
Harry Potter and the Invincible Bookworm

This is not my book, i am simply translating another for writing practice.

Daoistmz6tiS · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

Chapter 17

Time flowed by as Aaron immersed himself in diligent practice. His focused studies of Occlumency continued earnestly, even in the absence of a practice partner. Each day, he dedicated himself to honing this important skill.

Thanks to the magic power potential-enhancing potion, Aaron's magical abilities flourished, free from the risk of uncontrollable magic surges. Maintaining a healthy balance between work and leisure was essential, allowing him occasional indulgences in the joys of the world around him. When Aaron proposed inviting Harry Potter to his home for a visit, the entire Harris family readily agreed. In preparation for Harry's arrival, Mrs. Harris went all out, deep-cleaning the house and sending Daisy on a shopping spree for ingredients.

"This young man has truly faced his fair share of challenges. Everyone remembers him for defeating the Dark Lord, but it can't be easy for him to be treated so poorly by his own relatives," Mrs. Harris sighed as she waved her wand to remove a stubborn stain from the wall.

Indeed, due to the upheaval caused by the arrival of Harry's Hogwarts acceptance letter, his relationship with his aunt's family had reached an all-time low. They virtually ignored him, and Harry's growing curiosity about the magical world only widened the divide. Apart from Aaron's visits, Harry spent most of his time secluded in his room, poring over his school textbooks. Harry's newfound diligence and interest were a direct result of Aaron's influence.

While engrossed in his studies, an owl with a purposeful demeanor flew in through the window. Harry rose from his bed and hastened to the table, where Owl Edward had already extended its left leg with an air of importance. Unfurling the parchment, Harry read the message:

Dear Harry,

I will pick you up at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning to bring you to my home. My entire family is excited to welcome your visit.

Sincerely, Aaron Harris

Without hesitation, Harry sat down at the table, dipped his quill in ink, and penned his response to Aaron. The prospect of the upcoming day filled him with anticipation.

The next morning, Harry meticulously packed his belongings, his excitement palpable. He wondered how Aaron would arrive to collect him; he secretly hoped for a normal mode of transportation, perhaps a regular bus.

As the clock's second hand approached ten, Harry gripped Aaron's letter with a mixture of eagerness and nervousness. Uncle Vernon, tightening his tie, checked himself in the mirror before glancing at Harry skeptically. "Are you absolutely certain someone will be here at ten to pick you up?" He paused, then quickly added, "We're heading to Aunt Marge's, so I hope your peculiar friend arrives on time."

While Harry was tempted to retort that Aaron wasn't peculiar, Uncle Vernon's fixation on punctuality for their impending family visit persuaded him otherwise. Suppressing his urge to argue, Harry merely nodded, his gaze focused on the clock.

Finally, the clock's hands aligned at ten, and just as the doorbell chimed, Harry was already at the entrance in a matter of seconds. Aaron Harris stood before him, a warm smile gracing his face, and Mr. Harris held two boxes of black tea, acknowledging Uncle Vernon with a polite nod.

Uncle Vernon's eyes narrowed as he appraised Mr. Harris, but a broad and effusive smile quickly emerged on his face. The reasons for his change in demeanor were obvious – the gleaming Mercedes-Benz emblem parked outside and Mr. Harris's dignified appearance were enough to impress anyone. Courtesy dictated that one acknowledge a person of Mr. Harris's stature, just as most people would.

Amid Uncle Vernon's welcoming gestures, Aaron exchanged a knowing look with Harry. After their numerous interactions, Aaron had developed a keen understanding of Uncle Vernon's character. It was no surprise that he subscribed to the "respect the rich and powerful" principle, a sentiment shared by many. Yet, Aaron was equally keen on ensuring his father received the respect he deserved, while Mr. Harris aimed to prevent Harry from feeling embarrassed.

With a swift thud of footsteps, Aaron and Harry darted upstairs and returned moments later, like a whirlwind. Harry clutched Hedwig's cage, while Aaron expertly gathered the remaining suitcases – an action that left Harry dumbfounded by his friend's strength. Aaron couldn't help but chuckle at Harry's reaction; he knew his strategy of using muggle knowledge for Mr. Harris's benefit wouldn't last forever.

As Aaron's car disappeared from view, Uncle Vernon continued to wave fervently. It was only logical, according to Uncle Vernon's reasoning, that someone with such eloquence and social prowess would undoubtedly achieve success. The conviction in his mind was unwavering – surely, a person who could speak so impressively must not be a wizard.