
Harem king.

"In a distant realm, a young college student undergoes an extraordinary reincarnation. He awakens in a mysterious world steeped in magic and swords, reminiscent of a bygone era. Now living the life of royalty, he harbours grand dreams of amassing the largest harem the realm has ever seen. However, his path is fraught with challenges and uncertainties. Will he truly succeed in turning his extravagant dreams into reality?"

AugustDHeart · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter: 10 Plutonium

In the inn's room, Maria, Anya, and Momo sat together, their faces etched with worry and uncertainty. Their thoughts were consumed by the fate of Arthur, who had ventured out to confront the dark wizards and the members of Akatsuki.

"I'm so worried about big brother," Anya confessed, her fingers nervously fidgeting with her dress. "I just hope he's okay."

Maria, looking determined, raised her head and said, "I believe in him. He is super strong and super smart. We have to trust in his abilities. He'll come back to us safely."

The Momo nodded in agreement, her regal demeanor unwavering. "I concur. I've witnessed his bravery and combat skills firsthand, He won't be easily bested by the dark wizards or Akatsuki."

Anya couldn't help but express her fears. "But what if he gets hurt or worse, killed?"

Maria placed a reassuring hand on Anya's head. "We must have faith. We must believe that they will return to us unharmed."

Momo smiled with conviction, "I have faith in them. They'll find a way back to us."

The room fell into a contemplative silence as each of them grappled with their individual concerns. Despite their apprehensions, they held steadfast in their belief in Arthur. As they waited, hope remained their anchor.

In the dimly lit chamber, Ryuka chuckled heartily, wiping away a tear from the corner of his eye. "Fuu! Hahaha! It's been quite a while since I had a good laugh, kid. You've got some impressive negotiating skills. I'm genuinely impressed. Alright, we have a deal. But remember, if you even think about double-crossing us and sacrificing yourself, I'll ensure that the next lab rats will be your friends who are staying at the inn who will suffer a slow and agonizing fate, not the other people or animals." Ryuka's voice turned stern and menacing.

Arthur nodded in understanding. "So you knew about them as well huh. I get it. Now, would you release me?"

Ryuka didn't comply immediately. "Not so fast!" he retorted, first oath magic. "We need to make an oath first."

Arthur's frustration mounted as he realized, nothing coming to his mind and there is no escape. He pondered, "What do I do now? I did say Oath magic, but It was just a bluff. I need to find another solution, but time is running out." He activated his mental abilities, enhancing his cognitive processing.

"Alright, alright," Arthur relented, feeling the weight of the circumstances. "But before that, let me speak to my friends one last time."

Ryuka eyed him skeptically, but ultimately relented, "You have five minutes. Don't try anything funny."

As Magic crystals were brought to Arhur, Arthur noticed something unusual in one of the Ryukka subordinate behaviors. He was blinking rapidly in a particular pattern, a clear message using telepathy magic.

The crystal ball glows and connects to his friends.

"What's going on, Arthur? Are you alright?" Momo inquired, her concern palpable.

Arthur responded, "I'm fine. I've made contact with one of the Akatsuki, but something happened and I have to make a deal with him to ensure you guys safety."

Vianol chimed in, whispering, "A deal? That doesn't sound good, is everything okay there?"

"Oh you were also there Vianola?" Arthur said with a smile,"Yes, everything is okay. So no need to worry about me. I will be there soon. It's just because of circumstances it was the only way to guarantee you guys safety. I promise to protect you all, and while I am not there your job is to protect everyone."

Momo and Vianola exchanged glances and Momo quickly grasped the Morse code message Arthur was conveying. Her heart raced as she prepared to follow his lead in this precarious situation.

In the tense moment, Vianola commented to Arthur, "Yeah, I just came here but What do you mean by taking care of everyone?" 

Momo replied in hushed tones, "I'll explain everything later. Let's prepare for it now."

Their whispered conversation was interrupted by Ryuka, who impatiently said, "Hey, what are you whispering over there? Your five minutes are up. It's time."

Arthur reluctantly nodded, his heart heavy with worry as he watched the connection cutting off.

As the connection was cut off, Momo Immediately started to decipher Arthur 's message. Momo contemplated the message in her mind while writing it down on the paper.

A few minutes earlier...

Arthur blinked repeatedly, signaling a sense of urgency. "I don't have much time. I'll keep it brief. I am about to do something bold. Tell Vianola to go and find the guildmaster and bring him here as soon as possible. Tell them it's urgent and to use the guild's Teleportation gate, the coordinate is 46.36307, -19.23678, 2.10 Meanwhile, you will stay behind to look after Anya and Maria. I know you would like to come as well, but someone needs to be there to look after them." Arthur conveyed his message in Morse code.

In the present, Arthur scoffed and suddenly shouted, "DO IT NOW!"

Ryuka's subordinate nodded, understanding the plan Arthur had followed in his message earlier. He began to gather his mana while everyone was focused on Arthur. As everyone was confused by his words, He activated his static magic, sending a jolt of electricity at everyone around him. Arthur swiftly deployed a protective shield around him to protect himself from electrocution..

Ryuka taunted them, "Well well well, it seems I have made a grave mistake. I didn't know I had a spy hiding in my nest. I tried to be reasonable, but I see that was a wasted effort. I will deal with him later but first how should I deal with you?"

"Go!" Arthur urged him. "Get out of the cave. I'll hold them off!"

He needed no further encouragement. He started running toward the cave's exit, his hearts pounding as spells were flung in his direction. He could hear the sounds of a fierce battle taking place behind him as he made their escape.

"Come on, I have to keep moving," he panting, "I need to at least survive to deliver the information. "He can take care of himself. I'll only be in his way if I stay."

In the heart of the cavern, Arthur faced off against Ryuka and the dark mages. He wielded his magic-infused sword with determination, meeting their attacks head-on. Clashes of metal and eruptions of mana filled the chamber as the battle raged on.

"I won't hold back, Show me your best!" Arthur challenged, his voice resolute.

With each clash, Arthur's swordsmanship and mastery of magic became increasingly evident. His movements were swift and precise, and he even created new spells on the spot. A shockwave erupted from his magic, dispersing the dark mages' spells and sending them reeling.

Stunned but not defeated, the dark mages regrouped and retaliated, casting a barrage of spells at Arthur. He summoned a protective barrier, guarding himself against the onslaught. However, the dark mages persisted, launching continuous attacks.

