
Harry Potter: The Story of The cunning

{Disclaimer} Harry Potter doesn't not belong to me, it is J.K rollings toy, and I'm just playing with it, The characters doesn't not belong to me, except original one's made myself, Amaris Opheus Underwood belong me, he is mine. ••• Amaris Opheus Underwood, A boy filled with a desire to hold money, Amaris uses everything to his advantage, to achieve that desire, he goes to Hogwarts in hopes that it will benefit him greatly. [La~Lisa~Money~La~Lisa~Money]

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Annoying The Heck out of Goblins

After my birthday yesterday, My parents and I are going to Diagon Alley for shopping and also to check out the shop that they had gotten me!. Ha~! I'm so excited, I could die,...

ANYWAYS, after getting dressed in a simple white shirt with black pants and boots, a plain black waistcoat, the two heir rings on my fore amd middle finger respectively. My messy hair was combed and tied to a small low ponytail with a black ribbon.

Smiling at my reflection, goodness gracious, I'm one hot kid...after fake practicing kissing on my mirror,...(⁠。⁠•̀^⁠-⁠)⁠✧... I went downstairs to see both my parents ready to go.

My Father grabbed both me and my mother hand and apparated us to the leaky cauldron. Nasty place really, I hate that the place was the first impression to muggleborns and their parents, I mean for real the place had potential to sell overpriced and dope them, know can muggleborns and halfblood resist tempting magical items and toys, they will literally bribe or humiliate their parents to get it for them.

Sigh~, pathetic, stupid money opportunity wasting bastards...! I curse you!

Hmph...me and my parents made our way to Gringotts, they love me.


Once the family of three entered the bank, all goblins the saw them released loud groans, not to the parents but to the widely grining child, who looked pleased at their reactions.

The boy took the lead and made way to the goblin he enjoyed to torture every time he visited. "Hello~ Ironclaw~" His voice dripping with honey.

"Missed me~?!" Says enjoying the look of uncomfort on his face. The reason has to why the goblin found the child to be uncomforty was that on his first visit, he ask the goblins for the rule book, seeing it has innocent curiousity, the complied, biggest mistake of their lives, on his next visit, this boy was pointing out loopholes that they usually use against the wizards, to their surprise the boy was turning the rules against them, sure it was a small matter, until the boy suggested his father and mother to go in investment, the started doing things to prevent them for at least grabbing some few benefits. The boy stated 'Haa! Like hell I would let myself and my parents get scammed and doped by uncultured ignorant but smart goblins, how can I call myself a mastermind if I can't see through foolish tricks~? . ' He gave them a smile that would Greatly reassemble a demon or a goblin recarnate in form of a human being, Even his parents weren't surprised about their son treating his behavior as a casual Friday night.

"Ironclaw, we are here to deposit from our vaults" Darven said, ignoring his son taunts towards the goblin.

The goblin steelclaw sneered, before calling another goblin to take them to their vaults.


After their wallets were filled with Gallons. The headed to the shop they bought that was near the edges of Diagon Alley. The shop was old and dirty on the inside and out.

I walked into the shop, it looked like an old paint shop from the looks of it, it was abandoned probably the wizardry war. I was already Invisioning

The layout bout my mother reminded me we have yet to get my School supplies.

After the quick and brief shopping, I now hold my wand, it had a spiral design to it, It was dark blue, the handle was had a ruby gem at the bottom. It was made from Flame of the forest wood dipped in werewolf's blood. Interesting...

We went for a quick trip home to drop unnecessary things and popped back with comfortable clothes and got to work cleaning up the small shop.
