
Harem king.

"In a distant realm, a young college student undergoes an extraordinary reincarnation. He awakens in a mysterious world steeped in magic and swords, reminiscent of a bygone era. Now living the life of royalty, he harbours grand dreams of amassing the largest harem the realm has ever seen. However, his path is fraught with challenges and uncertainties. Will he truly succeed in turning his extravagant dreams into reality?"

AugustDHeart · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter: 6 Maria and Anya's Story

A few days later, Momo slowly awakened, finding herself lying beside Arthur on a comfortable bed inside a cozy wooden cabin. A fireplace crackled nearby, filling the room with warmth and soft light. Her head throbbed with pain as she attempted to sit up in a hurry, but her headache wouldn't allow it. Just then, the cabin door opened, and a concerned voice greeted her.

"Don't rush, take it easy. How are you feeling? I understand you must be confused, but for now, you should focus on resting."

Momo, still groggy and disoriented, responded, "I'm fine, just have a terrible headache. Other than that, I think I'm okay."

"If you say so," the voice replied, "but I still believe you should rest. I didn't find any noticeable injury, your headache might be due to extreme exhaustion. I don't know what you guys went through to reach here but you guys were in a pretty rough state. Though you can rest assured, you are in good hands. Don't worry about anything for now and let yourself recover. You can stay here as long as you want until you feel like you have recovered enough."

Momo, struggling to make sense of her surroundings, inquired, "Thank you. I appreciate your help. But who are you and why did you help us?"

With a thoughtful expression, the voice began to explain, dropping their hood, "Oh, me? You know me, we have already met before, haven't we? Miss Momo."

A week earlier...

"I wonder how Big Brother Arthur is doing," Anya hummed to herself as she made her way toward Arthur's residence.

Unbeknownst to her, the castle had been unusually quiet lately. Arthur, along with his companions, had set out in search of Momo, leaving only a handful of guards and servants behind. Anya searched the entire castle but couldn't find Arthur or Ellie. As she sat there all by herself with a downcast expression, Maria, a familiar face among the castle staff, spotted her and called out.

Isn't that Anya? What's she doing here so early, and why does she look so upset? Anya,Why are you here?"

Anya halted her steps and turned to see Maria calling her.

"Big Sis Maria?" Anya replied.

"What are you doing here, Anya? Why are you sitting here all by yourself? And why do you look upset? What happened? Maria said, approaching the young girl.

"I came to see Big Brother Arthur; he promised to teach me something new today. So I was excited and couldn't wait any longer so I went to look for him. But I didn't find him anywhere."


Maria, concerned about Anya's emotional state, tried to console her. "Ara, you poor little thing,. Just look at yourself; your eyes have swollen and your nose is running because you were crying. First, let's stop crying and get yourself cleaned up. Currently, His majesty has gone to bring back big sis Momo. He will be back soon. So why don't we wait together until then?"

Anya quickly wiped away her tears. "Okay."

Maria Guided her, "It's cold outside so why don't we head inside and enjoy some breakfast?"

"Okay! Thank you big sis." Anya asked excitedly.

"Hehe, I am happy if you're happy. I'll make you the tastiest breakfast you ever had," Maria replied.

Anya agreed, and Maria led her inside, where they shared a meal. While they ate, they heard commotion and shouts outside. At first, they paid little attention, but as more guards rushed past, Maria stopped one of them to inquire about the situation.

"Is everything all right? Why is everyone in armor and swords running around the castle?"

The guard, clearly in a hurry, replied, "Well, you see, there seems to be an invasion in the castle. I'd advise everyone to escape to a safe place while we still have the time. This place will soon turn into a war zone."

After the guard rushed off, Maria explained to Anya, who was staring at them with an anxious expression "Anya, don't worry. Everything will be fine. Whatever is happening, the royal guards will handle it. Let's finish our breakfast and go to the market. Will you come with me to the market, Anya?"

Anya, still a bit anxious, replied, "Yes, I will come."

"Great." Maria said. A few moments later they finished their breakfast and they made their way to the exit of the castle. As they were just passing by the castle garden, they witnessed chaos, with people running amok and destruction all around. Maria swiftly pulled Anya into a nearby bush to hide, just before they were spotted by some of the intruders.

However, Anya's brief exclamation had drawn the attention of the nearby intruders, prompting one of them to investigate their location.

Oh no, it seems Anya's scream earlier attracted their attention. What should we do? If something happens to Anya, His majesty will never forgive me. Oh, dear Goddess of Light, please save us and show us a way out of this predicament. 

Maria muttered under her breath, her voice trembling with worry.

Anya, puzzled, asked, "Why are you praying, big sis?"

"Shh! Lower your voice, or they'll hear us."

The intruder drew closer, and Maria prepared herself, clutching Anya tightly. Just as the intruder was about to step into their hiding spot, a group of guards appeared, diverting the intruders' attention. The intruder, not finding what he sought, moved on, sparing only a quick glance back.

"Phew! That was close. Let's get out of here before they find us," Maria said, her voice filled with relief.

Anya, still recovering from the recent scare, responded, "But..."

"What's wrong?" Maria inquired.

"I'm scared," Anya admitted.

" Don't be scared. Big sis is here with you, isn't she?. I promise you, I won't allow anything to happen to you. No matter what." Maria consoled her. 

"I will also protect big sis Maria, big brother has taught me lots of things. And I won't be scared anymore. I will teach those baddies a lesson if they hurt big sis Maria."

Maria smiled and reassured Anya, "Hehe, I am glad that you think of me but I think our sweet little bun is too young and inexperienced for that. First you should grow big and strong, then you can protect not just me but everyone."

"But I am already grown up and big and strong," Anya remarked.

"Hmm. Is that so? But grown ups eat all the vegetables and drink milk. So, why haven't I seen Anya do that? Hmm?" Maria teased.

"Uh... umm, hehe I don't know."

"So, you don't know huh you little devil." Maria said, patting her head.


"In any case, it should be okay now. We should use this chance to get out of here."

As Maria and Anya continued making their way through the castle garden, their destination, the castle gate, loomed a hundred feet away. Both remained hidden, hugging the passage pillar that connected the garden to the main castle, ensuring the coast was clear for their final dash.

"We're almost there, just a little farther. We have to run as fast as possible from here, so come, I'll carry you," Maria said.

Anya climbed onto Maria's back, and Maria held her tightly as they sprinted toward their goal. Initially, everything seemed to be going smoothly, but halfway there, someone spotted them from a castle balcony.

"Hey, guys! Someone's trying to escape! You, stop right there!!"

Ignoring the command and continuing their dash, Maria and Anya hoped to reach the gate in time. The intruder, growing increasingly frustrated by their defiance, grabbed a spear and hurled it toward them. The spear whizzed through the air, narrowly missing its mark. Undeterred, the intruder attempted again, this time grazing Maria's left arm, causing her to fall to the ground while protecting Anya. Anya, witnessing Maria's injury and bleeding left arm, felt a wave of guilt wash over her.

"BIG SIS?!" she exclaimed.

"Don't worry; I'm fine. Just keep holding onto me. We'll get out of here," Maria reassured her.

"But big sis is hurt and losing a lot of blood. I can heal you."

Anya activated her healing magic on Maria's wound, causing the bleeding to stop, the wound to gradually close, and emitting a soothing green light and white steam. As Maria remained on the ground and Anya continued healing, the intruders seized the opportunity to reach the courtyard and give chase.

"Anya, that's enough; you can stop now. Look, they're coming for us," Maria said.

"But big sis, I'm not done yet."

"Forget about it, and climb onto my back. Hurry!"

Anya mounted Maria's back, and they raced toward the castle gate, with the intruders in hot pursuit, shouting to close the gate. Maria and Anya were still some distance away when they noticed the gate starting to close. The closer they got, the narrower the gap became. Just when it seemed impossible, Anya employed her magic to sprout tree roots under the gate, delaying the gate to close and enabling them to clear the gate in the nick of time.

"Phew! We made it outside somehow. But what was that?" Maria wondered.

"It's Anya's magic. I made tree roots grow to stop the gate from closing."

"Heh, did his majesty teach you that? "

"Yes, Big brother taught me how to use magic,"

"Really? Well, I suppose I should thank him and you for that, shouldn't I?"


"Okay, let's keep moving."

Maria and Anya continued on their way, conversing along the way.

"I already know!" Anya piped up suddenly.

Maria, somewhat surprised, asked, "Hmm? What do you already know?"

"You don't need to hide it from me; I know you only said you would bring me to the market to get away from the castle because of those bad guys."

Maria chuckled and replied, "Ara Ara! Looks like I got caught. UwU."

"I already told you I'm grown up now, yet you still treat me like a child."

Maria smiled and agreed, "Yes, yes, I'll keep that in mind. Are you happy now?"

Anya pouted playfully, and Maria couldn't help but laugh.


"Hah! Where should we go, then? We can't stay at an inn because they'll be searching every inn, and I don't want to involve other people in this. Hmm... I know the slums and refugee areas. They would never think of that place; it's right under their nose, hiding in plain sight. It might be a bit dangerous, but we have to be careful and always on guard."