Ryuka, watching the battle unfold, taunted Arthur, "Impressive, but not enough! Do you really think your inferior barrier can save you?"

Fueled by determination, Arthur focused his magic energy, his hands glowing with a radiant light. "Prepare yourself!" he declared, unleashing a powerful spell that created another shockwave, pushing Ryukai and his minions back.

But Ryuka was undeterred. He conjured a massive sphere of dark energy, a sinister power emanating from it. The room crackled with tension as the two opponents prepared for the clash of their most potent spells.

Their battle continued to escalate, with spells and swords clashing, and the room trembling from the sheer power of their magic. Meanwhile, Ryuka urged his dark mages to join the fray, realizing that they could not afford to stand idly by.

As the dark mages regained their composure, they heeded Ryuka's command and prepared to confront Arthur with renewed determination. The dark incantations they chanted filled the cavern with an eerie energy, culminating in the summoning of a massive golem composed entirely of dark magic. Arthur steeled himself for the impending battle and charged forward, sword in hand.

The clash between Arthur and the golem was fierce and intense. Their magic and blades collided, sending sparks and shockwaves through the air. However, despite Arthur's relentless attacks, the golem remained unscathed. His fatigue was setting in, and desperation began to creep over him as he struggled to find a way to defeat this seemingly invulnerable foe.

In a daring gambit, Arthur devised a spell that harnessed the elemental forces. Drawing energy from the air, water, fire, and earth, he unleashed a cataclysmic explosion that blew the cave, shattering its walls and ceiling and creating a colossal crater. Taking advantage of the golem's momentary disarray, Arthur employed his knowledge of physics to create a spell rooted in gravity. With it, he immobilized the golem, leaving it vulnerable. Seizing the opportunity, Arthur struck at the exposed core of the golem with his sword, resulting in a resounding 'CRACK' as the core was obliterated in a blinding flash of light.

Akatsuki's leader, Ryuka, staggered backward in shock and disbelief. "You…you've defeated it. How…how is this possible?" he stammered, his confidence shattered.

Standing triumphant, Arthur regained his composure, his chest heaving as he caught his breath. "I may not possess the raw power of a dark mage, but knowledge and skill can prevail over brute force any day."

Ryuka, despite his shock and the impending danger, couldn't help but grin malevolently. His pride and arrogance remained unbroken even as he stood on the precipice of defeat.

"Don't fuck with me and don't think for a moment that this is over," Ryuka taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "I have resources and power at my disposal that you can't even fathom."

With that ominous warning, Ryuka gathered his remaining strength and unleashed a barrage of dark spells, each more potent than the last. His attacks came fast and relentless, testing Arthur's resolve and skill to their limits.

Arthur knew he couldn't afford to falter now. His every movement was a calculated dance, a symphony of martial and magical prowess. He deflected spells with precision, dodging and countering with spells of his own. The forest reverberated with the sounds of their clash, an otherworldly spectacle of magic and combat.

The ground beneath them shook as the intensity of their battle grew. It seemed as though the very nature itself was groaning under the strain of their immense power. Rocks and debris were sent flying in every direction as their attacks collided. The air crackled with the release of mana, creating an eerie and chaotic atmosphere.

Ryuka, realizing that his situation was growing dire, decided to resort to a forbidden spell, one that tapped into the darkest depths of his power. He chanted incantations that summoned a swirling vortex of malevolent energy, darkening the forest and sapping the very life force from its surroundings.

But Arthur was not to be outdone. Drawing upon his vast knowledge of magic and physics, he conjured a counter-spell, weaving together elements of light and elemental energy. The two opposing forces clashed with a deafening explosion that sent shockwaves rippling through the forest.

The very fabric of reality seemed to tremble as their battle reached its climax. Ryuka was relentless, his every move a desperate bid for victory. But Arthur's determination was unwavering. With every ounce of his strength, he pushed forward, determined to overcome his adversary.

In a final, brilliant display of his mastery, Arthur combined all the elements of his knowledge and power into a single, devastating attack. His sword gleamed with an otherworldly light as he brought it down upon Ryuka with a mighty swing.

The impact was cataclysmic. A blinding burst of energy enveloped Ryuka, obliterating his dark aura and sending him hurtling through the air. The trees shuddered as the tremendous force of the blow reverberated through the entire forest.

When the dust and debris finally settled, Arthur stood victorious, his chest heaving with exhaustion. Ryuka lay defeated, his once-arrogant demeanor replaced by shock and defeat.

"I…I am, who is lord of the darkness and one of the Akatsuki, defeated by nothing but a lab rat? I won't accept this. If I can't defeat you, then I will take you down with me. Ryuka declared, disbelief in his voice.

Arthur, though drained and battered, tried to extended his hand to stop Ryuka from overloading his magic and exploding himself but unable to make it, only to be saved in nick of time by the guildmaster who stopped Ryuka from overloading and exploding himself by blocking his mana circuit.

Ryuka resisted for a moment, then was knocked out and captured by the guildmaster. "You took care of it before we even got here, I am impressed. You handled it well, your name was Arthur right? I will have to remember it and return to the city for now. I will take it from here."

"I am not weak as you all think. I just don't like to show off and reveal all my cards at once. Anyway, I will get going."

A few moments ago…

As Magic crystals were brought to Arhur, Arthur noticed something unusual in one of the Ryukka subordinate behaviors. He was blinking rapidly in a particular pattern, a clear message using telepathy magic.

Don't be alarmed, I am a spy sent from the guild by guildmaster on the order of the demon king. And you must be someone sent by the demon king to capture him. I am sure you must be strong enough to have sent you here and I have no complaints but it seems you came here alone. I don't know if you can defeat him alone or stop him from,escaping but just to be safe you need to somehow call the guildmaster here as soon as possible because we can't let this opportunity slide and if you think you can't defeat him you need to hang on until the guildmaster arrives and don't worry about how they are going to come here in time, there's a teleportation gate they can use and here's the coordinate of that place, 46.36307, -19.23678, 2.10.

As he exited the forest, the tension and chaos that had filled the air began to dissipate.Spy and Vianola, waiting anxiously outside, were met with a sight they had scarcely believed possible: Arthur had emerged victorious, though visibly exhausted and wounded.

"Arthur! Are you okay?" Vianola exclaimed, rushing to his side with concern etched on her face.

"I'm fine," Arthur replied, his voice strained but determined. "Let's go back to the city. Oh and spy thanks for telling me to call for guildmaster, just in case. That really saved me there."

