
Harry Potter : multi-purpose system

shikamaru77 · Movies
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51 Chs

the boy who lived part - 2

At evening they all get ready for the party. Alex looked at himself in the mirror. The perfect body liquid that he drank helped not to grow a perfect foundation but also increase his childish charm.

The lion's magic effects that merged with this magic also gave him a look a majestic and noble. He is now earing a formal suit blue in colour and is looking very eye catching for a child.

James even teased him to chase after girls now which Alex plans to do. He has the list modules not for a shown he needs more of them for this and also to live his fully. His first targets are Daphne, Luna,Ginny and also pansy if she looks cute as this is a world rather than boom describe her.

Hermoine has to wait until the start of the school which will be another 2 years. So now he is looking forward to meet the boy who lived. Because he knows nevile character in movies if he is like movies then nevile will be a good friend.

Alex took the hand of his parents and stepped into the fire place. When he comes out he saw a decorated giant hall with many people. He looked around while Lily tapped him on shoulder and took his hand.

They goes towards a old lady who is looking cold and noble. His parents satrted to talk then introduce him and Harry to her. She nodded with a smile and called," Nevile, come here".

A boy who looks a little different from the movies come forward. He is still the same personality but the difference is that he has a lightning scar on his forehead that Harry beside should've originally and he looks like he didn't want to talk anyone. So Alex doubts this guy is like nevile in the movie.

Maybe the gazes of everyone changed him or the horcrux inside him may have an influence. Alex looked at him while Harry did something that made him facepalm. Harry went straight to nevile and asked," wow, so you're the boy who lived. Can I see the scar?".

Nevile who is looking at least to have a small talk immediately lost his interest and has an indifferent gaze while Alex come forward and hit Harry on head then said," sorry about that. My brother here don't know much manners and the way to talk to others".

Alex smiled at him like normal and said," I'm Alex by the way", he stretched out his hand while Nevile shook it and Alex said," and this stupid here is my brother harry potter, it's nice to meet you Nevile".

He said with a smile instead of having a fanboy look or a wierd gaze at nevile like seeing him like some unknown animal in zoo. Nevile also smiled and after a few words nevile goes to see his grandmother who called him.

On the other hand Alex looked around the crowd and saw the greengrass family. They're said to be a nuetral faction. But over the years they wanted to get to ligjt factionnas grey one is very difficult. The dark faction that is the death eaters are threatenimg them.

This is discussed by his parents and he heard but as he is a child and don't have his previous life memories he don't have any thoughts as for opinion on it as the child Alex didn't even know what are factions.

So at that time he only heard it but now it's now the memories of his past life flooded he can make use of all this. Then an arrogant and mocking voice sounded," look what we have here the potter twins, the blood traitors".

Alex sighed when he heard this voice, who else it is but the arrogant rich and spoiled kid Malfoy. When he wanted to say more Alex who is already don't want to interact with Draco pointed his finger at him and cast the tongue lock curse he learned through system maguc spell books.

Immediately the mouth of Malfoy is sealed while he panicked and looked at Alex but Alex don't want this brat to mess with him. So he immediately activated the hunter's predator gaze.

The entire hall is swept with suppression and people felt suffocated and fear without any reason, Malfoy is even worse as the direct target he is very much affected by it. He almost peed his pants if it wasn't Lily who grabbed Alex and Harry fearing something will happen to them as no one knows Alex is the reason for the unnatural event.