
Harry potter and the cousin of the boy who lived

What changes would a fan of harry potter bring when he finds himself in the body of a eleven year old cousin of harry potter (not Dudley) will he follow the canonical story or will he change the story for the better or worse only time and fate can tell. The Protag will be the son of twin sister of Lily M. Potter who will replace Lily as the godmother of Luna and this will be an AU world with a few differences nothing big but a few that are important for the protag to be born. This is my first time writing a FanFic(not that kind of fan fic) hope you guys and gals like it. Its just a side project to unwind while i stress over my projects for University that i need to do. Disclaimer - I do not own the characters and the plot of the Harry Potter Universe.

Zerou · Movies
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13 Chs

Flying lessons , Duel and The Trapdoor and it's Guardian

6:00 AM - Dormitory

Void woke up early, as usual, his internal clock honed by his early morning training sessions. After getting dressed and ready, he headed to wake Harry and Ron. They were still fast asleep, and Void had to resort to drastic measures. With a mischievous grin, he pointed his wand at Ron.

"Aguamenti Frigidus," Void whispered, and a stream of very cold water splashed onto Ron's face.

Ron bolted upright, sputtering and shivering. "Blimey, Void! What was that for?" he exclaimed, wiping the water off his face.

Void chuckled. "Well, it woke you up, didn't it? Now hurry up, or we'll be late for breakfast."

Harry, already accustomed to Void's methods, was up and ready. Together, they got dressed and made their way down to the Great Hall.

7:00 AM - Great Hall

In the Great Hall, they joined Neville and Hermione for breakfast. The tables were laden with food, and the students were already bustling about, discussing their schedules and the upcoming classes.

"Good morning, everyone," Void greeted as they sat down.

"Morning, Void," Hermione replied, looking up from a book she was reading even while eating. "What spell did you use on Ron this time?"

"Just a little water spell," Void said with a grin. "Nothing too serious."

Ron grumbled, still rubbing his face. "Nothing serious? That water was freezing!"

The group laughed, the mood light and cheerful. They quickly ate their breakfast, discussing their first class of the day.

9:00 AM - Herbology Class

At 9:00 AM, they headed to the greenhouses for their first class of the day: Herbology with Professor Sprout.

Neville looked nervous as they walked into the greenhouse. Void, noticing his anxiety, gave him an encouraging pat on the back. "You'll do great, Neville. I have a feeling you're going to be an amazing Herbologist one day."

Professor Sprout welcomed them with a warm smile and introduced the class to the magical plants they would be studying that term. The greenhouse was filled with a variety of fascinating plants, each with its own unique properties and dangers.

Devil's Snare: They learned about its dangers and how it reacts to light and heat. Professor Sprout demonstrated how to use the Fire-Making Spell to repel it.

Venomous Tentacula: A plant known for its deadly tentacles and venom. Students were advised to keep their distance.

Dittany: A powerful healing herb that can cure shallow wounds. Professor Sprout explained its uses in potions and healing spells.

Flobberworm Mucus: Used as a potion thickener.

Neville managed to extract the mucus correctly, gaining confidence with Void's encouragement.

Aconite (Monkshood or Wolfsbane): Discussed its uses and dangers, emphasizing its dual nature.

Moly: A plant that can counteract enchantments. Professor Sprout shared its historical significance and practical uses.

Mandrake: Known for its fatal cry when uprooted. They were warned of its dangers and the importance of using earmuffs when handling it.

Void paid close attention, especially noting the healing properties of Dittany and the counter-enchantment abilities of Moly. He made sure to help Neville with any difficulties, reinforcing his belief in Neville's potential.

Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis, who had been observing the interaction, exchanged glances before approaching Void.

"Void, how do you know so much about all this?" Daphne asked, her tone neutral but genuinely curious. "Even in this class, you seem to know so much already."

"Yeah," Tracey added, a hint of admiration in her voice. "We could understand the lesson better because you explained everything to Neville. It was surprising to see Neville so passionate about something."

Void smiled back. "I read a lot and try to learn as much as I can. And Neville has a natural talent for Herbology. He just needs a bit of encouragement."

