
Harry Potter: The bored Prodigy

A modern genius, who is bored with life and has no emotions for other people, dies. For his deeds he gets the chance to reincarnate with three wishes. See as he lives his life in hope to find some excitement. And who knows on the way he might find what it is like to feel emotions for other people then himself. Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Harry Potter in this fan fiction, except the changes and additions I did to the story. (Don't know if this is relevant but saw it a few times and just want to be safe)

Riri_san · Movies
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Chapter 8 - Encounter of Fate

[End of the last chapter]

As we both looked into each other's eyes we both felt the connection between us deepen, as if fate brought us together. We both didn't know what our future would look like or what our relationship would be like but we knew that we would walk down the same path, together.


After looking her into the eyes and feeling deeper into our connection for a long time I finally snapped out of it. I knew exactly that my magic guided me towards her and after seeing her condition I wanted to help her. I was shocked, I never was really kindhearted or compassionate but when I look at the girl in front of me something inside me just wants to help her. It was a new feeling, something I never really cared about but in front of her it felt natural and I didn't mind the change in myself. And so I decided that I would follow my instincts.

"A pleasure to meet you little girl, my name is Mikael Lestrange. Do you want to follow me?" I asked her in the most gentle voice I could come up with while extending my hand towards her.

And after a few seconds the girl took my hand, as if her instincts told her to do so as well, and all I could hear from her was a simple "Um".

"Then let's go home. Hold tight and don't panic" I said with a smile after she took my hand and with that I apparated into the wooden shack I call my home.

After we arrived inside the wooden shack I looked towards the small girl still holding my hand and despite apparating and feeling dizzy she only wavered for a short moment before collecting herself and standing straight again.

"Are you ok?" I asked while looking into her eyes to which she just nodded her head.

"Good, then first of all let's get you back to normal" I said and at the same time Taya popped out in front of us to welcome me back.

"Welcome back Young Master." Taya said and wanted to continue until she saw the girl holding my hands so she asked obviously a little confused "Did the Young Master bring a guest home?"

Taya's sudden appearance startled the girl, which is why she quickly hid behind me and only peeked her head from behind me while watching Taya with caution.

"It's okay, you don't have to be scared." I said in a gentle and calm tone to which the girl looked up to me "This is Taya, my house elf, and I hope you can go with Taya so she can wash you and dress you in something nice." I continued

After hearing that the girl just stood behind me, first looking at me then at Taya obviously thinking about what she should do. After a minute of thinking she nodded again with a small "Um".

"Perfect." I said and then turned to Taya "Taya I want you to take care of her. Wash her, give her some cloth and some positions to nourish her as well as for her wounds and scars."

"Of course Young Master, Taya will help the Young Master's guest with everything the Young Master said" Said Taya obviously happy that we had a guest for the first time while I walked towards her and convinced the girl to give Taya her hand.

"Go with Taya and let her take care of you. Take as much time as you need and if you are ready we will eat together." I said with a smile before Taya and the girls started to walk towards our guest room.

After the girl and Taya went out of sight I walked towards the living room and threw myself onto the sofa. After a short while I sorted out my thoughts and began to think about what happened today. As expected I achieved everything I needed to do, with the most important part of becoming the Lord of both House Lestrange and House Black. But after coming out of Gringotts everything went totally unexpected. I mean don't get me wrong, as usual I enjoy unexpected and new things because it makes my life exciting and that is exactly what I wished for and hoped to achieve by coming to this world. But it was not just unexpected, it was more like something impossible, for me at least, happened.

I already knew that my magic was different and could guide me through life if needed, so even after following the connection and seeing the girl in front of me it was not something surprising for me.

What I meant is that I felt a whole wave of new emotions as well as protective towards the girl and the thing that confuses me the most, I am not even sure why I feel that way.

All those emotions and thoughts are things I never felt before and I honestly don't know what I should think about it. I realised it only a few years prior but after coming to this world I felt a lot of different emotions I never felt in my previous life. Let's start with my mother. I don't want to admit it but after the short time of one and a half years I spent with my mother, Bellatrix Lestrange, I felt a kind of attraction towards her. I can't describe it but when I reflect on my behaviour towards her during the short time we spent together I did a lot of things I usually would never do. And even now I find myself occasionally thinking about her when I go to bed. I keep thinking about why I feel that way or why I think about her or why my chest gets a little heavy when I think about how she gets tortured in Azkaban and the only logical conclusion, even if it was hard to admit, is that I started to develop feelings or even love towards her. But despite all those things I still wanted to deny it. However now I met this new girl I never met before and again I have those emotions I never had before.

