
Harem king.

"In a distant realm, a young college student undergoes an extraordinary reincarnation. He awakens in a mysterious world steeped in magic and swords, reminiscent of a bygone era. Now living the life of royalty, he harbours grand dreams of amassing the largest harem the realm has ever seen. However, his path is fraught with challenges and uncertainties. Will he truly succeed in turning his extravagant dreams into reality?"

AugustDHeart · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter: 5 The Final Showdown (Part 2)

Scene changed

Rosary Inn:

The night had settled in, casting an eerie shadow over the Rosary Inn. Momo, the commander, and the guards had gathered their supplies and prepared to depart for the Castle. The commander had insisted on accompanying Momo, understanding her concern for their safety.

Momo, her face etched with worry, addressed the commander. "Where are you going, Miss Momo? Oh, don't get me wrong; it's just that His Majesty told us to keep you safe, so..."

"It's already dusk, and we haven't heard any news from them. I am worried that something might have happened, so I am going to look for them. If possible, I want to help them there instead of sitting here doing nothing."

"But, Miss Momo, we were given orders to look after you. We won't be able to show our faces in front of him if something happens to you. You must not go. I am sure His Majesty is safe and sound. He is more than capable of handling it. I believe in His Majesty, and I think you should too. If we go now, we will be just getting in the way."

"I know, I know, I know, alright. I know, but I can't shake this bad feeling like something's going to happen to him. No matter what, I must go, and I will go."

A sigh escaped the commander's lips. "Even if I stop you, you would probably escape and go on your own. So if you are going anyway, I have a condition."

"You know me well. But what's the condition?"

"If you are going, then you have to take us with you. Is that acceptable?"


"I will gather everyone and prepare the ride for us. Until then, you go and get changed."

With a sense of urgency, Momo agreed to the terms, realizing that her determination to find Arthur and Ellie was unwavering.

A few moments later, Momo emerged from her room, dressed for the journey. The commander and the guards had assembled, ready to accompany her.

"Everyone's here and ready to go, Miss Momo."

"Alright, let's go and save them."

Under the ominous night sky, they mounted their horses and rode toward the Castle. The once-silent sky was now filled with roaring thunder and blinding flashes of lightning. The sun had hidden itself below the horizon, and a new moon emerged, casting an eerie darkness over their path. It felt as if the universe itself was warning them of impending danger.

Scene changed

As clashes between the two dragged on Arthur could feel him reaching his limit. His thoughts raced, contemplating his options in this desperate situation. He couldn't afford to waste any more time. 

Francis, on the other hand, can feel his magic being almost drained. He couldn't comprehend the tactics Arthur was employing, and this confusion had allowed Arthur to enforce his determination to push himself to his limit one last time in an attempt to overcome Francis's stasis magic.

Arthur, deep in thought, continued his relentless assault and footwork reaching even greater heights with his speed and magic. He recognized the incredible risk he was taking, as one wrong move could lead to his destruction. But with no other options available, he pressed forward.

As Francis neared Arthur, ready to make his move, three icicles suddenly manifested from the side and struck him. Two of them missed, but the third found its mark, injuring Francis's arm.

What the hell? Was there a trap? Where the hell did it come from? Francis scanned the room, bewildered.  Don't tell me it was him. But that's impossible.

Another barrage of icicles rained down on Francis, diverting his attention further. He evaded some and deflected others with his sword, but the relentless assault had disrupted his concentration, causing his time-stopping ability to falter.

"HAHAHA! What happened to you? Did you take a gamble with your body to break through my skill? But how are you planning to defeat me while you are reaching your limit?" Francis taunted.

"Don't worry, I will be fine. But you should worry about yourself before others," Arthur responded, maintaining his barrage of ice attacks.

The room turned into a chaotic battlefield, with Arthur using every trick he had to keep Francis occupied. He switched to water magic, creating water columns and launching them at Francis. Even if Francis dodged, the water splashes hindered his movements.

But Arthur's magic was not infinite, and he soon recognized the need to conserve his power. With a burst of determination, he unleashed lightning magic. The combination of moisture and lightning made each bolt far deadlier than usual. The electrified attacks forced Francis on the defensive.

However, Arthur's magic was nearing its limits earlier than he thought. To gain some breathing room, he employed ice magic to freeze the room along with Francis and dispel the tornado. This respite allowed Ellie to escape the icy grasp of the tornado and join Arthur.

Ellie looked at Arthur's exhausting body with concern. "Arthur, are you okay? You look like you are about to fall at any moment.  Don't push yourself too hard, don't forget I am here with you and I am certain Momo and the others are on their way here at any moment. You know her, right? She isn't someone to just sit back and relax. So just keep hanging on until she arrives."

Arthur reassured her, "Yeah, I am okay and I know but I can't put any more of my people in danger. I just need some time to recover some of my strength. Anyway, he is not gonna stay still for very long. From here, it's your job to stall him until I recover a little. I believe in you, that you can do this. You are the Ice Princess, I have seen your ice magic, and no one comes near your potential in ice magic. So trust me and believe in yourself as well."

The responsibility now rested on Ellie's shoulders as she prepared to face Francis, who had finally regained his composure after Arthur's relentless onslaught.

And just as Arthur finished speaking, a blood-curdling scream pierced the air, accompanied by intense beams of light emanating from the frozen chunk of ice that had once contained Francis. A powerful explosion followed, sending ice debris hurtling in all directions. Emerging from the vapour and debris was Francis, bathed in a golden-yellow aura, his hair spiky and glowing.

"I've had it with you insects. Come at me! I will show you my real power now," Francis declared with newfound confidence and energy.

"Isn't that the legendary transformation called Super Saiyan?" Arthur mumbled, clearly confused.

"Super what now?" Ellie asked, equally baffled.

"Ah, nothing... just talking to myself," Arthur replied, trying to dismiss his apparent lapse into pop culture references. "You still dare to ignore me, huh?"

Without warning, an extravagant sword materialized in Francis's hand, accompanied by the appearance of a golden shining armour on his body. Arthur and Ellie stood in disbelief at the astonishing transformation they were witnessing. 

With a mighty swing of his sword, Francis cleaved the Castle in half, causing a destructive explosion that sent shockwaves through the entire structure. Simultaneously, a deafening clap of thunder resonated through the area, accompanied by a blinding flash of lightning, marking the commencement of the showdown.

