
Harem king.

"In a distant realm, a young college student undergoes an extraordinary reincarnation. He awakens in a mysterious world steeped in magic and swords, reminiscent of a bygone era. Now living the life of royalty, he harbours grand dreams of amassing the largest harem the realm has ever seen. However, his path is fraught with challenges and uncertainties. Will he truly succeed in turning his extravagant dreams into reality?"

AugustDHeart · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter: 11 Fairy Tale

As the battle concluded, Arthur was battered and weary, his clothing torn and his body healed but fatigued. But he knew that he had accomplished a great feat, and he could finally return to his companions, who had undoubtedly worried about his sudden disappearance.

Arthur made his way back to the guild where his companions and the princess had sought refuge. The journey was arduous, but his newfound power granted him strength and resilience beyond anything he had previously known. The sense of fulfillment he felt, knowing he had thwarted the Akatsuki's sinister plans, was indescribable.

Upon his return, however, Arthur was met with a storm of emotions. His companions and the princess were aghast and relieved to see him, a complex mixture of anger and concern etched across their faces.

Maria, her eyes filled with tears, was the first to speak. "Your Majesty! Do you have any idea how worried we were when you disappeared like that? You didn't say a word, and you promised that you wouldn't go anywhere on your own!"

Anya, her usual stern demeanor giving way to relief and anger, chimed in, "Indeed, Big Brother! You had us all frightened out of our wits. You should have informed us of your intentions, if something had happened to you what would have happened to us?"

Momo, her usually cheerful countenance now tinged with worry, joined in the chastising. "We were scared, Your majesty. You're like family to us. You can't just vanish like that without a word!"

Even Vianola, who had always been the most composed of the group, couldn't hide her concern. "We had no idea what happened to you. We thought you might have been captured or worse. You mustn't act so recklessly."

Lastly, the princess, her eyes still glistening with unshed tears, approached him. "I was terrified, Arthur. I had already lost my father, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing you too. You said you would take care of me so don't you dare break that promise!"

Arthur, standing before his companions who had become like a second family to him, felt an overwhelming rush of guilt and remorse. He hadn't intended to cause them such distress, and he had been so consumed by his mission that he hadn't considered the worry he would inflict upon them.

He hung his head, unable to meet their eyes. "I'm... I'm so sorry," he stammered, his voice filled with genuine regret. "I didn't mean to cause any of you such distress. My only thought was to stop the Akatsuki and save the world. I should have informed you, and I shouldn't have acted so recklessly."

His companions exchanged glances, their anger gradually giving way to understanding. Momo was the first to step forward, embracing Arthur tightly. "Just promise us that you won't disappear like that again without telling us. We're all in this together."

One by one, the others joined in, surrounding Arthur with their forgiveness and support. The princess, too, took his hand and smiled through her tears. "We're a team, Arthur. We face challenges together, no matter how dire. Please don't shut us out."

Arthur nodded, his heart heavy with gratitude for their understanding. "I promise, I won't keep secrets or vanish without a word again."

"But Arthur," the princess inquired, her gaze filled with curiosity, "I couldn't help but notice that everyone here addresses you as 'Your Majesty.' May I inquire why?"

Arthur glanced at the princess, his expression a mix of weariness and hesitation. "It's a long story," he began, his voice heavy with the weight of his recent experiences. "I'll explain everything, but first, let's find a place to sit and rest. We have much to discuss."

As they settled around a guildhall table, Arthur began to recount his journey, from the very beginning when he was a king of Helberg to his recent encounter with Denier, the goddess of time, to the contract he had made and the blessing he had received. He explained how he had faced the Akatsuki, battled Plutonium, and narrowly escaped with his life. 

His companions listened intently, their expressions shifting from worry to awe as they heard about the incredible powers he had gained and the challenges he had overcome. The princess, in particular, looked at him with a newfound respect.

But as he finished his tale, he could see the concern in their eyes. Momo, Maria, Anya, and Vianola all exchanged worried glances, and the princess spoke up again, her voice filled with emotion. 

