
Harry Potter and Wicked Man

Something completely written for fun. I don't care about reviews, or stones, or praise, or criticism... I don't know when I will post the next chapter, maybe in a month, maybe in two. Basically anyone who has read my other stuff knows how I feel about everything. So if anyone feel offended... I don't care.

MedTryglaw · Movies
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6 Chs

004 Escape


Today was definitely a good day, we could finally close some old cases and burn our whole fucking past... "Old bastard died yesterday evening, so now we can finish with the Twardowski family."

"It's about time, their family has been protected for too long, do we have the minister's approval?" I could always count on Septimus, or at least his eagerness, if he had only been focused more on getting the job done than torturing the targets. All my associates seemed excited about this news... we have been cleaning up the mess of all sorts of politicians and officials for years, and the case of the Twardowskis remained open for too long. "Yes, but we have to do it so that nothing points to the ministry... The minister seeks re-election, and the destruction of the pureblood family will not help him with that."

"What a crap, the minister takes bribes, head of the department likes to fuck kids..." Such talks will make us the next target... bunch of morons.

"hahaha... but only muggle-borns, and if a few of them disappear, no one will even notice." What an idiot... so many years in the service and he hasn't learned yet that some things are not said out loud, and not even thought about. You never know who's listening. "Marek shut the fuck up... because not only the Twardowski family will disappear."


It has been a few days since my invention was created, I put my paperwork in order to close intellectual property and patent matters, but I still had to tell my parents about the invention and to take me to the ministry... but then things took an unexpected turn.

I was already sleeping, when I heard the sounds of fighting coming from the living room, I immediately got up and went downstairs to check what was going on. Although in theory I can apparate, I have never tested it... and testing this skill in the face of a threat is a big mistake. I have become too lazy, too sure of the safety that my new parents and my new life give me... apparently when the shark stops swimming it sinks, it was similar in my old profession. You stop paying attention and you get hit by a rival criminal group or law enforcement... sometimes it's one and the same.

Leaning carefully from behind the stairs, I saw my parents fight against four other black-robed wizards with veiled faces... It did not look good, my parents mainly defended themselves, hardly attacked, it was easy to deduce from the manner of movement, speed and efficiency that the attackers had a lot of experience and skill in combat.

I was able to help my parents but... no, there was no but. If these four wizards win, I will be their next target, I didn't know if they were criminals, enemies of my family or someone from the ministry... so I need to help them.

I hid behind the stairs and cast an invisibility spell on myself... and went to the living room. Avoiding fallen furniture and reflected spells, I managed to sneak behind the backs of two attackers... I raised both my hands higher and mentally uttered "Petrificus Totalus"... a second later, I saw a purple light and two hostile wizards fell to the floor of the living room. This surprised the other two to the point where they forgot about my parents for a while... which cost them their lives.

I made myself visible again, which surprised my mother and father. "Sambor?! What are you doing here?! By Merlin's beard... how?!"

"Mom, you always say I'm a genius... well I am." Further explanations may await, two of the attackers are dead and two are paralyzed. "Mom, Dad, I'll explain everything later... but now pack your essentials, but not too much, and give me a few minutes. When you get back, you or father will cast Fiendfyre, then we apparate to a safe place, think if you know any."

I don't know if it was because of the emotions associated with the attack and shock or if they decided to trust me... but they left me alone. I summoned the large mirror in the living room with a spell and made it levitate over one of the lying wizards.

"What do we have here? An adult wizard defeated by a seven-year-old child. I will explain your situation... You are paralyzed, but you can feel pain and see everything I do to you in the mirror... and I will do many things." I haven't tortured anyone for a long time and I was excited like a child for Christmas who can't wait to unpack the presents... unfortunately I only had a few minutes, so I picked up the wand lying next to the man from the floor... "I'm gonna fuck you up"

I used all the methods known to me to inflict pain on him... fire, plucking nails... unfortunately I heard the voices of my parents approaching, so I had to use legilimency... I grabbed the man's head with both hands and uttered a spell.

I didn't feel any resistance, but it wasn't a pleasant experience for me, it was very chaotic, a mixture of memories, feelings and fear. I dived deeper and deeper, after a few seconds I found what I was looking for... The four men who attacked our house were talking about my family. That someone died and that the minister wanted to get rid of us because we lost protection.

I needed no more information, criminals can be fought as well as enemies... but the ministry has more people, techniques, skills and opportunities than any other criminal group in the world. So at the moment, running away was the only reasonable option.

I looked into the man's eyes, he was broken, there was no will to live in him, only emptiness. "Thank you, you've been extremely useful, but we have to say goodbye."

I quickly cast a spell on the mirror, which broke into several dozen smaller pieces... When my parents entered the room, they saw the bodies of the attackers pierced by shards of glass. "Sambor?!"

"We have to run, do you know a safe place?"