Several other students who had been nearby during the class nodded in agreement.

"You made it easier for all of us," one of the Slytherin students said. "Thanks for that."

Professor Sprout, having noticed Void's helpfulness, announced, "Ten points to Gryffindor for Void's assistance in class." She paused, looking around the greenhouse. "And for helping everyone regardless of their house, five additional points to Gryffindor."

"Thank you Professor" Void replied warmly. "We're all here to learn and help each other out, right?"

Daphne and Tracey shared a glance, both of them clearly impressed.

"It's good to have someone like you in our year," Daphne said with a slight smile.

Void chuckled. "Thanks, Daphne. I appreciate that."

11:00 AM - Defense Against the Dark Arts

At 11:00 AM, the group headed to Defense Against the Dark Arts with Professor Quirrell. The classroom had a peculiar odor, and Quirrell's stammering made it difficult to concentrate.

Quirrell introduced various dark creatures:

Red Caps: Creatures that lurk in places where blood has been shed. Quirrell explained their habits and how to avoid them.

Hags: Human-like creatures known for eating children. They learned to recognize and avoid them.

Gytrashes: Ghostly dogs that haunt lonely places. Quirrell described their spectral nature.

Vampires: Basic avoidance techniques were covered, though the information was disjointed due to Quirrell's nervousness.

Zombies: Known for their rotten smell and greyish appearance. Quirrell's explanation was brief but sufficient.

Despite the challenges, Void tried his best to focus, though the stammering and smell made it difficult. He took detailed notes, determined to excel in this subject.

12:00 PM - Lunch

At noon, they returned to the Great Hall for lunch. Void ate quickly, then told Harry, Hermione, and Ron that he had some plans and needed to leave.

"Secret training," he whispered with a wink.

Hermione looked curious. "What are you up to?"

Void just smiled. "You'll see soon enough."

1:00 PM - Finding the Room of Requirement

After lunch, Void began his search for the Room of Requirement. At around 2 PM, he finally found the Moving Tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy. Walking past it three times while thinking of a training room, a door appeared. Inside, he found a perfect training area: a field for dueling, a library, a potions lab, and various magical plants and models of different creatures.

He first completed his homework, using the library's search podium to find the necessary books. By 4 PM, he finished his assignments and began his training. He practiced battle spells on dummies, brewed healing potions, and studied the magical plants and models of different creatures.

3:00 PM - Study Period

Void spent the next few hours training in his new room. He marveled at the extensive resources available, from detailed books on advanced magic to practical equipment for potion-making and herbology. He practiced various spells, brewed potions, and familiarized himself with the magical creatures.

11:00 PM - Return to the Common Room

After a full day of training, Void returned to the Gryffindor common room at midnight. He found Harry, Neville, and Hermione dozing off on the sofas.

Harry stirred awake as Void covered him with a blanket. "You're back," he said, yawning. "Where were you?"

Void smiled. "Just exploring. Fell asleep in a room. Let's get our stuff and head to Astronomy class."

They gathered their things and made their way to the Astronomy Tower. Professor Sinistra introduced them to the night sky, teaching them about the names of stars, the movements of planets, and how to use telescopes.

Throughout the class, Void continued to help his fellow students, explaining concepts and assisting with their telescopes. Professor Sinistra noticed his efforts and awarded Gryffindor five points.


By the time the class ended at 2:30 AM, Void was exhausted but satisfied with his day. He had managed to fit in a significant amount of study and training. As he lay in bed that night, he felt a sense of accomplishment and anticipation for the days ahead at Hogwarts. He was aware that his actions and interactions with students from all houses were unusual and even surprising to the professors, but he believed that fostering unity and helping each other was the true spirit of Hogwarts.

 Another Day at Hogwarts 6:00 AM - Dormitory

Void woke up early, ready to start another day at Hogwarts. He went through his usual morning routine, dressing quietly so as not to wake the others. Once he was ready, he nudged Harry and Ron awake.

"Time to get up, guys," Void said, a little more gently than the previous morning.