"So that's why they call you 'Your majesty'; A king without a kingdom huh. And we're glad you return to us safe and sound, you should have told us. We were so worried about you," she said, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Arthur sighed, realizing the impact his disappearance had on his friends and the princess. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice filled with remorse. "I didn't want to involve you all in this dangerous mission. I thought it would be best to handle it on my own."

Vianola, always the practical one, chimed in, "Well, you might have incredible powers now, but that doesn't mean you have to carry the burden alone. We're a team, and we should face these challenges together."

Arthur nodded, acknowledging the truth in her words. "You're right, Vianola. I should have trusted all of you more. From now on, we face this together, as a team."

Momo, Maria, Anya, and Vianola all smiled, relieved to have their leader back with them. The princess leaned in and hugged Arthur tightly, her worries finally easing. 

"Welcome back, Arthur," she whispered, her voice filled with warmth and gratitude.

With their newfound unity, Arthur and his companions embarked on the daunting task of rebuilding the Helheim Kingdom, which had suffered greatly in the aftermath of the Akatsuki attack. The once-majestic castle, now in ruins, became a symbol of their resilience and determination to restore one of their homeland.

Arthur took charge of organizing the reconstruction efforts, using his knowledge of past world engineering and combining it with magic to speed up the process. His companions worked tirelessly alongside the people of Helheim, helping to rebuild their homes and their lives. The princess, too, played an active role in leading her kingdom towards recovery.

Months passed, and the kingdom slowly began to regain its former glory. The people of Helheim worked hand in hand with Arthur and his companions, forging bonds that would last a lifetime. The princess was immensely grateful to Arthur for keeping his promise and helping her people rebuild.

One evening, as Arthur and the princess stood atop a newly rebuilt tower, looking out over the revitalized kingdom, they shared a moment of quiet reflection. The princess turned to Arthur with a smile.

"Thank you, Arthur," she said, her eyes filled with gratitude. "You've not only saved our kingdom but helped us rebuild it, too. You've become a true hero to the people of Helheim."

Arthur chuckled modestly, "I couldn't have done it without the help of my friends and your unwavering spirit, princess."

Their moment was interrupted by a sudden, powerful surge of magic that rippled through the world. The ground shook, and the sky lit up with an otherworldly brilliance. Arthur and the princess exchanged puzzled glances.

"What was that?" the princess asked, her voice filled with concern.

Arthur's expression grew serious as he looked in the direction of the magical disturbance. "I'm not sure, but it felt like a wave of divine magic, something incredibly powerful and ancient. We should investigate this, but first, we must make sure that Helheim is fully restored and safe."

The princess nodded in agreement. "You're right, Arthur. Our kingdom comes first, but after that, we'll find out what's happening in the world. I have a feeling that something extraordinary is about to unfold."

As the sun set over the rejuvenated Helheim Kingdom, Arthur and the princess shared a sense of anticipation. Little did they know that their world was on the brink of a new adventure, one that would test their newfound unity and powers in ways they could never have imagined.

Two years had passed since Arthur and Princess Astrid had embarked on the monumental task of rebuilding the Helheim Kingdom. The once-devastated land had transformed into a flourishing land once more. The people of Helheim had not only regained their homes but also a newfound hope for the future.

Amid the rebuilding efforts, Arthur and Princess Astrid had grown closer with each passing day. Their shared experiences, struggles, and triumphs had forged a deep bond between them. What had started as a partnership of necessity had evolved into something more profound.

A year ago, amidst the backdrop of their shared challenges, Arthur and Astrid's relationship had taken a romantic turn. It had been a quiet and tender moment under the starry Helheim skies when their feelings had finally found voice.

Now, as they stood together on the balcony of the newly reconstructed castle, they shared a comfortable silence, taking in the sight of the kingdom they had rebuilt. The people of Helheim were celebrating the completion of their beloved kingdom's reconstruction, and the air was filled with laughter and music.

Astrid broke the silence with a warm smile. "Two years, Arthur. Can you believe it? We've come a long way since that day we first met."

Arthur returned her smile, his eyes filled with affection. "Yes, we have. And it's been an incredible journey, one I wouldn't trade for anything."

