
Dangerous Decisions

Pomona chimed in from her seat next to Filius. "At any rate, given what we know occurred with the re-opening of the Chamber and who it was that opened it, I'd say Severus is right about her. It's the youngest Weasely who has the greater access to Dark Magic spells.

Because we don't know that all of Tom's essence was destroyed when Mr. Potter destroyed the book. For all we know, he's still influencing the girl. After all, she was corresponding with the personification of He Who Must Not Be Named while my understanding is that Mr. Potter doesn't do so under any circumstances. Mr. Potter may feel it when he's around and he may even see things he's doing, but he doesn't seek contact with him as she so clearly did."

"And there is also the fact that Mr. Potter has made it very clear he doesn't like being around that girl. Ever. From her very first steps in this school he has consistently made it clear he doesn't want anything to do with her. She is the one who has always forced her presence on him. With the help of those other two you're so fond of, of course."

"To me, that seems to be a pretty clear indicator that maybe she does still have some of him floating around in her head. Tainting her actions and decisions. I do know every time that man has been around in one form or another, Mr. Potter has fought him to make him go away again. But he can't fight her, can he? Because she's a student here. One you favor. You must remember, Minerva. She didn't fight him at all. She invited him in. Much like Quirrel did. Because she thought he wanted to be her friend. So I'd say if any child of your tower was predisposed to going dark it'd be her. Not Mr. Potter."

Madam Umbridge scribbled furiously as she wrote down what the Head of Hufflepuff had just revealed. Ginerva Weasely was possibly tainted with dark magic from a Dark Matter object she possessed in her first year of schooling. Going to be a dark witch when she grew up.

A clear threat to the stability of the Wizarding society. Evidence: Potter, who was something of a dark magic monitor, didn't like being near her. Potter did destroy Dark Matter object the Weasely girl used. Professor Quirnus Quirrel possessed by Dark Matter of some type. Potter eradicated it in his first year? Scar seems to be conduit allowing Potter to identify Dark Matter taints and objects. Conclusion: Make effort to get Potter to work for Ministry as a Dark Matter identifier? The other Professors would've paled had they realized what she was writing down.

Severus' lips had thinned and his nostrils were whiter than normal and pinched tightly, letting her clearly see just how angry he really was with her judgement of Mr. Potter. As Minerva was reeling from the remarks of her fellows, he spoke with clear condemnation in every word.

"I've stood by for the last four years now and put up with your leaps of judgement on him and his character, saying next to nothing as you went from being a staunch supporter to one of the masses condemning him for things far beyond his control and way outside of his ability to understand or counter. Always, I've stood in the shadows ready to do your job and rescue him as you cast him out as prey for the vultures to feed on. I did my job, keeping him alive because someone had to do it. And I swore an oath I would. For damn sure, it wasn't going to be you though it should've been. You're his Head of House. Not me."

"I don't cast him or any other student out as prey for the vultures, Severus," Minerva spat. "It's not my fault if he insists on going where he's been forbidden to go and sticks his nose in where it doesn't belong."

"No, it's the fault of those brats you like so much! Haven't you realized that yet? What do you think those runes are for? Did they just forget his birthday or something?" Severus spat back.

She ignored his outburst to finish what she'd been trying to say, "Every action he's undertaken that's gotten him injured is because he broke the rules and went where he wasn't supposed to be."

Pomona and Filius shared a look while quietly muttering, "And thank Merlin for that," as both of them knew without Mr. Potter they would've lost a student back in his first and second years and quite possibly in his third as well.

Well, they had lost a student during Mr. Potter's second year and been the site for the death of others from outside the school during his third and fourth years. Hell, there had been a person who died in his first year as well. But Potter hadn't killed any of them. Or at least he hadn't been the reason they died. And they had lost a student in his fourth year as well. Again it wasn't Potter's fault but still Cedric Diggory had died on school grounds while he was enrolled as a student.

Neither Severus nor Minerva were paying them any attention however. "As the children would say; Wanna bet?," Severus sneered at her.

"While you've stood in support of all your other lions, that isn't true for him, is it? And isn't that the same thing as casting him out for the birds of prey to feed on? You tell me, Minerva.

When exactly did he ever have you on his side? Because I've been thinking about it and I can't remember you ever once being there to rescue him when he needed help. I can, however, remember who it was who sent him into the Forest of Death at midnight to track down a killer. A small, undersized, clearly malnourished child was told his punishment for being out of bed after curfew was to go into the Forest long after curfew. To track down a killer specializing in killing the most innocent of all creatures. A creature so fleet of foot they are nearly impossible to catch. Yet you had no problem sending a first year to go look for whatever was hunting and killing them.

I didn't send him out there. Neither did Filius or Pomona. Not even Mr. Filch who terrorizes the students with his off-the-wall tortures as punishment did that. Nor was it the Dark Lord's doing, Minerva. That was your doing. His own Head of House. Someone he should've been able to believe would never endanger his life just to see him punished for a minor wrong doing."

"And it was a minor infraction that every student who comes here does at least once. Most more than once. But because it was him, you threw the book at him and decided one book wasn't enough to make an appropriate impact. You threw a whole stack of books at him. Didn't you?

You decided it was appropriate to risk his life and safety. You sent four eleven year old children into danger because they embarrassed you. Three of them extremely important children, two of which have enough connections to make all our lives hell if something bad occurs to their offspring. But you didn't even think about that, did you?

The one most of our society wouldn't have turned a hair over, you begged Hagrid to keep a special eye on because you liked her. So he kept her glued to his side while letting the other three fend for themselves. But her being present was a large part of the reason you threw the book at him wasn't it?

You didn't like him involving her in what you saw as his rule breaking and embarrassing behavior, did you? She had a pleasant detention while he got the living snot scared out of him and came very close to being killed. By the creature hunting and killing the unicorns."


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