
Harry Potter and the Invincible Bookworm

This is not my book, i am simply translating another for writing practice.

Daoistmz6tiS · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

Chapter 11

Harry carefully untied the red cloth rope and unfolded the parchment. The letter read:

Dear Harry,

Look at the word as if it were a face. Were you surprised tonight?

[Tl note, Originally it said "See the word as face", I am not translating, merely making the mtl readable i guess]

Did you know? When I first met you at school, I recognized you as Harry Potter from the renowned magical world. All the children in the magical community grew up hearing your name, and I was no exception. However, due to the request of the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts Headmaster, please forgive me for not revealing earlier that I come from a wizarding family. I hope that our friendship won't be affected by this well-intentioned secrecy.

You've received your acceptance letter from Hogwarts, right? I got mine as well. We need to visit Diagon Alley to purchase the items listed. I'll be going to Diagon Alley tomorrow. If you're available to join, you can send a letter with my owl, Edward. If you're not free tomorrow, let me know when you plan to go, and I'll coordinate my visit accordingly.

Yours faithfully, Aaron

Harry's emotions were mixed as he read the letter. On one hand, he was thrilled at the prospect of continuing his education at the same school as Aaron. On the other hand, he felt a pang of sadness knowing that his close friend had concealed such a significant secret from him. However, as Aaron mentioned, the authenticity of their friendship was felt in their interactions, and Harry valued that sensitivity.

With Hagrid's assistance, Harry borrowed a pen and hastily penned a response on the parchment:

Dear Aaron,

I'm really glad we'll be attending the same school. Our friendship means a lot to me, and it won't change because of this.

Hagrid (the Hogwarts Keeper) will be taking me to Diagon Alley tomorrow to buy the required items. Let's meet up then and discuss our plans further.

Best regards, Harry

Once Harry had finished writing, he noticed that Hagrid had taken great care of the owl, ensuring that it remained dry and well-fed with sausage mixed with corn kernels.

"I'm quite skilled when it comes to caring for animals. Many of the creatures at Hogwarts are under my care. Dumbledore trusts me a lot," Hagrid boasted with a touch of pride.

As Harry approached, the owl, named Edward, extended its left leg, indicating that it was ready to receive the letter. Hagrid opened the window, revealing a calm and tranquil night, with faint stars dotting the sky. Edward spread his wings and, with a flutter, disappeared into the darkness of the night.

The following morning, Mrs. Harris was up early preparing breakfast and urging her family to rise.

"Come on, everyone, we have a lot to do today! Roland, Daisy, we need to buy many things!" Women always seemed to have an innate enthusiasm for shopping.

After a quick breakfast, driven by his mother's urgency, the family headed to Diagon Alley once again through the portkey they had arranged in advance. With a handful of gold coins from Mrs. Harris, the older children were assigned various tasks: "Roland, you'll buy all the potion ingredients. Daisy and your father will handle books and cauldrons. Aaron, I'll take you to buy your wand first. Afterward, we'll all meet at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. Make sure you get your new school robes there. Madam Malkin is the best in the business!"

Heading straight to Ollivanders, Aaron couldn't help but suspect that Mrs. Harris was eager to save time, perhaps with plans for an extended shopping spree at Madam Malkin's.

Garrick Ollivander's wand shop was small and appeared slightly weathered. The golden sign on the door, which read "Ollivanders, Makers of Fine Wands since 382 BC," was faded. Within the dusty window display, a single wand stood atop a faded purple cushion.

Upon entering the shop, the sound of tinkling bells greeted them from somewhere behind the store. The shop was minuscule, containing little more than a bench. Boxes of various shapes and sizes, ranging from 1000 to 10000, were stacked almost to the ceiling. These, Aaron surmised, were all wands.

As they were still early and the school term had just commenced, there were no other customers in the shop. The quiet atmosphere made Aaron take a deep breath unconsciously.

"Good morning! You're the first customers today. I'm Garrick Ollivander," a gentle voice greeted them. An elderly man appeared suddenly from behind a counter. He regarded Aaron with large, light-colored eyes, his face exuding warmth and delight.

Evidently noting Aaron's perplexed expression, Ollivander chuckled. "Most people tend to visit other shops first before coming to mine. It's quite puzzling. I can't fathom their reasoning. You see, for wizards, a wand is the most important possession – a partner, if you will."

"Deep chestnut, ten and a quarter inches, a fine wand for charm work. If my memory serves me correctly, Mrs. Harris, it's been quite a while!" Ollivander turned to Mrs. Harris suddenly and inquired.

"Indeed, your memory hasn't failed you," Mrs. Harris replied politely, even though she had answered this question at least three times before.

"Just remember to wax it regularly!" Ollivander's eyes glinted with a certain intensity.

"Of course, I take good care of it. This is my youngest son, Aaron. I brought him here today to choose his wand," Mrs. Harris explained, steering Ollivander's attention back to Aaron.

"Very well. Aaron, let's have a look," Ollivander said, producing a long tape measure with silver scales from his pocket. "Which hand do you use for spellcasting?"