Anya hesitated and then protested, "No, I don't want to go there again."

Surprised by her strong reaction, Maria inquired, "Huh? Again? Why wouldn't you want to go there? And what do you mean by 'again'?"

"No, I won't go there; I'll never go there ever again."

Maria tried to soothe the distressed girl, saying, "Hey, calm down and listen to me. Why don't you want to go there? What happened that frightened you so much? Okay, okay, just calm down. We won't go there."

Anya hesitated for a moment but then pleaded, "Promise?"

Maria smiled warmly and assured her, "Yeah, Pinky promise."

Anya seemed relieved, her trust in Maria unwavering. "But where are we going, then?" she asked.

Maria thought for a moment and then replied, "Hmm... let me think. Ah, I know, you were temporarily staying at an orphanage before coming to the castle, weren't you let's go there. We will be safe there for a while. I am sure they probably don't know about that place yet. But I don't know the way there. Do you know the way, Anya?"

Anya's eyes lit up with mention of that place, "Yes, I know so let's go there, It's this way, quick hurry hurry!"

Surprised by the reaction, Maria inquired, "Huh?! Why are you so excited all of sudden?"

"Because It's been a while since I left and came to the castle. I miss the nanny there, I wonder how she has been doing?"

Maria chuckled and said, "Alright, calm down a little first, I am sure they will be doing well."

As they continued their journey, the pair shared stories and laughter, finding solace in each other's company as they ventured into the unknown, uncertain of what awaited them in this new chapter of their lives.

Maria and Anya quickened their pace and soon found themselves in the town square. After a bit more walking, they reached the bustling Town Square Market. It was a place renowned for its diverse selection of clothing and accessories for people of all ages and genders. If one couldn't find what they were looking for here, it probably didn't exist. Unbeknownst to them, the rioters who had been tailing them were closing in. A confrontation was inevitable.

Anya, her little legs growing weary, complained, "Big sis, I'm tired. Why is it so far away? Last time it didn't feel this far away."

She must have exhausted all her energy while we were escaping, poor child. Dear goddess of light, please keep watch over her.

Maria, glancing around the market, reassured her, "Just hold on a little longer. Weren't you excited before meeting them? You can't give up now"

Anya's fatigue was evident as she whined, "Yes but my legs are hurting so much that I can't walk anymore."

With a warm smile, Maria offered, "Alright, come on. I'll give you a piggyback ride, you can just show me the way."

Maria lifted Anya onto her back, and soon, the girl dozed off. Maria, not knowing what to do, tried to find a way to the orphanage by asking people. While on her way she notices the pursuers in the area, she navigates through the winding alleys, trying to avoid being spotted by their pursuers. However, it seemed her efforts were in vain, as she had been followed by a man for some time. She noticed him tailing her and went in circles around the alleys to confirm her suspicions.

Meanwhile, the man tailing her realized he had been discovered and quickly blew the whistle signaling his comrades. In the next alley, Maria and Anya found themselves surrounded by the rioters.

"Stop hiding and come out," one of them taunted. "You are really bad at hiding, you know that."

Maria retorted, "Look who's talking. You were so bad at tailing even a maid can detect you. So you're in no position to lecture me." Unfazed, by the man she continued, "So, what do you want from me? What do you get chasing after a maid? Don't you have better things to do?"

"What do we get you to ask?" another one chimed in. " For starters we weren't interested in you but that kid you were carrying but this new development changes things a bit now there could be a lot of things we want to get, you know?"

Maria understood their intentions and quickly tightly hugged anya closer to her.

"Don't worry, we won't touch her. Until we are done with you." one of them leered. "We came to obey our orders."

"Orders?" Maria questioned, her tone skeptical.

"Yes, that's right. Prince Francis gave us orders to not let anyone in or out of the castle and to capture that girl.. And if anyone tries to disobey us, kill them on sight."

"The first prince gave the orders?" Maria scoffed. "I don't believe you. You're lying!"

The man smirked, his intentions clear as he stepped closer. "Whether I'm lying or not, it's up to you to believe me or not or you can just go and ask him yourself. But before that, let's have some fun. Come to papa!"

Maria, terrified, cried out, "Eeahh! What are you doing? Get off me!"

Maria struggled to break free, but the two men holding her down prevented her from escaping. A third man approached, ripping Maria's blouse and exposing her pristine white skin and silk undergarments.

"What am I doing?" the man jeered. "I'm doing what a guy is supposed to do. Now... keep quiet and settle down. I'll make it quick. I'll finish before you know it."

Desperation filled Maria's eyes as she pleaded for help, but her cries were silenced by one of the men covering her mouth. The situation grew dire.


A few moments ago...

"Eeahh! What are you doing? Get off me!"

"Huh? What was that sound? Was that someone's scream? I better go and check."

The owner of a nearby store heard the screams and decided to investigate and followed the muffled cries and found a woman in a maid's outfit and a child pinned down by three men, causing the woman to scream in terror. Acting quickly, grabbed a nearby broom, broke it in half, and hurled it with all the strength at one of the men, striking him in the head and rendering him unconscious.


Back to the present...

"Boss! You okay?" one of the men called out.

"Boss, answer us!" another one chimed in.

"Who was the one that threw this? Come out and show yourself."

A figure stepped forward without hesitation, an elf with bloodshot eyes and an intimidating aura, radiating immense magical power. The mere presence of this newcomer left the men paralyzed with fear, their voices trapped in their throats, and sweat rolling down their foreheads.

"These scoundrels! Here, take this. You can cover yourself with this," the elf said, taking off a coat and handing it to Maria.

Grateful and still shaken, Maria used the coat to cover herself and moved closer to Anya, who was still asleep and unaware. She lifted the child onto her back once more.

"Thanks, thank you so much," Maria expressed her gratitude, her voice trembling. "I don't know how to repay you. Thank you so much."

The elf waved it off and replied, "No, no, it was nothing. It's no big deal. I just responded to the cries of a woman in distress, being a woman myself. My shop is just around the corner; you can come if you like."

Maria hesitated but ultimately relented, saying, "Still, thank you so much. I... no, we are forever indebted to you. We can't impose on you more than we already have."

The elf firmly insisted, "What are you even saying? Look at yourself. How are you planning to go anywhere in this state? You'll be in more trouble than before."

Maria began to protest but stopped herself, realizing the truth in the elf's words. She knew they couldn't move forward in their current condition, and she didn't want to put their savior in danger.

"I know, but we're in a bit of a hurry, and we're being chased. We'd just put you in danger," Maria admitted.

"Don't worry about anything right now," the elf reassured her. "You're not going anywhere in that state, no matter how much you're in a hurry. And you don't have to worry about putting me in danger. Let them come; I'll teach them who's the boss here."

Maria was still hesitant, but the elf's determination was unwavering. Anya clung to Maria, her trust in their newfound savior solidifying.

Maria finally relented with a sigh, saying, "Yes."

The elf who had come to Maria and Anya's aid, guided them into her dimly lit shop. Inside, the shop was a chaotic mix of books, items, and artifacts. The floor was strewn with fallen books and scattered papers, creating an environment that was entirely new to Maria. She had never seen such an abundance of books, items, and artifacts in her life. The sight left her both bewildered and amazed.

"I'm really sorry; it's quite a mess in here. Please watch your step," she apologized.

Maria reassured her, "Oh, it's perfectly fine. I don't mind."

she led them through the cluttered shop with care, emphasizing the need to be cautious. However, despite her warning, a mishap occurred.

"Are you okay? I am really sorry about this mess." she exclaimed as Maria accidentally slipped and fell.

Maria, her pride slightly wounded but otherwise unharmed, replied, "I'm okay, and so is Anya."

she explained the cause of the mishap, saying, "The floor was wet and slippery probably due to a water leak from the floor above. I'm sorry; I've told them countless times to fix it, but they just won't listen."

Maria, still in good spirits, reassured her, "It's alright. I'm fine. But if you allow me, I can clean this place for you as a way of showing my gratitude."

she concurred, "Oh, don't worry; you don't have to and I already said it's fine, no need to fret over it. I'll take care of it right away. Or more precisely, my familiar will. Bixby!"

From the shadows emerged a magical being, Bixby, ready to assist. 

Maria and Anya were then led into a pitch-black room that was illuminated by a simple clap of her hands. Unlike the disorderly exterior of the shop, the room was well-organized and decorated. It contained a comfortable bed, a warm fireplace, a stylish cupboard, and a closet. The room was neither too large nor too small, providing the perfect space for a single inhabitant.

Maria expressed her admiration, saying, "This is..."

she anticipated her reaction and interjected, "Beautiful and nice?"

Maria, still in awe, responded, "Yes, indeed."

she shared a bit about her own life, admitting, "It's a shame that I don't use this room much. I'm always buried in work, sometimes falling asleep right at my desk. I rarely have the chance to enter this room. It might be a bit dusty, but make yourself at home. Oh, and you can lay her on the bed. She slept through all that, she must have been really exhausted and you must be tired too from carrying her all this time."