The princess leaned closer, resting her head against his shoulder. "I'm grateful to have you by my side, Arthur. You've not only been a hero to Helheim but also to me."

Arthur placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "And you've been my inspiration, Astrid. You've shown me the strength of a true leader and the kindness of a caring heart."

Their tender moment was interrupted by the sound of cheers and applause from the courtyard below. Arthur and Astrid exchanged knowing glances.

"It seems they're ready to celebrate," Astrid said with a playful glint in her eyes.

Arthur chuckled. "Shall we join them, my lady?"

She nodded with enthusiasm, and hand in hand, they descended the stairs to join their people in the joyous celebration of Helheim's rebirth.

The night was filled with laughter, dancing, and the sweet melodies of musicians. As Arthur and Astrid swayed to the music under the starlit sky, they knew that their journey together was far from over. Little did they know that the world beyond Helheim held more challenges and adventures that would test their love and strength, yet also bring them closer than ever before.

But for now, in the midst of the celebration and surrounded by the people they had worked so hard to protect and rebuild for, Arthur and Astrid cherished the moment and each other, grateful for the love and unity they had found in their shared destiny.

As the days turned into weeks and then months, the newly rebuilt Helheim Kingdom flourished under the joint efforts of Arthur and Princess Astrid. The once-broken walls had been restored, and the fields now bloomed with crops. The people of Helheim were happy, their laughter echoing through the revitalized streets.

However, a sense of restlessness had begun to gnaw at Arthur. The promise he had made to the goddess Denier still lingered in his heart. He knew he couldn't postpone his journey any longer. It was time to set out on the path she had laid before him.

One warm evening, exactly one year after they had officially become a couple, Arthur and Astrid were enjoying a romantic dinner in the garden of the castle. The garden had been lovingly restored and now boasted an array of colorful flowers that seemed to dance in the gentle breeze.

As they savored their meal and shared stories from the past year, the atmosphere was a mix of joy and something heavier, something unspoken. Arthur had been carrying the burden of his impending journey on his shoulders, and he knew it was time to share it with Astrid.

With a deep breath, Arthur looked into Astrid's eyes, his gaze unwavering. "Astrid, there's something important I need to talk to you about."

Astrid sensed the seriousness in his voice and nodded. "Of course, Arthur. You can tell me anything."

He reached out and took her hand in his, his thumb gently tracing circles on her palm. "You know how I've always felt a sense of responsibility to keep my promise to the goddess Denier, right?"

Astrid nodded again, her eyes filled with understanding. "Yes, Arthur. I've seen that determination in you."

Arthur continued, "Well, it's time for me to fulfill that promise. I need to set off on a journey, one that could take me far from here."

Astrid's eyes widened with surprise and concern. "A journey? But… but we've worked so hard to rebuild Helheim together. Can't it wait?"

Arthur sighed, his gaze never leaving hers. "I wish it could, Astrid, but this is something I can't delay any longer. It's a promise that holds great importance not just for me but for the world."

Astrid took a moment to absorb his words, her grip on his hand tightening. "So, what does this mean for us?"

Arthur's smile held a mixture of warmth and sadness as he looked into Astrid's eyes. "It means that I'll have to leave Helheim for a while," he began, his voice gentle but tinged with a hint of regret. "But I promise, I'll come back to visit you whenever I can. I have already talked about it with the others." He gestured toward Maria and Anya, who were chatting in low voices a short distance away, clearly engrossed in their own conversation. "I will be leaving Maria and Anya with you as company, so you wouldn't feel alone and left out."

Astrid's eyes shimmered with a mixture of emotions, but a soft smile graced her lips as she listened to his words. She reached out and placed her hand on his, their fingers intertwining. "And when I return, Astrid," Arthur continued, his voice filled with sincerity, "I want to marry you."

Her heart skipped a beat at his words, and she felt a surge of warmth and happiness wash over her. In that moment, as the moonlight bathed them in its soft glow, she knew that their love was strong enough to withstand any distance or trials that lay ahead. She leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to Arthur's lips, sealing their promise with the sweetness of their love.

Astrid's eyes welled up with tears, but she managed a watery smile. "You mean it, Arthur?"

