
Hard Mod Connected

Jomei Hiroya, considered a "noob" by Ultimate Bounty Hunter players, has poured his soul into his Mod, making the game almost impossible to complete. However, he'll realize the full extent of his actions when it becomes real.

SUISEI · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 11

The darkness of the forest slowly dissipates, revealing an unexpected sight. At the heart of the clearing stands a group of finders, ethereal figures surrounded by a mystical aura.

Their faces remain elusive, shrouded in a veil of shadow that reveals only the sparkle of their eyes shining with a strange glow. Silently, they watch Mizuki and me, like immaterial architects orchestrating this ordeal.

"Who are you?" I ask, my voice carried by a mixture of curiosity and suspicion.

One of them, emerging from the darkness, flashes an enigmatic smile. "We are the Guardians of Illusion.

The Guardians of Illusion, calling themselves that with mysterious pride, seem to have hatched this ordeal for a darker purpose. Their shining eyes betray a less metaphysical and more pragmatic intention: to eliminate the cachers efficiently.

"Why create such a complex test just to eliminate us?" I ask, perplexed by their choice to stage this macabre hunt.

The main Guardian smiles impenetrably. "Illusion transcends simple elimination. It's a dance of reality and fantasy."

Mizuki, less inclined to accept mysteries, asserts dryly: "You're playing with our lives, that's not how it was in the original game."

The ethereal laughter of the Guardians resounds again. "The original game, we've forgotten that theory since all the changes that have come about."

This revelation causes growing concern. If this ordeal is just a pretext for the Guardians of Illusion, what does the rest of our journey hold in store? 

Akari, in a sudden declaration, reveals that she has been holding back crucial information. Her eyes reflect an unsuspected determination, and her voice resonates with a certain melancholy.

"I lied about our 'powers'," she confesses, revealing the shadow that has hung over our collaboration. "In reality, we possess dangerous objects, event cards, which can alter the course of the game."

Mizuki frowned, suspicious. "Event cards? Are you playing with something even more unpredictable?"

Akari nods with a look. "The Guardians of Illusion are lying. They simply found these cards, and we have one too... And I intend to activate it!"

A palpable tension filled the air. The implications of this revelation hang over us like oppressive shadows. Just when we thought we were fighting outside forces, it seems that even our allies are hiding destabilising secrets. The event maps add another layer of complexity to our already precarious understanding.

Akari reveals the name of the event, and everything becomes clearer in my head. The Black Storm, a name that stirs up anxiety in the pit of my stomach. My eyes meet Akari's mysterious gaze, and her enigmatic smile doesn't bode well.

┌───── -✧✧- ─────┐

- Special Event Triggered -

└───── -✧✧- ─────┘

"What's this Black Storm all about?" questions Mizuki, puzzled.

Akari seems to be enjoying the suspense she's creating. 

┌───── -✧✧- ─────┐

-Special Event-

🌪️◾ The Black Storm ◾🌪️

Game Rules:

Avoid the storm's broadcast area or risk being manipulated by it.

This applies to "Finders" and "Hiders" alike.

🕒 Duration of the event: Indefinite 🕒

└───── -✧✧- ─────┘

The realisation of the gravity of the situation creeps into me. The Black Storm is an invisible threat, a force that could shatter our minds and destroy any notion of reality. An icy helplessness grips me, fuelled by uncertainty about how long this mental ordeal will last.

"We have to find a way to counter this," I articulate, already formulating strategies in my mind.

Akari nods silently, and I can see the fierce determination in her eyes. Here we are, plunged into a new ordeal.