
Harry Potter and the Invincible Bookworm

This is not my book, i am simply translating another for writing practice.

Daoistmz6tiS · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

Chapter 14

Holding the subway map in his hands, Aaron diligently traced the movement pattern of the Reptilian icon. As he sat on the waiting bench, he seemed to be dozing off, but his focus remained on monitoring the subtle shifts on the map. Amidst the ebb and flow of commuters entering and exiting the subway station, Aaron maintained his vigilant watch.

"Here it comes," Aaron's glasses suddenly flickered to life, and he sprang into action with determined resolve. "Time to see what's in store."

The subway passengers filed in, and the familiar chime signaled the closing of the doors. In that instant, reality seemed to shift around Aaron. A bizarre transformation overtook his surroundings, leaving him bewildered and slightly horrified.

Time appeared to halt: mid-conversation, a middle-aged man held his gesture mid-air, frozen in motion; a young woman's laughter remained etched on her face, unchanging; a headphone-wearing youth looked on indifferently, unaffected. Even the architecture underwent a metamorphosis. Overhead handrails transformed into delicate, azure tendrils, while seat backs morphed into a texture reminiscent of massive fish scales. Each of these "scales" became a seat, occupied by small, green figures resembling villains from an otherworldly tale. Strangely, their lower halves had transformed into cushioned seats, while their extended arms functioned as armrests. Bizarrely, needle-like tubes emerged from the giant scales on their backs. These tubes connected to the heads of the seated passengers, through which variously colored gases flowed, swirling upwards like ethereal tendrils.

"System, system, what's happening? Why am I witnessing this eerie scene?" An alarmed Aaron implored, his mind racing. He had never encountered such a surreal and unsettling tableau, even in all his experiences.

"Host, please remain calm. The Flores Magic Ball you carry has the ability to alleviate all negative states, including confusion," the soothing voice of the system reassured Aaron.

Applause broke the silence like a sudden gust of wind. In an instant, the eyes of the little green figures popped open, fixating their gaze on Aaron. An involuntary shiver crept down Aaron's spine, causing his hair to stand on end.

Composing himself, Aaron ventured, "Hello, can you understand me?"

The little green figures continued to stare, unmoving.

"Is it possible you don't comprehend English?" A realization struck Aaron, and he swiftly summoned the Flores Magic Ball from the depths of the system's storage. As he did so, he felt the intensity of the little green figures' scrutiny upon him, their gaze piercing through his being.

"Esteemed Mr. Wizard, greetings. We never tire of watching, without ever blinking. Please accept our apology for any perceived impoliteness!" A voice, seasoned and dignified, resonated from the carriage behind Aaron.

Startled, Aaron turned to face the source of the voice. Two little green figures stood there—one bearing a white beard crowned with a golden circlet adorned with red gems, the other his grandson and heir, Fortune. Unlike the little green figures occupying the seats, these two figures had long, flexible tubes extending from their backs, granting them the ability to move freely and even camouflage themselves.

"Greetings, my name is Aaron. And who might you be?" Aaron greeted with a respectful nod, introducing himself.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance. We are the Elves of Goddess Fortune Flores, known as the Lucky Elves. My name is Flornes, and this is my grandson and heir, Fortune." Flornes indicated his companion beside him.

"Mr. Flornes, as the leader of the Lucky Elf race, are you familiar with the Reptilians?" Aaron inquired.

"The Reptilians, is that what the world beyond these walls calls us now? Does anyone remember the aid and joy the Lucky Elves once brought to humanity?" Flornes's voice carried a tinge of sorrow and regret.

"So, the Lucky Elves are essentially the Reptilians?" Aaron's suspicions were confirmed.

"Yes, we are the Reptilians referred to in the outside world. Goddess Fortune Flores and the Goddess of Misfortune, Eris, made a wager. Goddess Fortune believed in the inherent goodness of human nature, while Goddess Misfortune held the belief in its inherent evil. They selected a family to receive the favor of Goddess Fortune and represent her in this wager. However, Goddess Misfortune emerged victorious. Consequently, as the embodiments of Goddess Fortune, we are eternally cursed, while the minions of Goddess Misfortune are allowed to manifest in the human realm. But Goddess Fortune left us with a prophecy—a prediction that someone bearing her Magic Ball would one day appear, signifying our eventual liberation." Flornes's voice surged with excitement. "We've waited countless years for this moment, and finally, it has arrived."

"Pardon my curiosity, but what must I do?" Aaron was eager to aid these victims of divine caprice.

"As long as you possess a genuine desire to liberate us, recite this incantation to activate the Magic Ball," Flornes explained, handing Aaron a parchment.

Accepting the parchment, Aaron examined its contents, confirming its authenticity with the system's assistance. He then queried, "Mr. Flornes, if I may inquire, why are you known as the 'Lucky Elves'?"

"Of course, Mr. Wizard. Beyond our roles as embodiments of Goddess Fortune, we feed on the Seven Emotions and Six Desires that humans experience. Through this sustenance, we transform their emotions into happiness and joy, which we then return to them. Yet now, the happiness and joy we generate are being siphoned away by these very tubes."

"Understood. I am prepared," Aaron declared, bolstered by the system's endorsement.