What the hell was that?! Man, that scared the shit out of me. And what the hell is with that transformation? At this rate, we are gonna get copyright infringement. I am really sorry, Toriyama. I don't know what this author is thinking, Arthur muttered under his breath.

Scene changed:

Momo and her accompanying guards arrived at the Castle's gates, only to witness a beam of energy cutting through the Castle. It was followed by a thunderous boom that shook the very foundations of the structure. Half of the Castle had been severed, revealing its interior. Momo and her entourage couldn't believe their eyes, and they raced toward the epicentre of the chaos.

However, their path was soon blocked by rioters who had infiltrated the Castle.

"Don't waste too much time on them; we need to get to the centre ASAP," Henrick, one of Momo's guards, advised.

"You heard the commander. Let's crush these guys and save our majesty," Joe added.

Momo swiftly manoeuvred through the rioters, using her agility and martial skills to clear a path. She kicked, punched, and pushed her way forward, determined to reach the source of the disturbance.


"It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!"


"Please spare me, NO, no, NOOO!"

But as they advanced, the number of rioters seemed never-ending, and more soldiers were falling, wounded and fatigued. The injured and weary soldiers were barely holding on, teetering on the brink of collapse.

"Do you guys think you can stop us? We are inevitable. You guys deceived and lied to us. We can't trust you or this government. You people might be skilled, but we got the advantage in numbers," one rioter proclaimed.

"I don't know what the hell you're spouting. All I know is that you are standing in my way, so just be gone," the commander retorted.

"Aghh! Curse you!"

"Commander, are you done yet?"

"NO, but almost there. But what the hell am I supposed to do? Their number just doesn't seem to show any sign of dwindling. Everyone gathered in one place. We are gonna push through them."

Scene changed:

Amidst the chaos and tension, Arthur and Ellie found themselves in a dire situation. Francis had transformed into a formidable force, and the two of them had to rally their strengths and wit to face him.

Arthur, displaying a determined spirit, addressed Ellie. "Oh boy! This is bad, really, really bad. Ellie, forget about me and get the hell out of here. He doesn't look like he's messing around."

"Shut the hell up, you idiot. I don't care how bad it is; it's all my fault that all this is happening. So I am gonna fix it. It's because of me that he is here, it's because of me that the explosion happened, it's because of me that Francis invaded the Castle. It's all my fault. So you just sit there and recover, and let me do this."

"We will discuss it later, but for now, I think we should focus on him because he is coming at you."

"You still have time to chat? How nice."

With that, Francis lunged at Ellie, and Arthur recognized the urgency of the situation.


The room around them transformed in an instant. Everything began to freeze, and ice structures emerged from the ground. Simultaneously, countless ice spears were launched at Francis, who, despite the slippery surface, deftly dodged them.

In the blink of an eye, Francis reached Ellie and swung his sword, but an ice pillar emerged, intercepting his attack.

Ellie quickly retreated, preparing her next set of attacks. "ICE CHAINS!"

Ten ice chains extended from the walls of the Ice Castle, ensnaring Francis. He struggled to break free, but the chains held him fast. Ellie approached him, her confidence growing. "No matter how powerful you are, you can't beat me while I am inside the Ice Castle. This is my ground, and I can do anything I want here."

"You think so?" Francis applied force, and the chains shattered like glass. With astonishing speed, he seized Ellie by the neck with one hand and lifted her off the ground.

"Your puny little magic can't do a shit to me. So just give up."


"Alright then, time to die."

Just as Francis was about to take decisive action, a sudden flash of lightning illuminated the room, and a powerful voice echoed, "Hey, man, come on. If you want to kill someone, kill me, but let her go. It's me you want, right? Didn't you come here to take back the throne? She has nothing to do with it, so can you just let her go?"

"Well, you are not wrong, but I have some old mess to clean up. So sorry, I will have to kill both of you."

"Francis, please listen to me. You already got what you wanted. I will take full responsibility. She will never return to the empire."

"No, I won't take any risk. And it kinda feels good seeing you begging and despairing," Francis sneered. "Do you know how much I hate my brother? Every day I worked my ass off to be acknowledged and to be qualified for the title of crown prince, to work for this kingdom. I did everything I could to rise above my origins, yet only to be ignored and looked down upon as a mixed-blood, unworthy of royalty, let alone the crown prince. Still, I didn't care and never gave up. I kept fighting for it. Then, out of nowhere, I heard that he was chosen to be the crown prince, despite me being first in the line of succession and having the right to the throne. It didn't matter how hard I worked, the blood and sweat I poured into it. I didn't understand why. Was it because of my mother, who wasn't of royal lineage, or was it because of his naive, weak, and timid nature that made the 12 councils view him as an easy target? I couldn't fathom it. I only wanted to know why. What was the reason that made them overlook all of those things? So I asked Father again and again, but he remained silent. He didn't say a word about it. That's when I decided to take matters into my own hands. Everything that has happened, from the death of my father to her assassination attempt and the kidnapping of that girl, was all orchestrated by none other than me. But here we are, and you're standing in my way. But not anymore. After I deal with her, it's your turn."

Just as Francis was poised to take action, a sudden burst of thunder and lightning filled the room. A commanding figure appeared, blocking Francis's path.

"I don't think so and I don't care about your bullshit cliche story. You let her go RIGHT NOW!"

Momo had arrived on the scene at precisely the right moment and intervened, lunging at Francis without hesitation. Startled, Francis tossed Ellie aside and intercepted Momo's attack, throwing her back with a powerful punch. Momo crashed into the wall but swiftly regained her footing, determined to stand her ground.

"Momo? What are you doing here? I thought I made myself clear not to come here," Arthur inquired in surprise.

"Yeah, I know," Momo responded, "but even after dusk, you guys didn't return. I got worried, so I came. And don't worry, I came with all the others. They couldn't leave you alone as well. You look like you could use some help."

Arthur heaved a sigh of relief. " You guys are such a handful, you know that? Fine, Knowing you, I knew you wouldn't listen to me. Anyway, I am glad that you are here though, I was just in need of a couple of helping hands. Can you buy me just 5 minutes? I am almost done with recovery."

"Five minutes, huh? I don't think I can last that long in front of that monster, even so, I will do my best. By the way, how did you end up like that anyway?"

