
Harry Potter and the Invincible Bookworm

This is not my book, i am simply translating another for writing practice.

Daoistmz6tiS · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

Chapter 10

"You sent me a greeting card!" Harry exclaimed, freezing in place as he looked at Aaron in astonishment. It was a rare occurrence for anyone to write a letter to Harry at his age.

Aaron himself was taken aback by Harry's enthusiastic response. He had sent the card on a whim, not expecting such a reaction.

Leaving behind the audacious behavior in the neighborhood, Aaron contemplated how to celebrate Harry's birthday and tackle the issues with the Dursleys. He considered how Harry would eventually retrieve his letter from the Dursleys, meet Hagrid, and learn about his status as a young wizard. The memory of those surprises and delights mingled in Aaron's mind.

"Aaron, congrats!" As Aaron entered his home, colorful ribbons and decorations greeted him. The room was adorned in a variety of hues, and wand-activated fireworks and cascading foam added to the festive atmosphere. Aaron's family stood behind the door, beaming with smiles. Mrs. Harris and Daisy emerged from the kitchen bearing a large cake. The heartwarming scene filled Aaron with an overwhelming sense of joy and contentment. His eyes glistened with tears of happiness, reflecting the beautiful tableau before him.

Emily relieved Aaron of his bag, while Mr. Harris approached with a letter in hand. The envelope was made of rich parchment, its address written in emerald green ink. A wax seal adorned the back, depicting a shield crest encircled by the capital letter "H" and featuring a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake.

"Congratulations, Aaron! You've received your acceptance letter from Hogwarts. Open it up and take a look," Mrs. Harris said warmly.

The letter contained instructions on what to bring and important details for the start of school. After reading it, Aaron passed the letter around the room. Although everyone had read it multiple times, they couldn't help but share it again. Mr. Harris even suggested preserving the letter as a memento.

Seated around the dining table, the family enjoyed a delectable meal prepared by Mrs. Harris and Daisy, consisting of grilled mushrooms, fried sausages, buttery cakes, and more. Amidst the feasting, they exchanged amusing anecdotes about Hogwarts.

"I wonder which house you'll be sorted into?" Emily asked with anticipation.

"No matter which house, the most important thing is to study hard and follow your heart. Remember, it's not about which house you're placed in, but the qualities you bring to that house. I ended up in Slytherin, known for ambition and cunning, but each house has its own strengths: Gryffindor for bravery, Hufflepuff for dedication, and Ravenclaw for wisdom," Mr. Harris proclaimed, his pride evident.

"But how do they determine which house you belong to?" Little Emily inquired curiously.

The family exchanged smiles at her innocent question. Mrs. Harris gently tousled Emily's blonde hair and said, "You'll find out when the time comes."

Growing up is accompanied by special expectations and blessings. Under the gaze of his loving family, Aaron sent his response letter to Hogwarts with hope for his upcoming journey.

"Aaron, don't forget to write a letter to Harry. He might not even know that you're a wizard too. Let's not let all our previous efforts go to waste due to a simple oversight," Mr. Harris reminded Aaron.

At the same time, Harry received a birthday cake from Hagrid. As he savored the delicious sausages while wearing Hagrid's coat, the realization of his life's turning point sank in. He was about to embark on the journey of a young wizard and leave behind the dreary existence of his current home. While his heart was filled with joy, thoughts of his friends Aaron and Frank lingered. The prospect of being separated from them, attending different schools in different cities, evoked a touch of sadness. But he took solace in knowing that they would both make new friends and continue to shine brightly.

As he gazed out of the window of the dilapidated hut perched on the rock, a soft "thud thud" caught Harry's attention. An owl had arrived. Following the earlier magical onslaught of letters, Harry recognized the owl as a messenger. Eagerly, he opened the window, extending his hand to welcome the bird. The strong sea breeze tousled his hair, and the owl struggled against the wind, ultimately perching on the armrest of the worn-out sofa. With a curious tilt of its head, the owl seemed to question why Harry had taken so long to open the window.

"That owl carried a letter for you. Quickly untie it from its leg. It's been through a lot to get here in this weather!" Hagrid exclaimed, urging Harry to open the letter.

With haste, Harry approached the owl, which extended its left leg. A small scroll of parchment was tied to its leg with a red ribbon. Remarkably, despite the wind and rain, both the parchment and ribbon were dry, devoid of any moisture.

Whose letter could this be? And what did it hold inside?