
Harry potter and the cousin of the boy who lived

What changes would a fan of harry potter bring when he finds himself in the body of a eleven year old cousin of harry potter (not Dudley) will he follow the canonical story or will he change the story for the better or worse only time and fate can tell. The Protag will be the son of twin sister of Lily M. Potter who will replace Lily as the godmother of Luna and this will be an AU world with a few differences nothing big but a few that are important for the protag to be born. This is my first time writing a FanFic(not that kind of fan fic) hope you guys and gals like it. Its just a side project to unwind while i stress over my projects for University that i need to do. Disclaimer - I do not own the characters and the plot of the Harry Potter Universe.

Zerou · Movies
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13 Chs

First Day , Magic Classes and House Bias

(some things will not be the same as canon like class schedule and classes)

The Next Morning Void's Training Routine

Void awoke early, well before dawn, with the help of a simple alarm charm he had found in one of his books. The charm gently nudged him awake at 3 AM, ensuring he had ample time for his morning routine. Slipping quietly out of the Gryffindor dormitory, he made his way to the grounds near the Black Lake, where he could train without disturbing anyone.

Training Near the Black Lake: Void's training routine was rigorous and reminiscent of Saitama's training from "One Punch Man," though adjusted for a young wizard. It included:

100 push-ups100 sit-ups100 squats A 10 km run around the lake

After completing his physical exercises, Void moved on to practising basic spells that would not seem too advanced for a first-year student. He focused on spells like Lumos, Nox, and Wingardium Leviosa, ensuring his wand movements were precise and his incantations clear.

Meeting the House Elves: While taking a break from his exercises, Void decided to test a theory and attempted to call a Hogwarts house-elf. To his surprise, he heard two distinct pops and found himself face-to-face with two house elves: a younger one named Gimkey and an older one named Deek.

"How can Gimkey help young master?" Gimkey asked eagerly.

"How can Deek help young master?" the older elf inquired, bowing slightly.

Void's eyes widened in recognition when he heard the name Deek, recalling the game "Hogwarts Legacy" and the magical capabilities associated with the character. Remembering his Magic Eyes ability, he wondered if he could see ancient magic traces.

Understanding House-Elf Etiquette: Void took the opportunity to ask the elves about proper etiquette for interacting with them. He expressed his concern about accidentally giving them something that might free them, as he wanted to show gratitude without causing unintended consequences.

Gimkey and Deek were both touched and a little worried by Void's concerns. They explained that house elves needed a magical source like a place or person to survive and that being freed without such a connection would lead to a painful demise. They reassured him that house-elves would not accept gifts that could set them free without their consent.

"Thank you for explaining," Void said earnestly. "I just want to make sure I'm doing things right and not causing any harm."

Deek nodded, his large eyes serious. "Young master is very kind to be concerned. Deek and Gimkey will always be happy to help you."

Void thanked them for the information and asked if they could prepare breakfast for him—specifically rice, eggs, and bacon. The elves informed him that he could simply ask for what he wanted at the table in the Great Hall, as they would be listening to his request.

Continued Training: Grateful for the advice, Void resumed his training. He practised spells and physical exercises until around 6 AM when he decided to head back to his dormitory. After a refreshing shower, he got dressed and made his way to the Gryffindor common room.

Meeting Fred and George

In the common room, Void encountered Fred and George Weasley. They were lounging on the sofas, discussing their latest prank ideas. Void greeted them with a smile.

"Morning, Fred, George," Void said cheerfully.

"Morning, Void," Fred replied with a grin. "You're up early."

"Yeah, I like to get a head start on the day," Void explained.

George nodded approvingly. "That's the spirit. So, what brings you to the common room so early?"

"I'm waiting for Harry and Ron to join us for breakfast, but they're taking forever," Void said with a sigh.

Fred chuckled. "If you need help waking Ron, just splash him with cold water. Works every time."

George nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he's like a bear in hibernation otherwise. Cold water is the only way to get him moving."

Void laughed. "Thanks for the tip. I'll go wake them up now."

He headed up to the dormitory and gently nudged Harry awake. Harry responded with a groggy but cheerful smile.

"Morning, Harry," Void said softly. "Time to get up."

Harry yawned and stretched. "Morning, Void. I'll be up in a minute."

Next, Void turned to Ron, who was still snoring loudly. Remembering Fred and George's advice, he filled a small glass with cold water from the bathroom and splashed it on Ron's face. Ron sputtered awake, grumbling.