"It's a long story I will tell you later. Right now, help me to deal with that monster."

"As you wish, my lord," Momo replied.

Momo and Francis engaged in a fierce battle. Momo was barely holding on. Francis dodged and blocked her every attack, countering her while she could barely dodge, and her blocks were getting broken, injuring her. Amid the battle, Arthur managed to make his way over to Ellie to check on her.

"Hey, Ellie? Ellie? Wake Up! Ellie, wake up!"

Ellie stirred. "MmHmm."

"Are you okay? You got thrown pretty hard, didn't you? I am sorry for my incompetence. I am so useless. All I am doing is putting you guys in danger. I get overconfident and always screw up. I am sorry, Ellie. I promise you I will make this right. Just hold on, okay? I will teach this bastard a lesson that he never forgets. Momo is here as well, so you don't need to worry. Everything's going to be okay."

"O...kay," Ellie Weakley responded.

Arthur stayed beside Ellie and focused on regaining some of his strength and magic. Meanwhile, Momo was completely spent; she could only take hits and stand up again, covered in blood. Amid the chaos, the remaining guards and soldiers arrived to aid Momo.

"Huh? You guys are finally here. What took you so long? And why are there so few of you?"

One of the guards responded, "We were held by a horde of rioters at the gate. We lost more men than we expected. But where is his majesty?"

Momo pointed in Arthur's direction. "There…"

"Vice-commander Joe, go check on his majesty. We will take care of you here."

Joe made his way to Arthur and Ellie to assess their condition while the others engaged in battle with Francis.

"Man, is there any end to you guys coming? Just come all at once, damn it. You guys keep interrupting me. If there's anyone left, you better say now and call them here, or else if I get interrupted one more time, I am gonna roast all of you alive and feed you to the dogs."

"Prince Francis, why are you doing this?" one of the soldiers shouted. "You were so kind and gentle, affable, nice, and pleasant. What made you do this? Everybody loved you, admired you, and some even worshipped you. How could you do this to them? I would never have thought even in my dreams that you would do this to us."

"Me, kind and gentle?" Francis scoffed, his voice dripping with scorn. "Nice? Hahahaha… You morons! You have no idea how I have lived my life. It's your fault for falling for my deceitfulness. You all are responsible and to be blamed for yourselves."

As Arthur regained some of his strength and magic, he asked Joe to look after Ellie. Slowly, he stood up and began walking towards Francis, his head down, his footsteps heavy. Arthur opened all the remaining blocked magic circuits and applied buffs ten times more powerful than before. His magic aura suddenly spiked through the roof, releasing a shockwave. He was now glowing in a crimson-red aura, an embodiment and representation of fire attributes. Everyone who was still standing inside the room was surprised to witness their majesty's new and fearsome transformation.

"Henrick, stop it!" Momo intervened, shouting over the chaos. "It's pointless to talk to someone who doesn't want to listen, who is stuck in the past, and who thinks he has suffered more than others. Arguing with a narcissist is like speaking to a donkey—no point at all, just a waste of your time, energy, and breath."

"HAHAHA! Look who's talking. Did you morons not find it least bit suspicious, anything about him like how he had changed, acting differently than usual himself all of a sudden one day? Tell them, tell them who you truly are. Tell them that you were not their second prince and a foreign soul residing in his body. Tell them what happened to the real second prince's soul and what you did with him." Francis taunted with malevolent glee.

A wave of shock washed over the assembly, their faces contorted in disbelief. Silence fell over the room, and it felt as though time had momentarily frozen. Arthur glanced around nervously, struggling to find the words to respond. Francis, taking perverse delight in their discomfort, continued his verbal assault. He wasn't doing this because he was losing; rather, it was his innate nature. He loathed tedious, hands-on work and preferred to manipulate others, infiltrating their minds and using them as pawns. Fate had forced him into this role, and his disdain for Arthur burned brighter than ever. He was hell-bent on tearing Arthur apart by turning his people against him. A true tyrant lurked beneath his human façade, one who wouldn't hesitate to eliminate even his father.

"Your Majesty, Is it true what his Highness said?" Henrick asked, his voice quivering.

Arthur remained silent, his gaze fixed on the ground.

"Of course, he remains silent because he harbours no intention of unveiling his secret plans. He likely ensnared the second prince's soul in some hidden abyss or, perhaps, obliterated it. While he masquerades as benevolent and compassionate in the presence of others, luring them into trusting him and aligning with his cause, he waits for the opportune moment to betray them. Isn't that the truth, the façade you've constructed, Mr. Arthur?" Francis commented, his gaze steeped in suspicion and hostility.

"Why are you keeping silent?" Joe implored his tone a mix of desperation and confusion.

"Lord, please tell us that it isn't true," Bonzuicivic pleaded.

Francis sneered. "Yes, Arthur. Tell them the truth; the cat's already out of the bag, so there's no point in hiding it."

Arthur, his voice steady and resolute, finally broke his silence. "No, Francis, you are gravely mistaken. I may not be the second prince, and I do not know what happened to his soul. But I play no part in any actions involving his soul inhabiting this body. Everything I have done thus far has been with a pure heart and good intentions. I am merely acting on his memory and desire to protect this kingdom and its people, I have no ulterior motives or desires for power. My only goal is to ensure the safety and prosperity of this kingdom, as any true ruler should. I bear no ill will toward anyone, especially not my own family."

"No, you are lying. I have the blessing of goddess Freya. I can see through your lies as clear as day in my current state. So stop spouting bullshit and admit to your crimes." Francis remarked, his eyes filled with accusation.

"Do you have any evidence against me for what you have said? Do you?" Arthur inquired, his eyes filled with confidence and determination.

"Hm? Why do I need proof against you when I can see you lying with the blessing of goddess Freya? Do you need any bigger evidence than the power of divinity? Forget me, But do you have any proof against your claims? How can we trust your words alone? Words can be deceiving and most of the time forgotten. So what do you have against yourself to prove you are not guilty?"

Arthur remained silent. He didn't expect Francis to turn his word against him. He had no answer or evidence to back his word. He just stood there, silent, despaired and tired.

"HAHAHA! You don't have any, do you? So that makes both of us guilty, doesn't it? But you know, in the end, people only follow those who they can trust. So you no longer have authority here." Francis accused, with a sense of joy in his face.

The room was filled with murmurs and gasps as Francis's words hung in the air.

