
Harry Potter : multi-purpose system

shikamaru77 · Movies
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Then Alex and others then exited the store after they got the uniforms and dropped the weight on James and sirius. Lily then took them to eat ice cream and after that they went to the ollivanders.

As soon as the door opened ollivander smiled looking at them and said," Lily potter it seems yesterday that you visisted my shop along with James Potter and Sirius Black. 10¼ inches long, made of willow, and had a pheonix feather core, it is described as swishy and good for charms, am i right?".

Lily nodded with a smile and said," you certainly remember my wand sir", then ollivander turned to James and said," James Potter's wand was 11 inches long, made of mahogany, and possessed a dragon heart string core. The wand was pliable and as excellent for Transfiguration, am I right?".

James also nodded while ollivander turned to Sirius Black and said," 10 inches long, black thorn wood and dragon string core. It is flexible and is good for casting charms. Am I right?".

Sirius also nodded and said," today we're here for the wands of the children. They received their Hogwarts letters", while ollivander looked at the kids and replied," the wand chooses the wizard", they looked at each other.

While ollivander asked who will come first Susan is the one as she is the girl in the group. So she moved forward and oliwander measured her hand length and the. Her height.

After that he goes to a corrider and brought out a couple of boxes. Then he said," willow, unicorn hair core and 9 inches. Try it", Susan waved the wand but it caused to broke up and she placed it gently on the table.

Ollivander next to her said," no not this one", then he opened another box and gave her a short wand and said," hawthorn, dragon heart string, 9 inches. It is unyielding. Test it".

Susan nodded and wave again while the wand boxes on shleves start to fall. Susan then again placed the wand and looked at another box on top shelf and the brought it out then gave her a very short wand,"Oak, unicorn tail, 7 1/2", firm, test it".

Susan nodded and waved it while a warm current appeared from the wand. Sirius smiled and said," from now you're a witch Susan. Don't curse dad with the wand or else it might work and I'll be miserable".

Susan chuckled and nodded at sirius while Harry comes forward, ollivander took some boxes and finally a wand appeared," 11 inches, cherry wood and pheonix feather core try it".

Harry grabbed it while a current flow out of it giving harry excitement. Then Alex comes forward and commotion appeared while Alex facepalmed inwardly,' I fucking knew it, something will happen here but isn't this too much'.

The wands all started float around him and ollivander is amazed by this scene while Harry looked Alex enviously. Susan has stars in her eyes and want to rush towards Alex and hug him.

Alex smiled awkwardly and asked," mr ollivander. What is happening?", Ollivander himself don't know what is happening but judging from the situation the wands all wanted to select him as their user and is begging to chose them.

Alex just stood there in the middle while oliwander sighed and said," child it seems these wands aren't your match or else they won't come forward. I'll be back in a moment".

Ollivander moved back and brought a big box with ' inheritance and glory ', written on it. The box like ancient and has many wards on it. Ollivander dropped a droplet of his blood and the box immediately started moving and opned revealing only a few wand boxes not more than 6 in it.

At this time they didn't notice anityer girl is in the room looking at Alex with wide eyes as she saw the wands behaviour, the arrogant and proud Cassandra vole from pure blood vole family.

She wants to buy a special wand and is here of one. Now she is looking at the scene in front of her she is stunned. She don't even know what to say. She only looked at alex with a fire in her eyes. She must not lose to this one in front of her unknown to her two special charming auras from Alex started to work on her while she started to develop an obsessive crush on Alex unknowingly.