"What the—?" Ron exclaimed, wiping his face. "Why'd you do that?"

"Fred and George said it was the only way to wake you up," Void replied with a grin.

Ron groaned but reluctantly got out of bed. "Fine, fine. I'm up."

The boys quickly got ready and headed down to the common room, where Fred and George were waiting with amused expressions.

"Worked like a charm, didn't it?" Fred said, winking.

"Yeah, thanks for the tip," Void replied with a laugh.

Breakfast in the Great Hall

As they settled at the Gryffindor table, Void remembered the advice from the house-elves and decided to put it to the test. He leaned forward and quietly requested his breakfast: rice, eggs, and bacon. To the astonishment of those around him, the requested food appeared before him.

Harry stared in amazement. "How did you do that?"

Void grinned. "Just ask for what you want. The house-elves are listening."

Curiosity and Experimentation: Seeing Void's success, other students began to experiment with their own requests. Some succeeded, receiving their desired items, while others who asked for more exotic or unavailable items received nothing. Void suggested they try asking for something simpler that the kitchen might have.

"Maybe they don't have that in the kitchen," Void explained. "Try asking for something else."

Word quickly spread from the Gryffindor table to the rest of the Great Hall. Students from all houses began making their own requests, marveling at the results. Even the teachers took notice.

Flitwick's Approval: Professor Flitwick, the Charms teacher, was particularly impressed by Void's initiative and curiosity. He approached the Gryffindor table with a smile.

"Very clever, Mr. Potter," Flitwick said, beaming. "Ten points to Gryffindor for your ingenuity."

Void blushed slightly. "Thank you, Professor."

Other professors tried the trick themselves, pleasantly surprised by the results. Professor McGonagall gave Void an approving nod, while Professor Snape, ever the sceptic, scowled but still tested it, receiving his requested item with a grudging acknowledgment.

Fred and George, always up for a bit of fun, asked for a plate of their favourite sweets and grinned when it appeared before them.

"This is brilliant, Void," Fred said, popping a sweet into his mouth.

"Yeah, thanks for the tip!" George added.

"Good morning, first-years," McGonagall said as she made her way to the first years of her house, her voice clear and authoritative. "I have your schedules for this term. Please ensure you are on time for your classes and pay attention to the instructions given by your professors."

She began distributing the schedules, handing one to each student. When she reached Void, she paused and gave him an appraising look. "Mr Potter, I trust you will continue to show the same initiative in your studies as you have this morning."

Void nodded, taking his schedule. "Yes, Professor. I'll do my best."

Reviewing the Schedule: As McGonagall moved on, the group eagerly unrolled their schedules. They compared notes, excitedly discussing their upcoming classes.

"Let's see," Harry said, scanning his schedule. "Today we have Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall, followed by Charms with Professor Flitwick."

"Then we have lunch, and after that, it's Potions with Professor Snape," Ron added, grimacing slightly at the mention of Snape.

"And finally, we have History of Magic with Professor Binns," 

Void looked over his schedule, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness. "It's going to be a busy day," he remarked.

Class Schedule for First-Years:( the schedule may not be the same as the canon)


9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Transfiguration (with Professor McGonagall)

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Charms (with Professor Flitwick)

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM: Potions (with Professor Snape)

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: History of Magic (with Professor Binns)


9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Herbology (with Professor Sprout)

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Defense Against the Dark Arts (with Professor Quirrell)

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch

1:00 PM - 1:00 AM: Study Period

1:00 AM - 2:30 AM: Astronomy (with Professor Sinistra, at night)


9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Transfiguration (with Professor McGonagall)

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Charms (with Professor Flitwick)

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM: Potions (with Professor Snape)

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: Flying Lessons (with Madam Hooch)


9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Herbology (with Professor Sprout)

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Defense Against the Dark Arts (with Professor Quirrell)

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch

1:00 PM - 1:00 AM: Study Period

12:00 AM - 1:30 AM: Astronomy (with Professor Sinistra, at night)


9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Transfiguration (with Professor McGonagall)

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Charms (with Professor Flitwick)

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch1:00 PM - 2:30 PM: Potions (with Professor Snape)

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: History of Magic (with Professor Binns)

Excitement for Classes: "I can't wait for Transfiguration," Hermione said, joining the group and looking over her schedule. "It's supposed to be difficult, but also fascinating."