Harry stirred and got up, but Ron grumbled, "Just a few more minutes..."

Void smirked and used the same cold water spell from the day before. "Aguamenti Frigidus."

Ron jumped up, shivering. "Alright, alright, I'm up!"

7:00 AM - Great Hall

At breakfast, they joined Hermione and Neville. The hall was filled with students chatting excitedly about the day's lessons.

"Morning, everyone," Hermione greeted, looking up from her copy of "Hogwarts: A History."

"Morning," Void replied, helping himself to some toast. "Ready for another day of learning?"

Neville nodded, looking a bit more confident than the day before. "Yeah, I think so."

9:00 AM - Transfiguration (with Professor McGonagall)

The first class of the day was Transfiguration. Professor McGonagall started the lesson by explaining the principles behind turning animals into objects.

"Today, we will focus on turning a mouse into a snuffbox," she announced, demonstrating the spell with a flick of her wand.

Void, Harry, and the others practiced diligently. Void managed to transfigure his mouse into a perfect snuffbox within the first ten minutes. He then went around helping his classmates, including Neville, Hermione, and even some Slytherins.

"Five points to Gryffindor for excellent work, Mr. Potter," McGonagall announced. "And five more points for helping your classmates."

Ron, who had been struggling, looked at Void in awe. "How do you do it?"

Void shrugged. "Just practice, I guess."

11:00 AM - Charms (with Professor Flitwick)

Next was Charms with Professor Flitwick. The tiny professor stood on a stack of books to see over his desk.

"Today, we will be learning the Wand-Lighting Charm," he said, his voice high and squeaky. "The incantation is Lumos."

He demonstrated by making the tip of his wand glow brightly. The students paired up to practice, with Void partnering with Hermione. Both succeeded quickly and helped the others.

"Excellent work, Mr. Potter and Miss Granger," Flitwick praised. "Ten points to Gryffindor."

Void, noticing some of the other students struggling, took it upon himself to help them. He moved around the room, offering tips and encouragement to both Gryffindors and Slytherins alike.

"Hold your wand a little higher, Neville," Void suggested gently. "And don't forget to enunciate the spell clearly."

Neville nodded, trying again with more confidence. "Lumos!" he said, and the tip of his wand glowed faintly.

"Great job, Neville!" Void said, clapping him on the back.

Flitwick observed Void's efforts with a smile. "Mr. Potter, I must say, your willingness to help your classmates is commendable. Another ten points to Gryffindor."

Void's actions surprised both students and professors alike as usual they thought that this would not continue as there were some students before who helped others but as the years or classes went on they stopped as they chose to help their houses more. It was unusual to see someone so eager to help students from different houses, but it earned him respect and admiration from many.

As the class ended, Flitwick called out, "Well done, everyone. Keep practicing, and remember, it's Lumos for light and Nox to extinguish it."

Void felt a sense of accomplishment as they left the classroom. He had not only succeeded in his own practice but had also made a positive impact on his peers, regardless of their house affiliation.

12:00 PM - Lunch

At lunch, Void sat with Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Neville. The Great Hall was buzzing with students discussing their morning classes.

"You two are amazing," Ron said to Void and Hermione. "How do you always get it right?"

"Practice and focus," Void replied, glancing at Hermione, who nodded in agreement.

1:00 PM - Potions (with Professor Snape)

After lunch, it was time for Potions with Professor Snape. The class took place in the chilly dungeons, adding to the already intimidating atmosphere.

Snape swept into the room, his robes billowing behind him. "Today, we will be brewing a Forgetfulness Potion. Follow the instructions precisely."

Void partnered with Neville, who was visibly nervous. "Don't worry, Neville. We'll get through this," Void assured him.

Snape began the lesson with his usual stern demeanor, eyes flickering over each student as he spoke. "The Forgetfulness Potion is a simple yet delicate brew. One wrong move, and it could turn into a disaster. I expect no less than perfection."

Void carefully guided Neville through the process, making sure to measure each ingredient meticulously and stir the potion the exact number of times specified in the instructions. "Steady hand, Neville. Remember, clockwise, then counterclockwise," Void whispered, ensuring that Neville kept his movements precise.