He nodded, his heart brimming with love. "With all my heart. I love you, Astrid, and I don't want to imagine my life without you in it."

Their romantic evening date had been filled with laughter, shared dreams, and tender moments. They had savored each other's company as if trying to capture every nuance of their love to carry with them on their respective journeys.

As the night deepened, they found themselves in each other's arms inside the castle bedchamber walls, their bodies pressed together in the warm glow of candlelight. 

Their lovemaking was a culmination of their love, an intimate expression of their connection that transcended words. The room was filled with the scent of roses from a vase on the bedside table, their petals scattered like a trail of love leading to their entwined bodies. Soft music played in the background, its melody echoing the rhythm of their hearts. The flickering candle flames cast playful shadows on the walls, creating an atmosphere of warmth and intimacy that enveloped them like a cocoon of love.

Their kisses were filled with longing, each one a silent promise of their love's enduring strength. Astrid's fingers traced Arthur's strong jawline, memorizing the contours of his face, while Arthur's hands moved with a gentle yet passionate urgency, exploring the curves of her body as if he wanted to etch her image into his soul.

Their whispered declarations of love were like sweet poetry, shared in hushed tones that only they could hear. Words of adoration, promises for the future, and heartfelt gratitude filled the room, mingling with their soft sighs of pleasure.

In the quiet of the night, they became one, their bodies and souls entwined in a dance of love that knew no boundaries. Their hearts beat in synchrony, and in that moment, there was nothing else in the world but the two of them, lost in the depths of their love for each other.

The night passed in a tender embrace, their bodies finding solace in the warmth of each other's presence. As dawn's soft light began to filter through the curtains, Arthur and Astrid lay wrapped in each other's arms, their fingers still tracing invisible patterns on each other's skin.

With a gentle kiss on her forehead, Arthur whispered, "I love you, Astrid."

Astrid smiled, her eyes filled with affection. "I love you too, Arthur."

Their love had deepened that night, binding them together in a way that transcended the physical realm. It was a love born of trust, passion, and the knowledge that no matter where their separate paths might lead, their hearts would forever be entwined.

As the sun's first rays kissed the horizon, Arthur, Vianola, and Momo stood before the castle gates, ready to embark on their journey. The air was crisp with the promise of a new day, but their hearts were heavy with the weight of parting.

Astrid stood there, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, her hands clutching a pendant that Arthur had given her as a token of their love. She had watched him leave before, but this time was different. This time, they had shared their hearts and bodies in a way that left them forever connected.

Arthur stepped forward and gently cupped Astrid's cheek, his thumb brushing away a tear. "I'll come back to you. I promise."

Astrid nodded, her voice choked with emotion. "I'll be waiting for you, Arthur."

With a final kiss that conveyed all the love and longing in their hearts, Arthur turned and joined Vianola and Momo. They mounted their horses and began their journey into the unknown.

As they rode away from Helheim, Arthur couldn't help but look back one last time. Astrid stood there, her figure framed by the castle gates, a symbol of his love, his home, and his heart.

Back in the castle, Astrid wiped away her tears and turned to find Maria and Anya standing by her side. Maria placed a comforting hand on Astrid's shoulder. "We'll be here for you, Princess. We'll help you continue what Arthur started."

Astrid nodded, her determination shining through her tears. "Thank you. Together, we'll make Helheim even stronger."

And so, as the three companions rode into the distance, a new chapter began for each of them. Arthur, Vianola, and Momo embarked on a journey filled with challenges and mysteries, guided by a promise and the blessings of a goddess.

Meanwhile, back in Helheim, Astrid embraced her role as the ruler of the kingdom, determined to honor Arthur's legacy and fulfill their shared dreams. With Maria and Anya by her side, and the love of her life in her heart, she faced the challenges ahead with courage and grace.

As the first destination of his journey, Arthur, accompanied by Vianola and Momo, set their sights on the Holy Kingdom. The path ahead was uncertain, fraught with challenges and unknown dangers, but he was resolute in his determination to fulfill his promise to Goddess Denier.