"Yeah, but Potions with Snape is going to be a nightmare," Ron muttered, looking apprehensive.

Void nodded in agreement. "We'll just have to be prepared and do our best."

As they finished discussing their schedules, the students began to disperse, heading to their respective classes. Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall. The excitement and anticipation of the new school year filled the air, and they were ready to begin their magical education at Hogwarts.

Heading to Transfiguration Class

Void and Hermione, along with the rest of the first-year Gryffindor and Slytherin students, made their way to their first class of the day: Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall. As they walked through the corridors of Hogwarts, Void noticed Harry and Ron slowing down, looking worried.

"We forgot our books in the common room," Harry whispered to Ron, looking distressed.

Ron groaned. "We need to go back and get them. We can't show up to class without our books!"

"See you in class," Void said to Harry and Ron, who were already sprinting back towards the common room.

Void observed them, a thoughtful expression on his face. He considered intervening but then decided against it. Some things are meant to be, he thought, and perhaps this would be a good lesson in time management for Harry. He left them to handle their situation and continued on to class with Hermione, Daphne, and Tracey.

Void's First Transfiguration Class

Void, Hermione, and the rest of the first-year Gryffindors and Slytherins made their way to their first Transfiguration class. The corridors were bustling with students, all heading to their respective classes.

When they arrived at the Transfiguration classroom, Void noticed Professor McGonagall in her animagus form, a tabby cat, sitting on the teacher's table. He approached the table, bowed slightly, and said in a low voice, "Good morning, Professor."

The tabby cat gave a slight nod and remained in her form, waiting for the late students to arrive. Void then made his way over to Daphne and Tracey, who were sitting on the Slytherin side of the room. This action shocked many of the students, including Professor McGonagall, who observed from her animagus form.

Tracey looked at Void, her eyebrows raised in surprise. "Are you sure you want to sit with us? You're in Gryffindor."

Void smiled and nodded. "There's no seating arrangement or rule at Hogwarts that says I can't sit with students from another house. We're all Hogwarts students, aren't we? Or are we not supposed to interact with other houses? That would be a rather foolish thing, and I don't believe the founders intended that."

Daphne gave a small smile, appreciating Void's sentiment. "Well, you're welcome to sit with us, then."

As Void took his seat beside Daphne and Tracey, whispers spread throughout the classroom. Many students were curious and surprised by Void's choice to sit with the Slytherins, but he paid no mind to the gossip. He believed in unity and learning from everyone, regardless of house affiliations.

Meanwhile, Harry and Ron finally arrived, panting slightly from their rush back to the common room. They entered the classroom and saw that Professor McGonagall was not there yet there was only a cat on the teacher's table. They quickly took their seats, looking a bit flustered.

The tabby cat jumped down from the table, transforming back into Professor McGonagall in an instant. She looked sternly at Harry and Ron. "Being on time is crucial, gentlemen. See that it doesn't happen again."

Harry and Ron nodded quickly, muttering apologies.

McGonagall then began the class, explaining the basics of Transfiguration and demonstrating the process by turning her desk into a pig and back again. The students watched in awe, captivated by the display of magic. 

Throughout the lesson, Void participated actively, asking insightful questions and impressing Professor McGonagall with his eagerness to learn. His interactions with Daphne and Tracey also showed a level of maturity and open-mindedness that many students found surprising.

As the class progressed, the initial shock of Void's seating choice faded, and the students focused on their lessons. By the end of the class, Void had not only gained the respect of his peers but also set an example of unity and cooperation among the different houses.

 Professor McGonagall demonstrated how to turn a matchstick into a needle with a precise wand movement.

Void, deciding to stay under the radar, completed the transformation within the first ten minutes. He didn't want to showcase his full abilities just yet, preferring to be noticed for his effort but not so much that Dumbledore would see him as a threat or potential dark lord.

"Excellent work, Mr. Potter!" McGonagall exclaimed, awarding him 10 points for Gryffindor.

Void then moved on to help Daphne and Tracey with their matchsticks. After five minutes of explanation and guidance, Daphne successfully turned her matchstick into a needle.

"Well done, Miss Greengrass," McGonagall said, awarding her 5 points. "And another 10 points to Mr. Potter for helping a fellow student."

Void was puzzled by the high points for helping but thought nothing of it. He continued to assist other students in both Slytherin and Gryffindor. By the end of the class, more than half of the students had either partially transformed their matchsticks into needles or turned them into metal.