Under Void's guidance, Neville managed to avoid any major mishaps. They added the final ingredient, and their potion turned a perfect shade of pale blue, indicating success.

Snape approached their table, his expression inscrutable. He examined their potion closely, then looked at Void and Neville. "Acceptable," he said curtly, his eyes lingering on Void for a moment longer than usual.

The rest of the class struggled with the potion, and several cauldrons emitted various alarming colors and fumes. Void, having completed his own potion, went around helping other students, regardless of their house. He calmly advised them on how to correct their mistakes, earning grateful looks from his classmates.

At the end of the class, Snape addressed the room. "For those of you who managed to create a satisfactory potion, well done. For the rest, I suggest you pay more attention in the future."

He then turned to Void. "Mr. Potter, your assistance to your classmates has not gone unnoticed you seem to enjoy helping others so much that I think another evening in detention would suit you well."

Void nodded. "Of course, Professor."

"Same time as before, Potter," Snape added with a slight smirk. "Don't be late."

As they left the classroom, Neville looked relieved. "Thanks, Void. I couldn't have done it without you."

"Anytime, Neville. You did great," Void replied with a smile, feeling a sense of accomplishment for helping his friend succeed.

3:00 PM - Flying Lessons (with Madam Hooch)

The final class of the day was Flying Lessons with Madam Hooch. The first-years gathered on the Quidditch pitch, each standing beside a broomstick. The pitch, surrounded by tall stands, was filled with an air of excitement and nervous energy.

Madam Hooch, with her hawk-like eyes, surveyed them all. "Welcome to your first flying lesson. Step up to your broomstick. Come on now, don't be shy. Stick your right hand over the broom and say, 'Up!'"

"Up!" everyone shouted. Void's broomstick jumped into his hand almost immediately, while others struggled to get theirs to respond. Harry's broom also obeyed quickly, while Ron's took a bit more coaxing.

Madam Hooch gave some basic instructions and then demonstrated how to mount the broom properly. "Now, on my whistle, kick off from the ground, hard."

Before Madam Hooch blew the whistle, Neville, who was extremely nervous, accidentally kicked off from the ground prematurely. He rose high into the air uncontrollably, lost his balance, and fell off the broom, breaking his wrist.

Madam Hooch escorted Neville to the hospital wing, warning the remaining students to stay on the ground until she returned.

While Madam Hooch was away, Draco Malfoy found Neville's Remembrall (a glass ball that glows red when its owner has forgotten something) and began to mock him. "Look at this," Malfoy sneered, holding up the Remembrall. "Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he'd have remembered to fall on his fat arse."

Harry Potter stood up to Malfoy, demanding he give the Remembrall back. Malfoy, in response, threw it high into the air, challenging Harry to retrieve it.

Ignoring the previous warning, Harry mounted his broom and flew after the Remembrall. Void, seeing this, decided to support Harry just in case of an accident. Together, they displayed natural flying skills, with Harry catching the Remembrall mid-air in a spectacular dive just before it hit the ground.

Professor McGonagall witnessed Harry's flying prowess from a distance and called both Harry and Void down. Instead of punishing them, she took Harry to meet Oliver Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and arranged for Harry to join the Gryffindor Quidditch team as the new Seeker, a rare honor for a first-year student.

As for Void, Professor McGonagall acknowledged his support but informed him that he would have detention with Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest as a consequence for disobeying Madam Hooch's instructions. However, she mentioned that if Void joined the Quidditch team, he would be exempt from the detention.

To the shock of Oliver Wood, Harry, and Professor McGonagall, Void simply accepted the detention without hesitation.

"Yes, Professor," Void said calmly, showing no signs of regret or reluctance.

Wood stared at Void in disbelief. "You'd rather take detention in the Forbidden Forest than join the Quidditch team?"

Void nodded. "Yes, I would. I have my reasons."

Harry, equally confused, looked at Void. "But why? You were amazing up there. You'd be a great addition to the team."

Void smiled at his friend. "Thanks, Harry. But I have other priorities."

