
Harry Potter: The Story of The cunning

{Disclaimer} Harry Potter doesn't not belong to me, it is J.K rollings toy, and I'm just playing with it, The characters doesn't not belong to me, except original one's made myself, Amaris Opheus Underwood belong me, he is mine. ••• Amaris Opheus Underwood, A boy filled with a desire to hold money, Amaris uses everything to his advantage, to achieve that desire, he goes to Hogwarts in hopes that it will benefit him greatly. [La~Lisa~Money~La~Lisa~Money]

LightWork · Movies
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11 Chs

A New Beginning



Hello!, my name is Amaris Opheus Underwood and I have parents!, shocker? I know right, well this is the story of my time at Hoggy warty, I mean Hogwarts. As, an avaricious person since childhood, of course this is going to be a story about have I take advantage of opportunities for my benefit, I want that money in the bag, okay? . Anyways, Let's begin! ....


In a street full of houses of different sizes and shapes, around the edges of the street closest to the woods, there was a decently large house, with the residents bring a father,a mother, and there little mischievous demon, their son, Amaris Underwood.

The sun was shining in the clear sky, the time was noon, still that didn't stop the young boy from sleeping, his room, was filled with books of successful businessmen and businesswomen alike, even though he was 11 years old, he was obsessed with making money, his parents always assured him there was no need, but the stubborn rascal was persistent.

There was tapping coming from the window in his room, string slightly, the boy ignored the tapping, but the tapping continued, annoyed the boy groaned, slowly looking through the blanket to see what was causing the rukus, he saw a brown owl that looked annoyed, it seem to have something for him, tiredly getting up for the warm and comfortable bed to deal with the annoyance.


Walking over to the window, I opened the window, letting the owl in, "Now, what is it you little fella?, can you see im busy?," I said annoyed

The owl screeched, glaring at me. " Okay, fine, I was sleeping but I was still busy!, hmph, foolish birdbrain.." Glaring at the owl, I noticed a letter attached to the claws of the owl, uniting the ribbon, I opened the letter, I have been accepted in Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, I'm not really that surprised because my parents were magical people, my father is a pure blood of a minor House, my mother is a halfblood from a minor House to making me heir to both houses! .

When I was young I have visited both my trust fund valuts but I was left disappointed because the amount of money was dissatisfying, but in normal circumstances, the money was more than enough, plus my parents were high middle class rich, because of my father's job has a ancient rune master, who sometimes travell aboard, but always for a few days, my mother is a potions mistress, In conclusion we were more that okay. But...did that stop me from wanting more? Now it did not, in fact it only increased my obsession.

"Eh..." After shooing the owl, I rushed downstairs, "Mummy!"( Yes, I call my parents Mummy and Daddy, why? Because I'm a freaking child, who loves his parents, if you have a problem...*glares* oh well, not my business).

" I have gotten my Hogwarts letter ~!" I entered the kitchen to see my mom making lunch? Oh right, it was afternoon, oops,.

"Oh, my little demon has grown up, he's going to leave mummy and daddy soon,...*fake sobs*" My mom grinned after her dramatic reaction, Her name was Agatha Underwood (nee Aziel),She was a beautiful woman im her 30's with Dark brown Skin, straight dark black hair, she keeps in a single braid, with dark brown eyes, standing on a height of 5'5, with a slight gap tooth, she was wearing a light gown that complimented her skin tone.

"Amaris, dear, since it's your birthday today, why don't we go out? How about that restaurant you liked?, hmm?" She said, has she looked at her son, you was eleven years old, with messy dark brown (gotten from father), her same skin tone, grey and brown eyes mixed together (both mother and father), a little gap tooth, (from her) , and a mischievous smile on his face, which he got from his father.

"Really?!, wait! Is it the last one we went to? " I asked excited, seeing my mom nod, I started jumping around and screaming like a mad man or in this case, a mad kid.

This caused his mother to run after him to calm him down, seeing he was bulging, she tickled him causing he to laugh and wheez, " Hey! Hey!, stop it, I'm go-!ing to p-ee!, I'm not a_ ch-ild that bedwets or pees on himself!" Wheezing, and laughing, this caused Agatha to laugh along with her son who's laughter was contagious.

Soon, a Man who came from his office, after hearing his wife and child laughter, curious, he saw his wife tickling his son and there were both laughing, what caused this response? He didn't have to wait long because his wife and son noticed him, after they both calmed down, his son rushed to him, hugging him, surprised but not annoyed, he picked up his son.

"Daddy! Look my letter arrived!, I'm going to Hogwarts, and going to learn magic and make money! " Said his excited son who was wildly waving the letter in his face, chuckling, he dropped his child gently on the ground, smiling.

"That is great news, Amaris, are you excited?" He stated calmly, looking that his son that was a perfect mix of him and his wife. Draven Underwood was a handsome man in his 30's, with dark brown hair, pale skin, and grey eyes, standing at a height of 5'10, with a smile that greatly shares with his son, who had gotten his facial features from him and his lithe and slightly thin body structure from his mother.

"Yes! Of course why not?!, I will soon make lots of money, why won't I be excited" I said. Agatha and Draven both exchanged amused glances, their son who was a darling and mischievous little boy whom they loved dearly but was a money-grubbing

Little creature, of course they supported him and got him books and a financial tutor that he asked for.

" Happy birthday, Ama." Darven patted his son's messy hair, Amaris grinned, "did you get me my birthday gift?"

"Hmmm?, oh that thing, I totally forgot,..." Darven trailed off, but seeing his son disappointed look, he quickly said. " Haa.. I'm just joking, yes I got you the shop!" "Really?!" "Yes, it a gift from both your mother and I," Darven and Agatha looked at their eleven year old son crying from happiness.

Amaris, passionate about about making money always bothered his parents about wanting a shop in Diagon Alley to earn money, finally he had succeeded, his parents told him that the shop was small and a bit old, but did he care?, No! He was happy, happy enough to cry. Hugging both his parents in joy, Amaris grinned.

'Finally, A New Beginning, a welcomed one of course' Amaris Thought.



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