Maria declined the offer, saying, "Thank you, but it's alright. I'm okay."

she playfully teased her, "Stare~" 

she then went to the closet and retrieved a dress, handing it to Maria. She suggested, "Here, take this and get yourself changed. While you do that, I'll go get you water to drink, you must be thirsty running all day."

As she left the room, Maria changed into the dress provided. She sat beside Anya, lost in thought, pondering their next steps, and the individuals they could turn to for help. Anxiety was etched across her face as she contemplated their uncertain future.

After a while, she returned with a glass of water, and they gathered around a low table to converse.

she proposed, "Let's start with introductions. I am Vianola Carwarin, an elf from the Alfheim kingdom, and I am the daughter of Aimer Carwarin."

Maria introduced herself, saying, "I am Maria Windsnow, and I work as maid in the castle and I am His majesty's personal caretaker."

Vianola observed, "So, you work at the castle then, huh?"

Maria confirmed, "Yes."

Vianola was curious and inquired, "Then why are you here? And who were those guys?"

Maria began to recount the events that had unfolded up until that point. She relayed the entire story, which took nearly half an hour to tell.

Vianola absorbed the information and stated, "So that's what happened. It's certainly a dire situation. So where is he now? Do you have any ideas?"

Maria responded, "Unfortunately, no. Everything happened so quickly that I didn't even get a chance to see him that day."

Vianola shared her thoughts, saying, "This makes things even more difficult. Do you know anything about the people that were invading the castle or chasing after you?"

Maria answered with uncertainty, "Only one thing, the people that were chasing me mentioned they were ordered by the First prince. And they were after Miss Anya."

Vianola empathized, acknowledging, "Hmm, I see. I'm sorry; you had to go through it."

Maria reassured her, saying, "No, it's alright. I am sure it will all be over soon or I hope so. "

Vianola agreed "Yeah that makes two of us. I also wish that everything may end on high notes."

Vianola zoned out as she thought, the first prince said huh. My information was right. They were planning to seize the castle.

Maria confided, her voice tinged with uncertainty, "I just don't know what to believe or what to trust anymore. He was nice and kind to everyone; why would he do that?"

Vianola offered a more nuanced perspective, explaining, "Sometimes, what we see from others is just the surface, but in reality, they are much more than what they let on. Everyone has two sides to them, kept hidden from one another. We can't say for sure what he showed on the outside is the same on the inside."

"I wonder where his majesty is, when is he returning to the castle? Does he even know what's happening in the castle? And I wonder if he is alright? I am worried sick about him. I just hope and pray to the goddess of light that he is alright." Maria concerns

Vianola consoled her, saying, "Don't worry; everything will be alright. I am certain he is strong enough to take care of himself and the others. Maybe, right now he is already informed about the castle and probably on his way heading for the castle. It's too risky to go to the castle right now, so why don't we return to the castle early tomorrow morning when probably everything's over?

Maria expressed her concern, saying, "No, how can I. I have already troubled you enough. I don't want to be inconvenienced any further."

Vianola reassured her, "It's alright. I like helping people and you are not inconvenienced at all. So don't worry yourself with anything. I'll be going outside for a while. In the meantime, you should get some rest. Don't push yourself too hard."

Maria reluctantly accepted, replying, "Alright."

With that settled, Vianola made her exit, leaving Maria and Anya in her care. She concluded, "Then I will be going now. Close the shop and Lock the door behind me. I also don't open the door to anyone until I return."

Maria nodded appreciatively, "Yes."

As Vianola took her leave, Maria and Anya remained in the room, lost in her own thoughts, pondering the uncertain future that lay ahead.

Vianola, wearing the black cloak she retrieved from her shop, closed the sign on the door and stepped out into the slowly darkening evening. The cawing of crows filled the air as the bustling streets gradually quieted. She moved through the streets with a watchful eye, stopping at various stalls and shops, feigning interest in their wares while subtly asking questions as part of casual conversation.

"Welcome, miss. Tell us what we can do for you," one shopkeeper greeted her.

"I want to buy some clothes." Vianola replied.

The shopkeeper inquired further, "What kind of clothing do you have in mind?"

Vianola thought for a moment before responding, "Hmm, I am not looking for anything extravagant or fancy, just some simple clothing for indoors."

The shopkeeper muttered disdainfully, Tch! Another cheap one. We didn't have much business today because of these kinds of people. Filthy commoners.

Vianola caught his derogatory tone but kept her composure, asking, "Something wrong?"

The shopkeeper quickly backtracked, saying with a forced smile, "Ah! Hehe, nothing, nothing at all. Please come this way; I will show it to you."

As they toured the clothing section, the shopkeeper provided details about various outfits and their prices. Vianola eventually selected a dress and proceeded to the changing room to try it on. When she emerged, the shopkeeper couldn't help but admire her in the new attire.

She and I have almost the same body type and figure, so it should fit her as well. I just hope she likes it. I am not very good at fashion.

"It looks wonderful on you. Should I pack this for you?" he asked.

Vianola agreed, but not without suspicion. She questioned the reason for the discount he offered, to which he replied with a flimsy excuse about being delighted to serve such a stunning lady.

"Thank you. Then can I ask you for one more favor?" Vianola inquired.

The shopkeeper reluctantly consented, and Vianola pressed him for any rumors about the castle or royalties. He mentioned the changes since the previous king's death and the new king's reforms, emphasizing the removal of status differences between nobles and commoners. Vianola thanked him for the information and took her leave.

As she continued her search for clues about Arthur, the sun set, and the streets grew darker. Fatigued and frustrated after finding no leads, she stood before her shop's door, lost in thought. Suddenly, a mysterious figure in a mask and hooded cloak approached.

Vianola tensed and took a defensive stance, her instincts on high alert. The stranger offered assistance, expressing concern for her apparent troubles and proposing to help. Despite her initial wariness, Vianola agreed to listen, albeit with caution.

The stranger claimed to possess information about what she was seeking but insisted on a condition: she must provide one of the keys to Plutonium. Vianola was taken aback and reacted defensively, jumping away upon hearing the word "Plutonium."

The stranger assured her they meant no harm and that cooperation would benefit both parties. After a brief exchange, they set a meeting in three days' time at the central plaza. If Vianola failed to appear, they would assume she had declined their offer.

Upon returning to her shop, Vianola contemplated the encounter. She felt torn about whether to involve Maria in this dangerous situation, but she ultimately decided not to share the details. Instead, she decided to focus on the clean and tidy shop that greeted her.

"Holy shit, am I in the right place? This is my shop, right?" Vianola questioned in amazement.

Vianola stepped inside, amazed by the transformation. The once-messy shop now gleamed and sparkled in the warm light, its beauty enhanced by the elegant illumination. She called out to Maria, who had prepared dinner and tidied up the shop, and marveled at the unexpected change.

Vianola thanked Maria for her efforts, offering the clothes she had just bought."Here this is for you. I am sorry if you don't like it or if it doesn't fit, I can just go and return it tomorrow."

Maria thanked her, gratefully," Oh my, of course I like it and it's exactly my size. I am thankful and grateful for receiving it but I felt bad for always being on the receiving end. So, cleaning this place and making meals ready to help you is the least I could do to repay your favors."

"If you liked it then that's all it matters. And it really suits you. Also you didn't have to do all this, I asked you to rest." Vianola complements.

"It was no big deal and I have the whole night to rest. And it wasn't me alone. This cute and adorable little thing also helped, isn't that right, Bixby?" Maria replied, giving a nod toward Vianola familiar.

"Yes, I helped, I helped!" Bixby chimed in cheerfully.

"O..k..a..y," Vianola responded, a bit puzzled by the small magical creature's enthusiasm.

"Dinner is just about ready, so please take a seat," Maria said.

"Alright, I will help you set the table," Vianola offered.


After a minute, Maria began bringing food to the table. The table was laden with pots filled with a variety of dishes. The room was filled with the delightful aroma of hot and creamy stew, a whole fried doodle, mushroom soup, salads, and various side dishes. It was a mouth-watering feast for Vianola, who had subsisted on bread and greens, making her diet appear unbalanced despite her slender figure.

The next day, Anya woke up early and greeted Maria. 

"Good morning, big sis. Today you woke up late," she said cheerfully.

"Good morning, sweet bun. Yesterday your big sis was tired, big time, you know."

"Anya was too, and yesterday Anya had a dream."

"Oh, what did you see?"

"Yesterday, some big meanie men were bothering and hurting big sis, but big sis didn't let go of and protected me."

"I will protect you whether it's your dream or reality, so don't you worry and just rely on big sis, okay?"

"Okay, thank you, big sis."

"You're welcome."

While the two shared this heartwarming exchange, Vianola returns

"I am back," she announced.

"Huh? Did big sis Vianola go outside in the morning?" Anya asked.

"Good morning, Vianola," Maria greeted her.

"Good morning. What were you doing outside so early in the morning?" Maria inquired.

"Early? Haha, it's late morning. You should take a look outside. We agreed to return to the castle in the early morning so I tried to wake you guys up but none of you budged. You guys were pretty exhausted and tired yesterday so I left you to rest a little longer and went by myself and I was glad I didn't bring you guys over there."

