looks around the room.

I pull on my jeans and throw my T-shirt on and a hoodie on. "Get ready and get the fucking car kess" the panic mixed with the anger in my tone doesn't even have him questioning me he leaves my room and in 3 min I hear the horn beep. I run to the car and hop in the passenger side as he pulls off the clubhouse complex "where we going sniper" he asks

"Kyles" I snap as I try to ring avas house phone.

"Shit, no answer" I run my fingers through my hair and hit the dashboard "FUCK"

"What's happened" I can hear the worry in kestrels voice now.

"That son of a bitch is beating his girl" I say as he looks at me confused as to why I care so I carry on explaining how I know her and what happened in the bathroom.

"Always the girl drama with you brother" he laughs.

I smirk cause he's right as I shake my head.

"She's different man, I'm telling you, I swear if he's touched her I'll ..." I don't get to finish before kestrel says "we will deal with him" I nod as we pull up to the gates they are fucking shut. Kess presses the buzzer but no one answers. He does it again and again until a woman's voice pick up "hello who is this" at first relief hits thinking it's Ava "Ava it's Jordan open the gates" I shout from the passenger seat.

"This isn't Ava and who's Jordan" the voice from the box says.

"Shit, where's Ava, look just open the gates and go find Ava NOW !" She must understand the urgency in my voice because I hear the gates open and the phone dropping to the floor. We drive up the long ass drive way and I jump out before the car even stops, I get to bang once on the door before some guy is opening it. I push past him "where the fuck is he" I shout

"Who" the guy says looking lost

"Kyle where the fuck is Kyle" I walk from room to room as he follows me.

"In bed I'm assuming pal it's 5am" the guy shouts through to the living room. We hear a scream.

"Terri" the guy shouts and runs upstairs I follow him up and what I see next turns my entire stomach.

I see the girl I'm guessing is Terri over Avas limp body as she screams at Kyle who is covered in blood just stood over them. She looks behind Kyle and to me tears streaming down her face and in the pit of my stomach I know it's bad. I run at Kyle.

"You fucking son of a bitch" I lay one punch across his jaw that sends him flying across the room. I lose all self control and lay into him, he try's to fight back getting in a sly punch to my eye.

"bobby don't just stand there call the police call an ambulance! Do something" Terri screams the pain in her voice fuels me and I beat him unconscious. I get pulled back and swing for them " yo! Bro it's me we have to go the cops come we can't be here" says kess.

I get up off the floor and run over to Ava "is she" I say looking at her friend. She shakes her head and the relief that floods my body almost brings me to fucking tears. I look up to the guy with the phone.

"Don't ring anyone, we have a dr at the clubhouse, help me get her in the car she will be safer with us" I say. Terri looks at me a little confused then looks and her bf and nods for him to stop calling. I wrap a blanket around Ava and pick her up. How she is not dead I don't know. But that son of a bitch better be, I think as I look over to where he lays.

"Wait should I ring an ambulance for Kyle, fuck, shit, what the hell is going on" Terri starts to freak out. I look at her with a glance as if to say you are joking right. And she snaps out of it.

"Right, no, ok, me and bobby will follow you in my car" she says.

"We can't have none club members back at the club house sniper" kess reminds me of the rule.

"Well she is my best friend so I'm fucking coming you dumb ass" she snaps back.

I laugh raising my eyebrows thinking damn this girl is definitely Avas friend.

Ava moves in my arms and her eyes try to open. "Ava it's Jordan, you are safe just hold on" but before I finish she is out again.

"Fuck, look fine, kess call the doc and tell him to meet us at mine, you two can crash too if you want and leave that cunt there" I say spitting on the floor near kyles unconscious body as I walk through the door and down the stairs putting Ava in the back seat I sit with her head on me. As kess drives us back to my place.