As the class concluded, McGonagall addressed the students. "Excellent progress today. For those of you who successfully transformed your matchsticks, well done. And a special mention to Mr. Potter for his assistance in helping others. Gryffindor is awarded another 15 points for his efforts."

Void felt a sense of accomplishment but remained cautious, not wanting to attract too much attention. He was determined to make a positive impact at Hogwarts without arousing suspicion.

As they left the classroom, Daphne turned to Void. "Thank you for your help, Void. You're quite skilled."

Void smiled modestly. "Just doing what I can to help."

Tracey nodded in agreement. "Yeah, thanks, Void. You're really good at this."

Void shrugged. "It's nothing, really. We're all here to learn and support each other."

As they made their way to the next class, Charms, Void felt a growing sense of camaraderie with his classmates, regardless of their house affiliation. The journey at Hogwarts was just beginning, and Void was determined to make the most of it while navigating the complexities of his new reality.

The first Transfiguration class ended on a positive note, with students eager to continue their magical education and explore the wonders of Hogwarts together.

However, the Gryffindors, especially Ron, were less than pleased with Void's choice of seating. As they left the classroom, Ron walked over to Harry, his face flushed with anger. "What's Void doing sitting with the Slytherins?" he demanded.

Harry shrugged, glancing over at Void, who was still chatting with Daphne and Tracey. "That's just Void. He does what he wants"

Ron scowled, not convinced. "Yeah, but We're supposed to stick together."

Harry gave Ron a reassuring pat on the back. "Void's just trying to show that houses shouldn't divide us. He's right, you know. We're all here to learn magic. Besides, he's still our friend."

Ron grumbled under his breath but didn't argue further. He knew Harry had a point, even if he didn't like it.

As the Gryffindors and Slytherins made their way to their next class, Void caught Harry's eye and smiled. Harry smiled back, feeling a sense of reassurance. Void always knew how to stand up for what he believed in, and Harry admired that about him. 

Charms Class

As the Gryffindor and Slytherin students made their way to their next class, Void bid farewell to Daphne and Tracey. "See you later," he said with a friendly wave. The girls smiled and waved back.

"See you, Void," Daphne replied.

"Good luck in Charms," Tracey added.

Void then walked over to Harry and Ron, who were heading towards the Charms classroom. He joined them, ready for the next lesson.

"Why aren't you sitting with your snake friends?" Ron muttered, a hint of disdain in his voice.

Void looked at Ron with a puzzled expression. "I am always sitting with my snake friend."

The classroom fell silent, and all eyes turned to Void, assuming he was referring to Slytherin students. Just as the tension began to rise, a small snakehead popped out from Void's collar.

"See, Shadow is always with me," Void said with a smile.

The students, initially shocked, burst into laughter, breaking the tension. Harry couldn't help but laugh as well, while Ron turned bright red with embarrassment.

"Blimey, Void! You could've warned me," Ron muttered, his face still flushed.

Harry clapped Ron on the back, trying to stifle his laughter. "Come on, Ron. You have to admit that was pretty funny."

Professor Flitwick entered the classroom, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he took in the scene. "Settle down, everyone. Let's begin our lesson."

As they settled into their seats, Void sat next to Harry and Ron. Shadow, sensing the class's curiosity, slithered back into Void's collar, content to stay hidden.

Charms Class

Professor Flitwick stood on a stack of books at the front of the classroom, addressing the students with enthusiasm. "Welcome to Charms! Today, we will be learning the Softening Charm, Spongify."

He demonstrated the charm with a swish and flick of his wand, causing a rock to become soft and spongy. The students watched in awe, eager to try it themselves.

"Remember, the incantation is Spongify," Professor Flitwick said. "And the wand movement is a swish and flick."

Void focused intently, determined to master the charm. He practised the wand movement, repeating the incantation under his breath. "Spongify... Spongify..."

Harry and Ron were equally focused, though Ron struggled a bit with the pronunciation. "It's Spongify, not Spong-ee-fy," Hermione corrected him from across the table.

Ron rolled his eyes but tried again, this time with more success. Void, meanwhile, managed to soften his rock on the first try. He watched in satisfaction as it turned spongy under his wand.

"Well done, Mr. Potter!" Professor Flitwick exclaimed, clapping his hands. "Excellent work!"

Void smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. Harry gave him a thumbs-up, and even Ron managed a grin despite his earlier embarrassment.