"Oh my! I completely forgot about it and slept like a log. You should have woken us up despite it. We should haste and return to the castle. And what do you mean by you were glad that you didn't bring us? "

"Calm down. I will explain everything. And we don't need to go there anymore. I have some good and bad news?"

"Huh, But why? Why don't we not need to go there anymore? And what's the news, don't tell me something happened to his majesty?"

"Umm not really but yesterday, the first prince was really behind the coup d'état. And a huge battle took place in the castle. Everything was in a mess, there were lots of dead bodies lying in and outside the castle. And In the battle, Unfortunately, His majesty's fiancée was killed while His majesty and a girl named Momo had gone missing."

The news struck Maria like a heavy blow. She lowered her head, her disheveled hair obscuring her eyes, giving her a dark and eerie appearance.

"Miss Ellie… She's dead. MISS ELLIE IS DEAD?!" Maria exclaimed, her emotions overwhelming her as tears flowed freely.

Vianola immediately embraced Maria, offering comfort as she sobbed into her shoulder. Meanwhile, Anya, who had been silently crying by the door, overheard the conversation and absorbed the tragic news.

With tears streaming down her face, Maria recounted the grim details of Miss Ellie's fate, painting a somber picture of the events that had unfolded at the castle.



Vianola held Maria close, allowing her to grieve, while Anya remained silent, grappling with her own emotions. The room was heavy with sorrow.

After a while…

"Hick! sniff!... and the good news?" Maria inquired.

"Well, the good news is I might be able to find their location. And by your response It seems you were pretty close to his majesty's fiance. I am sorry for your loss and I am sorry that this happened to you. If we had just returned to the castle yesterday or Even in the early morning this wouldn't have happened. I am really sorry that I didn't wake you up. I am really really sorry."

"It's alright, it's not your fault and I will be going outside for a while so please look after Anya while I am gone." Maria said abruptly.

"Huh?! Hey, wait! Where are you going?" Vianola called after her, but Maria left without a word.

Just like that, Maria left the shop, her heart heavy with guilt, and focused only on the weight of her actions.

"Sigh! What am I gonna do with her?" Vianola pondered aloud.

"What happened? Why did big sis Maria leave so suddenly?" Anya asked.

"I don't know, we should leave her alone for a while."

Two days later, Vianola met with the stranger who had sought the Plutonium key.

"Yo! You aren't dead yet?"Vianola greeted the stranger.

"So you finally decided to give me the plutonium," the stranger responded.

"Yeah, you left me with no choice. Also there seems to be something odd about all this either you knew this would happen, or it was your plot all along," Vianolaremarked.

"Who knows. Enough chit chatting, Let's get down to business." the stranger replied cautiously.

'Yeah, yeah whatever, you sure are in a hurry today." Vianola shrugs it off.

"So where is it?" the stranger demanded.

"Here," Vianola said, producing an ancient-looking pendant.

"Is this really the plutonium key?" the stranger asked skeptically.

"What? Are you doubting me, an elf? Elf never tells lies."

"Yes, yes, I know. I was just kidding. Well, I'm off, then."

"HUH?! Aren't you forgetting something here?"

"Eh! Hehehe, sorry, sorry, Our spy team saw them heading southeast. By now they are probably pretty far away from the city. So good luck finding him."

"Heh, that's so vague. Give me more detail."

"I am afraid I can't do that. Since, I don't even know much about it. Alright, Hasta la vista"

"Wait, at least tell me where I should -."

"Agh! He's gone. I wanted to ask where I should go to get more information about him? I am so pissed," Vianola grumbled as she returned to the shop, her annoyance evident.

"Miss Vianola, you are back. Where were you?" Maria inquired as Vianola entered the shop.

"Yeah, I went outside for a small business, and I have good news for you," Vianola responded.

"Huh? Good news? What is it? Tell me! Tell me!" Maria urged, her curiosity piqued.

"Yes, yes, first settle down. You were moping until yesterday, what the hell happened to you overnight anyway?" Vianola teased.

"Nothing, it's a secret. Now tell me. Hurry!" Maria demanded.

"I found where they went."

"HUH?! Really? Did you really find where they are?" Maria asked in astonishment.


"Then where are they?" Maria inquired eagerly.

"Well, it looks like they went in the southeast direction and it has been a couple of days so they are probably pretty far ahead. So if we want to get to catch up to them as soon as possible, we need to leave quickly; otherwise, we will lose them and we might never meet them again."

"No! We can't let it happen. I will go pack both of our bags. But when are we leaving?"

"Honestly, I haven't thought about it. I think we will need to prepare for the journey, so we will leave first thing in the morning."


That afternoon,, the three of them went shopping in the afternoon, purchasing various potions and food supplies for their travels. They also packed some magical items from the shop for added safety. After their shopping and preparations, they strolled around the city, enjoying their last day in its confines.

The next day arrived, and Vianola checked in with Maria and Anya to ensure they were ready for their departure.

"Are you guys ready to go?" Vianola asked.


"Let's go, then."

As Vianola opened the door, a bright sunlight washed over their faces. They found a wagon hitched to two horses with a coachman waiting just outside. They climbed into the wagon, commencing their journey to find Arthur.

"Are we going to travel all the way in the wagon?" Maria asked as they settled in.

"No, we are just tagging along to the nearby village. It will take 1 or 2 days on foot if we don't encounter any problem. So, It will save us a couple of days. From there we will have to travel by foot. Because we have to stop by many places to look for his traces."

"Couple of days? I hope His majesty doesn't get too far."

We don't have any place to return to. Right now the castle is probably under First Prince control and we can;t keep staying in the city, they will eventually find us. So the only place we belong to is by his majesty's side.

"Yeah, let's hope so." Vianola agreed.

"Why is Big Sis Vianola coming with us, Big Sis Maria?" Anya questioned.

"Now that you mention it, why are you coming with us?" Maria added.

"Now you are asking that? I can't leave you sweet and kind people unprotected. If I don't come, who will protect you guys, huh?"

"Hehe, right. Thank you so much."

"Yeah, thank you, Big Sis."

"It's no big deal, but I will be expecting delicious cooking from you, alright."

*Clip-clop, clip-clop, creak, cluck* - The sounds of the wagon and the horses accompanied their conversation as they journeyed away from the city.

They traveled for quite a while. As daylight began to fade, Maria, Anya, had all fallen asleep. Vianola, however, remained awake. She yawned and stretched her body, clearing away her lingering drowsiness. The coachman opened the small window behind Vianola and informed her of their impending stop for the night, as it was getting dark.

"Miss Vianola, it's getting dark, so we will be camping here tonight. Will it be alright for you?" the coachman asked.

"Yeah, yeah, of course."

They pulled over beside the road, setting up camp in a nearby empty field. One side of the field led into the forest. While Maria and Anya still slept in the carriage, Vianola went into the forest to gather firewood.

"You set up the camp; I will go gather some firewood for us," Vianola told coachman.


She ventured into the forest, where the fading light cast dark shadows among the trees. It was cold and getting darker as the sun dipped below the horizon. However, this environment didn't perturb Vianola, as the forest was an elf's natural habitat. She collected firewood humming to herself, seemingly carefree.

*Rustle, rustle*

"Huh! What was that?"

*Rustle, rustle*

"Who's there?" Vianola called out.



Unfortunately, it wasn't a harmless creature but a group of goblins. Before Vianola could prepare herself, one of the goblins fired an arrow at her. She deftly avoided it and, in a flash, charged toward the goblins, her magical bracelet transforming into a gleaming sword.


The goblins screeched and hissed, their crude weapons no match for Vianola's agility and skill. She swiftly overcame them, defending herself with grace and efficiency.





"Where did they come from? Looks like we are in goblin territory. We need to be careful; I need to warn others not to go into the forest alone."

Vianola returned to the camp carrying the firewood she had gathered. 

"Everyone, I have some bad news for us," she began.

"Huh? What happened, Miss Vianola? Something the matter?''coachman inquired.

"Where are the other two?" Vianola asked.

"They are preparing dinner. Should I call them?" coachman responded.

"Yeah, we need to have a meeting."


The coachman's call brought Maria and Anya to the campfire's warm glow. They gathered around the fire, which was circled by two substantial logs and a tree stump doubling as seats. Each of them found their place around the fire, with Anya settling close to Maria.

Maria, breaking the silence, inquired, "So why did you call us, Miss Vianola?"

Vianola, her expression earnest, began, "The thing is, I don't want to frighten or distress you, but it seems we are in goblin territory. So, I would like to advise you not to venture into the forest alone and, if possible, avoid it as much as you can."

"Goblins? Did you really say goblins?" the coachman queried, a note of skepticism in his voice.

"Yeah, why?" Vianola responded.

"Well, because I travel this way a lot, but I have never encountered them. And I've never heard of goblins having their territory here, nor have I ever seen them. Are you sure you saw them?"

"Yes, I am certain. They were firing arrows. It was dark in the forest, but because I am an Elf, I can easily move around the forest, see in the dark, and sense the terrain like the back of my hand. There is no doubt it was them."

