
Halo of Infinite Code

[[ After enduring inhuman torture during the experiment to remove the brain limiter, Azkar Oblivion died. He woke up in a world where humans possessed unique abilities and magic, but, to his luck, the very world itself was heading towards the apocalypse. Having been literally broken from the experiment in his past life, when he awakened his abilities in the new world, he was able to see the coding of the very fabric of the world. In his second life, Azkar is creating his way towards his goal to free himself from everything, so no one is able to control him; no rules, no boundaries. This is the goal he aims to achieve in his second life. This is a story where the protagonist is so crazy that he didn't kill any of his enemies in a normal way; he killed them in a very cinematic and overpowering manner. ]]

Azkar_ · Games
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81 Chs


Azkar, tired of unnecessary twists and turns in his life, decided to take a good nap after sending Evelyn to the Zenith Empire. He also did some cooking for himself because life doesn't feel good without eating, so he prepared various types of food.

After a four-hour nap, he woke up, took a shower, and dressed himself properly. He wore black pants, a black shirt, and a long white coat. Ready for action, he contacted the vampire gang leader he had met before.

"What happened? Did you find any buyers?" Azkar asked, using his origin Codic particle as a base to send his voice directly into the vampire gang leader's head. Yes, Azkar can do that too; he used one of the "origin codic particles" inside the vampire leader's body to track his every move.


[Twilight Auction House]

In the capital city of the vampire empire stands an ancient auction house known as the "Twilight Auction House," sharing its name with the royal family. This establishment was founded by Selina Twilight 500 years ago, the first wife of Carlos Twilight, the ruler of the vampire empire.

While the royal family lacks nothing as everything within the empire belongs to them due to the absence of democracy, the existence of an auction house might seem peculiar. The reason is simple: within this vampire empire, there are multiple princesses and princes, each wielding their fair share of influence. However, the most influential individual within the empire is the crown prince himself, Afrit Twilight, who controls the Auction House.

Inside the auction house, in a luxury room, a person who looks like he's in his twenties, with blonde hair, pale white skin, and crimson red eyes, is having a sex with a human girl who doesn't seem to be in a good state.

"Tak! Tak! Tak!"

"How many times do I have to say, don't disturb me?" Afrit said while looking towards the door.

"It's me, Victoria. One of our spies found out something very interesting that will help you achieve your dream of becoming the ruler of this empire," Victoria said with her seductive voice.

"Are you sure? I'm coming. Make all the presentation and give me all the details. Wait outside for a while," Afrit said, his mood not in a good state because someone interrupted him during his sex. Still, he controlled his emotions because Victoria is his fiancée and one of his supporters.

Coming out of his thoughts, he felt that the human girl had died because she couldn't handle him.

"What a bad slave. It didn't even last 10 minutes. Hey, send two more into my room," he said, his crimson eyes ablaze with bloodlust.


"So, one of our street vampire gangs is looking for buyers for something called 'Blood Pearl,' which can purify bloodlines by 2 more ranks. Are you sure this is true? It's hard to believe something like this exists on this worthless planet," Afrit said, eyeing his fiancée.

"Of course, I find this news interesting because the vampire looking for buyers for this thing is a former royal guard from the royal family. His name is Selvar Crimson," Victoria replied.

"Okay, now it's interesting indeed. Capture him, and let's have a chat with him," Afrit said, pondering. "If this news has even a 1% chance of being true, then I'll definitely be able to take this empire for myself."


"So, this is the place, the 'Twilight Auction House,'" he marveled at something truly magnificent. The auction house featured an ancient design reminiscent of Gothic architecture from his previous world, yet it stood out as a masterpiece crafted entirely from black marble. Infused with a modern touch in its design, the structure exuded the elegance of a 5-star hotel within a 4-story building.

Without hesitation, he entered and immediately sensed something amiss. The absence of mana awareness signaled the presence of an anti-magic barrier protecting the place.

"Hahahaha, impressive. You were able to figure it out in just a second. Truly impressive indeed. You're just a lowly domain rank powerhouse; you don't have any rights to have something as precious as a blood pearl," Afrit said, eyeing Azkar.


Azkar saw the person standing in front of him was the crown prince of the vampire empire, and he noticed that the vampire leader he had sent to find buyers had his head split from his body. They were currently inside a hall, with many dead bodies present—all belonging to the vampire gang's members.

Seeing this, Azkar felt uncomfortable because, no matter how insignificant these people are, they were spared by him. Now, someone had killed them instead of him, creating a feeling he hadn't experienced before coming into this world—an uncomfortable sensation due to the death of the vampire gang he had spared.

"Why am I feeling uncomfortable?" he asked himself the question but didn't find any answer. It's not like they were his people, but he did give them a task, which made them his people in some way. He also wasn't able to fulfill his promise to the gang leader that he would reward him if he could complete the task.

"Why did you kill them? It's not like they're that important," Azkar asked.

"Hahaha, don't be like this. They died because they didn't want to say something about you, but after killing them, I felt very good. What a pity they died so soon," Afrit said while looking at Azkar.

"So, you killed all of them because of me, right?" Azkar asked in his second question.

