
Harry Potter and the Invincible Bookworm

This is not my book, i am simply translating another for writing practice.

Daoistmz6tiS · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

Chapter 12

"Aaron, don't just stand there. We need to go to Madam Malkin's shop," Mrs. Harris urged impatiently, snapping Aaron out of his daze.

Leaving Ollivanders behind, Mrs. Harris led Aaron to Madam Malkin's shop. The witch, Madam Malkin, was short and plump, wearing a purple outfit with a friendly smile. "Good morning, Mrs. Harris. How can I assist you today?"

"We'll need two school uniforms for my young son, Aaron," Mrs. Harris pointed towards Aaron, who appeared to be lost in thought but was actually focused on the map in his mind.

"Getting your Hogwarts uniforms, dear?" Madam Malkin asked Aaron before he had a chance to speak. "We're the go-to place for Hogwarts students. Our uniforms are not only reasonably priced, but they're also quite stylish. I even made these uniforms myself."

Aaron didn't exactly see the style in the uniform robes, which were mostly dark and differed only in their trim. Besides, he already possessed the Wizard's Wonder Robe, capable of invisibility, protection, and transformation, which he considered the best robe in the world.

Madam Malkin instructed Aaron to stand on a small platform, where she draped a black robe over him and started pinning and measuring to ensure a proper fit.

After the measurements were taken, Madam Malkin retrieved a robe and expertly threaded her needle using her wand. Her hands moved rapidly, needle and thread working together, altering the robe's dimensions as needed.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Harris browsed through various styles and colors of wizarding attire in the women's section.

"Mother, I've made arrangements to meet Harry. Can I go find him?" Not wanting to be disrespectful, Aaron sought his mother's permission. Even though he was no longer a minor by the standards of this magical world, he understood the importance of keeping his family informed about his whereabouts.

"Your friend Harry? Is he a young wizard as well?" Mrs. Harris asked, unaware of Harry's true identity and assuming he was an ordinary student.

"Could it be Harry Potter? Based on his age, he should be starting school!" Madam Malkin chimed in with a smile, not expecting that she would soon be personally tailoring Harry Potter's clothing.

"Yes, he also received his acceptance letter."

"Go ahead, but be sure to return to the Leaky Cauldron before it gets dark. We'll have dinner there and then head back home," Mrs. Harris said, handing Aaron five gold Galleons and a handful of silver Knuts. Money was essential, no matter which world you were in or whether you were away from home.

Of course, Aaron didn't actually go to find Harry. Time was limited, and he still had many secrets he couldn't share with his friend.

"Reminder: To lift the curse on the reptile, please visit Knockturn Alley and find the Magic Orb of the Goddess of Fortune, Flores."

It seemed like a follow-up mission! Aaron didn't have much time to contemplate, as he immediately stood up and followed the mental map to Knockturn Alley.

Just before entering the alley, Aaron activated the invisibility function of his Wizard's Wonder Robe. Knockturn Alley wasn't a suitable place for young, unaccompanied wizards fresh out of school. It was a blend of various dark elements and characters, including a range of dark wizards. It was a place where unimaginable, horrifying, and brutal dark magical items could be found.

With caution, Aaron maneuvered past a peculiar-looking old witch concocting unknown potions, skirted around a burly witch with a massive scar on her face, and navigated the narrow, dark alleys. Following the map's guidance, he arrived at a dusty storefront with a dark red sign that resembled bloodstains. The sign bore the shop's name, "Borgin & Burkes," written in large, twisted black letters that indicated this was no ordinary establishment.

Aaron hesitated before entering. Even in a muggle shop, you'd typically hear an electronic sound welcoming customers upon entry. And this was a place associated with dark magic. But he knew better than to expect the same here. Prudently, he waited for a moment until a tall, thin wizard wearing a skull mask entered the alley and headed toward the shop. Following the masked wizard's footsteps, Aaron entered the store after the bell rang at the door.

Inside the shop, Aaron found himself immensely grateful for his cautious approach. He followed the masked wizard, observing as the man confidently walked up to the counter, rang the bell, and engaged in a conversation with a hunchbacked man whose slicked-back hair glistened.

"Welcome. How can I assist you?" Mr. Borgin's voice was as smooth as his hair.

"I have a cursed necklace here, responsible for the deaths of countless muggles. Would you be interested?" The masked wizard's voice was low and muffled, his words tinged with urgency.

Mr. Borgin put on a pair of rusty, reddish-brown leather gloves from under the counter, then took out silver tweezers and carefully placed the two ends of the necklace onto a tray covered in red satin. He inspected the necklace intently. Removing his gloves, he muttered, "Let's unveil your secret." With a flick of his wand, he cast the revealing spell "Aparecium," causing each opal in the necklace to radiate a silvery glow. Mr. Borgin seemed to reach a conclusion and turned to the masked man, saying, "The necklace cursed by Eris indeed poses a lethal threat. To gauge its specific potency, I'd need to conduct further tests. Two gold Galleons, would that suffice?"

"Are you kidding me, Borgin? I know about the dark arts. Cursed items from Eris are extremely rare, and muggle detection methods are futile against them. I'll offer 200 Galleons," the masked wizard retorted, indicating his familiarity with dark magic and highlighting Mr. Borgin's penny-pinching behavior.

"You must understand that items linked to Dark Magic are under intense investigation these days..."

While Mr. Borgin was busy haggling with the masked man, Aaron took the opportunity to explore the shop. It was dimly lit and spacious, with grotesque masks staring down from the walls, human bones displayed on the counter, and various rusty, pointed instruments hanging from the ceiling. Aaron's gaze swept across the counter and landed on two spherical objects, each labeled with a description. However, none of them seemed to match the description of the Magic Orb he was looking for, and the Invincible Bookworm System offered no hints regarding success.

As the deal between Mr. Borgin and the masked wizard concluded with a sale price of 160 Galleons, the masked man declined other dark magical items that Mr. Borgin tried to promote and swiftly left the shop. With a satisfied grin, Mr. Borgin held a tray with one hand and opened a concealed door on the right side of the shop's foyer, revealing a dark passageway that led further into the establishment. Aaron's curiosity was piqued.