
Harry Potter and the Invincible Bookworm

This is not my book, i am simply translating another for writing practice.

Daoistmz6tiS · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

Chapter 16

The sight of the owl disappearing into the distance left Aaron with a sense of anticipation, hoping that Harry hadn't yet departed Diagon Alley. He hastened his steps back to the Leaky Cauldron. Before he could even finish enjoying his ice cream sundae, a reply from Harry arrived. The note was concise, with just a few words: "Hagrid and I are on our way to Leaky Cauldron."

With a relieved sigh, Aaron savored his ice cream more comfortably.

"Aaron, I'm here!" Harry's voice broke through the hum of the room, and Aaron turned to see his friend approaching with a beaming smile. By his side stood a massive figure, almost entirely engulfed in a wild tangle of hair and a bushy beard, revealing only a pair of dark, beetle-like eyes beneath the unruly locks – it was Hagrid.

Carrying a mix of large and small packages, Harry introduced, "Aren't you glad? This is Hagrid, the Keeper of Keys at Hogwarts." Harry seemed more animated in Aaron's presence, his eyes lit up with excitement.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Hagrid," Aaron extended his hand, mirroring an adult's gesture.

Hagrid blinked, placed his parcels on the table, and wiped his oversized hands on his coarse moleskin jacket before clasping Aaron's hand. "Nice ter meet ya, Aaron."

Mr. Tom promptly brought over the food Aaron had ordered, including a glass of fish-flavored green beer – a favorite of his father's – for Hagrid. The abundance of good food transformed the atmosphere, lending a newfound camaraderie. The trio's combined presence turned heads, yet the relative emptiness of the Leaky Cauldron ensured that Hagrid's conspicuous size didn't cause too much of a stir.

"Aaron, let me introduce you. Everyone here thinks I'm something special," Harry began as he set down his fork, unburdening himself. "The people at the Leaky Cauldron, Professor Quirrell, Mr. Ollivander – but I hardly know anything about magic. How can they expect me to be some big deal? I'm famous, yet I can't remember the events that made me famous. And then there's the night my parents died – I know nothing about it."

Before Aaron could respond, Hagrid reached out and affectionately ruffled Harry's hair, his bushy beard curling as he offered a reassuring smile.

"Don'cha worry, Harry. Yer gonna learn in due time. At Hogwarts, everyone starts from the basics, they do. Yer gonna do just fine, buck up, lad. Yer gonna find happiness at Hogwarts, jus' like I 'ave. To be honest, I'm lookin' forward to it now." Hagrid's deep voice exuded warmth.

Aaron nodded in agreement, chiming in, "Harry, you see, I'm going to the same school as you. Wizarding families might think they have a head start, but trust me, even those who grew up in magical households have a lot to learn. You'll fit right in."

"But you're so skilled, and you pick up things so quickly. Compared to you, I'm hopeless," Harry's tone wavered, and he offered a self-deprecating smile. Harry's logic seemed to suggest that if all young wizards were as talented as Aaron, he'd surely rank last, and perhaps Hogwarts would realize its mistake and ask him to leave.

Aaron looked at Harry with mock alarm, swiftly interjecting, "You know, not every young wizard is as adept as I am." He playfully flicked back his golden hair for emphasis.

"This holiday, I'm going to spend a lot of time with you, teaching you everything I know about magic and spellwork. We can study together, work on assignments, and maybe you could even stay at my house for a while before school starts. We'll travel to Hogwarts together," Aaron suggested with an encouraging smile.

The shift in conversation worked like a charm, bringing a renewed sparkle to Harry's eyes. "That sounds great! It means I can escape the Dursleys sooner!"

With their appetites sated, Hagrid announced that he would escort Harry to the train station. Aaron remained behind at the Leaky Cauldron, waiting for his family. Harry's farewell, now much more cheerful, was heartfelt. "Don't forget to visit, Aaron!"

"I promise!" Aaron assured, watching as Harry and Hagrid departed.

Soon, Aaron reunited with his family, and together they returned home to sort through their belongings. As he settled into his bedroom, Aaron realized he finally had the time to examine the rewards granted by the system.

The magic ball of Goddess of Fortune Flores lay silently in the system's storage, emitting a gentle luminescence. With this precious item, Aaron needn't fear curses, confusion, or poisons.

Then, there was the alchemical knowledge bestowed by the ancient Alchemist Jebel. Thick stacks of parchment were neatly arranged within the storage, and Aaron summoned the topmost one to study it closely. The text exuded an air of antiquity, each page steeped in history.

After perusing several pages, it became evident that the content wasn't simply explained. The techniques, spells, and ingredients necessary for creating Magical Rare Items were complex and intricate. Aaron set aside Jebel's writings with a sigh, realizing that understanding and mastering such content would be a formidable task. Beyond the principles, even the peculiar ingredients like fascination or bark required time and a dose of luck to acquire.

Turning his attention to the potion meant to amplify magical potential, Aaron thought of wizards like Dumbledore and Snape, known for their prodigious magical power. As the school year approached, mastering "Occlumency" was paramount – not only for his own protection but also to keep his origins hidden from potential adversaries. If Voldemort learned of his unique experience, he might shift his focus from Harry to Aaron, driven to unravel his secrets at any cost. Despite having the Bookworm system, Aaron realized that his personal strength fell short compared to these powerful wizards, emphasizing the importance of diligence and caution.

Resolute, Aaron pulled out "The 100 Major Curses" and delved into its pages, determined to comprehend the intricacies of Occlumency. This magical art, capable of resisting invasive mental intrusion, intrigued him. It was a mental defense that blocked magical penetrations and influences. The counterpart, Legilimency, was used to probe others' minds, and those skilled in Occlumency were referred to as Occlumens.

At that moment, Aaron recalled Severus Snape's mastery of Occlumency. Snape had managed to spy on Voldemort as a Death Eater without arousing suspicion – a feat made possible by his proficiency in the art of Occlumency. Voldemort, a formidable Legilimens, had questioned Snape's loyalty due to his suspicions. Dumbledore, too, was skilled in Occlumency, yet he had chosen not to teach Harry this skill. Perhaps Harry's lack of progress was due to the pressures of his OWLs exams and inadequate practice.

The lesson was clear – self-reliance was key. Aaron resolved to redouble his efforts, ensuring he was well-equipped with a variety of skills and knowledge. With determination, he set his sights on mastering Occlumency and expanding his repertoire of magical prowess.