"Yes, I did. Now it's your turn because in this place, you can't use mana, and my people can use mana like normal. Hahaha, it's truly a pity that you're going to die. But if you tell me about that blood pearl you gave him, I'll spare your life. Where did you find it?" Afrit said, signaling and revealing at least 20 domain rank powerhouses.

"Hahaha, don't be shocked. They're not going to kill you. I'll be doing this after torturing you and finding out about the source of the blood pearl," he said, displaying his cultivation rank, which also is a domain rank.


"This empire sure has many trump cards because one domain rank expert is enough to destroy a kingdom like the Zenith Empire. But seeing this, he confirmed his guess that the Zenith Empire doesn't even pose the slightest amount of threat to the vampire empire—they're just using the Zenith Empire as a food factory. What a messed up world this is." Azkar thought

"Hahaha, hilarious to even think about, you blood-sucking leeches wanted to kill me using this ridiculous anti-mana barrier. If you're thinking you can kill me just using this much, then your father didn't teach you anything. But as a good person myself, I'll teach you something your father didn't teach you," Azkar said, laughing like a crazy person. His mask began to crack because it couldn't handle his soul pressure.

"As long as I remember, humans have always been a species that doesn't like peace even in the slightest. But if you think upon seeing them, you'll feel that they are weak as hell. Imagine a world where nothing is threatening humans. If you're thinking that if nothing threatens them, they must be living in peace, right? Hahaha, hate to say this, but they found something to fight. First, they divided themselves using their skin color, then they started to treat one of the skin color humans as a slave and even killed them to feel superior," Azkar said.

"Are you gone crazy? What are you saying?" Afrit asked.

"If there's nothing threatening humanity, they're kind of a unique species that threatens themselves. And lastly, as time went by, there was always a war to occupy the planet they lived in, until the point they created something called 'Nuclear weapons'—a mass extinction weapon that threatened humanity itself. So, I thought I'll show you something worthwhile using the same weapon as that weak species you treated like slaves and food. That you understand that nothing in this world is absolute. You're just a side character, a lowly villain who is going to become my loot soon," Azkar said while waving his hand.

"You crazy bastard, what you're saying, you must be scared, hahah," Afrit didn't take Azkar's words seriously.

Azkar found that he couldn't use mana here, but that didn't stop him from using science. He decided to leverage this by attempting something interesting.

Waving his hand, he utilized his [Atomic Control] ability from his limitless authority, altering the atomic structure of the air around him.

Picking a random atom in the air, he accelerated its electron to the fullest using his [Vector Acceleration]. Something magnificent happened— the electron, which maintained balance inside the atom, became independent from the acceleration, resulting in the creation of a new particle. Azkar named this particle the [God Particle].

He gathered all the atomic particles in his hand—electrons, protons, neutrons, and the newly created [God Particle]. He observed these atomic particles using his eyes.

Then, he changed all the particles in his hands, except the neutron, into god particles, making them similar.

He used all of the newly created god particles and condensed them in his hand. Then, he employed his [Atomic Stabilization] ability to stabilize all of the newly created particles in his hand.

Next, he took all of the neutrons and added them to the group of god particles in his hands. The god particle group became destabilized and split into two groups. A massive amount of energy was created due to this process in Azkar's hand. He controlled this energy, condensing it into a ball-like structure.

Everything happened instantly. Everyone just saw Azkar wave his hand, and a ball of massive, pure energy condensed in his hand.

"Death Star of Atomic Origin."

After saying this, he stopped the stabilization of the energy in his hand, locking all of the space in a 10 km area. Then, he left the place using his [Void Travel] Ability.

"What is this..." Afrit was terrified, seeing the ball of condensed energy. He felt like death was approaching him.

"No, don't..." he wanted to say something more, but Azkar left the auction house, leaving something behind.


He teleported to a higher altitude in the sky to witness his magnificent creation.


He saw a massive explosion occur inside the locked area. Everything within the 10 km locked space evaporated in just a fraction of a second. The explosion was so powerful that millions of nuclear weapons from his previous world were nothing compared to it. Buildings, people, everything—there was nothing left inside. He made sure that the explosion remained confined within the locked space, and he also ensured it didn't cause any earthquakes that could harm the planet's core. Everything that happened inside the locked space remained there.

[+200 Origin Cores obtained…] DING! The effects of Loot Multiplier are applied…[+3 Shards of world core are obtained.]

[+25,0000 Blood Pearls obtained…] DING! The effects of Loot Multiplier are applied…[+412 True Blood Pearls are obtained.]

[+20,0000 Origin Points obtained…] DING! The effects of Loot Multiplier are applied…[+330 Cosmic Points obtained.]




He had just massacred so many vampires in less than a second—killing 20+ domain rank powerhouses, including the crown prince of the empire and all the vampires within the 10 km space. Surprisingly, he felt good doing so.

"Hahaha, what a sight to behold. I love explosions, hahaha. It feels good. I'll try this more in the future, hahaha," he began to laugh, witnessing the magnificent scene before him.


[Author Note: If you come to like my novel, then save it to your collection, and you can support me using power stones.

20 power stones = 2 extra chapters

These will be uploaded at the end of the week on Sunday.]