After successfully casting the spell, Void noticed Harry struggling a bit with his rock. He leaned over to help, demonstrating the correct wand movement and pronunciation. With Void's guidance, Harry soon managed to soften his rock as well.

"Great job, Harry!" Void said, smiling.

"Thanks, Void," Harry replied, clearly pleased with his progress.

Void then turned to Hermione, who was having trouble getting her rock to stay soft. After a few pointers and some encouragement, Hermione finally succeeded.

"Well done, Hermione!" Void said, giving her a nod of approval.

"Thank you, Void," Hermione replied, beaming with pride.

Professor Flitwick, observing Void's helpfulness, awarded him another 5 points. "Excellent work, Mr. Potter, for assisting your classmates."

Void continued to assist other students, both in Gryffindor and Slytherin. By the end of the class, more than half of the students had managed to soften their rocks, thanks to Void's help.

As the class concluded, Professor Flitwick addressed the students. "Excellent progress today. For those of you who successfully cast the Softening Charm, well done. And a special mention to Mr. Potter for his assistance in helping others. Gryffindor is awarded another 10 points for his efforts." 

Void felt a sense of accomplishment but remained cautious, not wanting to attract too much attention. He was determined to make a positive impact at Hogwarts without arousing suspicion.

After Charms Class

As they left the classroom, Ron turned to Void, his embarrassment replaced by curiosity. "So, how did you get a pet snake into Hogwarts, anyway?"

Void raised an eyebrow, puzzled. "What do you mean? We're allowed to have a pet with us along with an owl, so why is it that surprising to have Shadow?"

At this moment, Hermione interjected. "That's only for cats, toads, and owls. It's in the Hogwarts letter."

Void glanced at her and then back at Ron. "Well, Ron has a rat. And Shadow isn't a danger to anyone unless they try to hurt Harry or me. Plus, there are no rules that state I can't have a pet snake."

Ron looked thoughtful for a moment, then shrugged. "I guess you're right. I never thought about it like that."

Harry, who had been listening to the exchange, nodded in agreement. "Shadow's been great. And besides, he's not causing any trouble."

Hermione, always one to follow the rules, seemed torn but finally conceded. "I suppose if there's no specific rule against it, then it should be fine."

Void smiled, feeling a sense of relief. "Thanks, guys. Shadow means a lot to me. I'm glad you're okay with him being here."

Ron gave a half-smile. "As long as he doesn't try to eat Scabbers, we're good."

Void chuckled. "Don't worry, Ron. Shadow knows better than to eat that."

As they continued to walk towards the Great Hall for lunch, the group felt a growing sense of camaraderie. Despite the initial awkwardness and misunderstandings, they were beginning to form strong bonds, united by their shared experiences and the excitement of their first year at Hogwarts.

At Lunch

Once they reached the Great Hall, the group found seats at the Gryffindor table. The hall was buzzing with activity as students chatted and enjoyed their meals. Void took a moment to appreciate the lively atmosphere before turning to Harry and Ron.

Once they reached the Great Hall for lunch, the group found seats at the Gryffindor table. The hall was buzzing with activity as students chatted and enjoyed their meals. Void took a moment to appreciate the lively atmosphere before turning to Harry and Ron.

"So, what's our next class after lunch?" Void asked, looking at his schedule.

"Potions with Professor Snape," Harry replied, glancing at his own timetable.

Ron groaned. "Potions right after lunch... Snape's not going to go easy on us."

Hermione, who had joined them, rolled her eyes. "It's important to learn Potions properly, Ron. Professor Snape is a brilliant potion master."

Void nodded in agreement. "Hermione's right. Potions are essential. Besides, it's interesting to see how different ingredients interact."

Ron sighed but didn't argue further. Instead, he changed the subject. "What do we have after Potions?"

"History of Magic with Professor Binns," Harry replied.

Ron groaned again. "History of Magic with Professor Binns... It's going to be so boring."

Hermione, always one to follow the rules, seemed exasperated. "It's important to know our history, Ron. How else are we going to understand the magical world we live in?"

Void nodded in agreement. "Hermione's right. Knowing our history gives us context and understanding. Besides, we might learn something interesting."

Ron sighed but didn't argue further. Instead, he asked Void another question. "So, Void, have you always had Shadow with you?"

Void smiled. "Yeah, for as long as I can remember. He's been my companion and protector."

Harry, remembering the times Shadow had defended them, added, "Shadow's great. He's helped us out of a few tight spots."