"Goblins firing arrows, huh? I've never heard of something like that. Maybe it's a new tribe. We need to report it to the adventurer's guild," the coachman suggested.

"Yeah, it seems like a good idea," Vianola agreed.

"Big sis, I am scared," Anya admitted. "I heard a castle guard talking about goblins one time, and it was a really scary story."

Maria comforted her, saying, "Now, no need to be scared. We have our brave and amazing big sis Vianola, right?"

"Yes," Anya agreed, reassured. "You don't need to worry about them. I will do everything to protect you guys. You are safe with me," Vianola assured them.

Curiosity got the better of Maria, and she probed further, asking, "But how did you escape from there, Miss Vianola?"

Vianola chuckled. "Oh, that? Of course, I wiped them out. Heh!"

"You wiped them out? How? We didn't even hear anything," Maria responded, puzzled.

"Hehe, it's a secret!"

"Come on, big sis, tell us. Please tell us," Anya pleaded.

Vianola, grinning, relented, "Nah, some other time. Let's go have some dinner first."

Everyone gathered around the campfire with bowls in hand as Maria served the food. Laughter, stories, and conversation filled the air as they happily enjoyed their meal.


The unexpected sound broke the silence around the campfire, prompting everyone to turn their attention to the coachman.

"Pardon me, that was unsightly of me. The food was so good, I think I ate a little bit too much. Thank you for the food!" he exclaimed, his embarrassment evident.

Laughter rippled through the group, with Vianola and Maria sharing a hearty chuckle at the coachman's expense. Anya joined in with a playful giggle.



"Huh, what happened? Why are you guys laughing? I didn't say something wrong, did I?" the coachman inquired, still somewhat baffled.

"Phu phu phu! You didn't. We are just having fun here, so no need to be uptight. You should calm your nerves. They are just glad you like their food, right?" Vianola reassured him.

"Yep," Maria chimed in, nodding with a grin.

"Thank goodness!" the coachman sighed in relief.

With their dinner finished, everyone went about their evening tasks. Maria and Anya tidied up the dishes, the coachman delved into his paperwork within his tent, and Vianola prepared for her late-night training.

An hour passed, marked by the quiet chatter of Maria and Anya playing together. Vianola entered their tent.

"Hey, Maria, I'm going to keep watch for the night, so you guys should go ahead and sleep now. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow," she informed them.

"Big sis Vianola, come and play with us," Anya pleaded.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. Big sis has to keep watch for the night. I will play with you tomorrow, all right?" Vianola replied.

"O..k..a..y!" Anya agreed, albeit with a touch of disappointment.

"Okay, then, see you in the morning," Vianola said before leaving the tent.

She repeated the same message to the coachman, ensuring everyone knew their roles for the night. With her instructions given, she returned to her late-night training.

Midnight arrived, and Vianola counted her exercises.

"Nine hundred ninety-eight, nine hundred ninety-nine, one thousand."


"Huh? Don't tell me it's goblins again," Vianola muttered to herself.

Suddenly, a hare leaped out of the underbrush, scurrying away. Realizing it was just a hare, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Phew! It was just a hare. It scared me there for a sec."

However, as she let her guard down, a goblin sprang from the bushes, brandishing a club, and prepared to strike. Just before the blow landed, an arrow whizzed past, piercing the goblin's head and saving Vianola.

"Miss, are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?" a voice called out.

Vianola turned to see a woman with reddish brown hair, her face expressing concern. She had narrow amber eyes and several moles on her forehead, giving her an unusual but endearing appearance. Despite her delicate frame, there was an undeniable air of bravery and comfort about her.

Vianola replied, "Yes, I am okay and perfectly fine. And that was some good marksmanship. Thank you for saving me."

The woman introduced herself, "Hehe, it wasn't anything special. I should introduce myself, I am Elyssa Gedman, an adventurer. Nice to meet you."

She looked like a warrior with short but white and brittle hair. Her eyes, alert but dull and weary and her face scarred but still beautiful. Her skin, tanned but soft. She wore a red scarf around her neck, a yellow top and silver armor on her shoulders. With her appearance she managed to catch Vianola's attention towards her quickly.

Vianola replied, "I am Vianola Carwarin, an elf from the Alfheim kingdom and the daughter of Aimer Carwarin. Anyway, what were you doing in the forest in the middle of the night?"

Elyssa then informed Vianola of her party's situation. "I took a job to clear out goblin territory here with my friends and party members, but when we got here and went into the forest, we were ambushed by the goblins because of a sudden attack. We panicked and got separated, and now all my friends and party members have been taken away by goblins. I was trying to look for them until I found you."

Shocked by the story, Vianola inquired, "What? Is what you said really true?" She activated her "Eye of Truth" to verify Elyssa's words.

Elyssa confirmed with regret, "Unfortunately, yes."

Well, at least she is telling the truth. That explains the goblins' activity in this area. Should I help her? Then what about everyone else here? I need to keep watch as well but I also can't leave someone in distress. Ugh! I can't decide at all. Ah! That's right I can leave this to her. 

Vianola decided to help."If that is the case, show me the place where you were separated from. I will help you. But before that let me take care of something."

Vianola summons her Familiar, Bixby and asks her to protect this place and everyone else there. With her orders, Bixby nodded in agreement and took her appearance, guarding the place. Before she left, she casted a barrier protection around the camp as an extra protection.

Elyssa led Vianola to the location of their separation, deep within the forest. Despite the eeriness of the night, the area appeared relatively normal.

"Is this the place?," Vianola remarked as they arrived at the spot.

Elyssa nodded., "Yeah, this is the place. We got separated here."

Elyssa added, "There were four people, including me. Two of them were my friends, and one was a guy from the guild who joined us for the quest. I have no idea where they went; if I knew, I wouldn't be here, you know."

"Fair enough. We can't go in blind, so we need a plan, or more precisely, a lead," Vianola explained.

"A lead?" Elyssa questioned.

Vianola elaborated, "Yeah, a lead. Did your party have any mages or magical item users?"

Elyssa answered, "Yes, yes, we did. There were two mages, one of them was my friend, who was a healer, and another one who was a damage dealer."

Vianola smiled, "Oh, that's great, then. We can search for their magical traces, which will lead us to them."

Elyssa was clearly relieved and grateful. "Really? You can do that?"

Vianola affirmed, "Of course! Who are you even talking to here, kid?"

Elyssa expressed her gratitude, "Thank you. Thank you so much."

Vianola retrieved a pair of magical glasses from her bag and put them on. With the glasses in place, she could see a multitude of mana traces emanating from various sources in the forest.

"Do you know the color of their mana?" Vianola asked.

Elyssa pondered for a moment. "Hmm, I think my friend had a light greenish color , and the other one had a fiery red color."

Vianola adjusted the small gear on her magical glasses, causing some mana traces to fade away, while the light green and fiery red ones remained. She then announced, "Found them. Now stay close to me and follow."

Elyssa nodded in agreement, and together, they embarked on the trail of mana traces. However, despite their efforts, the path seemed to stretch on endlessly, eventually wearing them out. They decided to take a break, and as they rested, Vianola noticed something unsettling.

At their resting spot, the same mana patterns they had encountered earlier reappeared. It dawned upon them that they had been unknowingly circling the same route for hours.

"Oh, fuck!" Vianola exclaimed.

Elyssa was bewildered. "What happened?"

"We have been circling around the same way for hours. In other words, we are lost," Vianola confessed.

Elyssa's eyes widened in disbelief. "WHAT?! Please tell me that was a joke."

Vianola shook her head in solemnity. "No, unfortunately not."

Elyssa was exasperated. "How can you say that? You are an elf, and the forest is supposed to be an Elf's home. How can you be lost in your own backyard?"

Vianola replied, "Huh? What are you even talking about? Just because I am an elf doesn't mean every forest is my home. And it's not that I don't know the way; we are lost for another reason."

Elyssa was not ready to accept defeat. "Huh? Are you pulling my leg? That doesn't make any sense at all. You do know the way but we are still lost and it's for another reason? So do you know the reason why we are lost?'"

Vianola's expression softened. "Yeah, I actually do. I just need a little bit of time to solve it.."

Elyssa, still frustrated, conceded, "Heh? Solve it? It doesn't seem like you're in any mood to explain right now. Fine. Meanwhile I will go look around for any other way to get out of this, if your idea doesn't work."

She left in a huff, leaving Vianola to contemplate their predicament in silence.

After some time, Elyssa returned, having failed to find an alternative route. She sat down next to Vianola, her initial distrust replaced by exhaustion.

"Huff, huff... so Did you solve it?" she inquired, catching her breath.

Vianola remained silent for a moment before speaking, "Yes, currently we are trapped in an illusion. No matter where we go, we end up in the same spot. It was probably set up by someone more experienced and powerful than me."

Elyssa was taken aback. "So you are telling me someone expected us?"

Vianola nodded in agreement. "Probably, yeah."

Elyssa was disheartened. "Then you said you solved it so how do we get out of here?"