"You all heard me right. Now will you still fight for your king who isn't your second prince and who has been deceiving you all this time?" Francis continued his relentless assault. "Can you even trust him anymore? What if he is your enemy and preparing to conquer this kingdom? Have you all ever thought about it?"

"Now that I think about it, he was acting odd," Henrick muttered, "and it was weird that his personality suddenly changed."

"Yeah, now I remember, it is true," Joe chimed in.

"Then, what happened to the second prince? Where is he now?" Bonzuicivic questioned.

All eyes turned to Arthur, awaiting an answer. Just then, Ellie awoke and addressed the room.

"It doesn't matter right now who he is or what happened to the second prince," she declared. "We can discuss that later. But right now, stopping him takes priority. Don't let him get in your head. You guys might not know, but he is worse than the kind of person he is making Arthur out to be. I know him better than anyone else. He is the one who conspired and destroyed my home, and the eastern empire and killed my family and everyone else. That wasn't enough; he had set his sights on other kingdoms as well. I refuse to let what happened to me befall others. If war breaks out, countless people will die for no reason, all because of someone's selfish desires and greed. His hunger for power knows no bounds; it's pure gluttony. I believe in Arthur and would risk my life for him, no matter who he is, because he saved me, loved me, and taught me. And Yes, I love him too. Just this once, put all your trust in him for the last time and get through this."

"And I believe in him too," Momo added. "No matter who he is or what he is, he is someone who gave me a new life, a place I belong to, and food to eat. Nothing is going to change my opinion of him."

Arthur smiled gratefully at Ellie and Momo. "Thanks, Ellie. Thanks, Momo. I knew I could count on you guys. Do you hear that bastard? Your mind games won't work on them."

TCH! And it was going so well. She is getting in the way. I need to eliminate her first, Francis muttered, his frustration evident. "Are you sure about that? Look around you."

"Huh? What are you babbling about?" Arthur inquired.

As Arthur turned his head to survey the room, he realized that his guards had surrounded him and Francis, their swords pointed menacingly.

"Guys? What are you doing?" Arthur asked, bewildered by their sudden change in allegiance.

"We deeply apologize to Your Majesty," Henrick began, "but we can't trust you nor follow you anymore. I hope you understand and surrender yourself peacefully."

Arthur's eyes widened in disbelief. "Say what? Didn't you guys hear what they said? And yet you are all of a sudden taking his side?"

"We are not taking anyone's side," Joe explained calmly. "We are mainly obeying the constitutional law of this kingdom. Also, we can't just trust the words of someone of unknown origin without any evidence. We don't know for sure if they are your accomplices as well or not. Until then, we will keep them under observation and investigate."

This is bad. "So you guys are not backing down, huh?" Arthur responded, his frustration mounting.

"Nope. So please surrender peacefully, or we will have to use force," Henrick warned.

"Force, eh?" Arthur scoffed. "Fine, if you guys are not backing down, then neither are we. Girls, let's go get them, but don't kill them. Just keep it up to injuries."

"YES!" Ellie, Momo, and their remaining allies replied in unison.

"So you finally showed your true colours, didn't you?" Francis taunted. "Go get them guys, I am rooting for you." Francis encourages soldiers.

With that, everyone scattered in three different directions. Arthur went after Francis, Ellie pursued Henrick, and Momo chased after Joe and Bonzuicivic. Despite their exhaustion and injuries, they refused to surrender and fought on, pushing themselves beyond their limits to protect what they believed in.



Arthur lunged forward, his sword clashing fiercely with Francis's blade. The exchange was a whirlwind of steel on steel. Arthur slashed; Francis blocked. Francis pierced; Arthur parried. Each move and countermove was executed with such swiftness and power that all onlookers felt were a series of shockwaves after shockwaves with suffocating pressure erupting between the clashing blades. They darted around the battleground, vying for the advantageous high ground.

Meanwhile, Ellie found herself locked in combat with Henrick. She maintained her distance, using her magic to create a barrier between them. This allowed her to attack from mid to long-range effectively. However, this tactic left her vulnerable in close combat, and Henrick seized the opportunity. He closed the gap swiftly and delivered a powerful kick to her abdomen, sending her hurtling across the palace. Pillars and walls crumbled in her wake as she crashed through them.




Henrick pursued her without hesitation, disappearing into the dust and darkness that enveloped her.

"Ellie, NOO!" Arthur exclaimed. Damn it, I gotta end this.


The sun had long since set, and the rain showed no signs of abating. The moon remained hidden behind thick clouds, casting an eerie darkness over the land. Yet, even in this abyss, a glimmer of hope remained. Momo, outnumbered but undaunted, fought fiercely. She exhibited the martial arts skills of an assassin and a spy, a profession that many believed to be ill-suited for direct combat. But this was a misconception, born of rumours and hearsay.

Momo was a shadow, elusive and silent, striking swiftly and decisively. She leapt from wall to wall, her two daggers gleaming in the moonlight. Joe, one of her opponents, found himself struggling to keep up with her relentless assault. She moved through the darkness, disappearing soundlessly, forcing her opponent to guess her location. For assassins, the night was their domain, their time to thrive. Night concealed their actions, making them all the more deadly.

With her unparalleled agility, Momo closed in on Joe, her two daggers poised for a lethal strike. Joe's defences wavered under the relentless onslaught, and Momo seized her opportunity. She lunged forward, slashing his throat from behind.


"Lord, I am done here. Do you need a hand?" Momo inquired.

"No! Just go and help Ellie. I will be fine," Arthur replied.

"But you are struggling there," Momo insisted.

"I said I will be fine. Just go and help Ellie," Arthur reiterated.

UGH! Jeez, fine! Always Ellie this, Ellie that. What does she have that I don't? Uh, well, maybe she has bigger boobs than mine. So what? Bigger is better, medium is premium, and flat is justice.

"You sure you don't need a hand? I don't mind having two-on-one, you know?" Francis asked, taunting

"Yep!" Arthur replied with determination.

"As you wish, then."

With that, Francis intensified his assault on Arthur. He sent Arthur hurtling through the air with a powerful blow, the force of the impact sending him from the partially destroyed castle to the castle gardens.



"Ugh! That hurt!" Arthur groaned.

"Surrender now, and I might spare you," Francis taunted.