"Hehe, It was nothing, I just did what I thought was right. And my name is Chris, not a spy." Chris replied nonchalantly.

"Alright Mr. Chris." 

The group teleported back to the inn with Arthur. As they arrived, they were met with the warm relief of Maria, Anya, and Momo, their worries dispelled.

"Big brother! You're back!" Anya exclaimed, her eyes brimming with tears of joy.

Maria embraced Arthur tightly. "Thank goodness you're here and safe."

Meanwhile, Momo and Vianola took a glance at each other then Arthur and screamed at him with teary eyes "You idiot! Don't scare us like that. We told you to take us with you. But you didn't listen and almost got yourself killed." 

Arthur's heart swelled with gratitude and the knowledge that, for now, he had averted the immediate danger. Yet, lurking beneath this moment of respite, a sense of foreboding still loomed, as if their ordeal had only been the prelude to a greater storm yet to come.

Scene changed:

Ryuka, defiant to the end, taunted the guildmaster. "So? Are you here to kill me? Is that why you came? Go ahead, but it won't change anything. Kekeke."

Guildmaster's response was chilling, his face contorted in a sinister smile. "I have something much worse in mind for you, something you'll beg for. Kekeke."

With determination, the guildmaster seized Ryuka by the collar and dragged him out of the forest. Waiting outside were guild members.

"Guildmaster! Are you okay?" asked one of the members, her voice trembling with concern.

"I'm fine. Let's return to the castle," guildmaster replied firmly, his resolve unshaken.

Together, they made their way back to the castle and were greeted by the king, the princess and ministers 

"Guildmaster! It has been a while since I have seen you!" exclaimed the demon king.

"Yes, your majesty, and I have bought an offering for you, although It wasn't me who did it so all the credit goes to that person. I just came here on behalf of that person for now because of some circumstances he wasn't able to attend. So I hope you will pardon his discretion, and reward him later whole heartedly." said the guild master, bowing and kneeling down.

"Hmm, Are you talking about Arthur? If so, Alright. Let me see What he caught?"

The Guildmaster signals goldmembers to bring Ryuka to display him in front of the demon king.Guildmaster reported everything about the events to the demon king and handed over Ryuka, for further interrogation.

Several peaceful days followed, but an unsettling sense of foreboding crept over the leaders of each kingdom as strong winds stirred the air. In the holy kingdom, the saintess and Marquis sensed the ominous change.

"Today is quite windy, isn't it, Marquis?" remarked the saintess.

"Yes, Your Holiness, it certainly is," replied Marquis.

The saintess couldn't shake the feeling of an impending storm. "I sense a storm approaching. I hope that everything will be alright," she thought to herself.

2 days later…

In a remote corner of the northern continent, a desolate land stretched out as far as the eye could see. This forsaken territory had become the gathering ground for a vast and malevolent force. Hundreds of thousands of monstrous entities, led by the nefarious Akatsuki members, had assembled here. These armies were an amalgamation of horrors, composed of mutant creatures, inhuman abominations, and undead beings. They were the byproducts of gruesome experiments and dark sorceries gone awry.

Amidst this nightmarish congregation, the nine Akatsuki leaders stood forth, their ominous presence casting an eerie shadow over the bleak landscape. The leader among them stepped forward, his voice resonating with an air of authority and malevolence. He delivered a chilling speech, and his words were met with raucous cheers from the monstrous horde.

After the unsettling speech, the Akatsuki leader laid out their grand strategy and issued orders to his fellow members. Out of the nine, six pairs ventured out to the three remaining kingdoms, each pair commanding a formidable force of twenty thousand monstrous troops. Their mission: to unearth the elusive keys.

Meanwhile, the other three members, including their enigmatic leader, embarked on a sinister journey toward the Helheim kingdom, where their comrades were imprisoned.

As the sun dawned on the following day, a sense of impending doom hung heavily in the air. Distress messages, swift and frantic, reached the ears of the kings ruling the three threatened kingdoms. Their hearts filled with dread as the dire tidings unfolded. An immense and unrelenting army of monstrous beings, like a tidal wave of terror, bore down upon them with a singular purpose: destruction.

In the sacred halls of the holy kingdom, the saintess, a beacon of divine power, answered the call to arms. She summoned her celestial abilities, hoping to ward off the approaching menace. Yet, even her formidable powers proved inadequate in the face of the relentless onslaught. The once-holy realm was overrun, and the saintess was reluctantly forced to retreat, carrying with her only the remnants of her devastated kingdom.

Next in the path of the monstrous horde lay the enchanting realm of the Elves. The elf king, with a heart heavy with resolve, rallied his mages and valiant warriors to safeguard their homeland. They stood undaunted, ready to face the looming calamity. However, the brute strength and malevolence of the monstrosities proved overwhelming. One by one, the once-prosperous Elven cities fell, and the elf king, with his family and remaining elves , narrowly escaped the chaos, leaving behind a kingdom in ruins.

The final kingdom in their grim path was Niflheim, the realm of the dwarves. Their stout-hearted king, summoning every ounce of courage and every soldier at his disposal, prepared for an epic confrontation. The kingdom fought valiantly, an indomitable spirit burning within them. Yet, the relentless tide of monstrous forces proved unassailable. As the battle raged on, the dwarf king, recognizing the futility of their struggle, reluctantly ordered a retreat. His kingdom lay in shambles, its proud halls now desolate and marred by the horrors of war.

Meanwhile, in the heart of Helheim Kingdom, Arthur and his determined group received dire news of the impending invasion in the kingdom. The urgency in their veins quickened their every action as they swiftly gathered their weapons and rallied their resolve. Their mission was clear: defend the kingdom and halt the ruthless Akatsuki's advance. The Demon King himself ordered all available troops to converge at the main gate, ready to face the imminent threat head-on.

With the relentless tide of the monstrous army drawing closer, Arthur and his loyal companions took their place at the vanguard, resolute in their determination to shield the kingdom from this calamity. At the forefront of the Akatsuki members, their imposing leader stepped forth, an air of menace surrounding him like an ominous shroud. He spoke with an icy tone, issuing a chilling ultimatum.

"I would advise you to step aside," the leader declared, his voice cutting through the tension like a frigid blade. "Should you do so, I might consider overlooking your prior transgressions."

Arthur, his nonchalance unfazed, couldn't resist a sardonic retort. "Old man, did you say something just now?" He feigned ignorance, his earlobe receiving the brunt of his attention.