Vianola clarified, "The illusion only works on our five senses. We are in an illusion created especially for sight. So we can easily get out of this by navigating through it by closing our eyes. But the problem is I can't follow the trail left behind by magical traces closing my eyes. So I don't know what to do."

Elyssa, however, had a glimmer of hope. "You said, closing your eyes, right?"

Vianola responded affirmatively, "Yeah. Why?"

Elyssa smiled mischievously. "I might have an idea for that. We just don't use our eyes, right?"

Vianola was intrigued. "Really? What do you have in mind?"

Elyssa teased, "Not telling. Hehe."

Vianola raised an eyebrow. "Huh! Why?"

"Because I can just show you," Elyssa said with a grin.

Curious, Vianola watched as Elyssa touched the magical traces on a nearby tree. Closing her eyes, Elyssa chanted an incantation, and the magical traces began to float, glow, and sparkle, forming a visible path that revolved around her.

Vianola was impressed. "What was that?"

Elyssa explained, "Hmm, I have memorized how it feels. Now we don't have to rely on our eyes to follow the trail."

Vianola was delighted. "That's great. Lead the way; let's move quickly."

With their newfound method, Vianola and Elyssa closed their eyes and held hands as they followed the magical trail. Elyssa, attuned to the magical traces, guided them forward.

After following the trail for a while, they found themselves at the outskirts of a mountain basin outside the forest. Before them lay a goblin camp, with crude buildings and huts constructed from straws and bamboo.

Vianola cautioned, "Are we there yet?"

Elyssa responded, "Yeah, we can open our eyes now. But we need to be quiet."

Vianola gradually opened her eyes, and the sight that met her gaze was nothing short of shocking. A goblin camp of considerable size lay before them, surrounded by walls made of bamboo and bamboo spikes, with huts and buildings scattered throughout.

"I guess it's my turn again now, hide your presence and quietly follow me. I will lead you to your party members," Vianola whispered, wearing glasses.

Elyssa nodded in agreement, and the two of them moved stealthily through the goblin camp, taking out any goblins they encountered. Their path was fraught with danger, but they pressed on, driven by the need to rescue Elyssa's party members.

As they reached a watchtower manned by a goblin, Vianola and Elyssa knew they had to proceed with caution. This was no ordinary goblin camp, and the intelligent tribe of the goblins raised questions about the circumstances they were facing.

With practiced precision, they eliminated the goblin guard and climbed the watchtower to gain a better vantage point and strategize their next moves.

"Look at this. I've never seen something like this. Goblins were never a species to be this intelligent to set up an entire camp and place guards. Is this some kind of mutation or is someone behind this? Whatever it is, it's definitely not a good thing," Elyssa contemplated.

Vianola shared her concerns. "Really? It could probably be related to the keys. So, it's probably all my fault then. Then we can't let a single one of them live; otherwise, it will get worse over time. Who knows, other species might also have changed."

Elyssa agreed, but they had a more immediate concern. "You might be right. But first, let's rescue my party members."

Vianola offered her assistance. " I know, give me a moment. First We need to find their exact location. We have been going around the camp following their magical traces but we can't make any progress because of goblins guards moving around. From here we can take a look at the traces of their magic without disturbance and pinpoint their location. if you want, you can rest while I am at it."

Elyssa appreciated the gesture. "Thanks. Although it is unnecessary, I appreciate it."

Vianola equipped her magical glasses and scanned the area, identifying a trail leading to a large hut a few blocks away from their location. She quickly drew a map on the ground, marking landmarks and potential threats.

"We should move now. It will be daybreak soon. Before that I have to return to my camp," Vianola said.

Elyssa concurred, "Let's go then."

The two women followed the path they had charted, dealing with stray goblins along the way. However, as the pile of goblin corpses grew, the goblins became aware of their presence and sounded the alarm, alerting the entire goblin community.

"It looks like they finally noticed us. What do we do now?" Elyssa asked.

Vianola was resolute. "What else, we are going to have to go all out."

Elyssa drew her short sword, and Vianola readied her whip. They split up at a junction, dividing the pursuing goblins. Vianola lured her share into a narrow passage, where she dispatched them with her whip's precision.

Meanwhile, Elyssa led her group to an open area where she confronted them head-on. Her swordsmanship was a display of deadly elegance as she swiftly eliminated one goblin after another. In a matter of minutes, she stood atop a pile of goblin corpses.

Elyssa wiped her short sword clean and nonchalantly declared, "Phew, now that's over. Let's go find Vianola."

She retraced her steps and met Vianola at a junction near the hut. Vianola was taken aback. "Whoa! Slow down."

Viabola explained, "Huh? Elyssa? What are you doing here? I thought you went toward the hut."

Elyssa clarified, "I came to find you. Thought you might need help."

Vianola protested, "Heh. I am not that weak, you know."

However, when Elyssa peered behind Vianola and noticed the trail of disassembled goblin bodies, her confidence wavered. Yikes! Note to myself never piss off Vianola.

Vianola was concerned. "Elyssa? ELYSSA?!"

Elyssa snapped out of her thoughts. "Ah! Huh, sorry. What were you saying?"

Vianola urged them to focus. "If we are done, we should go now."

Elyssa agreed. "Yeah, let's go."

They sprinted toward the hut, but as they reached the vicinity, they slowed their pace to avoid detection. From their hidden position in a nearby bush, they observed the guards around the hut.

A massive goblin, bulky and pig-nosed, passed by them, making a considerable amount of noise just by walking. His sudden appearance surprised them, causing them to clutch each other tightly in fear. Unfortunately, Elyssa accidentally stepped on a twig, snapping it in two.

The massive goblin heard the sound, turned, and locked eyes with the two women. Their fear was palpable. The goblin's breathing intensified as he saw two human females in front of him.

Vianola and Elyssa were inexplicably hugging each other and trembling in terror. They couldn't move.

Vianola broke the silence. "Elyssa? Why are we hugging each other so tightly and looking terrified?"

Elyssa played along, her voice trembling. "I was going to ask the same question. We need to move away from him, but my legs aren't moving."

Vianola was equally stuck. "Same here. My legs won't move either. What are we going to do?"

Frustrated, Vianola tried to break free from the paralysis. "Ughhh! Think, think, think, think! Yes! That could work. Hurry, give me your bow and arrow."

Elyssa, still terrified, handed her bow and arrow to Vianola. She drew it and released it, directly into the huge goblin's eye. The arrow pierced the eye, halting its approaching hand. The goblin roared in pain as they managed to escape.

Elyssa and Vianola moved away, their hearts racing from the close encounter with the massive goblin. While they weren't weak by any means, the unexpected situation had startled them.

"Huff! Huff! That was close. I thought we were goners. I am sorry about earlier." Elyssa apologized.

Vianola reassured her. "Huff! Yeah, it's no big deal. But what happened there? I have never heard or saw anything like that before. Wasn't that a hobgoblin? Why was it so massive and scary?"

Elyssa was equally baffled. "I have no idea either. But we will figure it out as what the hell is going on here, after we report to the guild."

Vianola was more pragmatic. "I guess. And the sun is about to come up. Not much time left. We need to pick our pace." Vianola takes out a couple of glass vials with colorful liquids in them and continues,"Here, take these potions, it will recover stamina and heal your minor wounds."

Elyssa, gratefully comments, "Thank you."

Only 30 minutes remained before daybreak. The two women made their way to the hut, this time fully prepared.

"Alright, here we are. Let's get this party started," Vianola began, laying out the plan. "There are two of those goblins guarding the gate, and one was making the rounds the last time we saw, possibly still nursing an eye injury. There are various normal goblins scattered about, usually not much trouble, but caution is necessary under the current circumstances. Archer goblins are positioned on the rooftops of small huts around the storehouse. You'll distract them, and I'll go save your party members."

Elyssa questioned the choice. "Why you and not me? Why am I the scapegoat?"

Vianola explained her reasoning. "You don't trust me? Besides, you are more experienced in combat than I am. You're better suited for the job. We don't know what we're up against inside, and we need to be prepared. There can't be any margin for error, or we're done for. Besides, you might be emotionally compromised there. So, it's better for me to go. I understand it's hard to trust someone helping you without expecting anything in return, but please, just this once, place your trust in me."

Elyssa relented, albeit grudgingly. "Sigh! After that long speech, do I have any other choice? Fine, I'll trust you just this once. But if I sense even a hint of a breach of trust, you're as good as dead."

Vianola accepted her terms. "Yep, whatever you say, Miss"

Elyssa signaled their readiness. "Okay, then let's get moving."

In front of the storehouse hut, Elyssa baited the goblins. "Hey, you morons! Give my party members back!"

The goblins reacted with confusion. "Kek?"

"Kik! Kik! Kik!"

Elyssa clanged her weapons together to further attract their attention. Meanwhile, Vianola stealthily made her way to the storehouse, remaining unnoticed.

"Hey, morons, over here! Come and get me!" Elyssa taunted the goblins.

The goblins responded with their odd cries. 


Elyssa dashed forward, her graceful movements akin to flowing water. With her short sword in hand, she danced amidst the goblins, spreading chaos across the field. Her acrobatics and flashy maneuvers were a spectacle to behold, as she systematically dispatched one goblin after another. Her dance of death continued until she was abruptly interrupted by the looming presence of the Hobgoblin.