Icicle vines sprouted from the ground, wrapping themselves tightly around Francis. These vines were equipped with tiny, razor-sharp thorns that dug into his flesh as they constricted around him. Francis struggled in vain, but the combination of the rain and the chilling cold made the ice virtually unbreakable. With every passing moment, the thorns pierced deeper into his flesh, causing him to bleed profusely.

"Do you think the same trick twice would work on me? Just give me a sec, and I will be out of this," Francis retorted.

"Yeah, it's the same trick, but better," Arthur replied with determination. "I was the one who taught her. And do you think I am stupid enough to give you enough time to break out of it? Like those dumbass main characters from manga and anime. There's no way you can break away from it while it's raining and cold. You will soon bleed out to death. So while we have some time, let's see what your secret is behind this power."

Arthur pressed his thumb to his forehead, initiating a connection between their magical energies. Each individual had a unique energy signature, whether it was aura or magic, and Arthur had learned to manipulate these energies through experimentation and meditation. He synchronized his energy signature with Francis's and delved deeper into his subconscious realm. However, his journey was abruptly halted by a blinding flash of light, and he found himself in a featureless white void.

"Oh, man! What now? Is this some kind of subconscious mind defence system? This dude's got more defences than the U.S."


"Hey, Ellie, need a hand?" Momo called out.

"What do you think?" Ellie replied tersely.

"Well, I think you could use some," Momo quipped.

"Then don't just stand there and watch. Come here and help me."

Ellie had abandoned her long-range magical attacks and was now fully engaged in close-quarters combat. She conjured an icy sword and defended herself admirably, but her attacks struggled to land. It was a stark reminder of the vulnerability mages faced at close range. Her martial arts skills, while commendable, were not sufficient for this demanding battle.

To compensate for Ellie's limitations, Momo stepped in. She assumed the role of the close-range damage dealer, expertly moving in to take over where Ellie struggled. Ellie, in turn, supported from a distance, launching magical assaults on their adversary.

Momo concentrated her aura, and soon, multiple copies of herself began to materialize. They encircled Henrick, who eyed them warily. Ellie, in the meantime, was preparing a spell behind the scenes.

"What's this? It's been a while since I've seen the shadow clone technique. Where did you learn it? Or perhaps, who taught you?" Henrick inquired.

"I learned from someone called 'nunya business,'" Momo retorted.

"It's fine if you don't want me to tell. I will ask the real one when I find her," Henrick replied with a sly grin.

Without warning, Henrick thrust his sword, piercing one of the Momo clones, causing it to dissipate in black smoke. There had been roughly a hundred clones, and after Henrick's move, each clone initiated an attack. They swarmed him, overwhelming him with their sheer numbers. For a moment, silence hung in the air. Then, with a sudden burst of strength, Henrick launched all the clones away, breaking through their ranks. He proceeded to clear out the remaining clones, displaying his superior skill and experience. The clones diminished in number, leaving just ten, including the real Momo.

"Hey, Ellie, are you done yet?" Momo inquired, her breath heavy from the exertion of maintaining the clones. "I don't think I can hold him any longer than this."

"Yeah, I'm almost there. I just need a minute, and when I give you the signal, move from there," Ellie replied.

"Why?" Momo questioned.

"Trust me; you don't want to be there for what I'm about to do," Ellie warned.

"Okay, just hurry up. This guy is stronger than I thought, and I don't know how much longer I can stall him."

Momo decided to take a desperate approach. Her previous tactics had failed, and with her clones vanquished, she resorted to hand-to-hand combat, even though she was at a significant disadvantage. The difference in size and strength between her and Henrick was substantial. She tossed aside her weapon.

"Hmm? So, are you ready to surrender now?" Henrick asked.

"What? No, no, I was preparing for, you know, hand-to-hand combat," Momo replied, feigning confidence.

"What? Why would you? You're clearly at a disadvantage," Henrick pointed out.

"You'll soon find out," Momo responded cryptically.

Momo discarded her gloves, shirt, and shoes with a series of loud thuds, leaving herself in a white tank top and black pants. These were specially designed training clothes weighted to enhance her physical prowess. Her movements became incredibly swift as a result.

"What the hell? You were wearing that the whole time?" Henrick exclaimed.

"Yeah, you're not the only one Arthur taught a thing or two," Momo quipped.

"Then why didn't you drop them sooner?" Henrick asked, genuinely puzzled.

"I forgot," Momo admitted with a sheepish grin.

"Seriously?" both Henrick and Ellie asked simultaneously.

"Are you ready, then?" Henrick inquired.

"I guess I have no choice. I'll accept your challenge," Momo replied.

Both fighters took their positions and engaged in a furious exchange of punches. The clash of their fists sent shockwaves through the air. Left met right, right met left, as they moved around each other, shifting positions, jumping and lunging in a relentless flurry of attacks.



After an extended bout of fist-clashing, Momo and Henrick transitioned to grappling, their faces etched with intensity as they strained against each other's strength. As time passed, Momo found herself being gradually pushed backwards. Then, she momentarily halted her resistance and abruptly surged forward. With expert manoeuvring, she positioned herself behind Henrick, quickly taking control of the situation. In a swift move, she grabbed his waist, hoisted him off balance with a deft footwork manoeuvre, and slammed him headfirst into the ground. Henrick was left dazed, struggling to regain his footing as Momo capitalized on her advantage, delivering a series of powerful punches.



With a final punch, Henrick was sent rolling on the ground. From behind, Ellie's voice echoed.

"Momo, I'm done here. Ready when you are."

"What? 2 on 1 that doesn't seem fair" Henrick protested.

"Hmm? Do I look like someone who would care about fairness and be so stupid as to forget that you betrayed us right in front of our faces while you guys were ganging up on us?" Ellie retorted.

"Damn you! HYAAA!"

Despite his struggles, Henrick tried to leap at Ellie, but Momo quickly subdued him. She grabbed his arm, pulled him off balance with her right foot, and secured a hold around his neck. Then, she twisted his arm behind his back, pinning it with her left hand while she sat on his back.

"ARGHH! Let me go, damn it!" Henrick protested.

"Not so fast. He might be forgiving, but not me. Ellie, do it now," Momo instructed.

"What? But what about you?" Ellie questioned.

"Don't worry about me, just do it," Momo replied firmly.

"But still..."

"I said just do it, damn it."

"Fine, I don't care anymore."