The Akatsuki leader exhaled audibly, seemingly resigned to the inevitable. "It appears that the time has come to settle this once and for all."

The clash was inevitable. Steel met steel, and sparks erupted as their blades clashed with bone-rattling force. The battlefield quaked beneath their mighty confrontation, sending shockwaves rippling through the very air they breathed.

Though Arthur's magical sword was a formidable weapon, it paled in sheer power when compared to the raw might of the Akatsuki leader's arcane abilities. Still, Arthur was unwavering, determined to stand his ground. He mustered all his reserves of strength, channeling the full might of his magic sword to deliver a devastating strike that sent the Akatsuki leader reeling.

A dry chuckle escaped the leader's lips as he regained his footing. "Impressive, but you are still no match for me."

Arthur's instincts rang alarm bells within his mind. Something about the situation felt off, a nagging suspicion that refused to be ignored. Why had the Akatsuki leader chosen to charge recklessly into the kingdom from the front door when they were bound to encounter not only Arthur but also a formidable array of adventurers, knights, and guards defending their homeland? It didn't add up.

Distrust gnawed at Arthur's resolve as he understood the need to end this duel swiftly. He harnessed every ounce of his magical energy, concentrating it into his sword. The blade blazed with an incandescent radiance as Arthur unleashed a colossal burst of magical energy, a tempestuous maelstrom that struck the leader with unrelenting force.

Caught off guard, the leader stumbled backward, struggling to regain his balance. Arthur did not relent; he pressed the attack relentlessly, landing one powerful blow after another.

The clash between these two warriors intensified, each exchange of blows sending shockwaves that rippled through the earth beneath them. But just as victory seemed within Arthur's grasp, the Akatsuki leader vanished into thin air, leaving Arthur bewildered and panting.

That bewilderment turned to horror as Arthur screamed a warning to his comrades. "NOOOO! NOT THIS TIME! I WON'T LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN!"

His warning acted as a beacon for the others, and they swiftly sought cover as Arthur unleashed a volley of magic missiles. The projectiles streaked through the air, impacting the ground where the leader had stood just moments before. Dust and smoke billowed, obscuring the battlefield.

As the smoky veil slowly dissipated, it revealed not only the Akatsuki leader but also his two enigmatic companions, shrouded in crimson robes with hoods that concealed their faces.

"Leader, we took care of it. Do you want us to handle this as well?" one of the companions queried, his voice muffled by the hood.

The leader, seemingly unfazed by the chaos, opted for a different course. "Nah, it's fine. One should savor every morsel of their feast. You may proceed ahead; I shall follow shortly."

"Understood, leader," the companion replied before turning to Arthur and his group. "It was a pleasure, but we must be on our way."

The leader offered a parting jest as he turned to leave, a sinister grin playing across his lips. "It's been a delightful playdate, but duty calls. Farewell for now."

Arthur's indignation grew, and he pursued the retreating figures, his voice resounding with frustration. "Hey, wait a minute! You can't just waltz in here and leave as you please! Are you even listening?"

As the Akatsuki leader and his companions retreated, an eerie energy enveloped them, and they seemed to dissolve into thin air, vanishing from sight.

"Damn it! He got away? And how did he do that?" Arthur huffed in confusion, his brows furrowed with frustration.

"Arthur, are you okay?" the princess asked, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine. But we need to find out who he is and what he wants. He's too powerful to be left unchecked," Arthur replied, his gaze still fixed on the spot where the leader had disappeared.

"We'll find him, Arthur. But for now, we need to rest and regroup. Let's head back to the castle first," the princess said, gently taking Arthur's hand.

Arthur nodded in agreement, their faces etched with determination, and they began to make their way back to the castle. As they walked through the forest, the oppressive weight of the impending threat and uncertainty hung heavily in the air. Arthur couldn't shake the ominous feeling that the leader wasn't finished with them yet.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Arthur muttered, his grip on the princess's hand tightening.

"We'll be okay, Arthur. Everything is going to be alright," the princess replied, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.

Upon their return to the castle, they were met with a disheartening sight. The once-majestic fortress now lay in ruins. Cracked walls, shattered gates, and the remnants of a chaotic battle told the tale of an onslaught that had befallen their home.

"What happened here? Did a storm pass by or something?" the princess mused, her hand rising to her forehead as she surveyed the wreckage before her.

Suddenly, her thoughts shifted to her father. "Father! Where is Father? I need to go look for him. Please, be okay, be okay. God, please!" she pleaded, her voice trembling with fear and worry.

The urgency in her voice spurred Arthur and the others into action. Without hesitation, they followed the princess as she rushed inside the castle, their weapons at the ready, ever vigilant for any lurking threats.

"Princess! Calm down. Rushing without caution does more harm than good. Let's just take a moment to breathe and regain our composure. I understand your concern for your father, but charging ahead recklessly won't help anyone," Arthur advised, gently but firmly taking hold of the princess's hand.

The princess took a deep breath, her racing heart gradually steadying. "You're right, Arthur. I just… I'm worried about my father," she admitted, her voice still quivering.

"We'll find him, don't worry," Arthur assured her, his unwavering resolve shining through.

Together, they navigated the castle's shattered halls, encountering pockets of resistance as monsters continued to prowl within. With swords drawn and combat skills honed, Arthur and his comrades efficiently dispatched the intruders, determined to protect their home.

Eventually, their search led them to the throne room, a scene of both destruction and defiance. The king lay upon the ground, surrounded by the lifeless forms of the vanquished monsters. The princess rushed to her father's side, tears streaming down her face.

"Father! Are you okay?" she implored, gently shaking him to rouse him from his weakened state.

The king's eyes fluttered open slowly, and he mustered a weak but heartfelt smile. "My dear daughter… I'm so glad you're safe. I… I couldn't protect the castle nor this kingdom…" His voice trailed off, remorse heavy in his words.

"Don't say that, Father. We're all here now, and we'll protect everyone," the princess declared, her voice unwavering in its determination.

Tears welled in the princess's eyes as she continued, her voice quaking with emotion. "Father, please don't say that. We can still make things right. It's not too late," she pleaded, her heart aching with the thought of losing him.

The demon king emitted a weak, raspy chuckle. "No, It's too late for that, my dear. But I'm glad to see you, Arthur. Even if it was a short meeting, I could sense a great deal from you that the guildmaster wasn't wrong about you. And I know, I am not the only one here who could sense the sense of trust between us. I am thankful for looking after my daughter and playing along with her whimsical wishes. I must have caused you a lot of trouble not to mention I didn't get chance to reward you, but as way of repaying for my whimsical wishes I have one last request," he murmured, turning to Arthur.