Hermione, curious but not wanting to pry too much, simply nodded. "It's good to have a reliable companion."

Ron glanced at his schedule and groaned again. "History of Magic right after Potions... I'm going to fall asleep."

Hermione gave him a stern look. "Ron, you need to take your studies seriously. This is important."

Void smiled at their banter, feeling a sense of belonging. As they finished their meal and prepared to head to their next class, he couldn't help but feel excited about the adventures and challenges that lay ahead at Hogwarts.

Heading to Potions

Void, Hermione, and the rest of the first-year Gryffindors and Slytherins made their way to the dungeons for Potions. The corridors were bustling with students heading to their respective classes, and the air was filled with anticipation.

Potions Class

Arrival at the Potions Classroom

Void, Harry, Hermione, and Ron walked down the chilly, dimly lit corridors of the dungeons. The Potions classroom was as foreboding as they had imagined, with shelves lined with pickled animals, jars of mysterious ingredients, and an overall eerie atmosphere.

"Blimey, this place gives me the creeps," Ron muttered.

Hermione, eager to impress, whispered, "It's fascinating! Just think of all the knowledge stored in here."

Void observed the room carefully, noting the various ingredients and their potential uses. He felt a mix of excitement and trepidation. He knew he had to be careful not to reveal too much of his knowledge, yet he wanted to make a good impression.

As they took their seats, the door swung open, and Professor Snape entered the classroom, his presence instantly commanding attention. His greasy black hair, hooked nose, and cold, dark eyes made an imposing sight.

Introduction to Professor Snape

Snape began the roll call, his voice dripping with disdain. "Abbott, Hannah... Bones, Susan... Granger, Hermione..."

When he reached Harry's name, he paused dramatically. "Potter, Harry." His eyes flicked to Harry, filled with a mix of curiosity and contempt.

Harry shifted uncomfortably under Snape's gaze. Void felt a surge of protectiveness but remained silent, knowing this was part of the test.

Snape's Opening Remarks

Snape's voice cut through the silence like a knife. "You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making," he began. "As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses..."

He let the words hang in the air for a moment, then continued, his eyes now fixed on Harry. "I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death—if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."

Harry and Void exchanged glances, both feeling the weight of Snape's expectations.

The Infamous Questions

Snape's attention then focused entirely on Harry. "Potter!" he snapped. "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

Harry hesitated, his mind racing. "I—I don't know, sir," he admitted.

Snape's lips curled into a sneer. "Tut, tut—fame clearly isn't everything."

"Let's try again. Potter, where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?"

Harry looked helplessly at Hermione, who seemed on the verge of bursting with the answer. "I don't know, sir," Harry repeated.

"And what is the difference, Potter, between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

"I don't know, sir."

Snape's sneer deepened. "Thought you wouldn't open a book before coming, eh, Potter?"

Snape's eyes then turned to Void, a challenge gleaming in his dark eyes. "Potter," he repeated, this time addressing Void. "Perhaps you can enlighten us. What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

Void responded confidently, "The Draught of Living Death, sir."

Snape's eyebrows raised slightly, but he didn't break his stern demeanor. "And where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?"

"In the stomach of a goat, sir," Void answered smoothly.

Snape's eyes narrowed. "What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

"They are the same plant, also known as aconite," Void replied.

The class was silent, Hermione's eyes wide with admiration, and even Snape seemed momentarily taken aback by Void's knowledge. But Snape quickly regained his composure.

"At least one Potter has an acceptable attitude about potions," he remarked coldly. "Let's see how you fare with something more challenging. What are the primary uses of powdered bicorn horn in potion-making?"

Void answered without hesitation, "It is used in several potions, including the Polyjuice Potion and certain strength-enhancing draughts."

Snape pressed on, "And the proper method of preparation for a lacewing fly infusion?"

"It must be stewed for twenty-one days, sir," Void replied confidently.

Snape's expression was inscrutable, but his tone was less harsh. "Correct. Well, it appears we have at least one student who isn't entirely incompetent."

Snape turned back to the class, his usual scowl returning. "Now, let's proceed. Instructions are on the board. You will be brewing a simple Boil-Cure Potion. Follow the instructions exactly."

As the class began their potion-making, Void was paired with Neville Longbottom, who looked apprehensive and nervous. Void, having already read extensively about potions, quickly and correctly prepared his own Boil-Cure Potion. He noticed Neville struggling with the instructions and offered his assistance.

