Harry had enough after four years of playing Dumbledore's stupid game. He is not gonna be a puppet that dances to the tunes of that old bastard anymore. He is gonna take matters into his own hands. And his so called friends, who are nothing more than Dumbledore's spies will finally suffer his wrath. ==== Disclaimer J. K. Rowling owns everything. I don't exert any ownership over anything.
The twins nodded their understanding. Then George added, "I'd stay as far away from ole Ronnikins as I could get for a bit, though. He's a might bit peeved since Mum promised him a new pet for the one you let escape on him a couple years back. He still won't admit that scrungy ole rat was anything but a normal rat. He was talking about getting a dog. A black, shaggy coated dog that would torment Hermione's cat for him for all the grief ole Crookshanks gave Scabbers. Course, she was counting on your funds to pay for it so he doesn't have it. Add to that the fact his books are clearly secondhand as well as his school robes and you got a real unhappy Ronnikins."
Fred snickered and said, "Mum even told him he couldn't deface the books as Ginny'd be able to use them next year if he didn't destroy them on her first since they took the same electives. Ginny wasn't happy with secondhand robes and books either but she's not as angry as Ronnikins is. Ronnikins was absolutely livid when he found there wasn't even enough coin for a snack bag to tide him over or for Hogsmeade trips. He'll more than likely try to hit you up for coin for that so he can satisfy his sweet tooth. Guard your money bag well, little partner, or he'll have it all before you know it."
"We did come up with some refinements on the plan to make them pay for how they've treated you if you're interested," said George.
"You are going to enact it aren't you?" asked Fred.
Harry had nodded and changed the subject to what pranks they had spent the summer developing and the plans for their shop. He didn't want any eavesdroppers getting a hint as to his plans before he could enact them. He was so unused to talking out loud now the twins had to listen very closely to understand what he was saying to them because his voice was whisper soft. Speaking to Steve and the people in the Alley over the last couple of days had gotten his voice working again but almost two months of no one to talk to at all had made it very soft and quiet. The rest of the meal passed in quiet conversation between the trio as the twins told Harry their plans and how they were making use of the winnings he had given them to launch their shop.
He listened carefully knowing that if he made it through this year, then he'd need to have a way to show he could take care of himself for the people who oversaw the emancipation of minors allowing capable minors to be seen as adults in all societies. He wouldn't be able to apply for it until he was free of the Castle, which was Dumbledore's domain, but it was in the back of his mind already. Had been ever since his Aunt had asked the goblin about the process for wizards and if Harry could use it to get out from under the control of the Old Man.
The goblin had told her he'd need to be able to show he was capable of supporting himself and he couldn't apply until he was at least fifteen. Though he was fifteen now and his vaults would show he had adequate means of self-support, it'd only emancipate him in the magical world. Since he lived in the muggle world, and the age there was sixteen, if he wanted to continue living at Privet Drive, he'd have to wait until the end of the upcoming July. Legal age of adulthood was seventeen in the magical world but eighteen in the muggle world. So while he could claim emancipation in the magical world at fifteen he had to wait until he was sixteen to claim it in the muggle world. Something the goblins would help him with as he needed a verifiable proof of solvency there just as he did in the magical world. With all his holdings and wealth being magical in nature he couldn't prove anything in the muggle world without their help and he knew it.
The goblin had also recommended Harry have another source of an income to back up his inheritance from his parents and godfather though those vaults could be used to prove financial independence if necessary. Lord of Five or not, an independent source of income was recommended when asking for early adult status.
Something he was bringing in on his own merit and not as a result of his ancestors largess, would be seen as better proof of his ability to care for himself in the future and be a beneficial adult to the community. This was the only thing he had that could qualify. Of course, the goblin had also said it was better if he could show good marks on his standard Owls, which was another reason Harry had decided to wait until after his sixteenth birthday to try for emancipation.
True to his suspicions, Harry was supposed to be back in the Gryffindor dormitory with the other boys his age. It seemed Professor McGonagal had been successful in her attempt to get him moved back into the tower this summer. Probably because he'd won the Tournament and Dumbledore didn't have a good enough argument against the move to counter her own. It never entered his mind that the old man wouldn't want him in the tower. He knew he wouldn't.
He carefully hid a sneer knowing none of them would understand why he wasn't eagerly looking forward to rooming with them again. But he'd given up on making amends with them or overtures to them after his second year when they'd been part of the group of students bad-mouthing him all over the Castle. He knew without having to be told they all expected him to be dancing for joy at being welcomed back to the tower again now that they'd forgiven him for getting into the contest last year. And none of them would understand why he wasn't. After all, wasn't he proud to be an honorable lion in good standing again? Their face of the generation to the masses?
As he told the twins, he had no intention of sleeping in the dorm though. No matter what anyone said about it. He didn't trust those students and he damn sure didn't trust the ones who'd be sleeping in the same room with him. The twins didn't take offense because they knew Harry wasn't referring to them. But also because they knew he was right. Gryffindor had betrayed Harry too many times already and for the most pathetic reasons. Far too many times. Forgiveness wasn't theirs to give. It was Harry's. And this year he wasn't giving it. Because none of them had asked for forgiveness at all. They hadn't even realized they should. Or needed to.
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