Harry had enough after four years of playing Dumbledore's stupid game. He is not gonna be a puppet that dances to the tunes of that old bastard anymore. He is gonna take matters into his own hands. And his so called friends, who are nothing more than Dumbledore's spies will finally suffer his wrath. ==== Disclaimer J. K. Rowling owns everything. I don't exert any ownership over anything.
Albus was in for a rude surprise though when he tried to give Harry's vassals their new orders for the year. Harry's modifiers would inhibit the trio's ability to carry out Albus' orders. Well, not all of them. Just the ones that they knew would act to endanger Harry or his reputation. The modifiers wouldn't allow them to lie to or about Harry any more which seemed to be a major part of the tasks they performed for Albus.
Granted, they didn't have to tell him everything Dumbledore asked them to do for him. But if he asked them a question about their orders they couldn't lie about the answer. Not if said order related to him anyway. Idly he wondered if they, or anyone really, had realized the trio could still lie if they wanted to. They could still lie, cheat and steal from and to anyone they wished. Just not to or about him any more.
Still with Albus back, Harry didn't want to be too visible in the school. The longer the man went without seeing him or remembering he was around, the better Harry's chances of finishing out this year and taking his Owls.
So he was spending his out of time class either in his rooms or in the library. Dobby was even bringing him his meals so he didn't have to run the risk of seeing the man in the Great Hall and getting a message to come to his office.
In his rooms, he was doing a lot of brewing figuring he'd return from the Headmaster's office in need of at least a headache draught. He knew the old man would spend a good portion of that time trying to attack his mind.
If for no other reason than to discover Harry's plans and secrets. And while he knew he could keep the old man out of his head, that didn't mean he'd be able to do so without suffering pain for the effort.
If he was in the library, he was working on his newest assignments or just discussing books he'd read over the summer with Madam Pince. He fully planned to take a great deal of Owl exams. Not all of which were available to the students of Hogwarts though most of them certainly should be.
With the Librarians help, he was working his way through subject matter there was no class for but which would help him live his life after he finished his schooling. He knew some of the Owls he planned to take he would have to take over the summer at the Ministry but that shouldn't be a problem so long as he did it before his birthday.
Minerva was still trying to figure out a way to get her favorite Lions to read the book she'd made copies of. She knew they needed to read the books so they could understand how the solution to their disfigurement was in their own hands. It had only been a couple of days but to her it felt like it'd been months already.
They were stubborn lions and they wanted to see Harry suffer for what he'd done to them. And they wouldn't hear a word she was telling them until she agreed to punish him. Hermione wanted him expelled. Immediately. Ron wanted the aurors called so he could be arrested because he had dared to raise his hand against a pureblood.
Ginerva wanted him forced to announce their betrothal at a school assembly so everyone would know she wasn't tarnished goods and was still a respectable girl. None of them would understand what they wanted wouldn't happen and didn't matter because it wouldn't happen.
She knew they also fantasized about standing up in the Great Hall with her and Albus confronting Harry over the marks and demanding he remove them while apologizing to the trio and admitting how inferior to them he actually was. To always follow their direction and do everything they told him to do when they told him to do it.
That it'd never happen was something they just couldn't seem to understand. Mainly because socially Harry Potter wasn't their inferior in any manner but they wanted him to be. Nor would either she or Albus force him into a position where he had to claim it to be true. Not even in a private setting. Certainly not in such a public place as the Great Hall.
Albus might try and make Harry apologize to them but that was mainly because Albus treated apologies like candy. Only words that held little if any meaning and cost you nothing to utter. But even if he did, it was unlikely to happen.
Harry was Lily's child. He didn't apologize when he felt he was in the right. And the fact they were wearing the runes clearly showed he was right. Magic wouldn't have placed them if he hadn't been. Therefore there would be no apology. Not from Harry to them anyway.
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