"Here, Neville, let me help you with that," Void said, gently taking the ladle from Neville's trembling hand and showing him the correct way to stir the potion.

Neville looked relieved and grateful. "Thanks, Void. I'm really bad at this."

Void smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it. Just follow the instructions carefully and keep a steady hand."

After ensuring Neville's potion was on the right track, Void moved on to help Harry and Ron, who were also having trouble.

"Harry, Ron, try stirring clockwise and make sure to add the porcupine quills after it simmers for five minutes," Void instructed, demonstrating the technique.

"Thanks, Void," Harry whispered, looking relieved.

Ron nodded appreciatively. "Yeah, thanks, mate. This stuff is harder than it looks."

Hermione watched Void with a mixture of admiration and curiosity. "How do you know so much?" she asked quietly.

Void shrugged modestly. "I just read a lot."

Void continued to move around the room, helping other students regardless of their house. He assisted both Slytherins and Gryffindors alike, earning him a mix of curious glances and grateful nods. Snape, observing Void's actions, initially looked annoyed.

"Potter!" Snape barked. "Five points from Gryffindor for interfering with other students' work."

Void looked up calmly. "I'm just helping them, Professor. Isn't that what we're supposed to do?"

Snape's eyes narrowed, and he approached Void, his gaze intense. "Detention, Potter, for insubordination."

Void met Snape's eyes without flinching. "Of course, Professor."

Snape seemed taken aback by Void's calm acceptance and continued helping the students without further protest. The other students, including Harry and Hermione, were shocked by Void's bravery and Snape's relatively mild response.

What the students didn't realize was that Snape had used Legilimency on Void, attempting to read his thoughts. However, Snape only saw Void's genuine desire to help his classmates, leading him to believe that Void's actions were driven by pure intentions.

At the end of the class, as the students began packing up their belongings, Snape approached Void. "Remember your detention, Potter. Five PM sharp in the dungeons. You'll be having dinner with me."

Void nodded respectfully. "Yes, Professor. I'll be there."

As Void left the classroom, Harry, Ron, and Hermione gathered around him, their expressions a mix of awe and concern.

"Are you okay, Void?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, that was really brave of you," Harry added.

Ron shook his head in disbelief. "I can't believe you stood up to Snape like that."

Void smiled at his friends. "It's fine. I just want to help everyone do their best. We're all here to learn, right?"

As they made their way to the next class, Void felt a sense of satisfaction. Despite Snape's attempts to punish him, he had managed to help his classmates and earn their respect. He was determined to continue doing his best and supporting his friends, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

As they made their way to the next class, Daphne and Tracy approached Void, Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Thank you for helping with the potions, especially Tracy, who was nervous and almost made a mistake," Daphne said, gratitude evident in her voice.

Tracy nodded, smiling shyly. "Yeah, thanks a lot, Void. I don't know what I would have done without your help."

Void smiled back at them. "No problem. I'm glad I could help."

The group continued to History of Magic with Professor Binns, the ghostly professor whose monotone lectures were infamous for putting students to sleep. Void decided to sit with Daphne and Tracy again, knowing that they wouldn't mind if he read other books during the class. He preferred their company over Hermione, who he knew wouldn't approve of him not paying attention.

As they settled into their seats, Void pulled out a book on advanced magical theory and began reading. Daphne and Tracy exchanged glances but shrugged, grateful for his presence. They both tried their best to stay awake during Professor Binns' droning lecture.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat nearby, listening to Professor Binns' lecture on the history of magical uprisings. Harry and Ron were struggling to keep their eyes open, while Hermione diligently took notes, her quill moving swiftly across the parchment.

Void glanced up occasionally, making sure Daphne and Tracy were managing to stay awake. He noticed Tracy struggling to keep her eyes open and nudged her gently.

"Here, try reading this," Void whispered, handing her a book on magical creatures.

Tracy looked at him gratefully and accepted the book. Daphne leaned over to see what it was and raised an eyebrow.

"Advanced Magical Creatures? Isn't this a bit advanced for first years?" she whispered.

Void shrugged with a smile. "It's interesting and should keep you awake. Plus, it's good to get ahead."

Daphne smirked. "Fair enough."

As the class continued, Void kept an eye on his friends, making sure they stayed engaged in the lecture in some way. He found the advanced magical theory book fascinating and was soon lost in its pages.

