
Hard Mod Connected

Jomei Hiroya, considered a "noob" by Ultimate Bounty Hunter players, has poured his soul into his Mod, making the game almost impossible to complete. However, he'll realize the full extent of his actions when it becomes real.

SUISEI · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 12

┌───── -✧✧- ─────┐

-Special Event-

🌪️◾ The Black Storm ◾🌪️

Game Rules:

Avoid the storm's broadcast area or risk being manipulated by it.

This applies to "Finders" and "Hiders" alike.

🕒 Duration of the event: Indefinite 🕒

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"How do we counter this?" murmurs Mizuki, her gaze shifting between concern and determination.

Thinking quickly, I suggest venturing a little deeper into the forest, hoping to find a solution to this mental dilemma. The Black Storm had not yet taken a complete hold of us, and there might be something that could help us resist.

After a few minutes' walk, a vast, beautiful landscape presented itself to us.

┌───── -✧✧- ─────┐

-You've just entered a Class A zone-

└───── -✧✧- ─────┘

" A ? That's a pretty high class."

The different classes in Ultimate Bounty Hunter indicated the degree of magical power present in a given area. Each class was associated with specific characteristics, creating a gradual hierarchy in the challenges players faced. The classes ranged from class E, considered to have the least magic, to class S, synonymous with extreme magic that was almost impossible to find. Class A environments, like the one we've just discovered, were already more important, introducing mystical and unpredictable elements into the game's dynamics. Each class represented a unique opportunity, and progression between these classes was an indicator of players' skill development and resilience.

"What are you going to do with dragonflies?" said Mizuki.

Their shimmering wings danced in the air, creating an ethereal and mystical atmosphere. Intrigued by this new configuration, I began to observe the dragonflies carefully, looking for clues as to the nature of this environment.

Suddenly, a dragonfly landed delicately on my hand. A soft light emanated from its little silhouette, and I felt an almost instant sense of calm. The thought occurred to me: perhaps these dragonflies had the power to adapt me to the power of the Black Storm.

Carefully, I gathered some branches and leaves, creating a little shelter for the dragonflies. Intrigued, they gathered around this improvised microcosm. The glow of their wings seemed to intensify, as if they were responding to my attempt to create a shield.

Turning back to Mizuki, I beckoned him to join me. "Mizuki, let's try this. Maybe these dragonflies can help us withstand the Black Storm."

"Have you given up hope, Jomei?

"No, think about it..."

The story of the dragonflies was one of transformation, metamorphosis and resilience. As I contemplated their aerial ballet, I realised that their symbolism went beyond simple animal representation. Dragonflies embodied the ability to adapt to challenges, to evolve over time, and to embrace transformation in order to survive. They reflected the underlying philosophy of the game, where adaptability was the key to success, and resistance to change an obstacle to be overcome. The dragonflies, silent but powerful symbols, seemed to tell an ancient story of growth and survival, a mystical tale woven into the threads of the magical game.

Convinced that dragonflies could be the key to our survival, I shared with Mizuki the existence of this specific area in the imperial palace, where these creatures were particularly abundant. Confidence was instilled in his eyes, and we decided to explore this area in search of answers. The Imperial Palace was now the playground for our strategies, imbued with a mystical aura and guided by the graceful dance of the dragonflies. As we plunged into this new challenge, we both activated the power of the dragonflies, opening up a path through this enchanted maze. The adaptability of the dragonflies became our ally, and we were ready to face the magical challenges that lay ahead.

The magic of the dragonflies had opened the doors to an enchanted realm in the heart of the imperial palace. However, magic was not without consequences. A notification flashed before us...


You have just used the magical power of


Asterism Lyra: Protecting the dragonfly


However, our unauthorised use of his power had not gone unnoticed.


Lyre Asterism: 


Asks for a penalty for using his power without his consent 


My nervous laughter echoed in the magic-filled atmosphere of the imperial palace. "They're here too!" I murmured, expressing my concern at the arrival of the higher entities. A shiver of anticipation ran down our spines as we prepared to face the unknown.