Their journey was far from uneventful. Along the way, they encountered a myriad of adversaries, from rogue mages wielding powerful magic to formidable monsters that seemed to have been imbued with otherworldly strength. Each battle tested their skills and resolve, forging them into a stronger and more cohesive team.

One day, as they ventured deeper into a dense forest, they stumbled upon a magical glade bathed in ethereal light. To their surprise, Arthur's path crossed once again with two familiar fairies, the very same ones he had encountered during his mission to capture an Akatsuki member.

The fairies fluttered down from the branches of a towering ancient tree, their wings shimmering with an iridescent glow that cast a soft, enchanting light upon the glade.

"Arthur!" Lumi exclaimed, feigning surprise. "We never thought we'd see you again, especially in a place like this."

Her companion nodded in agreement, wearing an inscrutable expression. "Indeed, it's quite the surprise. What brings a man of your... unique aroma to these neck of the woods?"

Arthur's patience wore thin as he couldn't help but react to the fairies' playful banter. His veins bulge with frustration. "Hey, who are you calling an 'unique aroma'? Don't think you can fool me with your act. I've known that you two have been following me and keeping tabs on me ever since our first encounter. I chose to ignore you because I didn't want to be embroiled in whatever trouble you fairies might bring."

The fairies shared an amused glance, their wings flickering with a hint of mischief. "Well, well, Arthur," she chimed in, "you caught us. We couldn't resist keeping an eye on someone as intriguing as you. It's late but let us introduce ourselves, I am Lumi and he is Zephyr and we are, as you can see, fairies."

Zephyr nodded, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Hmph, his adventures were nothing noteworthy but still it piqued our curiosity even if it's just a little bit. But you can rest easy, we're not here to cause trouble. In fact, we came here to ask for help"

Arthur raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite his initial annoyance. "Help, you say? What is it?"

Lumi exchanged a knowing look with her companion before continuing. "You see, Arthur, Our fairy queen and fairy land is in danger and if we don't help her soon we might lose not only her but our land along with other fairies."

Zephyr nodded, "Few months ago, a bat-like monster with divine magic appeared out of nowhere in our fairy land. And Ever since it wreaked havoc, Our fairy queen tried to defeat it but she got injured in the process and shows no sign of recovering. The situation in fairy land is also getting worse by the day."

Meanwhile, Vianola and Momo exchanged puzzled glances as Arthur conversed with the fairies. They had heard stories about these mischievous creatures and their ability to deceive travelers, and initially, they weren't sure if the fairies could be trusted.

Vianola, with her usual caution, whispered to Momo, "Should we trust these fairies, Momo? They seem... unpredictable."

Momo shrugged, her eyes never leaving the fairies as they continued their playful banter with Arthur. "I don't know, Vianola. Arthur seems to be handling them well, but we should stay on guard just in case."

Arthur's irritation began to wane as he listened to the fairies' plea. Despite their mischievous nature, he couldn't ignore their distress. The mention of a monster with divine magic piqued his interest, and he found himself drawn to their story.

He scratched his chin in thought. "A monster with divine magic, you say? It does sound familiar but this isn't some kind of trap, is it? I've encountered my fair share of powerful foes, but nothing like fairies so I am a bit hesitant. Anyway, I've made a promise to help those in need. So, I suppose I could lend a hand. Even if it is a trap you can't do a shit to us, I… No, we can easily handle you guys so it better be as what you said.". 

Lumi and Zephyr exchanged relieved glances, their wings glowing with gratitude. "Oh, Arthur, you have no idea how much this means to us, we promised it's not a trap. Everything we said is 100% true." Lumi exclaimed.

"Yes and thank you," Zephyr added. "We'll guide you to our fairy land, but be prepared, for it's not an easy journey."

Vianola and Momo, who had been observing the interaction, approached Arthur cautiously. Vianola spoke up, her voice laced with concern. "Arthur, are you sure about this? These fairies can be quite tricky, and we don't know the full extent of their motives nor strength."

Momo nodded in agreement. "It's important to be cautious, especially when dealing with them."