Towards the end of the class, Professor Binns droned on about the Goblin Rebellions, his ghostly form floating slightly above the ground. Void occasionally glanced at Hermione, who was still taking diligent notes, and admired her dedication.

When the class finally ended, Void packed up his books and rejoined his friends. Daphne and Tracy looked more awake, thanks to Void's efforts.

"Thanks for the book, Void," Tracy said, handing it back. "It really helped."

"No problem," Void replied, slipping the book into his bag.

Hermione approached, her expression curious. "What were you reading, Void?"

"Just some advanced magical theory," Void said casually. "I find it interesting."

Hermione looked impressed. "That's ambitious. You should share what you learn with us."

Void smiled. "Sure, I'd be happy to."

As they left the classroom, the group felt a sense of camaraderie growing between them. Despite the differences in their houses, they were united by their shared experiences and mutual support. Void was determined to continue helping his friends and making the most of his time at Hogwarts.

As they left the classroom, Void turned to his friends. "I'm going to head back to the dorms to put my stuff away and then go to my 'detention'," he said, making air quotes with his fingers. The others laughed, though they also looked a bit worried about him getting detention on the first day, even faster than Fred and George.

As Void reached the Gryffindor common room, he saw some students just returning and settling in. He quickly put his books and things in his trunk to keep them safe. Just as he was about to leave, Fred and George Weasley called out to him.

"Oi, Void! Why are you in such a hurry to leave?" Fred asked, grinning.

Void explained, "I've got detention with Professor Snape."

The twins exchanged a look, then burst out laughing. "On your first day? Blimey, that's impressive!" George said, clapping Void on the back.

"We thought we were quick, but you beat us by a mile. What did you do, prank him in class?" Fred asked, still laughing.

Void shook his head, smiling. "No pranks. I was just helping out other students during the lesson."

Fred raised an eyebrow. "And Snape gave you detention for that?"

Void nodded. "Pretty much. But it's no big deal."

The twins looked at each other, then back at Void, their expressions full of pride. "You're a true Gryffindor, Void," George said, nodding approvingly.

Fred added, "Absolutely. Anyone who can get Snape's attention on the first day has our respect."

Void chuckled. "Thanks, guys. I'll see you later."

As he left the common room and made his way to the dungeons, Void felt a mix of amusement and determination. The twins' support gave him a boost of confidence, and he was ready to face whatever Snape had in store for him.

Snape's Reflection

As Snape walked back to his office, his thoughts were consumed by the evening's detention with Void. The young boy's demeanor and behavior were intriguing, to say the least.

Void Potter... so much like his mother, Snape thought, a hint of a smile playing at his lips. Curious, determined, and unafraid to ask questions, even in detention. Perhaps that is why the Sorting Hat placed him in Gryffindor.

Snape recalled how Void had taken every opportunity to learn, undeterred by the harsh tasks or Snape's intimidating presence. Unlike other students, Void showed no hesitation in asking about the various potion ingredients and their properties, even while chopping roots or scrubbing cauldrons.

Most students, even those from Slytherin, held back their questions, fearing his sharp tongue. Not even Draco Malfoy, despite being his godson and having received private tutoring from Snape at Malfoy Manor, asked as many questions as Void did tonight.

It's refreshing, in a way, Snape mused, though he'd never admit it aloud. Void's thirst for knowledge and willingness to endure the challenging detention tasks were traits he had to respect, albeit begrudgingly.

And then there was Harry Potter. Snape's expression darkened slightly as he thought of Harry. The boy looked so much like his father, James Potter, with that same messy black hair and arrogant air. Yet, those green eyes... those were Lily's eyes, no mistake about it. It was disconcerting, to say the least, to see such a stark reminder of both the man he loathed and the woman he loved in the same face.

I'll have to watch them both more closely, Snape decided. There was something about Void's resilience and Harry's mix of vulnerability and determination that warranted careful observation. They might be different from what he expected, and he needed to understand their true natures.

Snape entered his office, closing the door behind him. The room was dimly lit, filled with shelves of potion ingredients and books. He sat at his desk, his mind still occupied with thoughts of the Potter boys.

Perhaps they are not as easy to categorize as I initially thought, he considered. Time would tell if they would live up to their respective parents' legacies or forge paths of their own.

For now, he would remain vigilant, keeping a watchful eye on them both. After all, there was always more to learn, both in potion-making and in understanding the complexities of those around him.

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