With that, Ellie released her spell. A majestic ice dragon with a long, sinuous body and twin-branched horns emerged from her magic circle. As it appeared outside the magic circle, everything in its vicinity began to freeze. It spiralled outward, reaching up to the ceiling, encasing it in ice. When it was completely free of the magic circle, Ellie gestured toward Momo. The ice dragon soared toward them with a roar, its chilling presence undeniable.


"Momo, get out of there; once it's released, I can't control it. So hurry up and get away from him," Ellie warned.

"Not yet. If I let him go now, he will dodge it, and it will all be for nothing," Momo responded.

The ice dragon drew closer and closer, and Momo waited until the very last second before rolling away. At that critical moment, the ice dragon surged forward, piercing through Henrick and freezing him to absolute zero. Despite his futile attempts to escape, he remained frozen solid. Momo checked his condition with her finger, tapping him lightly. There was no response, and they finally breathed sighs of relief.

"Phew! That was one hell of a fight. I doubt I could have held him any longer," Momo remarked.

"You are reckless and stupid. What if you weren't able to get away in time, or what if he had grabbed you, huh?" Ellie scolded her.

"Ugh! Whatever. We're done here, so let's just go help Arthur," Momo replied dismissively.

"Don't 'ugh' me. Listen to me," Ellie insisted.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever…"

With that, they left the scene, their fading voices and bickering disappearing into the darkness.

Meanwhile, Arthur found himself trapped in an unfamiliar realm of space where his attempts to move or escape proved futile. He couldn't comprehend the situation, and his frustration grew.

"What's happening? What the hell's going on?" he demanded.

Freiya, an enigmatic and attractive figure in the Astral Plane, addressed Arthur's confusion. She had a unique appearance with a revealing blue outfit that emphasized her ample figure, and she exuded an air of power and allure.

"This isn't the subconscious mind or its defence system. It's the Astral Plane," Freiya explained.

Arthur turned his attention to her, trying to grasp the situation. "Who are you, and where's this voice coming from?"

Freiya chuckled softly. "Yoo Hoo! Over here, Mr. Outsider."

She held a golden wine glass in one hand, and her beauty and confidence were undeniable. Despite his predicament, Arthur couldn't help but find her attractive.

Damn! She's hot,  Arthur thought.

"Thanks," Freiya replied with a knowing smile.

"Wait, did you just read my thoughts?" Arthur asked, shocked.

"Yep. You can't hide anything from a god, kid," Freiya responded.

"A god? But you're female, so wouldn't it be a goddess?" Arthur questioned.

Freiya smirked. "You think I don't know that? I'm talking about the whole community. Smart ass!"

Arthur attempted to understand the situation further. "What am I doing here, this Astral Plane or whatever? Did you bring me here?"

Freiya explained, "Well, it's complicated."

"Then make it simple because I don't have time for it," Arthur retorted impatiently.

"Jeesh! Show some manners and respect, kid. Know who you're talking to? Anyway, I sensed you were trying to intrude somewhere you shouldn't, so I just brought you here," Freiya clarified.

"What are you talking about? I was trying to find Francis' monstrous power by diving into his subconscious mind," Arthur explained.

"Well then, kid, you found it. Congrats," Freiya replied casually.

Arthur's frustration grew. "What do you mean?"

Freiya admitted, "I am the reason behind his monstrous power. I gave him that. He is kinda like my apostle."

"What? Did you give him that insane power? Why? Tell me why? Do you have any idea what he is doing with it?" Arthur demanded.

Freiya replied nonchalantly, "Yeah, I did, and I'm well aware of it and that's exactly, what I gave. What're you gonna do about it, cry?"

"But why? Why did you do that? Don't you feel ashamed to call yourself a goddess?" Arthur questioned.

Freiya chuckled. "Hahaha, ashamed huh, it's been ages since I heard that word nice one, kid. 'Why', you ask? It's kinda simple honestly, Just because I can and I want to. We have an agreement, and I like that kid. Because of me, he has looks and a personality that even angels envy. He is simply following my wishes."

Arthur couldn't comprehend her motives. "What, Wh... Why? I don't understand. What agreement?"

"You don't need to be concerned with that, kid. I only brought you here because of our agreement and my oath to protect him from harm, not to mention myself. If I didn't stop you and bring you here, you were gonna break that seal and kill both of us," Freiya explained cryptically.

"What seal?" Arthur persisted.

Freiya sighed, "I'm sorry, kid. I said too much. But you should leave now."

"Leave? Listen here, you old hag, I don't get any of this crap, and I don't care about agreement, or oath or whatever," Arthur retorted defiantly. "What I do get and care about is that if it's all because of you that this is happening, then if I finish you right here and now, maybe finally everything will come to peace."

Freiya's demeanour shifted abruptly. Her smile faded, replaced by a cold, serious expression. "Oo...ld HAG? Do you have no desire to live anymore, brat? Maybe I should just rip your damn ugly mouth and feed it to death hounds. Do you want to finish me? Ok, come on, try it."

Arthur, driven by his determination to put an end to the chaos caused by Francis, leaned forward and glared fiercely at Freiya. He planted his right foot behind him, bent at the knee, and pushed off the ground with his left foot, launching himself toward Freiya at astonishing speed. However, as he neared her, he suddenly found himself in the same position and place, unable to make any progress. His desperate attempts to move or attack were in vain, as Freiya simply stood there, unaffected.

"What the...? What's happening? What the hell's going on?" Arthur cried out in frustration.

"What happened, kid? I thought you were gonna finish me. Why are you just sitting there?" Freiya taunted.

Arthur, struggling to break free from whatever invisible force held him, demanded answers. "Cut your crap. What did you do to me?"

Freiya replied calmly, "Nothing, kid. I just gave you a little taste of what I can do. I just showed you your place and the level difference between you and me."

"No matter what, I won't give up. HAHHHH!" Arthur shouted defiantly.

In response, Arthur channelled his magical power to its maximum potential, creating a massive fireball. With every ounce of his strength, he compressed it to the size of a football. The temperature in the Astral Plane soared, and the radiant energy seared through his clothes and skin. Despite the burning sensation, Arthur was resolute. After a moment's pause, he unleashed the condensed energy in the form of a powerful beam.


This is not possible Arthur muttered in disbelief.

"Darling, you have no idea what is possible," Freiya responded with a sly smile.

