
Harry Potter and the Invincible Bookworm

This is not my book, i am simply translating another for writing practice.

Daoistmz6tiS · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

Chapter 15

The spell provided by Flornes had been verified by the system, so Aaron grasped the magic ball firmly and addressed the little green beings, "I'll begin now."

"Please!" Flornes inclined his head along with his grandson, their gratitude evident.

Aaron shut his eyes, allowing his emotions to settle, and with genuine sincerity, he clasped the magic ball of Goddess of Fortune Flores in both hands, enunciating the spell aloud. Wave after wave of magical energy surged from Aaron's core and flowed into the magic ball. The ball shimmered with a silvery brilliance, gradually diffusing soft rays of light. The lucky elves who came into contact with this radiant glow seemed to shed their invisible shackles, their expressions transforming into ones of unadulterated joy as they flexed their limbs and danced with newfound freedom.

Following the lead of Flornes and Florgett, who now stood unburdened behind Aaron, the elves extended their hands to lightly rest upon his back, an offer of support. The collective power of their heartfelt prayers surged, causing the rays of light from the magic ball to expand exponentially. The melodious chant of the spell resonated throughout the subway, infusing the atmosphere with solemnity and reverence. Aaron's heart swelled with a profound sense of purpose – he had come to realize that saving an entire race held far greater significance than personal achievements or honors.

The lucky elves spontaneously arranged themselves in a pattern resembling leaves, recalling the enigmatic spell that Aaron had yet to decipher. The entire subway carriage pulsed rhythmically to the cadence of the spell, creating a tangible, almost palpable energy. Florgett extended his hands toward Aaron, signaling him to clasp them. Without hesitation, Aaron reached out, his hand fitting perfectly into Florgett's grasp. In an instant, the subway carriage seemed to rupture the bonds of reality, the dazzling sunlight streaming in through the windows, igniting cheers and jubilation among the once-cursed elves.

Surveying the scene below, Aaron marveled at how the lizard-shaped subway, along with the bewilderment and curses, had vanished. People were once again bustling about, lost in the rhythm of their daily lives.

The lucky elves, astride their lizard companions, soared exultantly into the vast expanse of the cerulean sky, bathed in the warmth of the sun's embrace. Aaron and the elves seamlessly melded into the mosaic of scales on the lizards' backs. With every shift in the scales, a harmonious interplay of light and shadow danced upon their forms. The alternating patterns of sunlight and shade, coupled with the caress of the wind, elicited euphoric cries from the elves, who reveled in their newfound freedom.

Their journey eventually concluded on a serene, verdant lawn. Aaron leapt gracefully from the lizard's back, his movements mirroring the joyful and graceful descent of Flornes and his companions.

"Dear Aaron, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering aid to our beleaguered race. You shall forever be regarded as a cherished friend among the lucky elves," Flornes expressed with deep appreciation, his eyes gleaming with sincerity.

"Thank you, and may our friendship endure eternally," Aaron replied, his voice resonating with genuine warmth.

In a show of their gratitude, Flornes presented a vial containing a potion gifted by Goddess of Fortune for the expansion of a wizard's magical potential. "This elixir," Flornes explained, "differs from regular magic potions, as its primary function is to enhance your magical growth potential over time, rather than provide immediate effects. Please accept this as a token of our gratitude."

"Accept it, Aaron. This potion is tremendously beneficial; it will relieve the strain of spellcasting in your future endeavors," Florgett added, his words accompanied by kind-hearted laughter from the elves gathered on the lawn.

"Absolutely, I accept with heartfelt gratitude. Thank you," Aaron acknowledged, his heart touched by their generosity.

As the sun began its gradual descent, casting a warm, golden hue over Diagon Alley, Aaron realized the day was drawing to a close. He glanced at the sky, a sense of urgency urging him onward.

"I'm afraid it's time for me to bid farewell, my friends," Aaron announced, his gaze lingering on the horizon.

"May we inquire about your destination, Aaron? We would be delighted to provide you with transportation," Florgett offered.

"I need to return to Diagon Alley," Aaron replied, his eyes scanning the quiet surroundings.

Flornes turned to Fordell, instructing, "Fordell, ensure the well-being of our kin. I shall accompany Aaron and shall rejoin you shortly."

With a firm grip on Aaron's arm, Flornes and Aaron both vanished in an instant, employing the Disapparation spell. Flornes' expertise in magic ensured a seamless and swift transition, transporting Aaron directly to the doorstep of the Leaky Cauldron.

Their final embrace was heartfelt, words unspoken yet deeply felt. Flornes disappeared from Aaron's sight, leaving him to tread easily into the familiar interior of the Leaky Cauldron. Aaron navigated through the bustling tavern, noting that Mrs. Harris and her companions had yet to arrive. The notion of shopping for accessories, a prospect that often evoked endless deliberations, lingered in the air.

With a sense of contentment, Aaron acknowledged, "How fortunate, I still have time to get in touch with Harry."

He made his way to the owl contact station, intent on securing a capable owl to convey his message. As he tied the carefully written parchment to the owl's leg, Aaron couldn't help but feel a hint of remorse, wondering whether Harry had already departed Diagon Alley.

In this tranquil interlude, Aaron reflected on the whirlwind of events that had unfolded throughout the day. His encounter with the lucky elves and their liberation from the age-old curse had left an indelible mark on his journey. Amidst the bustling magic of Diagon Alley, he had uncovered a deeper connection to the magical world, a realm brimming with surprises, challenges, and moments of unadulterated wonder. Most importantly, he realized that with stalwart companionship, exemplified by his enduring friendship with Harry, they could navigate any tribulation that fate might cast upon their path.