
Harry Potter & The Honey Badgers

An orphaned wizard is entering Hogwarts along with the famous Harry Potter.

Mustelidae · Movies
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13 Chs

Iris & Theia


Kirby and Atreus apparated right into the Leaky Cauldron, and seeing the two of them, Tom, who is the owner of the pub asked Atreus "Kid, how many times did I ask you to come here normally?"

"One time." Atreus replied with a smile.

"Yeah? Then, this is the second time. Don't apparate in the pub." Tom told Atreus.

Atreus just shrugged at him and Tom asked him "Orange juice?"

"Orange juice." Atreus said as he sat down on the stool near the counter and waited for his juice.

"Here you go, one orange juice on rocks." Tom said as he gave the orange juice to Atreus.

"So, what's happening Tom? Any interesting news?" Atreus asked Tom.

"There is interesting news. Harry Potter just came to the pub!" Tom told Atreus with excitement in his voice.

Hearing that Atreus calmly drank his juice while asking Tom "The Boy-who-lived is in Diagon Alley, huh. Good to know."

Hearing his lacklustre tone, Tom asked "Aren't you excited about him?"

Atreus smiled at Tom and said "If the stories were true, then sure, I would be excited."

"Take that back!" Tom exclaimed.

Shaking his head, Atreus placed the money as he finished his juice and said "It's good to see you Tom."

Taking a Daily Prophet from one of the tables and reading the paper as Atreus walked to the back of the pub to enter Diagon Alley. 'Nicholas Famel was spotted for the first time over fifty years? Harry Potter is going to Hogwarts? My intuition is telling me that something big is going to happen.' Pondering for a moment, he shrugged his shoulders and said "If it comes down to it then I'll be using Taurus and Scorpius."

As he reached the brick wall, he tapped it as McGonagall showed him when they first came here.

Walking through the opening, he went around the Diagon Alley for some time. Buying some street foods, ice cream and lots of literature books, which contained some of the books written by Gilderoy Lockhart.

After buying the books, he went around window shopping for a bit. As he was not allowed to buy any potion ingredients, unless he is an apprentice to a Potions Master/Mistress.

After walking around for some time, Atreus went toward Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions to get his daily wardrobe that he had ordered.

When he entered the shop he heard someone asking a boy with glasses "Hogwarts, dear? Got the lot here. There's another young man being fitted up just now, in fact."

In the back of the shop, a boy with a pale, pointed face was standing on a footstool while a second witch pinned up his long black robes.

And when Madam Malkin was going to measure the kid, she saw Atreus. Seeing, she smiled as she spoke "Everything is in order Mr. Creed." Then looking at the kid, she said "I'll be back in a jiffy."

The boy just stood there not knowing what to do. The other boy looked at Atreus disdainfully as he said loud enough for Atreus to hear while shaking his head "Great! A mudblood is in here."

Atreus just raised an eyebrow at the boy, but didn't speak. The boy with glasses moved towards Atreus as his clothes were similar to the ones he had seen in the outside world.

Tilting his head, Atreus asked "What is it?"

"I'm new to this place. I know your clothes. What do I have to do here." The boy asked Atreus.

Hearing what the boy said, the other boy who was having his robes measurements taken passed by them muttering "Filthy mudbloods are everywhere."

There was no change in expression on Atreus's face, but the boy with glasses scrunched up his face in confusion. As the boy left, the boy with glasses said "I don't know what he's saying, but I think it's a bad word."

Nodding his head, Atreus was about to tell the boy what the word meant, but he was cut short as Madam Malkin's calling him out "Mr. Creed, here are your orders."

Looking through the wardrobe, he nodded and said "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome." She smiled at him.

Atreus smiled back and looking at the boy, he said "Tell you what. I am also a first year at Hogwarts, so let's meet at King's Cross. I have to urgently go somewhere else."

"Why there?" The boy asked, confused.

"You will know when you get your ticket. I'll wait there for you. My name is Atreus, what's yours?" Atreus introduced himself.

"I'm Harry." Harry told Atreus.

Placing his hand on Harry's shoulder, Atreus said "Well then, I bid you goodbye for now. Let's meet on September 1st."

"Okay." Harry said with a little bit of pained expression.

Atreus didn't say anything as he went out of the shop with his items. As he was walking towards the pet shop that he felt the connection with when he first arrived at Diagon Alley, he started to think 'That guy is all bones. Doesn't he get anything to eat? And what was that pained expression as if I placed my hand on injury? Child abuse? Nah.. Parents won't do that, would they? Whatever, I'll ask Kirby to look into it.'

After walking for a bit he reached The Magical Menagerie right opposite to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour.

When he opened the door and entered, every magical creature in the shop became silent and turned their head towards him.

Closing the door and not minding the stares from the creatures, Atreus closed his eyes and instinctively moved around the cages and reached a cage. Opening his eyes he saw a black and white coloured baby Niffler sleeping in the cage.

He took the cage with so much care and made sure that the Niffler wouldn't be disturbed by its sleep, he moved again in the same method.

This time when he opened his eyes, he was looking at a black and white coloured Great Horned Owl with big yellow eyes. It was staring at him in the eye too, and suddenly, it started to make some noise.

*Hoot* *Hoot*

Smiling, Atreus held the owl cage in his other hand and brought them to the counter. The shopkeeper of the store looked at both cages and said "The Niffler is seventy galleon and the owl is only ten galleons."

Nodding his head, he handed the shopkeeper eighty galleons and exited the shop with two pets in his hands. As soon as he came out of the shop, he called for his trusty house elf "Kirby."


With two quick apparitions, Atreus along with his pets reached House of Creed.

Opening the owl cage, Atreus said to the owl "Your name will be Iris."

*Hoot* *Hoot*

The owl nodded its head up and down as it made its noise of approval of the name.

Smiling, Atreus turned to, now awake Niffler. Opening the cage, he placed his hand inside and said in a soft voice "Come on little guy, I'm not gonna hurt you."

Still looking at Atreus warily, the baby Niffler slowly approached his hand. As Atreus didn't move his hand, the baby Niffler smelled his hand and licked it. After understanding that there are no dangers, the baby Niffler got on his palm.

Taking his hand out of the cage with the Niffler in his palm, Atreus said "Your name will be, Theia."

Theia, climbed up to his shoulder from his palm swiftly and nuzzled its snout at his cheek.

With one hand scratching Iris, and with other hand patting Theia, Atreus called out "Kirby."


"Yes, Littlest Master?" Kirby asked as soon as he appeared.

"I want you to investigate Harry, he's a boy I met at Diagon Alley, he looked like a No-Maj born. I have marked him, just understand what's happening to him."

"Yes Littlest Master." Kirby said.

"Oh! When you're coming back, buy some treats for Iris." Atreus told Kirby as he apparated away from the house.

And Atreus just played with Iris & Theia.