Professor McGonagall, still taken aback, nodded approvingly. "Very well, Mr. Potter. Detention it is. Report to Hagrid at 8 PM sharp."

Void nodded again. "Understood, Professor. However, I already have detention with Professor Snape at that time. Can we reschedule it to another day?"

Professor McGonagall considered for a moment before nodding. "Very well. I will arrange a different time for your detention with Hagrid. In the meantime, make sure to attend your current detention."

Void nodded gratefully. "Thank you, Professor."

As they walked away, Harry and Wood continued to exchange bewildered glances. Void, however, seemed unfazed, his mind already focused on his next steps and the opportunities his detention might present.

Back in class

Madam Hooch returned and resumed the flying lesson, emphasizing safety and control. The students practiced flying, but the excitement of the earlier events lingered in the air. Void once again helped the students with their flying on brooms, assisting students from all houses

After the lesson, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Void headed back to the Gryffindor common room, discussing the day's events and the upcoming duel with Malfoy. The camaraderie between them strengthened as they faced the challenges of their first year at Hogwarts together.

At Dinner:

At dinner, Harry excitedly told Ron about joining the Quidditch team but mentioned that Wood wanted it to be a secret. They discussed the day's events with excitement.

"Wood wants me to keep it a secret for now," Harry whispered to Ron.

Ron grinned. "That's amazing, Harry! Wait until you show Malfoy who's boss."

As they spoke, Draco Malfoy, flanked by his cronies Crabbe and Goyle, approached their table. His expression was a mix of jealousy and disdain.

"Enjoying the attention, Potter?" Malfoy sneered. "I heard you got into trouble earlier. Typical, really."

Harry glared at Malfoy. "What do you want, Malfoy?"

Malfoy's Challenge:

Malfoy smirked. "How about a wizard's duel? Midnight in the Trophy Room. Or are you too scared?"

Before Harry could respond, Ron quickly accepted on Harry's behalf. "Harry's not scared. He'll be there, and I'll be his second."

Hermione, who had been nearby, looked horrified. "You can't be serious! You'll get caught, and we'll all be in trouble!"

Malfoy smirked, clearly pleased with himself. "We'll see you at midnight, then. Don't be late." With that, he turned on his heel and walked away, flanked by his cronies, Crabbe and Goyle.

The Midnight Adventure

As midnight approached, Harry, Ron, Hermione (who insisted on coming along to prevent them from getting into trouble), and Neville (who accidentally joined them) sneaked out of Gryffindor Tower. They moved stealthily through the dark corridors of Hogwarts, avoiding Peeves the Poltergeist and Filch, the caretaker.

"Are you sure about this, Harry?" Hermione whispered nervously. "This is a terrible idea."

"We'll be fine," Harry replied, trying to sound confident. "We just need to be quick."

As they turned a corner, they ran into Void, who was returning from his detention with Professor Snape.

"Void, what are you doing here?" Ron asked, surprised.

Void smirked. "Detention with Snape. What about you lot? Sneaking around this late isn't exactly a good idea."

Harry quickly explained the situation. "Malfoy challenged me to a duel. We're heading to the Trophy Room."

Void sighed. "Alright, I'll join you. Someone needs to keep you out of trouble."

When they reached the Trophy Room, it quickly became apparent that Malfoy had set them up. Instead of finding Malfoy ready for a duel, they found themselves face-to-face with Filch. Realizing it was a trap, they fled the Trophy Room, racing through the corridors to avoid getting caught.

In their haste, they stumbled into the forbidden third-floor corridor and ended up in a room guarded by Fluffy, the giant three-headed dog. The sight of the enormous creature left them frozen with fear for a moment.

Neville, trembling, whispered, "We need to turn back. This is too dangerous."

Void stepped in front of them with his wand in hand, ready for anything that Fluffy might try. "What is that thing?" Ron whispered, his eyes wide with terror.

"We need to get out of here, now," Void urged, trying to keep everyone calm. He kept his gaze locked with Fluffy, who was looking at Void with a curious gaze. Even Void did not notice that his Druid gift was helping him by making Fluffy not attack them on sight.