Arthur stepped forward, his gaze unwavering, attentive to the king's final plea. "No, majesty you are too humble. You didn't trouble me at all, I accepted of my own violation and you don't have to worry about repaying me as I didn't do this to get rewarded. I did because I felt it was right thing to do. I will hear your all the request you just need to survive." he replied with utmost respect.

"Haha, I am glad you think so highly of me but unfortunately this is as far as I go. I am running out of time, Arthur. So come closer."

In a faint whisper, the demon king shared a solemn request with Arthur, who nodded solemnly in agreement. "You can rest assured, I will take care of it," he vowed, his voice firm, resolute in carrying out the king's final wish.

The demon king let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Arthur. Please take care of my daughter. She's all I have left," he said, gently placing his daughter's hand in Arthur's.

With those final words, the demon king's breath ceased, and he departed this world, leaving the group in somber silence. The princess, overcome with grief, let out a heart-wrenching cry, holding her father's lifeless form in her arms, while Arthur embraced her, offering solace and support.

In the solemn chamber, they remained for a while, paying their respects to the fallen ruler who had welcomed them into his realm. Eventually, they decided to leave the castle, taking the princess with them as they ventured back into the world outside.

Exiting the shattered fortress, they couldn't escape the lingering sense of sadness and loss that weighed upon their hearts. The demon king, despite their brief acquaintance, had been a father, a ruler, and his death marked a significant tragedy.

Arthur cast a caring gaze upon the princess, whose grip on his hand remained steadfast. "Don't worry, princess. I will take care of you. You're not alone," he reassured her, offering her hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze.

The princess, her eyes still brimming with tears, gazed up at him. "Thank you, Arthur. I don't know what I am supposed to do now. I am really lost," she admitted, her voice quivering with uncertainty.

"We'll figure it out together," Arthur said, his voice filled with determination. "I'll ensure your safety and the kingdom's restoration. But for now, let's find a place to rest and recuperate."

They made their way to a nearby safe castle room, where they secured lodging for the night. The following day, they made their way to the guild convened to strategize their next steps.

In the guild, Arthur unexpectedly meets Vianola along with others. After After the introduction of the princess and confirming the rest of the others' wellbeing, without any delay, Arthur entrusted Vianola with working alongside the princess to fortify the castle's defences with reinforced walls and protective magic. Momo, Maria, and Anya were tasked with aiding in the restoration of the city and the surrounding villages, offering aid and hope to those in need. Meanwhile, Arthur slips off somewhere without anyone letting wind of it.

Arthur, bearing the responsibility of halting the Akatsuki's ominous plot, held a vital mission. Before the demon king's passing, he had shared critical information about the Akatsuki's malevolent plans. They aimed to awaken Plutonium, an ancient dragon sealed away by the gods in a remote, northern mountain range after the conclusion of a historic holy war.

To unseal the dragon and unleash its cataclysmic power, they sought five elusive keys scattered across the continent. Some had fallen into the hands of kingdom rulers, while others remained hidden with unknowing adventurers. Their ultimate goal was to use Plutonium to wage war against the gods, igniting another catastrophic holy war.

Gathering these five keys had proven challenging, leading the Akatsuki to shift their strategy. One day, a dark magician had uncovered a peculiar mutation among monsters, evident through their increased intelligence and resilience. Intrigued, he conducted extensive research and experiments, eventually discovering an enigmatic energy within these creatures—akin to a curse, though wholly unique to their world.

He brought his findings to the attention of an Akatsuki member, Ryuka, who saw immense potential in this discovery. Ryuka, in turn, presented this opportunity to the Akatsuki's leader, gaining approval to proceed. The dark magician was instructed to continue his research and discover the origin of this mysterious curse, while preparations for a grand plan were set in motion.

Simultaneously, the dark magician embarked on a perilous journey to trace the curse's source. Following the trail left by the mutated monster, he arrived in the Helberg kingdom, a land ravaged and left barren. The curse's presence grew stronger as he ventured further, enveloping him in its sinister aura. Despite erecting protective magical barriers, the malevolent energy penetrated his being.

Undeterred by the overwhelming danger, the dark magician pressed onward, his determination unyielding. He reached the epicenter of the cursed land, where he discovered a colossal and unknown metal rod, buried deep beneath the earth. It had the girth of his arm and stood thrice as tall as he.

Even without close inspection, he could sense that this rod was the source of the curse afflicting the monsters. Regrettably, it was entrenched firmly within the earth, rendering it impossible for him, or anyone alone, to extract it from its earthen prison. His attempts to shatter the rod using magic proved futile, as it remained unblemished.

With the mystery of the cursed rod unresolved, the dark magician faced an ominous conundrum, pondering the implications and secrets it held.

He couldn't fathom a way to transport the massive metal rod, nor did he dare to touch it directly due to the spreading curse. However, he noticed that the curse had permeated the soil and surrounding area where the rod was embedded. In a moment of inspiration, he gathered a sample of the cursed soil from the vicinity and hurriedly retreated.

Back at their designated meeting place, the dark magician was eager to share his groundbreaking findings with Ryuka and the other Akatsuki members. He understood that he had stumbled upon something of immense value and significance, and the anticipation of their reactions fueled his excitement.

Upon arriving at the meeting location, he was warmly welcomed by Ryuka and the other members, all of whom were eager to learn what he had uncovered. Without delay, he presented the sample of cursed soil he had collected and recounted his journey to the cursed land mass. He vividly described the colossal metal rod deeply embedded in the earth and his futile attempts to break it using magic.

Ryuka and his fellow members were deeply intrigued by the information presented, recognizing its potential to alter the course of their organization's endeavors. After brief deliberation, they reached a unanimous decision: they would dispatch a team to retrieve the mysterious metal rod and bring it to their base for further examination.

The dark magician was elated to participate in this pivotal mission, readily volunteering to accompany the team. Together, they embarked on their expedition, journeying for several days until they finally reached the accursed land mass.

Working in unison, they employed their collective strength to unearth the colossal metal rod. Extracting it from the earth required considerable effort and perseverance, but they eventually succeeded in freeing it from its subterranean confines. Upon securing their enigmatic prize, they returned to their base, eager to delve into their research.

