
Harry Potter and the Invincible Bookworm

This is not my book, i am simply translating another for writing practice.

Daoistmz6tiS · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

Chapter 18

[TL note, Hogwarts arc is about to begin, i am curious what's going to happen. Bro is probably going to join ravenclaw or slytherin.]

After returning the rental car, the entire group, including Aaron, arrived at the magical lamppost. This was Harry's first time using the magical lamppost, and he watched every movement of Mr. Harris with keen interest. Like Aaron, he was awestruck by the experience.

Even though Aaron had taken the ride before, he couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder himself. Despite the rapid and ever-changing technological advancements in the Muggle world, the wizarding world's understanding of time and space far surpassed that of Muggles. If the teleportation technology of these magical lampposts could be introduced to the Muggle world, it might alleviate the exorbitant housing prices of his previous life.

In no time, a charming small villa with red brick walls and white-trimmed windows came into view for Harry. The yard was shaded by trees, and several large cross-sectioned tree trunks were scattered throughout, serving as chairs with the aid of some magical treatment that protected them from moisture and insects.

A simple swing hung from the branches, still entwined with green vines and adorned with vibrant flowers. The entire yard exuded a simple, natural, and lively atmosphere. Harry was immediately captivated; he felt a sense of freedom and unconstrained joy.

In anticipation of Harry's arrival, Mrs. Harris had taken the day off. The youngest daughter, Emily, peeked from behind her mother, her curious eyes searching for a glimpse of Harry.

Upon seeing Harry's silhouette, Mrs. Harris enveloped him in a warm hug. "Harry, welcome!" Beside her, Harry received a solemn handshake from his older brother, Rolan.

The hospitality continued as big sister Daisy emerged with steaming cups of black tea, and Mrs. Harris skillfully guided the red squirrels to their designated plates.

Following the meal, Harry joined Aaron in the bedroom. His attention was immediately drawn to the unique bunk bed. This bed was unmistakably composed of two separate beds. The upper bed was constructed from smooth wooden panels that displayed the annual rings of the trees.

As Harry mentally counted the rings, he realized that the trees were older than him. The fusion of the two beds was slightly askew, yet it exuded a harmonious charm.

Positioned by the window was a spacious desk, adorned with various books, an inkwell, and a stack of parchment. Together, Aaron and Harry organized their belongings. By the time they were ready to sleep, Harry couldn't help but express his satisfaction. "What a warm and welcoming family!"

The ensuing days were filled with calm and tranquility, each one infused with the simple joys of life for Harry. He relished waking up early and accompanying Aaron on tasks that seemed baffling to him, often resulting in Aaron's hearty laughter due to his unconventional postures.

Harry thoroughly enjoyed witnessing the magic-infused culinary experience, watching various enchanted kitchenware and utensils in action.

He grew fond of Mr. Harris's gentle demeanor, Mrs. Harris's meticulous care, the beauty and grace of big sister Daisy, the seriousness of Rolan, and the playful, inquisitive Emily who constantly pestered him for stories. And not to forget Professor Albert, whom he had long admired.

Yet, as time inevitably passed, the carefree days gave way to the approach of the new school term.

On the day of departure, the family efficiently packed their luggage, readying themselves for an early departure. Utilizing his connections, Mr. Harris secured one of the last two remaining Ministry of Magic magic cars.

Harry watched in astonishment as Mr. Harris loaded the luggage into the seemingly modest car. Despite its outward appearance, the internal space of the car resembled that of a minivan.

Arriving at King's Cross Station at 9:30, Harry observed his surroundings while Mr. Harris efficiently unloaded their belongings. Frustratingly, he couldn't locate Platform 9¾.

"Looking for Platform 9¾?" Aaron, balancing two bulky suitcases and an oversized backpack, approached Harry.

Although Aaron's strength was considerable, the weight of the baggage hindered his movements, especially the backpack which towered over him by at least two heads.

Aaron's decision to resort to using magic, specifically the Extension Charm, was made almost immediately. He needed a more suitable backpack, as his small Kipling backpack wouldn't suffice.

Harry nodded, admitting, "I can't find Platform 9¾."

"Don't worry," Aaron reassured him. "Just walk straight toward the barrier between the 9th and 10th platforms. Don't hesitate, and don't be afraid – just walk right through. It's crucial. If you're nervous, you can even jog. Let's go, I'll lead the way, and you follow." Aaron had heard Rolan's instructions countless times on how to access the platform.

Pushing their suitcases, Aaron approached the barrier and seemed to rush headlong into it. To Harry, it appeared almost suicidal. But to his relief, Aaron disappeared into thin air.

Gathering his courage, Harry adjusted his glasses and ran in Aaron's direction. As he crossed the barrier, a vivid scarlet steam train came into view, emblazoned with the words "Hogwarts Express, 1 o'clock."

As he looked back, Harry saw that the barrier which had previously appeared solid now displayed a wrought iron archway bearing the inscription: Platform 9¾.

In a matter of moments, a bewildered Harry joined Aaron on the other side of the barrier.