They managed to back away slowly and escape the room, retreating to the safety of Gryffindor Tower. Neville was the second to last to leave, with Void being the last one out, ensuring everyone was safe. The encounter with Fluffy left them shaken but unharmed, and they couldn't help but wonder what the giant dog was guarding.

The Next Day

The next day, the group was still buzzing with the excitement and fear of their midnight adventure. At breakfast, Hermione couldn't help but reprimand them.

"You could have gotten us all expelled!" Hermione scolded, her voice low but intense. "And for what? A wizard's duel with Malfoy?"

"Yeah, but did you see that dog?" Ron said, wide-eyed. "What do you think it's guarding?"

Harry nodded. "There was a trapdoor under it. It must be hiding something important."

"Whatever it is," Void added, "we need to be careful. We can't afford to get caught again."

Hermione sighed, clearly worried. "We need to focus on our studies and stay out of trouble."

Ron shrugged. "But it's more exciting than anything we've learned so far!"

Void Confronts Malfoy

Later, Void made his way over to the Slytherin table where Malfoy was sitting with his cronies, Crabbe and Goyle.

"Malfoy," Void called out, causing the entire Slytherin table to turn and look. "Why didn't you show up for the duel last night? Are you a coward?"

Malfoy's face flushed with anger and embarrassment. "I didn't think you Gryffindors would be dumb enough to actually go."

Void smirked. "So, it was a trap then? Typical. You challenge Harry to a duel and then hide behind Filch. That's real bravery, Malfoy."

Several Slytherins snickered, and Malfoy glared at them before turning back to Void. "You watch yourself, Potter," he sneered. "This isn't over."

Void shrugged. "Just remember, if you challenge someone to a duel, you better show up next time. Otherwise, everyone will know what you really are—a coward."

With that, Void turned and walked back to the Gryffindor table, leaving Malfoy seething. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville were all watching with wide eyes.

"That was brilliant, Void," Ron said, grinning. "I wish I'd seen Malfoy's face when you called him out."

Harry nodded. "Thanks, Void. Malfoy needed to be put in his place."

Hermione looked a bit worried. "Be careful, Void. Malfoy won't forget this."

Void smiled. "Don't worry, Hermione. I can handle Malfoy."

As they continued with their breakfast, the tension from the previous night's adventure started to fade, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and confidence. They knew there would be more challenges ahead, but they were ready to face them together.

The Ripple Effect

As the day went on, word spread about the confrontation in the Great Hall. Students from all houses talked about how Void had called out Malfoy, and the Slytherin's cowardice was a hot topic of conversation.

Even the teachers found out about it. Professor McGonagall gave Void a rare smile of approval, while Snape was not happy about what Void did. As Draco's godfather, Snape felt protective of him but could not openly reprimand Void without raising more questions.

That evening, the Gryffindor common room was buzzing with excitement. Void's bold move had earned him respect from many of his peers, and even those who were initially wary of him began to see him in a new light. Harry and Ron were proud of their friend, and Hermione, while still worried, couldn't help but admire Void's courage.

Over in the Slytherin common room, the reaction was more complex. While the house presented a united front to the other houses, inside it was divided about what had happened. Several Slytherins, especially those from the most noble and most ancient houses, sided with Void. They saw a duel challenge as a sacred tradition, and Malfoy's failure to show up after issuing the challenge was considered a disgrace.

"This is unacceptable," one Slytherin from a prestigious family muttered to another. "Malfoy brought shame upon himself and our house."

"Agreed," another replied. "He challenged Potter and then didn't even show up. That cowardice reflects poorly on all of us."

Despite these internal divisions, outwardly the Slytherins continued to support Draco, maintaining their facade of unity. However, the seeds of discord had been sown, and the respect for Malfoy within his own house had diminished.

As the Gryffindors continued to celebrate in their common room, Void remained humble, not seeking attention but rather focusing on his studies and preparing for his detentions. The day's events had shown him that even in a world of magic, courage and integrity were highly valued, and he intended to uphold those values in everything he did.