Meanwhile, Vianola prepared herself for action. "Looks like she's started. Then I will begin as well. Good luck, Elyssa."

Silently, Vianola reached the back of the storehouse and pressed herself against the wall. She retrieved her whip, swung it skillfully, and latched it onto a wooden beam. With the press of a button, the whip began to retract, pulling her upwards. When it ceased, she swung and catapulted herself onto the roof.


"Now, where exactly are they?" Vianola muttered to herself.

She adjusted her magical glasses to heat detection mode and surveyed the area. Numerous heat signatures dotted the storehouse, some exhibiting repetitive movements. A dagger in hand, she cut a hole in the roof, temporarily blinding those inside as moonlight pierced through. Taking advantage of their momentary confusion, she switched her glasses back to normal mode and descended into the storehouse. The scene that greeted her was horrifying and despair-inducing.

Naked female bodies lay strewn across the floor, bearing the marks of the goblins' cruelty. It was impossible to discern who was alive and who was not from a mere glance. Some had resigned themselves to their fate, awaiting the end of their suffering.

Vianola, determined to find Elyssa's party members, began her relentless assault on the goblins. She moved swiftly, eliminating any who crossed her path, whether they were desecrating the bodies or feasting on them. Amidst the gruesome scene, she desperately searched, all the while offering silent prayers for the captives' safety.




"Where are you? Where are you? Where are you?" she muttered, her frustration growing.

The goblins responded with their incomprehensible cries.

"Kik! Kik!"


"Shut the hell up! You're lucky I'm in a hurry, or I'd dissect you into a million pieces. Oh, right! Maybe you could tell me where they are, right?" Vianola threatened, tightening her grip on a goblin's neck.

The goblin hesitated, then raised its arm slightly, but before it could answer, Vianola snapped its neck.

"Sorry, I couldn't hear you. You probably didn't even understand what I said anyway. I'll find them myself."

Vianola adjusted her magical glasses to detect magical traces and began her search. The traces led her a few steps before mysteriously disappearing. Baffled, she scoured the area but found no further traces. As she nearly gave up, she stumbled upon a handle on the floor, concealed beneath some debris. It led to the basement.

"What a hassle! Why am I even stressing over someone else's problem? I shouldn't even be here. It sucks; I'm already starting to regret this."

Vianola produced a white orb, rubbing it to life. It emitted a bright glow as she aimed it towards the basement door. Darkness gave way to a stairwell leading downward. With caution, she descended, her bright light startling a mouse on the stairs.

The light revealed three people shackled to the wall, their bodies battered and bruised. Vianola rushed to their side, checked their vital signs, and confirmed they were alive. Checking their mana signatures, she identified them as Elyssa's missing party members. She attempted to rouse them all at once, but none responded. Frustration set in as she puzzled over how to free them.

"Oh, right! I should free them first. What am I even doing… sigh! Huh? But how do I break open these shackles though?"

She attempted to pull them apart, even biting at them, but nothing worked. Frustration escalated as she tried smashing the shackles against the wall. Then, she noticed an ax in the corner. Grabbing it, she swung it at the chains, finally breaking them. Vianola released the captives, laying them down one by one. Realizing she had forgotten about the potion, she searched her bag for any spares. Fortunately, she found one potion left.

After a while, the captives began to awaken in a haze of confusion, their heads throbbing.

"Urrg! Where am I?"

"Uhmm… What happened?"


"You guys are finally awake. I know you've had a rough time, but we don't have time for questions or rest. So, hurry up and get up; we need to get out of here."

"Huh? And who are you, and where are we? ACK! My head!"

"I said no questions. Just follow me and do what I tell you."


They emerged from the basement, and Vianola instructed the captives to search for any survivors and bring them along. Everyone complied, while she observed two hobgoblins engaged in combat with Elyssa, who was barely holding her own.

"Guys, how's it going? Are you done? We need to get out of here quickly while the guards are distracted."

"Not yet, just a few more minutes," one of the rescued party members replied.

"We don't have minutes. Do it in 30 seconds."

"What? That's impossible. And why the hell are we even saving them? It's just a waste of time and energy," another party member protested.

"Shut up! You haven't been free for a minute, and you're already showing your true colors. Disgusting humans, they never change."

"What did you say, you bitch?"

"Guys, stop it! This is no time for arguing. And you, just keep quiet and do the job. Don't forget who saved your skinny little ass a few minutes ago."

"At least someone's smart here."

Meanwhile, Elyssa waited impatiently, her energy drained, wondering where Vianola was.

Amidst the tension between the party members, Elyssa couldn't help but grow increasingly agitated. She knew their escape hinged on time, and she desperately needed Vianola's assistance. Her thoughts raced as she contemplated her situation.

"Huff! What a hassle," Elyssa muttered under her breath. "She made me the scapegoat and ran off somewhere. She better not betray me and leave me here all by myself. I have no choice but to trust her and follow her because I was the one who asked her for help. But still, I can't set aside my cautious personality. Only these two left, but I am all spent. Where the hell is she?"

As Elyssa's anxiety continued to mount, the seconds ticked away, and the outcome of their daring rescue mission remained uncertain.



Elyssa's agile form danced through the chaos, narrowly evading the raging attack from the ferocious hobgoblin. In one fluid motion, she leaped behind her adversary, her breath steady as she underwent a swift transformation. Her fingers, deft and precise, drew her bow with grace, and she adjusted her stance, distancing herself from the menacing foe. With unwavering focus, she released the taut string, and an arrow surged forth, cleaving through the air with deadly intent. The arrow struck the hobgoblin, Grumlig a gaping hole through its imposing waist.



In the realm of Vianola and the rescued party members:

"We are done," one party member proclaimed softly, a sense of urgency still lingering in her voice.

"Okay, let's move quietly," Vianola confirmed, leading the way.

The survivors, under Vianola's guidance, swiftly gathered their fellow captives and followed her through the treacherous terrain. The cacophonous sounds of Elyssa's skirmish with the hobgoblins echoed in the distance, a visceral reminder of the peril they had narrowly escaped.

Emerging from the confines of their former prison, they were greeted by the sight of Elyssa, victorious but battered, standing amidst the fallen hobgoblins. Blood and sweat adorned her form, but her eyes shone with a fierce determination.

"Come on, we need to get out of here before more guards come," she urged, her voice a mix of exhaustion and resolve.

Together, they tread carefully through the goblin-infested camp, avoiding patrolling guards and obstacles as they navigated toward the sheltering embrace of the nearby forest. The weight of their trials bore heavily upon them, but their collective will to escape and find safety propelled them onward.

At long last, after what felt like an eternity, they reached the sanctuary of the forest's edge. Collapsing onto the forest floor, they drew ragged breaths, their bodies battered and bruised, yet profoundly grateful to be alive.

"We did it, we made it out alive," Elyssa exhaled, her smile reflecting the triumph that tinged her fatigue.

The group echoed her sentiment through silent nods and relieved expressions. They were thankful for their survival and for the unity that had carried them through the darkest of hours. As the sun ascended, casting its warm embrace upon the world, Vianola prepared to take her leave. While Elyssa insisted to stay a while longer, emphasizing the need to tend to her and others wounds. Vianola concurred and took her leave. Her thoughts were tethered to an unspoken concern.

I am so late, I need to return to Maria and Anya at the camp as soon as possible, Vianola reminded herself, silently reflecting on the events of the night and the importance of reuniting with her companions.

As Vianola approached the camp, her heart lightened at the sight of Maria and Anya, who were indeed deeply concerned. They rushed to greet her, their faces a mixture of relief and worry as they embraced her, their voices laden with questions about her well-being.

"I'm fine, I'm just glad to be back with you both," Vianola reassured them, her voice carrying a comforting tone.

The trio settled down to share breakfast, the warmth of companionship enveloping them. Vianola recounted her recent adventure, her words weaving a tale of courage and resilience. Maria and Anya listened in awe, their admiration evident in their eyes, and pride swelled within them as they regarded her as not just a companion but a true friend.

Following their meal, Vianola recognized the need for respite, her body and spirit yearning for recovery after the harrowing ordeal. She knew that the path ahead held its own set of trials, yet she embraced the challenges, bolstered by the unwavering support of her friends.

However, her brief respite was soon disrupted by the urgent voice of a young girl.

"Big Sis Vianola! Big Sis Vianola!"

Vianola stirred from her weariness, her eyelids heavy with exhaustion.

"Umm… who is it? I am so tired. Let me rest for a little while longer. YAWN!"

"Big Sis, it's me Anya. Wake up! W-a-k-e u-p!"

The persistence in Anya's voice finally roused Vianola from her slumber.

"Hmm… What's up, little midget? What's all the fuss about?"

Anya's eyes sparkled with excitement as she hurriedly explained.

"Someone here to see you, they are saying they are friends with you."

Vianola's curiosity piqued, she slowly rose from her makeshift bed within the wagon.

"Huh, friends? I don't remember having any friends though. Where are they?"