However, their initial enthusiasm soon soured into dread as an unforeseen catastrophe unfolded. The first dark magician to study the cursed rod began exhibiting alarming symptoms: hair loss, headaches, nausea, vomiting, and peculiar skin blemishes. Despite the onset of these distressing ailments, he stubbornly continued his work, seemingly oblivious to the gravity of his condition.

Tragically, the afflicted magician was discovered lifeless one fateful day, his body utterly transformed. Hairless, toothless, and covered in crimson lesions, his demise was a gruesome spectacle. Soon, others who had been involved in the research met a similarly grim fate, succumbing to the same inexplicable maladies.

Ryuka, grappling with guilt and remorse, shouldered the responsibility for their deaths. He recognized the urgent need to halt the curse's spread and acted swiftly to contain the crisis. Commanding his remaining members, they quarantined the area dedicated to studying the cursed rod, desperate to find a means to neutralize the curse.

Exhaustively, they explored numerous barrier spells, from those of darkness to light, but all proved ineffectual in the face of the curse's malevolent power. Their determination, however, led them to a breakthrough: earth magic. Through experimentation, they detected a marginal weakening of the curse when employing earth-based spells.

Rallying their efforts around this newfound knowledge, they concentrated on harnessing the power of the earth element. After extensive trials and experimentation, they devised a formidable barrier spell capable of isolating the curse and safeguarding the caster. This protective barrier, forged from a specific metallic alloy they named "DEAL," successfully blocked the curse's intrusion.

Relieved to have neutralized the curse, Ryuka and his team began to recover from their trauma. Yet their victory came at a staggering cost, as they had lost over half of their comrades. The memory of their fallen colleagues remained a haunting presence, a reminder of the risks inherent in their perilous endeavors.

With valuable lessons learned and bolstered magical defenses in place, they recommenced their research with renewed dedication. Quietly and discreetly, they sought new recruits to replenish their ranks, pressing forward with their clandestine work.

Their covert activities continued smoothly until Arthur's arrival in the Helheim kingdom. Subsequently, their operations encountered disruptions, as Arthur persistently disrupted their laboratory and experiments, complicating their progress.

Nevertheless, the Akatsuki persevered, adapting to the challenges posed by the swordsman. They maintained their research endeavors amidst the turmoil, adjusting their strategies and fortifying their defenses. But it still wasn't enough. Arthur infiltrates and even captures; Ryuka, one of the Akatsuki members, halting their further progress. With no choice, Akatsuki Launched full scale war on all kingdoms with what they had.

In Present, 

After rescuing Ryuka, their leader and Ryuka, along with two other members, successfully secured the fourth key in the Helheim kingdom. The fifth and final key had already been procured from Vianola in the Helberg kingdom.

With all five keys in their possession, they were poised to execute their endgame with impunity. None dared to stand against them—save for one individual: Arthur. Bearing the immense responsibility entrusted to him by the demon king, Arthur knew that he was their last hope.

As Arthur stood at the base of the Northern mountain range, his unwavering gaze fixed upon the peak where Plutonium lay dormant, Arthur sensed the urgency of the moment. Time was running out, and he had but one purpose—to thwart the Akatsuki plans and the entire Akatsuki organization, preventing them from unleashing the ancient dragon and wielding its cataclysmic power.

Arthur took a deep breath, steeling himself for the relentless clash that lay ahead. With his magic and sword ready, he commenced his ascent up the treacherous mountain. Each step was an arduous battle against the thinning air and the growing strain on his muscles. Yet, his unyielding determination spurred him on, for he was driven by the dire need to save the world from impending doom.

As he pressed forward, sword in hand, the imposing mountain range loomed around him, casting a foreboding shadow that darkened the sky with every step he took. The weight of the world seemed to bear down upon him as he ventured closer to his destination. The fate of not just one kingdom but the entire world rested squarely upon his shoulders. He had no room for failure; success was his only option.

The challenging terrain tested his endurance as he ventured deeper into the treacherous mountains. With each passing moment, he could feel the presence of Plutonium growing stronger, its ominous aura saturating the atmosphere. The air itself seemed charged with a palpable electric energy, as though the very earth anticipated his arrival.

At last, he stood before the entrance to the cave where Plutonium was imprisoned. The oppressive atmosphere weighed heavily upon him, as though the collective hopes of the world pressed down on his shoulders. With a resolute breath, he steadied himself for the impending confrontation. The cavern's mouth yawned before him, dark and forbidding, yet he ventured forth without hesitation.

Suddenly, a thunderous voice reverberated through the chamber, its echoes bouncing off the cavern walls. "Well, well, if it isn't the outlander and the exiled king of Helberg," it proclaimed, and Arthur instantly recognized it as the voice of the Akatsuki leader.

Startled by the unexpected presence, Arthur reacted instinctively, leaping forward and drawing his sword, assuming a defensive stance against whatever scheme the dark magician had in store. Thoughts raced through Arthur's mind, wondering how long the Akatsuki leader had been lurking, concealed from his notice.

The leader of Akatsuki seemed to amuse himself, "Impressive reflexes. But there's no need to be so on edge. I'm not here for a battle, at least not yet."

Arthur's grip tightened on his sword, skeptical of the Akatsuki leader's intentions. "If you're not here to fight, then you're certainly here for the dragon. In either case, we'll be clashing. I'm no fool." His voice was unwavering, betraying his determination.

A wry smile curled upon the Akatsuki leader's lips. "You're perceptive, I'll give you that much credit. But you're mistaken about one thing. We don't seek to control Plutonium—no one can. Its power rivals that of gods, which is why they sealed it away."

Arthur snorted incredulously. "And you expect me to believe that? If you're not seeking to control it, how do you plan to harness it against the gods?"

The Akatsuki leader's smile persisted. "Believe what you will. As for our methods, that remains classified unless you wish to join us.."

Arthur shook his head with a hint of disdain. "I think I'll pass on your offer for now."

The Akatsuki leader shrugged, disappointment flickering in his gaze. "Very well then, if you won't cooperate, I'm left with no choice. I cannot allow you to hinder our plans any further. I had hoped for a more amicable resolution, but it appears that won't be the case. Prepare yourself."

Arthur scoffed, his grip on his sword unwavering. "Enough talk. Let's settle this now."

The Akatsuki leader's countenance darkened, his eyes flashing with anger. "So be it. You've brought this upon yourself."

With that, the Akatsuki leader drew his own weapon—a long, ominous blade crackling with dark energy. The chamber's air grew heavy with the conflicting forces of their magics, and Arthur steeled himself for the impending battle.

