
Harry Potter and Wicked Man

Something completely written for fun. I don't care about reviews, or stones, or praise, or criticism... I don't know when I will post the next chapter, maybe in a month, maybe in two. Basically anyone who has read my other stuff knows how I feel about everything. So if anyone feel offended... I don't care.

MedTryglaw · Movies
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6 Chs

003 Genius

My magical powers appeared when I was two years old. It wasn't some cosmic event, I wasn't levitating, I didn't speak some unknown language, my head didn't rotate around my neck. I just woke up and could do magic, and from that day I started practicing all the spells from books and movies... and it was easily for me, with the exception of Avada Kedavra, Crucio, Imperio and Patronus, I tried to test the first three on our cat, but without the desired effect, the animal just got scared and I got a nosebleed... probably I was too weak or cats really have nine lives.

Four years have passed since I obtained my magical abilities... I was six years old and I can read fluently and I could use basic spells... my abilities were greater, but that was all I decided to show my parents, as a reward I got permission from them to use the home library, in fact I got permission from my mother, and my father was faced with a fait accompli... and the first thing I focused on were runes and spells related to the sound and space, although the library was not large, I found the information I needed.

Another year passed for me.

"What is my little genius doing?" I heard my mother's voice behind my back, it was terribly irritating to be treated like a child, but to her I was a child. I turned to the door where my mother stood, "I'm not a genius, I'm just stubborn."

Being called a genius is always nice, but when your own mother calls you that word loses its meaning... I've seen it in my past life, women uploaded pictures of their children to the internet and praised everything they did... the child could eat the crayons, and they thought he would be the new artist of the era.

"I know you love your books, but you should play with your peers more often. Maybe I'll invite a few children and you will play with them?"

Yes, that was what I dreamed of... spending time with the amoebas that eat their own snots... I decided to ignore my mother's words, she won't listen to me anyway and will do whatever she wants. "Mom, I need two two-way mirrors, but unconnected, a phantom crystal, a copper wire and a small jewelry chisel." It was not the first time that I asked for a similar set, the only difference was in the crystals.

I tried to create a mobline mirror or a smartmirror, I left the name of this invention for later... The crystals were to act as telephone exchange / server, and the copper wire was a primitive form of antenna, all reinforced with runes and spells... since magic was something new to me and my previous engineering experience was limited to planting bombs on competition cars, this task was extremely difficult... and I have been working on it since I got access to the library.

(Fathers POV)

I did not know how to raise this topic, but I could not delay any longer, my wife thinks that Sambor is a genius and yes, she is right, but there is something behind this genius. "Don't you think our son is a little weird?" If eyes could kill, my wife's eyes were like those of a basilisk.

"What do you mean?"

Basilisk gaze and icy voice... I'm going to sleep on the couch tonight. It always ends like this when I somehow criticized our son... "Sambor does not like other children, he does not like toys, even our cat avoids him. When I wanted to give him a broom, he asked what the lifting capacity was and whether it could be remotely controlled... these are not questions the child will ask."

"And you think it's a weird? Your uncle Aleister had sex with animals, and not as an animagus... and our cat avoided him too. So think before you say something stupid."

I knew that I would not convince her and that she would not understand me... and why she keeps coming back to the Aleister thing. Once or twice he has had sex with a goat or a sheep during an orgy, it's not like that was his hobby... and I'm 90% sure that it was with her consent.

(End POV)

(Mother POV)

My husband was oversensitive and it did not surprise me, I even understood him... considering the history of our family and the surveillance by the ministry, but to say that our son is strange because he asks inquisitive questions is a big exaggeration, even for him. At first, Sambor's serious behavior surprised me as well, but sometimes some children have more talent than others, and the more I watched him, the more I was convinced that our son is a genius... as for my husband, night on the couch will do him good.

(End POV)

Two weeks of work and finally everything was ready for testing, I hope that this time nothing will explode or catch fire. "Enchanted two-way mirrors, antenna, crystal... safety glasses, I have everything and it's good that I know Aguamenti."

A moment of waiting... a magical connection with a crystal... few seconds later, the first phase was successful. I checked the mirror and the crystal to be sure... the temperature rose slightly, but it was not a problem.

"The connection with the crystal is stable, now it has to send this connection to the second mirror... 365 days, 8 to 10 hours a day, hundreds of trials and tests. I have never worked so hard in my life." Fuck... I need to stop talking to myself, even for me, it's creepy.

A moment of truth... the surface of the mirror glowed with a blue light. "Yes, Yes, Yes... it worked."