Arthur gave them a reassuring smile. "I appreciate your concern, both of you. But like I said I promised to help those in need and it's not a good thing to turn away from someone asking for help and we just have to wait and see how this plays out and if anything happens we will deal with it together. I have a feeling that this journey may lead to something greater. We'll proceed with caution, but we'll also extend a helping hand where it's needed."

With their resolve renewed and their path set, Arthur and his companions followed Lumi and Zephyr deeper into the enchanted forest, with a watchful eye on the fairies. 

Nonetheless, both Vianola and Momo made a silent pact to remain vigilant and protect Arthur from any potential tricks or deceptions the fairies might have up their sleeves. After all, they were his loyal companions and were determined to see him through this journey unscathed, no matter who or what they encountered along the way.

As Arthur, Vianola, and Momo followed them they walked into the mist surrounding the area and arrive into the mystical land of the fairies, they found themselves surrounded by a breathtaking sight. The fairy land was a realm of vibrant colors and ethereal beauty. Enormous luminescent mushrooms stood tall, casting a soft, radiant glow, while exotic flora with petals that seemed to shimmer in every hue imaginable carpeted the ground. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, and small streams of glistening water flowed with a melodious whisper.

The trio couldn't help but feel perplexed, stunned, and amazed by the sheer wonder of the fairy land. It was unlike anything they had ever witnessed in their travels, and they couldn't contain their sense of awe.

Without any delay, Lumi and Zephyr, the two fairies who had guided them thus far, led Arthur, Vianola, and Momo through the enchanting landscapes towards the heart of the fairy realm. Eventually, they arrived at a magnificent palace made of iridescent crystals, nestled among the towering trees. This was the dwelling of the Fairy Queen.

The Fairy Queen lay on a bed of luminous petals, her form frail and sickly. Her skin, once radiant, now bore a pale, fragile complexion. As Arthur, Vianola, and Momo approached, she turned her head slightly, her voice barely more than a whisper as she greeted them.

"Welcome, you must be Arthur, the little ones mentioned," she said, her words strained. "I am the Fairy Queen, and we are in dire need of your assistance. Please, save these children and their home"

Lumi and Zephyr immediately protested, their voices filled with concern. "Your Majesty, please, don't strain yourself. You don't have to worry about us, instead without you we are nothing. You are the most important and our priority. We are even ready to sacrifice ourselves to save you, Your majesty."

But the Fairy Queen shook her head weakly. "No, my dear children. You don't understand. Without you, there would be no Fairy Queen. I need to ensure the safety of our realm."

With a sigh, the Fairy Queen explained the situation. A powerful and malevolent monster had infiltrated their land, causing havoc and destruction. She implored Arthur to help them defeat this creature and save her people.

In return, she offered Arthur a promise—a favor from the fairies, a mythical race, something that could be of great use in the future. Arthur, Vianola, and Momo agreed to her request, and with gratitude, the Fairy Queen instructed Lumi and Zephyr to guide them to the lair of the monstrous threat.

The fairies led them to a desolate and withered area of the fairy land, a stark contrast to the beauty they had witnessed before. The entrance to a dark cave loomed ominously before them, and Lumi and Zephyr pointed toward it, confirming that it would lead to the monster.

Arthur, Vianola, and Momo entered the cave, their senses alert and weapons at the ready. Inside, they encountered minor monsters, which they swiftly dispatched. The cavern was damp and foreboding, with the air growing thicker as they ventured deeper into its depths.

At last, they reached the heart of the cave, where the monstrous threat awaited. The creature that emerged before them was unlike anything they had ever seen. It resembled a colossal bat with leathery wings, its body covered in shimmering scales. Its eyes glowed with an unsettling crimson light, and its fangs were sharp as daggers.

Arthur assessed the monster for a moment before turning to Vianola and Momo. "This one's not up to my standards, you two. Consider it your training. Show me what you can do."

Vianola and Momo exchanged determined glances and nodded. With that, they charged into battle against the bat-like monster, their skills and teamwork on full display.

The fight was intense and filled with dynamic exchanges. Vianola's swift strikes and Momo's precise magic complemented each other perfectly. Amid the flurry of blows and spells, they exchanged words of camaraderie and friendly rivalry.