"They are in front of the camp."

With a sigh, Vianola agreed to investigate.

"Alright, I will go and take a look, you stay here."


Emerging from the wagon, Vianola approached the camp's front, where she was met with the sight of Elyssa and her party members awaiting her arrival.

"Why are you guys still here?" she inquired, her tone a mix of curiosity and slight annoyance.

Elyssa stepped forward, humility lacing her words.

"We deeply apologize for our discourteous request, even after all you've helped us with. We are shamelessly here to ask for another favor."

Vianola couldn't hide her exasperation, but she remained open to hearing their plea.

"Heh?! What a hassle… Fine, tell me what you need."

Elyssa explained their simple request, to travel alongside Vianola's group to the next village, where they pledged to part ways. Vianola knew the journey would be fraught with danger, but she also recognized the strength and skills that Elyssa possessed, skills that could help protect not only Maria and Anya but also the entire group.

Vianola deliberated the matter with the other leaders of the camp, weighing the potential risks and benefits. After a spirited discussion, they reached a consensus: Elyssa and her party members would be allowed to accompany them to the next village.

As the group set forth on their journey, Vianola and Elyssa struck up a conversation, their words weaving the beginnings of a newfound friendship. They discovered commonalities between them and admired each other's unwavering determination and resilience.Hence, It was a promising start to a journey filled with uncertainties

As the group continued their journey, they encountered numerous perils and obstacles along the way. Through collective effort and unity, they overcame these challenges, forming an unbreakable bond of camaraderie. After traveling for the entire day, finally, the village they had sought appeared on the horizon. Relief washed over them as they entered the safety of the settlement, their gratitude for one another's support and friendship immeasurable.

Elyssa, expressing her thanks, turned to Vianola, her head slightly bowed in a sign of gratitude. "Thank you for helping us before and allowing us on your journey," she said sincerely.

Vianola returned the gratitude with a warm smile, saying, "You're welcome. It was my pleasure to assist you and your friends. And I'm equally grateful for your aid during our travels. Without your help, we might not have made it."

Elyssa nodded in agreement, acknowledging the trials they had faced together. "We were glad to lend a hand. Our journey was arduous, but by sticking together, we persevered. I'm pleased that we formed such a strong bond of friendship during this time."

Vianola concurred, recognizing the value of reliable companions. "Indeed, having friends to rely on during times of need is invaluable. I'm thankful that our paths crossed, and I hope we'll stay in touch and continue assisting each other."

Elyssa expressed her willingness to maintain their connection. "I agree. If I ever require aid in the future, I won't hesitate to reach out to you. I hope you'll do the same for me."

With these heartfelt words, the two women parted ways, each pursuing her own path. Despite the physical separation, they knew that the bond of friendship they had forged would endure for years to come.

After parting ways with Elyssa, Vianola and Maria engaged in a discussion about their next steps. Their deliberation was interrupted by the unmistakable sound of Anya's hungry stomach.


Anya's embarrassed giggle filled the air. "Uh! Hehe, shall we go get lunch first?"

Vianola and Maria exchanged knowing glances, both amused by Anya's appetite. "Of course," Maria replied with a smile.

They ventured deeper into the village in search of a suitable place to dine. After a bit of searching, they discovered a decent eatery to satisfy their hunger. Taking their seats, they perused the menu and placed their orders.

"I'm famished. I could eat a whole cow!" Vianola declared with a hearty laugh.

Anya chimed in eagerly, her stomach making its demands known with an audible growl. "Me too!"

Maria, sharing in their hunger, smiled warmly. "I'm glad we decided to get some food. I was starving too."

Their dishes arrived, and they eagerly dug into their meals, savoring the flavors and taking pleasure in the simple joy of dining together. Laughter and conversation filled the air as they enjoyed their lunch.

Once their plates were empty and their appetites satiated, they settled the bill and departed from the eatery. Determined to find Arthur, they began canvassing the village, questioning locals and seeking any trace of the missing boy and girl. Despite their thorough inquiries, they encountered nothing but dead ends. There was only one remaining option—a small house situated on a distant hill. Resolute in their quest, they set their sights on this final lead, determined to uncover any information that might bring them closer to their goal.

As they ascended the hill toward the small house, Maria addressed the others, concern etched across her face.

"I hope we find something at this last place. It's getting late, and we need to find his majesty and miss Momo soon."

Vianola shared Maria's apprehension, her determination unwavering. "I know. But we can't give up. We have to keep searching until we find them."

Anya, however, voiced a fear that had been lingering in the back of their minds. "What if they're not in the village at all? What if they've already left?" Her worry was palpable.

Maria shook her head resolutely, rejecting such negative thoughts. "We can't think like that. We have to stay positive and keep looking. We'll find them, I know it."

They soon arrived at the small house and knocked on the door. A woman answered, and they quickly explained their situation, inquiring if she had seen the missing boy and girl.

The woman contemplated for a moment, then her face brightened with recognition.

"Yes, I think I saw them a few days ago. They were heading toward the old abandoned mansion outside the Village. It's in the north of the village. "

Excitement and hope surged through Vianola, Maria, and Anya as they exchanged eager glances.

"Thank you so much for the information," Vianola expressed her gratitude to the woman. "We'll go check it out right away."

With that, they descended the hill with haste, making their way to the abandoned mansion. However, as they neared the entrance, the surroundings turned gloomy and dark as if haunted. They were swarmed by bats. Undeterred, they pressed on into the mansion, determined to find Arthur and Momo.

Inside, they searched each room of the mansion until they discovered the two of them, lying on a cozy and comfortable bed. Vianola's relief was palpable as she checked both of their pulses, confirming that they were alive.

"They are fine, they are just asleep. But we need to get them out of here, I can't tell how long they have been asleep," she declared, her concern for their well-being evident. "This place is cold, damp and freezing, they could get sick and this place gives me the creeps."

Maria joined the effort, attending to Momo. She nodded in agreement, aware of the immediate danger they faced.

"They don't seem to be waking up any time soon and their body complexion doesn't look good. I wonder if it has anything to do with this place."

Anya voiced her worries, glancing around nervously. "Big sis, I am scared, what if ghosts come out and haunt us."

Vianola acknowledged her concerns but remained focused on their immediate priorities. "We'll worry about that later. Right now, our priority is to get them to safety. We can figure out what to do about the bear later."

Earlier while they were going around asking about them, they had found the small empty hut. Upon asking about it to the villagers, they mentioned about the owner leaving it like that after his entire family death and had never returned ever since. And villagers suggested they could use it to rest and recover there.

So, working together, they carefully carried Arthur and Momo out of the mansion, making their way to the small empty hut in the village. Here, they could rest and recover, keeping a vigilant watch over them until they wake up.

Upon entering, they found the place dusty, and covered in cobwebs, showing no signs of recent occupation. Inside, a fireplace, a bed, and a dining table with four wooden stools were the only furnishings.

Observing the state of disarray, Maria suggested a plan.

"It seems nobody has been here for ages. We can stay here until they wake up."

Agreeing, they moved Arthur and Momo inside, laid them down on the bed covering them with warm blankets. Maria left Anya in the hut with Vianola and ventured back into the village to procure essential supplies. Meanwhile, Vianola and Anya ventured into the woods, collecting firewood to ignite a fire in the fireplace.

Presenting the story to Momo, Vianola concluded, "So that's what happened."

"Sigh! I can't help but apologize for everything you've gone through because of us," Momo lamented, his remorse palpable. "And we know we can't be forgiven, but we are truly apologetic to Maria and Anya. We couldn't protect Miss Ellie."

Vianola, ever compassionate, offered reassurance. "No, it's not your fault. You didn't do anything that requires an apology. It was her bravery and gallant choice to save both of you in place of her, and I believe you should respect her bravery and gallant choice and cherish her. Don't be too hard on yourselves, and focus on recovering."

Momo expressed his gratitude once more. "Once again, I would like to thank you for saving us and for all that you've done. And I'd also like to thank and apologize to Maria and Anya once they arrive."

As the conversation continued, Arthur, who had awakened a while ago, overheard their dialogue. The recollection of the incident brought tears to his eyes, and he did his best to stifle his sobs, not wishing to disturb the somber atmosphere any further. Eventually, exhaustion overcame him, and he fell asleep once more.

Momo sought guidance on their next steps, contemplating their future. "So what are we going to do now? Are we going to return to the castle?"

Vianola, her gaze distant, considered their options. "I don't know. We haven't thought about it yet. It all depends on him as he is our majesty after all."


Name: Vianola Carwarin

Age: unknown (above 150 years)

Weight: 60 Kg

Height: 5'7"

Constellation: Sagittarius

Personality: Confident, determined, helpful, soft hearted.

Likes: Adventure, helping others, time with friends, magical items

Dislikes: Betrayal, cruelty, inaction, ill-nature humans

Dreams: To protect and make a positive difference

Relationship: Close with Maria and Anya, developing friendship with Elyssa, Arthur, and Momo

Skills: Combat, potion making, all weapon mastery, magical item engineering

Jobs: Magical shop owner

Special Trait: High elf, High magic aptitude

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