So after thinking about this I came to the conclusion that after everything I felt and did, it must be empathy and love. Something I never felt in my previous life and didn't think I would ever need. The urge to care for other people's emotions and help them or even something like a family. After taking all this into consideration the only logical explanation for all those emotions is that the bond I have with magic and nature itself influenced me and gave me the ability to feel those emotions. I felt it during my time I spent with animals, in nature and especially with Taya and Sabra, the bond I have with nature and magic gave me the ability to feel more emotions towards those I have a strong bond with and the more they are part of my life the more I feel towards them. That should be why I feel at home in nature and near animals and that is why I picked up Sabra and even the girl. I want a home and a family, something I never had in my previous life.

Despite coming to this conclusion I know that I can't change myself in a short time and I will probably feel indifferent towards others I don't have a connection with but I decided I still want to try and embrace those new changes and experience how a family and a home could feel. And unknowingly a small smile started to form on my face, a real smile, which could be counted as one of the first since coming to this world.

And while I was lost in all those thoughts and I came to this realisation a few hours went by and I was brought out of it by Taya and the girl coming into the room.

"Young Master, Taya did everything the Young Master ordered and Taya brought the Young Master's guest." Taya said

"Thank you Taya. Then please go and prepare our dinner." I said returning to my usual demeanour.

"The Young Master does not have to thank Taya. Taya will do everything the Young Master wants her to do." And with that she went out of the room while I turned my focus towards the girl.

Despite all efforts and potions you could still see how malnourished she is but you could also take a look at her appearance. Her body was thin and you could still see some scars her cloth couldn't cover. She has raven black hair and dark violet eyes. Nearly the same violet eyes as mine and yet so different, but I was still lost in a daze when I looked into them.

I was brought out of my short daze when the girl started to look down towards the ground and gript the ends of her dress tighter. She must obviously be afraid of the whole situation and my stare did not help with that.

"You don't have to be afraid, nobody will do anything to you while I am around" I said, to which she looked up again.

"So can you tell me your name? I didn't ask before because I thought you might be uncomfortable but I still should know how to address you, right?" I said again because I knew she wouldn't say anything.

After I asked for her name she just looked at me and I decided it would be for the best to give her enough time to answer.

"I-I d-don't have a name." She answered after a minute or so, in a voice barely notable if my senses were not enhanced with magic. Her voice was soft but you could hear the anxiety in it.

"Then do you want me to give you a name? Every person should have a name or else how could I address you when we talk." I asked again to try and ease her anxiety. And again I heard a small "Um." from her after some time passed.

"Hhmm. Then … I will give you the name … Olivia. Are you okay with that?" I asked. And again she just looked into my eyes and all I could hear from her was a small "Um." But despite that I could still hear a bit of joy in her voice.

"Okay, Olivia. Then let's go and eat something shall we?" To which I stood up, slowly walked towards her and extended my hand, which she, again after some hesitation, took.

After that we made our way towards the dining table and started to eat the dinner Taya prepared for us. During the whole time I nearly asked any questions and just let her enjoy her food and after dinner Taya guided her towards her room to let her rest for the rest of the day.

[Olivia POV]

As long as I can remember I lived in darkness. I never felt real love or warmth from anyone. I was born between two muggle-born wizards. My mother died while giving birth to me and my father couldn't even be called as such. After my mother died he blamed me for her death and was in so much grief that he neglected and abused me since I can remember. The only reason he didn't kill me was because I resembled my mother and was the last trace of her in this world. As soon as I could work I had to manage the household. I had to clean the house and cook, while my father drinked his grief away. And whenever he got drunk or felt like it he started to hit me or lock me up.

I never got a name from my 'father' and was just called 'trash' or other things. The way my 'father' spoke with me hurt the same way he hit me. And after a few years I started to believe that it was my fault my mother died and that I deserve it to be treated that way. But despite all those things and thoughts, somewhere deep in me, I still had some hope that one day everything would turn for the better and my suffering would end. But that hope became less as time went by.

The only reason I lived on and didnt kill myself was because my magic and my very being told me to live on. To just endure it some more as if telling me that if I just hold onto my life some more I would get the salvation I hoped for and everything I ever dreamed of. And so I lived on.

And when I was at my lowest, had no hope left and just wanted my miserable life to come to an end, I met him. It was at my darkest day just when I thought everything was over that I started to feel my magic again, pushing me forward and telling me to endure some more because everything would turn for the better soon and that feeling was stronger than ever before. But I didn't care anymore, I had no strength left and was prepared to die. And just when those thoughts dominated my mind I met him.