"Who do you think is stronger, Vianola?" Momo taunted with a grin.

Vianola, parrying a swipe from the monster, responded with a smirk, "I'd say it's a tie for now, but the last one to land a hit on this thing wins."

As the battle raged on, Vianola and Momo fought fiercely, pushing their limits. Their laughter and banter echoed through the cavern, creating an odd contrast to the dire circumstances.

Finally, after an exhilarating clash, they managed to defeat the monster simultaneously, striking it down with coordinated precision. However, they were left unsatisfied, and the question of who was truly stronger remained unanswered.

Turning to Arthur, they asked in unison, "So, Arthur, who's the better and stronger one?"

Arthur simply shrugged, dodging their question with a sly grin. "Well, I'd say you both make a great team."

With that, he turned to leave the cave, heading back towards the Fairy Queen. As they exited the monster's den, the pair couldn't help but exchange a competitive glance, determined to prove their strength to one another in future battles.

Returning to the Fairy Queen, Arthur explained the successful defeat of the monster, and she expressed her heartfelt gratitude. Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she playfully offered herself to Arthur, inviting him to her bed.

Arthur chuckled awkwardly, his cheeks reddening slightly. "Thank you for the offer, but I must decline, Your Majesty. I do, however, have another proposal for you."

Intrigued, the Fairy Queen listened as Arthur offered to examine and attempt to heal her injury. She agreed to the examination, explaining the origin of her ailment.

After multiple attempts, Arthur successfully healed the Fairy Queen, and her gratitude knew no bounds. She planted a grateful kiss on his cheek, much to the chagrin of Vianola and Momo, who watched the interaction with narrowed eyes.

With the Fairy Queen's strength restored and her gratitude overflowing, she couldn't contain her joy. In a heartfelt gesture of appreciation, she planted a grateful kiss on Arthur's cheek, leaving a faint blush on his face. Vianola and Momo watched the interaction with narrowed eyes, their competitive spirits momentarily forgotten in the face of this unexpected affection.

The Fairy Queen, her spirit lifted, turned to the trio and extended a warm invitation. "I am truly thankful for your help. Won't you join us for a feast to celebrate our victory over the monster?"

Arthur exchanged a knowing glance with Vianola and Momo, who nodded eagerly and practically drooling at the thought of a fairy feast. With a chuckle and no objection, he accepted the Fairy Queen's invitation. 

The grand feast in the fairy kingdom was a sight to behold. It took place in a lush, enchanted garden illuminated by the soft, ethereal glow of fireflies and colorful flowers that seemed to dance to the enchanting melodies of a hidden orchestra. Tables adorned with delicate crystalware and silverware were laden with an array of dishes, each more exquisite than the last.

Arthur, Vianola, Momo, and the Fairy Queen were seated at the head table, surrounded by fairies of all sizes and colors, each with their own unique charm and grace. The Fairy Queen, now in much better health, sat at the center of the table, her regal presence commanding the attention of everyone present.

The feast began with a chorus of flutes and harps playing a melodious tune that seemed to float through the air like a sweet breeze. Fairies flitted about, serving plates filled with dishes that shimmered with magical colors. There were platters of glistening fruits, some of which seemed to change flavor with each bite, and bowls of fragrant, sparkling soups that tasted like dreams.

Arthur and his companions were treated to an assortment of dishes, including honey-glazed ambrosia, delicate fairy pastries filled with enchanted creams, and a sparkling nectar that sparkled like stars in a moonless sky. Vianola and Momo were in awe of the flavors, each bite a new adventure for their taste buds.

The Fairy Queen, with her delicate wings and luminous aura, presided over the feast with elegance and grace. She regaled her guests with tales of the fairy realm, its secrets, and its wonders. She spoke of the hidden realms within the mystical forest, the songs of the fireflies that lit up the night, and the ancient magic that flowed through the land.

As the night wore on, the fairies performed enchanting dances and acrobatics, their movements as graceful as the wind and as mesmerizing as the stars. Arthur, Vianola, and Momo joined in the festivities, dancing and laughing with their newfound friends.

