
Harry Potter : multi-purpose system

shikamaru77 · Movies
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51 Chs

Luna Lovegood

The pressure vanished as soon as it appeared due to Lily grabbing Alex and Harry with her maternal love closing Alex's predator gaze. The hall went into a commotion and everyone discussed among themselves.

But as nothing happened after sometime they thought it may be a ward defect in longbottom's ancestral home and scratched it off. Even Augusta longbottom also felt it's the right conclusion and apologized to everyone and the party continued.

On the other hand Luna is staring at Alex continously, the staring began to intensify and Alex moved towards Luna. At this moment there are two persons beside the little girl her father Xenophilius and her mother Pandora.

According to what he read Luna's mother will die from a experiment. Well he'll try to warn her but didn't do much as a child talking about this will often taken as nonsense and most will ignore then there is also the blame which might come to him.

He goes towards them and said hello, pandora smilef at him and talked back while Luna is still staring at him intently without saying a word. Then she said something that made him froze," are you same as me? When I told mom and dad that I can see colorful lights around everyone and an aura they didn't believe me. Can you also see it?".

Xenophilius want Luna to not to talk about this but before he can say anything, Alex smiled and said," yes, I also can see that. In fact there is a colorful around you. But I also can see a black aura around Mrs Lovegood. It felt like a bad omen. Don't misunderstand me Mr and Mrs Lovegood. I only wanted to warn you about this. My eyes can also see the around a person. Your aura is slowly turning black like something is chasing you. Please take care of yourself".

He didn't lie Alex can see the aura around a person using those eyes. He felt something is gradually invading the life aura around pandora which confirmed his guess. Xenophilius wanted to refute those words.

But Luna said immediately," see dad, I told you I saw something black around mom sometimes. But you didn't listen to me and say it's just my imagination", Alex skiled at Luna whole Pandora fell into a deep thought.

After getting acquaintance with Luna he started to tell her about what he saw through his eyes and started exchanging experience with Luna. It is beneficial to him as Luna said she also can see through invisibile barriers and magic lingering around a particular place.

She also said that there are sometimes some tiny light balls floating around which will give warmth when she touched them and she felt something flow into her body. Alex is very interested in this. He didn't see any light balls.

It seems they're some kind of maguc particles that will help you unlock your magic. Luna also said as time passes she often sees them and sometimes around muggle areas they became less and less.

This confirmed his guess while pandora is listening to this intently. Even Xenophilius who is thinking it as nonsense became interested as he once read that there are maguc particles flowing in air that will help magicians to unlock magic, improve their reseves and even can help them to improve their strength.

He immediately wanted to type a report in quibbler about this. Luna on the other hand sometimes ask him about the aura around a person or living things as she said it's only a few times she saw it.

Alex then understood even the magic eyes also needs to be developed and they grow in different forms. He first needs to know how to unlock the other uses of these eyes. Something that is given by magic goddess itself won't be just this.

He even suspected the bloodlines is much more powerful but needs to be purified for further effects. So Alex decided to work on this while Luna asked him," can you turn your face or hair into anything. I want to see a metamorphagus please".

Alex blinked his eyes and asked how did Luna know this, to which she replied," your body is keep chnaging magic into something even your hair. I just guessed your a metamorphagus".

Alex smiled at her and he looked around when no one is looking he changed his face into Luna. Which brought a smile on her face. He then changed back, after a few words and discussions with pandora and Xenophilius he goes towards Daphne greengrass.