A boy who looked no more than 14 years old. He stood before me and looked me in the eyes, and as I looked at him I felt a bond towards him, the same bond I felt over all those years and I was lost and just stared at him. He who was as radiant as the sun, looking like an angel out of heaven itself. And for a short moment I thought I had died and he was here to take me to the afterlife.

But he just stretched out his hand and told me to come with him and I didn't know why but I instinctively grabbed his hand and followed him. He took me to his home, washed me, healed me and gave me food. He treated me with kindness and gentleness I never felt before in my entire life and it all felt just like a dream I never wanted to wake up from.

And when I finally had the courage and asked him why he helped me and did all this, he just said that our meeting was fate. That magic itself brought us together and we were fated to walk down the same path in the future. He told me I could stay with him, be a part of his family and gave me everything I could ask for. He showed me the ways of life and even bestowed a name upon me. He gave me the name Olivia and when I asked its meaning, he told me it was derived from the latin word 'olive' meaning peace, in the hope that I would live a peaceful life.

But even if we were fated, I knew I could never repay the kindness he showed me. He said to me that everyone should have a goal in life and work towards it and that is why I decided I would be his and would stay by his side even when the whole world turned against him. I would do anything for him because he became my sole goal in life, my light. An Angel who brought me salvation and now my master.


That moment would later go down in history as the day, two of the strongest wizards the world will, and had ever seen, met for the first time, as well as the start of a family known by nearly every being.


Hey guys, the author here.

Before you read this note of mine, as sort of a disclaimer, if you don't want to spend too much time on some thoughts of mine just skip to the next chapter because this will be a really long author's note. Like really long.

First of all, I said and thought I would drop the author comments after a few chapters, because I myself hate them when I read a web novel, but well I found out that if you are the author you find them quite important to communicate with the reader and show your thoughts for the next chapters. So yeah, enjoy. :)

So let's go back to the plot. After a lot of thought and after I read a lot of comments I finally came to the decision to put the main character into Slytherin. I know a lot of you wanted to put him in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, and if I am honest Hufflepuff was the house I had in my mind for a long time as well. Well some wanted him to go to Gryfindor but if I am honest I don't see any traits that speak for Gryfindor. Well back to the topic, after reading your comments and going through the main characters' traits as well as my own thoughts on the story I came to the conclusion that Slytherin would be the best choice for the overall development.

One of the reasons is, that I am not sure if I want the main character to be like other pure bloods and think he is supreme and help them or something like that, or if the main character should think he is above everyone else, even the purebloods.

The next thing I want to talk about are the main characters' titles and claims. I know some of you don't agree with him becoming the Lord of Black but I think it is important to give him more authority and influence in the wizarding world and the Black family was the best call for that I guess.

And I am not entirely sure but I had the following thoughts. Sirius, by the way, not sure of his exact situation yet, but I guess he isn't imprisoned in Azkaban because the Potters are still alive. But he was still disowned and casted out of the Black family which means he has no longer any direct claim for the position of Lord Black. I don't know if it was like this in the original but in this fanfic it's like this. And Dracos claim is not as important as well. Bellatrix is the older sister of Narizssa and the main character was born before Draco. With that the main character's claim should be stronger than Draco's. But I must say this again I am not entirely sure this is just my train of thoughts and even if it makes no sense the main character still gets the Lord Black title.

Another thing is the harem. After reading the comments I am still not sure. A lot want a harem and a lot dont want one. I am not sure myself which is why I will write all relationships that I think could develop towards a love interest as close friends and leave the choice for later chapters.

Some potential love interests or friends are:

-Ava Potter

-Olivia (later Lestrange I guess, will become MC's adoptive sister)

-someone like Daphne Greengrass

-Hermione Granger ;) (But would like her to be bias towards MC when she learns of his name)

To the chapter in general, I had a lot of struggles writing it because I didn't know if it would be too boring or unnecessary. But I came to the conclusion that this chapter would be necessary to show the main character's character development, even if it is a bit fast paced. But I guess that should be fine as well because of all the time skips. After writing this I found out that a lot of words or topics repeated through the chapter but I didn't want to change the chapter any longer even if it is a little boring. The next chapter will be better I hope. :)

Well that was quite a long note right, and before some of you complain about wasting their time on those notes, well I told you didnt I. :)

On that topic, I don't know if I should post an extra chapter for those notes, but I think it should be fine if I post them at the end of each chapter, right?

With that said, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it and see you next time.
