
Harry Potter & The Honey Badgers

An orphaned wizard is entering Hogwarts along with the famous Harry Potter.

Mustelidae · Movies
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13 Chs


After apparaiting away from his Littlest Master, Kirby arrived at Dursleys. He felt some blood wards that were covering the entire house and with only that, Kirby understood that there were some higher powers acting here.

For a full day Kirby observed the boy named Harry, whom Littlest Master wanted to investigate. For what purpose? Kirby didn't ask, but now he knows.

The boy is being made to work without a break, he has injuries all over his body, he's given enough food so that he wouldn't die, and finally Kirby found out who the boy truly is.

"The-Boy-Who-Lived!" Kirby muttered in daze.

After coming out of his daze, Kirby appariated back to House of Creed. And searched for his Littlest Master and found him in the training room with Iris and Theia.

With Iris flying around and Theia curiously looking around and taking in everything in the room.

As soon as Atreus noticed Kirby he asked "You're back?"

"Yes, Littlest Master and I found out about Harry Potter!" Kirby told Atreus.

"He's Harry Potter huh, I thought so." Shaking his head, Atreus asked "So what did you find?"

"Harry Potter is treated as a slave there! He has injuries too! He got little food! And he got bad clothes!" Kirby told everything that he saw at Dursleys.

Atreus was surprised hearing that and said "I thought he will be having a loving family and a fantastic childhood. But, treated as a slave? Man, is the wizarding world in for a rude awakening."

Chuckling at his own remarks, Atreus told Kirby "Kirby, from now on give him meals three times a day."

"Same food as Littlest Master?" Kirby asked.

"Yeah, same as me. And also prepare some veggies for Theia and bacon for Iris." Atreus told Kirby.


Kirby disappeared from the training room to the kitchen to prepare three sets of meals for his Littlest Master, Harry Potter and for himself. Along with it, he started to prepare food for Iris and Theia.

From that day onwards, Kirby will apparate to the Dursleys and give the food to Harry Potter.

The first day Kirby appeared in Harry Potter's room with food, Harry Potter jumped and asked Kirby with a tinge of fear "What are you? And how did you get in here?"

Nodding at Harry, Kirby said "Kirby is Littlest Master's house-elf."

Tilting his head, Harry asked, confused "Littlest Master?"

"Atreus Creed is Kirby's Little Master." Kirby told Harry.

"Atreus send you here?" Asked Harry surprised.

Kirby nodded at that and said "Littlest Master said that you don't look well, so Kirby observed you and found out you don't get food. So Littlest Master told Kirby to bring food."

"Thanks, I guess?" Harry said, unsure of what to say.

Given the food, which is Sunday Roast, This dish is made up of: roasted beef, roast potato, Yorkshire pudding, stuffing, a selection of vegetables, roast parsnips, Brussels sprouts, peas and broccoli and on top of it was gravy.

Looking at Harry, Kirby said as Harry started to eat the dish with relish "Sunday Roast contains everything a boy needs to grow tall. Littlest Master eats it for dinner. The meat will change every day so do the veggies. Kirby will bring breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday till Hogwarts."

Hearing that, Harry stopped eating and said "But if my aunt sees this, she will beat me up."

"When Kirby comes, no one will come to you." Kirby told Harry.

Nodding at Kirby, Harry went back to eating his food.

After finishing it, Harry told Kirby "Thank you."

Smiling at Harry, Kirby snapped his fingers and the plates disappeared from Harry's hands and he was amazed by it.

"Then Kirby will come morning." Saying so, Kirby disapparated from Harry's room.

Harry seeing Kirby disappearing from his room muttered in amazement "Wicked!"


With a pop, Kirby apparated to House of Creed first and told everything he found out in the house to Atreus.

After hearing all of it, Atreus muttered to himself "The house he's staying in doesn't have anything related to magic. I'm pretty sure that he doesn't know anything about the Wizarding World, Hogwarts or about himself for that matter." Pondering for a bit, Atreus came to a decision and told Kirby "Kirby, I need you to give him four books. The History of Magic, Hogwarts: A History, The-Boy-Who-Lived and finally History of Wizarding Britain. One for each week, and tell him that he has to complete each book in one week. And also tell him that he can return the books when we meet at King's Cross."

"Kirby will do as Littlest Master says." Kirby nodded at Atreus.

Smiling at him, Atreus said "Now, it's time for sleep. As usual, go to the orphanage and sleep in my stead, from tomorrow onwards I'll be staying in the orphanage and come here at night time."

"Alright." Kirby said and led Atreus to his room.

Getting on his bed, Atreus cradled Theia protectively and said "Goodnight Kirby, Theia and Iris."



"Goodnight, Littlest Master."


Kirby apparated to the orphanage room where Atreus was staying before knowing he's a wizard and having a house of his own.

The next morning, Kirby disapparated from the orphanage and started to prepare breakfast for three and snacks for Iris and Theia.

After the food was prepared, which was a full English breakfast, containing eggs, sausage, ham, peas, mushrooms and a glass of milk. As Kirby placed them down on the dining table, in front of Atreus, and both of them started to eat their breakfast.

As they were eating, Atreus asked Kirby "Kirby, do you know how to cook dishes from other countries?"

"Kirby knows how to cook Indian, Chinese, Italian and Japanese." Kirby said.

"Good. Then from now on, let's eat different styles of food. But make sure that everything is healthy." Atreus told Kirby and went back to his breakfast.

"Kirby will make sure." Said Kirby as he also went back to his breakfast.

After finishing their breakfast, Kirby went to clean the plates, while Atreus told Theia and Iris that he will not be with them in day time, which caused Iris to be angry at Atreus and Theia began to cry and clung to Atreus.

After being defeated by their assaults of cuteness and violence, Atreus relented and told them "I'll come here whenever I get a chance. But, I have friends there and a matron is also there. I have to stay with them for at least a month as I won't be able to spend time with them when I go to Hogwarts. And don't worry I'll bring you both with me to Hogwarts."

With arrangements in place, Atreus went back to the orphanage and stayed there for a whole month playing with the little kids there and helped out the matron as much as he could, without using magic.

Similarly, Kirby went to Dursleys to give Harry meals and books, which Harry cherished as he understood most of the things he didn't and he knew how famous he was and that made him a bit afraid.