With just a snap of her finger, the beam of plasma and energy vanished into thin air. Arthur watched in astonishment as his powerful attack dissipated before his eyes. It was at this moment that he knew he fucked up.

"Now, if you are done here, you may leave," Freiya said calmly.

Arthur attempted to protest, "Wait, wait—"

But before he could finish his sentence, Freiya abruptly appeared in front of him. With a swift palm strike to his chest, she sent him hurtling back into the real world. Arthur stumbled and fell, gasping for breath, his body aching from the ordeal he had just experienced. Raindrops fell on him as he lay there, trying to process everything that had transpired.



A few moments later, Momo and Ellie arrived on the scene. They saw Arthur sitting in the rain, his head bowed, while Francis lay unconscious nearby, his body impaled with ice vines and thorns, slowly freezing from the inside.

"Look how he is, he did a number on Francis. He looks terrible," Momo remarked.

Ellie raised an eyebrow. "Are you pitying him?"

Momo quickly clarified, "No, no, of course not! I was just, you know, describing him."

Ellie chuckled. "Hmm, is that so?"

"Come on! Do you think I am lying?" Momo responded defensively.

"Haha, relax, I was just kidding. Hehe!"

They approached Arthur, who seemed unresponsive. Worried, Ellie called out to him, "Arthur, it's done, it's finally over. You finally did it, so please wake up. Wake up!"


But there was no response. Ellie held his hand and called his name, while Momo shook him gently.

"Arthur! Wake up. Arthur!" Ellie pleaded.

"Lord Arthur, please wake up. Open your eyes," Momo added.

"He is not waking up. Is he alright? Is he gonna be okay?" Ellie fretted.

"I don't know. Check his pulse for me, will you?" Momo requested.


Concerned, She examined him more closely and realized he was only unconscious and still breathing. she let out sighs of relief and attempted to rouse him.

"Arthur, please wake up," Ellie whispered, her voice filled with worry.

Momo checked Arthur's pulse and reported, "His pulse is there but faint."

Momo realized the gravity of the situation. "His magic power has hit rock bottom. Which explains his pulse and why he is not waking up. We need to provide him with a minimum amount of magic power, or he could slip into a coma or worse, die. And it has to match his natural magic signature."

"But where are we going to find that at the moment?" Ellie asked.

"It's not about where; it's about how. We have to modify our magic signature to match his as we transfer it into his body," Momo explained.

Ellie, still worried, stated, "But I don't know anything about magic signatures. I don't know how to do it."

Momo assured her, "Don't worry; I will walk you through it. First, close your eyes and try to remember the moment he was teaching you."

"Okay," Ellie complied, closing her eyes and concentrating.

Momo continued, "Now, ever wonder how he did that? He matched your magic signature while feeling your magic power. Now, you are going to do the same. Try to remember the feeling of it before it entered your body when it was just touching your skin. That's how you're going to figure out his magic signature."

Ellie struggled to recall the sensation. "Are you crazy? How can I remember such a small detail?"

"You have to, or else he is going to die," Momo said urgently.

"Alright, alright! Stop saying that, or you're going to jinx it," Ellie replied.

"Do you remember it?" Momo inquired.

Ellie took a deep breath and responded, "No, not yet... Umm... Hmmm... Ughhh... huhh!"

"Come on, hurry up. It's freezing out here," Momo urged.

"Stop hurrying me. I am trying my best here. Ah! Okay, I think I remember now."

Momo instructed, "Now you have to just channel it into him. But if you mess up even by a fraction, it could backfire, so be careful."

Ellie gently laid Arthur on his back and looked at him with teary eyes. She held his hand with both of hers and kissed him on the lips before channelling her magic power into him, matching his magic signature.

"YO? What are you doing? I said only to channel it, not to kiss him. What's with this final ending drama? Someone's gonna get the wrong idea," Momo teased.

"Shut up!" Ellie replied, her focus on the task at hand.

Ellie continued channelling her magic power into Arthur until he finally opened his eyes. He sat up, shocked and confused, taking in his surroundings.

"Whoa, take it easy, tiger," Ellie said, her voice filled with relief.

Arthur looked around and questioned, "You guys okay?"

"We are fine. Forget about us. We should be asking you that. What happened?" Momo asked.

"Ugh~ My head hurts. I was fighting Francis, and I trapped him in the vines. Then I tried to enter his subconscious mind. After that, it's all blurry. Every time I try to remember, my head hurts. Ugh!" Arthur explained, clutching his head in pain.

"No need to rush. Take it easy. First, let's just get out of this rain; I am freezing," Ellie suggested.

"Let's do that. Ellie, you support him from that side. I will support him from here. Up you go!" Momo said, and they helped Arthur to his feet, supporting him from both sides. Slowly, they made their way back toward the castle, unaware of the events occurring behind them.

Meanwhile, Francis slowly regained consciousness. He was in excruciating pain and struggling to move, but his determination burned fiercely.

"Fuck! These damn pricks can't stop me. AGH!" he cursed through gritted teeth.

Francis forced himself to move, tearing his body free from the ice vines and thorns, despite the intense pain. His right arm was mangled, but he managed to regain mobility. After a few moments of agony and determination, he knelt on the ground, panting heavily.


"I am going to make him pay. Just you wait," Francis vowed, his voice filled with rage.

After catching his breath, Francis considered his next steps. He knew he couldn't give up, not now. With newfound determination, he called out to the goddess who had granted him his formidable power.

"Freiya, are you there?" Francis called out.

"Yeah, I am here," Freiya responded.

Francis inquired, "How much divine magic do we have left?"

Freiya pondered for a moment before replying, "Hmm... maybe about 10% or so. Why do you ask?"

Francis hesitated for a moment before making his request, "I need you to do me a favour."

Freiya teased him, "Hoo! Our prince charming is finally asking for my help?"

"Cut the crap," Francis retorted. "Are you going to help me or not? Just tell me that."

Freiya chuckled, "It depends, you know, but first, let's hear it."

"I want you to give me that 10% divine magic to heal myself," Francis stated.

Freiya hesitated before delivering the bad news, "No can do!"

Francis pressed her, "Why not? Look, if you don't help me, I might die here from all this blood loss. I'm already feeling dizzy as it is. If that happens, it would be a violation of our agreement, and you would die with me."