The two warriors clashed within the cavern's confines, their swords colliding with resounding force. Sparks erupted with every clash of their blades, and Arthur could feel the might of the Akatsuki leader's magic pushing against him. Undeterred, he retaliated with equal fervor.

The Akatsuki leader exhibited remarkable skill, his movements fluid and precise. However, Arthur's experience and training proved formidable in their own right. He had faced formidable foes on his journey, and his combat prowess matched the dark magician's blow for blow.

The intense duel raged on, the cavern trembling with each collision of their swords. Rocks tumbled from the ceiling as the echoes of their battle reverberated off the walls.

As they continued their fierce combat, Arthur sensed the presence of Plutonium growing ever stronger. He knew he couldn't afford to prolong this confrontation. With a fierce battle cry, he launched a powerful strike aimed squarely at the Akatsuki leader's chest, seeking to bring the fight to a swift conclusion.

Yet, the dark magician proved agile, evading the blow with a quick side-step, simultaneously countering with a blast of dark magic. Arthur deflected the attack with his sword, but he understood that he couldn't maintain this strenuous battle indefinitely. Time was of the essence, and he needed a way to conclude the confrontation swiftly.

In a moment of desperation and inspiration, Arthur recalled a secret technique he had used in his battle against Francis. This technique had the potential to tip the scales in his favor, especially now that he had grown significantly stronger since their last encounter.

With unwavering resolve, Arthur concentrated all of his magical power, channeling it into a focused and intense blaze of fire magic. He released this concentrated energy with a powerful shout, directing it toward the cavern's ceiling. The force of his magic shattered the rocky ceiling, sending cascades of stone and debris raining down upon the Akatsuki leader.

Caught off guard and unable to react in time, the dark magician was engulfed by the falling rocks and debris. They buried him under their weight, effectively trapping him beneath the rubble. Arthur wasted no time and continued to sprint deeper into the cavern, his heart pounding with urgency as he approached the seal that held Plutonium.

However, as he pushed forward, a sense of dread washed over him. It was too late. The dark magicians had already reached their goal. In front of his eyes, they successfully shattered the seal that had imprisoned the ancient dragon, Plutonium.

Plutonium burst forth from its ancient seal, its colossal form emerging into the cavern with a thunderous roar that sent tremors through the very core of the mountain. The cavern seemed to shrink in the presence of the awakened beast, and its sheer power filled every nook and cranny with an overwhelming pressure. Arthur, however, held his position unwaveringly, resolute in his determination to vanquish the creature and prevent further chaos.

Without a single thought,with his sword raised high, Arthur charged at the dragon, his weapon gleaming in the dim cavern's light. As he closed in on his monstrous adversary, he could feel the searing heat of the dragon's fiery breath wash over his face. Despite the overwhelming danger, he remained focused on his goal and prepared to strike. But Plutonium was swifter than one might expect for his size. In a sudden and fluid motion, the ancient dragon swiped its massive claws, sending Arthur tumbling through the chamber's confines. Crumbling walls and debris followed him as he was thrown about, before the dragon spread its immense wings and soared out of the cavern, disappearing into the frigid embrace of the moonlit night.

Plutonium now perched at the zenith of the mountain range, overlooking Arthur as if the human were nothing more than an insignificant insect. The dragon's scale-covered body shimmered brilliantly in the ethereal light of the silver moon. Arthur drew a deep breath and ventured forward, prepared to confront the monstrous entity and prevent it from bringing ruin upon the world.

Plutonium responded with a deafening roar that echoed across the mountains, followed by a fiery breath that streamed forth like a torrent of destruction. However, Arthur held his ground resolutely, clutching his sword firmly as he faced the beast. In a daring maneuver, the dragon lunged forward, jaws agape, aiming to consume its adversary. Arthur, quick on his feet, sidestepped the incoming attack with a nimble dodge, evading the maw of annihilation. He retaliated swiftly, delivering a powerful strike aimed at the dragon's gleaming scales, determined to defy the odds and bring down the ancient terror that threatened their world.

Plutonium bellowed once more, unleashing formidable shockwaves that rippled through the air. Arthur could feel the power of the blast pressing against him, but he stood his ground resolutely, his unwavering gaze locked onto the dragon's fierce eyes. He comprehended that he needed to conclude this confrontation promptly, lest the dragon regain its full, cataclysmic strength.

With unwavering resolve, he propelled himself forward, his sword held aloft, and thrust it forcefully into the dragon's chest. A radiant blue aura enveloped Arthur's blade as it penetrated the dragon's scales, his strike executed with unyielding force. The ancient behemoth roared in fury, its incendiary breath igniting the very air surrounding them.

The dragon's colossal claws swiped menacingly, prompting Arthur to spring backward with remarkable agility, narrowly avoiding their lethal grasp. He comprehended that a single misstep could spell certain doom in this harrowing duel.

The battle raged on with unbridled ferocity, the dragon channeling the full extent of its wrath and pent-up power amassed over centuries. With each of the dragon's thunderous strikes, Arthur could discern the very earth trembling beneath him, and he understood that his endurance had nearly reached its limits.

Acknowledging the necessity of concluding the confrontation before the dragon adapted to the situation and overcame him, Arthur recollected a technique imparted to him by Helberg's former king during his boyhood—a technique that had never failed him in combat.

Issuing a fierce battle cry, Arthur harnessed the entirety of his magical might, unleashing a devastating wave of energy that resonated with the very foundations of the mountains. The dragon howled in anguish as Arthur surged forward, slicing through its colossal form, rending its scales asunder and cleaving it in twain.

Yet, abruptly, the dragon's eyes began to emit an eerie luminescence, and Arthur sensed an overwhelming surge of energy coursing through his being. Desperately, he tried to withdraw his sword, but it remained ensnared, and he belatedly comprehended the perilous situation unfolding.

The dragon's unrestrained energy overwhelmed him, and Arthur felt his self-control slipping away. His form quivered, and an irresistible force yanked him inexorably toward the dragon. Struggling against the inexorable pull proved futile.

With a final, resounding roar, Plutonium discharged its amassed energy, engulfing Arthur in an incandescent blaze. As the luminance dissipated, Arthur found himself sprawled upon the ground, encompassed by a cloud of swirling dust and debris.

"That could have been worse; I'm grateful I erected a barrier in the nick of time," he ruminating inwardly, a sense of accomplishment permeating his thoughts.