"I'm right-handed," Aaron replied. "By the way, Mr. Ollivander, does your surname indicate that your ancestors used wands made of olive wood? 'Ollivander' sounds a bit like 'olive wand'."

"Ah, perceptive young wizard. The Sorting Hat would likely consider placing you in Ravenclaw. Now, please raise your arms," Ollivander responded. The tape measure, without any apparent contact from Ollivander, started measuring various parts of Aaron – from shoulder to fingertip, wrist to elbow, shoulder to floor, knee to armpit, and head circumference. While Aaron didn't fully comprehend how these measurements would influence his choice of wand, he cooperated nonetheless. Perhaps this would narrow down Ollivander's recommendations? Aaron was bracing himself for a thorough selection process. He'd heard that wand selection, as the protagonist of many stories, could be quite finicky.

Ollivander moved between the shelves, selecting and then setting aside several long boxes. The tape measure slid down to the floor and coiled up like a snake. "Try this one, Aaron. Made of beechwood and dragon heartstring. Nine inches. Beech wands excel in the subtle art of spellwork and are known for their artistic qualities. They're unmatched in their ability to perform spells that other woods can hardly manage. However, beech wands may be too volatile for those lacking in tolerance. Go on, give it a try."

As Aaron waved the wand, a burst of fireworks erupted. Aaron thought to himself, "Fortunately, I'm not lacking in tolerance and forgiveness."

Ollivander nodded approvingly. "Good luck with that one, then. It's yours. It's priced at 9 gold Galleons…"

"Uh… wait! Mr. Ollivander… Can I try another one? I feel like it wasn't a complete match…" Aaron hesitated. He didn't want his wand selection process to end so abruptly; he wanted a more ceremonious experience, perhaps a sense of regret for not trying more options.

"Why? Well… If you insist... But all right, do you want to learn more about wands? In that case, try this one. Applewood with unicorn hair core. Not many wands use applewood, but they possess great power, particularly suitable for those with lofty ideals and aspirations. Applewood is ill-suited for dark magic. Hold it and see how it feels," Ollivander explained, handing Aaron the wand. He continued, "Unicorn hair is most compatible with spellcasting, offering resistance against disturbances from other magic. Wands with unicorn hair cores are particularly unsuited for dark magic. They're known for their loyalty, often forming strong connections with their first owners, skilled wizards or not. Unicorn hair wands have a minor drawback, though – they deteriorate quickly if misused, necessitating core replacement."

As Aaron's finger brushed against the wand, Ollivander quickly withdrew it. "No, don't touch it. This one isn't right for you," he mused, casting an enigmatic glance at Aaron.

Aaron felt slightly uncomfortable under Ollivander's gaze. He wondered, "Is this guy trying to hint that I might become a dark wizard?"

Ollivander continued to present various wands for Aaron to try. The cores he chose were often those aligned with dark magic or capable of producing powerful spells. Remarkably, Aaron was able to use each wand effortlessly and produce impressive results. However, it seemed that none of the wands were an exact fit or met Ollivander's expectations.

Initially enthusiastic about Aaron's display, Ollivander soon found himself perspiring. "I can't tell if you're being selective or rejecting wands at random. At least consider borrowing a wand temporarily in case of emergencies, my child." With a sigh, he retreated to the back of the store and emerged holding a box wrapped in delicate silk.

"Try this wand – mahogany with a phoenix feather core." Ollivander carefully revealed the wand, its reddish hue gleaming. Aaron took the wand in hand, experiencing an immediate connection. The wand seemed to meld seamlessly with his body. With a thought, fireworks erupted from its tip, celebrating the union of wand and wizard.

"Mahogany is versatile, strong, and durable, offering excellent protection. Phoenix feather cores are the rarest of all wand cores. Wands with phoenix feather cores have the widest range of magical capabilities, even though their full potential may not be realized until later in their owner's magical development. They're the most spontaneous among all wand cores and may even exhibit a degree of independence. While not always favored by wizards, phoenix feather wand owners tend to be charismatic and loved by others. Despite this, they're also known for their strong allegiance to their original owners, regardless of their skill. Although the powerful phoenix feather wand does have one drawback – if not handled with care, the core can degrade rapidly and require replacement."

Ollivander seemed taken aback as Aaron's finger brushed the wand. "No, not this one," he remarked, his gaze lingering on Aaron with a mix of surprise and curiosity.

Slightly puzzled by Ollivander's reaction, Aaron decided that he would avoid visiting this shop unless absolutely necessary. Rumor had it that Ollivander's children had perished, and Aaron didn't want to encourage any ideas about becoming an apprentice wandmaker.

After paying Ollivander 13 gold Galleons for the wand, Aaron received a deep bow from the wandmaker as they left the shop.

"Invincible Bookworm System Reminder: Do you want to create a unique, unparalleled, and expandable wand on your own? Complete a time-limited emergency mission to receive the Gold Handbook of Ancient Alchemist Jebel."