
Hard Mod Connected

Jomei Hiroya, considered a "noob" by Ultimate Bounty Hunter players, has poured his soul into his Mod, making the game almost impossible to complete. However, he'll realize the full extent of his actions when it becomes real.

SUISEI · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 13

The Asterisms, divine entities that reside in the Ultimate Bounty Hunter universe, are gods with prodigious powers. They represent the cosmic forces that influence the destiny of the hunters. The power of an Asterism is intrinsically linked to the number of stars it possesses, each star symbolising an aspect of its divinity. Some Asterisms, known as amateurs, have not yet obtained enough stars and remain in search of recognition.

These divine beings act as support for hunters, granting them unique magical powers. Players worship them and seek their favour to gain significant advantages in the game world. However, the relationship between hunters and Asterisms is not always harmonious, as these gods can also impose challenges and penalties for disobedience.

The notification flashed before me, revealing the penalty inflicted by the Asterism Lyra. It was an unexpected blow. I hadn't realised that handling dragonflies without divine authorisation was a transgression of the sacred rules.

"Jomei, you reckless hunter, you have broken the sacred rules by using my power without my permission. The Asterisms do not tolerate such transgressions."

My attempt at an explanation did not soften the astral reprimand. "I didn't know that required permission. Dragonflies seemed to be a natural resource of the place."

An astral sigh expressed the asterism Lyra's disapproval." Asterism energies cannot be manipulated without respect for the spiritual connection. Any unauthorised use will have consequences."

The discussion between the divine entity and myself detailed the subtleties of magic, emphasising the need for respect towards the deities and an understanding of astral energies. The penalty, although unexpected, became a lesson, encouraging me to deepen my understanding of the mystical forces present in the game.

An idea germinated in my mind, a solution that could restore the balance between myself and the asterism Lyre. "Lyre, I understand that I acted hastily, but the truth is that some Hunters pushed me to borrow your power. Why not consider that an extenuating circumstance?"

The Asterist seemed surprised by my suggestion. "The Hunters' actions do not justify the unauthorised use of my powers. However, I am curious to know what punishment you suggest."

My mind raced, coming up with a plan that might satisfy the celestial entity and atone for my mistake. "I suggest that, instead of punishing me directly, you give me a difficult task or quest. That way, I can prove my devotion to the Asterisms and make up for my transgression."

Lyra seemed to consider my proposal. "A difficult quest could indeed serve to atone for your transgression. However, it must be worthy of the sacred importance of my powers."

I undertook to devise a quest that would demonstrate my determination to restore balance. My proposal was put on the table, awaiting the response of the Asterism Lyra.

I plunged into the heart of my proposal, revealing my plan to the Lyre Asterism." To atone for my transgression, I suggest releasing an S-class monster into the Imperial Palace. Not only will this highlight your power and influence, but it will also win the admiration of the Hunters and enhance your reputation."

Lyre seemed to ponder this bold idea. "An S-Class monster is a serious threat, and its presence in the Imperial Palace will certainly attract attention. If you succeed in this quest, it will prove your loyalty to the Asterisms."

I felt a mixture of nervousness and determination at the acceptance of my proposal. "I pledge to complete this quest successfully, Lyra. Let me loose in the Imperial Palace, and I'll make sure that your name resounds throughout the Ultimate Bounty Hunter."

Lyre hesitated for a moment, her stars twinkling with an indecisive glow. "I understand your determination, but I'm afraid you won't be able to defeat an S-class monster. We can lower the level to A-class, an already serious threat, and that will give you a chance to succeed."

I rubbed my chin, weighing up the options. "I'm not looking to succeed in this quest. My aim is to defeat this monster, and to do that, the Hunters will need the help of an Asterism. As you are one of the least powerful Asterisms at the beginning, they will be more likely to choose you. This will strengthen your presence and influence."

Lyra looked puzzled, but recognised the logic of my argument. "Very well, but we'll lower the monster's level to A class. It's already a serious threat, and that will give you a chance to succeed."

I nodded, accepting the conditions. "All right, Lyra. I'll make sure this quest becomes a memorable event in the game."

The pact with Lyre was sealed, and with Mizuki by my side, we returned to the Imperial Palace, ready to face the new Class A threat. The air was thick with tension, but our determination remained intact. The quest was not only a challenge for us, but also an opportunity to gain power and unravel the mysteries of this game come true. The next stage of our adventure was full of uncertainty, but we were ready for the challenge.