Freiya clarified, "I'm not saying I won't help you, you idiot. I'm saying it can't heal all that damage with that much magic remaining."

Francis questioned, "Then how much can it heal?"

Freiya explained, "It can only heal a maximum of two serious wounds. But your body has more than one, so it can't heal all of it."

"Fine! Then heal one of my most serious wounds and my right arm," Francis requested.

Freiya agreed reluctantly, "I will do it, but after doing it, I will go into hibernation for a while, and you will be on your own. Take care of yourself, and don't you dare die."

With Freya's divine magic, Francis' right arm and internal injuries were healed. After the healing, Freiya entered a hibernation state, leaving Francis to fend for himself. He thanked her and promised to repay the favour. Slowly, he got up, relying on his sword for support, and made his way back towards Arthur.

Meanwhile, Momo and Ellie reached the castle with Arthur in tow, seeking shelter in a nearby building. Exhausted from their ordeal, they collapsed wherever they could find a spot to sit. The battle had left the area in complete disarray. As they caught their breath, Francis arrived at the scene, searching for them. In his haste, he accidentally moved some debris from an earlier battle.

Ellie remarked, "What was that sound?"

Arthur, tired and disoriented, replied, "What sound?"

Ellie insisted, "Didn't you guys hear it? There's someone outside."

Arthur dismissed it, saying, "Probably some bird or rat."

Momo, however, disagreed, "No, listen carefully."



"That's someone's footsteps on water," Ellie confirmed.

Momo decided to investigate, stating, "I will go and check; you guys stay here."

Ellie cautioned her, "Stop, just stay here. No need to be a hero. We have zero strength to face whoever it is."

Momo argued, "I won't fight them, alright? I will just scout the area and return. I'm a spy and assassin, I'm perfect for this job."

Momo ran out of the door, disappearing into the shadows as she scouted the surroundings. After finding nothing unusual, she was about to return when she noticed someone approaching their hiding spot. To her surprise, it was Francis, desperately searching for them. Startled, she fell from her vantage point. Francis heard the noise and went to investigate, but there was no sign of anyone.




Ellie created an ice sword and positioned herself defensively, demanding, "Who is it?"

"It's me, you idiot! Hurry up and open the door," Francis replied impatiently.

Ellie quickly dispelled her weapon and opened the door, allowing Francis to enter. He urgently conveyed the need to leave immediately, prompting a discussion about whether to leave together or stay. Arthur, as their leader, voiced his agreement with Ellie's insistence that they all go together.

Momo and Ellie took charge of supporting Arthur, helping him to stand. As they headed toward the castle gate, dawn was approaching, and the darkness of night began to lift. The rain had ceased, leaving a morning fog blanketing the landscape. As they moved through the fog, they reached the castle gate but found themselves confronted by an unknown figure standing in their path.

"Finally, here are we. Almost fell asleep while waiting," the mysterious figure remarked.

Momo questioned in surprise, "What? How?... How are you here? I saw you going towards…"

"The place you were hiding at?" Francis questioned with a hint of curiosity.

Momo, still bewildered, responded, "Huh? How did you know?"

Francis explained, "It was raining, remember? I saw your reflection in the puddle, but I didn't do anything because I wanted to know where you guys were hiding. However, you fell from the tree like an amateur just from seeing me. I went to check, but no one was there, so I followed your trail and found your sweet hiding place. But it would be too merciful if I had shown myself there, so I waited here to crush your little remaining hope of freedom and see you despair over your fate."

Arthur, growing impatient, asked, "Why are you so chatty all of a sudden?"

Francis replied, "Good question. Because we both know we aren't in any condition to settle it with strength. So I am trying to settle this as peacefully as possible."

Arthur remained resolute, "But here we are, aren't we? I have no intention of talking to you. I will sacrifice myself even if I have to if it takes that much to stop you. I am the main character here, not you."

Francis sighed, "We are not going anywhere with this."

Arthur concurred, "Couldn't agree more. Now step aside, you already lost, so give up now."

Francis laughed menacingly, "HAHAHA! What do you think this is, some fictional story? I won't stop until you surrender or die."

Arthur determinedly declared, "Well, we have no other choice, then we just have to duke it out, don't we?"

As Arthur tried to stand on his own, he fell to the ground. Ellie intervened, stopping him. She urged him not to act heroically, citing his weakened condition and inability to stand. She proposed that she should divert Francis's attention and buy time for Arthur and Momo to escape.

Arthur, however, disagreed, insisting that he should divert Francis's attention while Ellie and Momo escaped. Ellie interjected, "I think you have done enough for today, so have a break, will you?"

Ellie, determined to buy them time, summoned an ice bear to carry Arthur and Momo and ran towards the gate. Francis attempted to stop them, but Ellie defended her actions with her ice elemental sword.

Momo and Arthur protested, urging Ellie not to sacrifice herself. They pleaded with her not to be left behind. They knew what she intended to do was too dangerous, but their pleas fell on deaf ears.

Francis, suspicious of Ellie's elemental sword, acted swiftly. He smacked her hand, causing the sword to fly out of her grasp. Then, he seized her by the neck and lifted her into the air. Momo and Arthur could only watch helplessly as Ellie smiled through her tears. Francis punched a hole right through her chest while her heart still beat in his hand.

The sight of someone whom Arthur loved deeply and cherished, someone who had stood by his side despite his deceptions, someone who had accepted him unconditionally, being taken from him in such a gruesome manner, shattered his mind and soul. Momo sat there, tears streaming down her face, desperately trying to stay strong, but her tears showed no sign of stopping. The heartbreaking scene slowly disappeared from their view as they vanished into the fog.

As the ice bear continued to carry Arthur and Momo while they slept, both physically and mentally exhausted, Ellie's lifeless body was left behind. She had created the ice bear with its own magical core and limited intelligence, a sort of golem made of ice, which was also the last thing Arthur had taught her.


Name: Ellie

Age: 17

Weight: 52 kg

Height: 5'7"

Constellation: Pisces

Personality: Compassionate, Tsundere

Likes: Reading, nature, meaningful conversations

Dislikes: Injustice, cruelty, hot weather

Dreams: Harmony, peace, bride

Relationships: Fiance of Arthur, 

Skills: Ice magic, swordsmanship, problem-solving

Jobs: Assistant, diplomat

Special Trait: Elemental, 


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