Amid the revelry, the Fairy Queen leaned toward Arthur, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I must admit, Arthur, I've never met a human quite like you. Your presence has brought joy and laughter to our realm."

Arthur smiled warmly at her. "And I've never encountered fairies as gracious and welcoming as you and your people. This has been an unforgettable experience."

As the enchanting feast continued, the Fairy Queen couldn't help but notice the unspoken tension between Momo and Vianola. She leaned in closer to them, her voice soft and knowing.

"You two seem quite fond of Arthur, By any chance are you two jealous of me. I have been sensing a piercing glare since earlier" she observed, a playful glint in her eyes.

Momo blushed, her cheeks turning a shade of pink that matched her rosy wings. "NO! NO! NO!  Not at all, It's just your imagination. He's our leader, and we've been through a lot together. He's... special to us, so I uh… keeping a close eye on him."

Vianola nodded in agreement, though her expression was more guarded. "Yes, he's a dear friend, and we trust him completely. We've been by his side for a long time."

The Fairy Queen's smile deepened, and she leaned in even closer, her wings shimmering with curiosity. "But, my dear ladies, I sense there's more to it than that. You can be honest with me. Love has a way of finding its path, even in the most unexpected places."

Momo and Vianola exchanged a knowing glance before Momo sighed softly. "Alright, fine. We do have feelings for Arthur, but it's complicated. We don't want to jeopardize our friendship or our mission."

The Fairy Queen chuckled, her laughter like a delicate bell. "Ah, love is always complicated, dear ones. But remember, it can also be a source of great strength. You've shown your loyalty and courage time and time again. Perhaps it's time to be brave in matters of the heart."

Vianola looked at Momo, and they shared a silent understanding. Then, she turned to the Fairy Queen with a determined expression. "Thank you for your wisdom. We'll keep that in mind. And we deeply apologize for thinking wrongly about fairies."

Momo nodded, her gaze steady. "Yes, we deeply apologize and appreciate your wisdom"

The Fairy Queen's eyes twinkled with amusement as she leaned back in her chair, her wings folding gracefully. "It's alright, Everything's good now. so, let's continue to enjoy this magical night. Who knows what surprises the future may hold?"

With renewed determination, Momo and Vianola joined the festivities once more, their hearts aflutter with the possibilities of what the future might bring, both in their quest and in matters of the heart.

The feast continued long into the night, a magical celebration of unity and friendship between two worlds. As the first light of dawn began to break over the horizon, Arthur, Vianola, and Momo couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected turn of events in their journey.

Next day…

  Before they departed Titania asked Lumi and Zephyr to bring him a parchment with a teleportation spell to the Holy Kingdom. Before they departed, Arthur, Vianola, and Momo were left perplexed by how the Fairy Queen knew their destination.

When Arthur inquired, the Fairy Queen responded with a playful smile, "Oh, my dear, I have my ways of knowing things. Some secrets of the fairy realm are best left as mysteries."

Arthur nodded, understanding the unspoken agreement. He appreciated that some things were better left unexplained, especially when it came to the mystical world of the fairies.

Lumi and Zephyr returned with the Holy Kingdom teleportation parchment. The Fairy Queen extended the parchment to Arthur, and he accepted it, knowing that it was their first destination on their journey.

The Fairy Queen then playfully requested that they tear the parchment to activate the teleportation spell. Arthur, Vianola, and Momo shared puzzled glances but did as she asked. In an instant, they disappeared from the fairy realm, leaving the Fairy Queen chuckling.

However, Arthur reappeared right in front of the Fairy Queen, who was taken by surprise. Arthur, not wanting to appear rude, quickly apologized for his rude behavior and accusation towards the fairy race before.

As Arthur prepared to depart once more, the Fairy Queen couldn't contain her laughter, finding their confusion and surprise utterly amusing. With a final wave, Arthur teleported away from the fairy realm, leaving the Fairy Queen in a fit of giggles, wondering what the future held for him.

Back in the human world, Arthur, Vianola, and Momo found themselves standing in the midst of the Holy Kingdom, ready to continue their journey. They couldn't help but reflect on their encounter with the whimsical world of the fairies and the mystery that surrounded it.

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