As the lingering dust gradually dissipated, Arthur observed the dragon's laborious efforts to regain its footing, ultimately succumbing and collapsing onto the ground. He began to move toward the fallen beast, his battered physique protesting each step, but just as he initiated his approach, a searing agony pierced his chest. He lowered his gaze, discovering a gaping wound from which crimson torrents flowed unabated.

Arthur collapsed to his knees, his breath ragged and labored as he clung to his grievous wound. It was unmistakable; he had been dealt a fatal blow by one of the dragon's colossal claws.

Summoning the last vestiges of his ebbing strength, Arthur staggered toward the prone dragon, his blade yet firmly clutched in his grasp. He hoisted it aloft, poised for the ultimate strike that would determine the battle's outcome. Yet, in an unforeseen turn of events, the dragon's eyes flared open, radiating an intense cerulean luminescence.

Before Arthur could even react, he was ensconced within a blinding eruption of light. For a fleeting moment, confusion gripped him as he grappled with the inexplicable phenomenon. Yet, within the kaleidoscope of brilliance, a distant voice, faint but steadily intensifying, reached his ears.

"Arthur... Arthur..."

As he gradually parted his eyes, Arthur found himself standing within a boundless, desolate realm. Surrounding him lay the infinite tapestry of time, stretching away like an immeasurable horizon.

"Who... who are you?" Arthur inquired, his voice scarcely more than a breath of wind.

"You do not recognize me?" the voice responded, its timbre as gentle as the whispering breeze. "I presumed you, of all people, would discern me immediately. I am Denier, the goddess of time. I am the one responsible for bringing you into this world and have been an observer of your journey, Arthur, and I am greatly impressed by your valor, tenacity, and sagacity."

Arthur was taken aback. Although he had heard tales of the goddess of time, the notion of encountering her had never crossed his mind. "For what reason are you here now? And why did you bring me in to this world?"

Denier bestowed upon him a warm, luminous smile, her resplendent golden tresses cascading like a radiant waterfall down her back. "I brought you here because I perceive boundless potential within you, Arthur," she articulated, her eyes gleaming with luminescent splendor. "Permit me to be succinct. I am here because I saw you in danger and not only wanted to save you but also desire to form a contract with you, in order to assist you in rectifying the discord that has disrupted this world's natural order—a discord sown by the meddling of a deity into the mortal world."

"A contract? With you?" Arthur inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Denier's countenance shifted to a grave expression. "Indeed, a contract. It shall permit you to harness a portion of my power as a blessing, akin to the manner in which Francis was blessed by Freya. However, we are in no position to pontificate on matters of order or equilibrium, for our actions are themselves transgressions meant to reestablish that very balance. Our contract, I must emphasize, will be of a term-based and temporary nature. It shall terminate once you have fully expended my blessings."

Arthur couldn't help but harbor doubts. "Why entrust me with such power? Why not bestow it upon another? What makes you believe that I shall deplete all your blessings?"

"Because, Arthur," Denier declared, her tone descending to a hush, "I perceive something extraordinary within you. I discern a man unafraid to champion his convictions, one who dares to confront even the most formidable of foes. I discern a man capable of restoring equilibrium to the world, and it is my fervent desire to facilitate you in this endeavor. You shall deplete your blessings when the occasion demands, for I possess the ability to perceive all: the past, the present, and the future."

Arthur found himself profoundly moved. He had never been characterized in such a manner before, and he experienced a warm sensation radiating within his chest. The goddess's words were profoundly humbling.

Flushed with embarrassment, Arthur muttered, "Thank you, Denier. Your words hold immense significance to me."

Denier's laughter chimed like silver bells. "You are too modest, Arthur. However, I summoned you here not to flatter you, but to solicit your assistance."

"Well, if you are willing to bestow your blessings upon me, then I am willing to accept them," Arthur responded, a slight grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

This is just perfect, a golden opportunity to have my revenge and to save Ellie just fell right into my lap.

Denier reciprocated his smile with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. "Yet, a price must be paid, Arthur. My power is not without its obligations. You must wield it judiciously, in pursuit of the greater good. Moreover, in the future, I may require a small favor from you."

Arthur raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "A favor? What sort of favor?"

Denier merely beamed at him. "Fret not, Arthur. I shall divulge the details when the time is propitious. For now, let us remain focused on our immediate objective."

With that, Denier raised her hand, enveloping Arthur in a brilliant luminosity. He could feel the divine blessing coursing through him, a potent gift that had just been bestowed upon him.

As the radiance gradually waned, Arthur experienced a newfound sense of clarity and strength, a sensation of invincibility he had never encountered before. It imbued him with an unwavering resolve and emboldened him to confront any obstacle that lay ahead.

Denier regarded him with a benevolent smile. "Employ it prudently, Arthur. Remember, the destiny of the world now hinges upon your shoulders."

Arthur nodded with conviction, feeling a resurgent determination coursing through him. "I shall not falter, Denier."

"Excellent," she replied, her eyes alight with amusement. "Now, go forth, Arthur. Fulfill your destiny."

With those parting words, Denier dissolved into the ether, leaving Arthur alone within the boundless confines of time itself. He drew a deep breath, savoring the profound blessing that now coursed within him.

As the newfound power surged through him, Arthur sensed an unprecedented might, an energy he had never before encountered. He closed his eyes, savoring the sensation, and upon reopening them, found himself returned to the corporeal realm. He found his wound healed beside the lifeless body of an ancient dragon.

Even though this battle was over, Everything was from over as he recognized that the path ahead would be fraught with adversity, yet he embraced the forthcoming challenges with unwavering resolve. Empowered by Denier's blessing, he was confident in his ability to fulfill his mission, to restore equilibrium to a world teetering on the brink.

He had been entrusted with a momentous duty, and he was prepared to employ his newfound strength to bring about change. Unbeknownst to him, the favor alluded to by Denier would soon come to light, casting everything he held dear into a precarious predicament.


Name: Astrid

Age: 150 (looks 15)

Weight: 50 kg

Height: 5'3"

Constellation: Libra

Personality: Calm, curious, rebellious, compassionate

Likes: Nature, art, music, freedom

Dislikes: Violence, oppression, injustice, boredom

Dreams: To explore the world and find her true self

Relationship: Daughter of Demon king, Single, but has a secret crush on Arthur

Skills: Light magic, martial arts, stealth, diplomacy

Jobs: Princess of the demon realm, envoy of peace, runaway adventurer

Special Trait: Regeneration

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