
Haikyu! AU: Love Me

Kuro x Kageyama x Osamu Omegaverse Alternative Universe (Don't hesitate to read this cause it'll be a happy end for these three. They'll end up together because I got freaking traumatize on Love Triangles) After various of experiments, the society of the world changed. And the second gender was created. People was split into three different kind of second gender. At the bottom of the pyramid are the Omegas. Only 10% of the population are tested as omegas. They release pheromones that attracts the alphas. They went ito inconvenience called Heat where they unconsciously release their pheromones as it risen their sexual drive. Their heat lasts at least 3-7 days. Most of omegas are physically weak and dependent. At the middle of the pyramid, are the betas. The betas have the 70% of the world's population. They are just ordinary people, they don't smell Alpha or omega pheromones. But there are cases of Betas that release faint arousal pheromones with unique smell that only selected Alpha or Omega can smell. Finally, an alpha who consumes 20% of the population. At the top of the pyramid, unlike omegas, they are strong physically. They are the mighty ones in the society. They can be affected by the Omega's pheromones and get a sexual drive. They have certain inconvenient called Rut, their sexual drive risen at a time like that. It lasts to 3-5 days.

Renzi_Rei · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 5

Kageyama's POV


I opened my eyes and saw the ceiling. My head and body hurts. I don't think I can move. My body felt so numb and I feel so hot. My eyes roam around. This isn't my room. What happened? Where am I?

"You're awake!" I turn my head onto the voice and saw Kuroo and Osamu holding a tray of food.

"Good Morning? What happened?" I asked.

They both tilted their head.

"You don't seem to remember." Osamu said as they walks towards me. Osamu went onto my left side and helped me get up.

"You had a fever for three days now." Kuroo said.

"What? Ack!" I moved in surprise and regretted it because my head and body hurts, especially on my lower back.

"Does that mean I'm absent for the last three days?" I asked.

"Five... Five days." Kuroo corrected.

"What? Why five days?" I asked again.

"You should eat first. You might die at this rate. It was really hard feeding you because you were unconscious." Osamu said.


Kuroo was the one feeding me while Osamu is supporting me from behind to sit properly.

"My throat hurts." I said. I wanna hold my neck but I have no strength to lift even a finger.

"Pfftt-- Ehem..."

I furrowed at Kuroo's reaction. Why is that? Is what I said funny? What's part of it sounds funny? I want to ask but I might leave a bad impression. What if Kuroo's happiness is low and thinks everything is funny?

After eating, they just stayed with me.

"Aren't you curious how you got high fever?" Osamu asked, starting a conversation.

"I am. But I was shy to ask." I straightforwardly said.

"Remember that five days ago, me and Kuroo went into rut." Osamu said.

"Hmm.. After buying the medicine I have no much memory."

"Shirabu said its one of the effects of being utterly surrounded by alpha pheromones. It affects a beta's memory." Osamu said.

"So. What happened?" I asked.

"What do an alpha in rut need?" Kuroo asked back.

I stopped. What do an alpha in rut need? My eyes widen and turn my eyes back and forth on the two of them. My tears naturally stream down my eyes.

"D-did I refuse? I-is it why I had high fever? I-i'm sorry. I always tell myself to not *hic* refuse anymore." I cried.

"Wha-- t-thats's not it!"

"The hell are you crying?"

I heard them getting panicked. I have done it again.

"A-are you two hurt? I'm sorry." I cried. I can't help but keep on apologizing. If I end up hurting people again because I'm so selfish.

"Hey, hey. Its fine. You're not at fault here." Kuroo said and pat my head. "Were the one at fault so don't cry, okay?"

"Hmm. Actually we were thankful that you helped us. You did gave us permission and the reason you got sick is because of the two of us." Osamu then said.

"And if you have refused I would be in the right mind to stop."

I held onto the blanket tightly as I can.

"If that's not it then why?"

They suddenly took their shirts off. I was startled but I notice some bite marks on their shoulder, chest and arms.

"You felt too good you kept biting onto us." Kuroo said.


"Well, its not like we didn't do the same."


I couldn't process the whole thing. What are they talking about?

"An alpha in rut is similar and also different from an omega in heat. They are more dominant and have the upper hand when it comes to sexual intercourse."

I suddenly remembered what my teacher told me when I was in highschool. My face slowly get hot after processing the things they said.

"Y-you mean... We.. I... You..." My eyes went back and forth to the two of them again.


"What your thinking isn't wrong."

Memories rushed in my mind that made me feel more embarrassed. Asking for more, moaning, biting and even scratching their backs and arms. I want to just disappear right on this moment. I hope these sheets swallow me up. 

Huwaaahhh!! What have we done? I was not in my right mind that time! S-should I apologize too? Waaaahhhh! This is so awkward!

"We should leave you for now to think and also rest more so you can get your strength back." Osamu smiled and walk outside of the room with Kuroo.

I didn't know something like that could happen. I mean, I'm a beta. How can they be relieved by having sex with a beta? Shouldn't their partner be an omega to ease their sex drive? Our teacher said having sex with an alpha and an omega is different compared to betas.

I closed my eyes because I felt really tired. Is it because I still have a fever? Or is it because of that? What kind of monster are they to be able to last 2 days sex?


"Tobio-chan, help me please!"

"No. I-I can't."


"What happened?!"

Those mocking eyes that only sees the wrong and not the truth pieced onto me. Those eyes that was very observant that lead to misunderstandings. That person who caused it all and that person who was the victim. They didn't even bother to know the truth.

"Gosh. What a shameless child."

"I heard that you attacked an omega in heat."

"Huwaah. What an a$$hole."

"Is it good?"

"How was it?"

"Its your fault that omega pass out."

I clenched my hands and ran. Avoiding what they have to say which are all lies.



I got up and cover my face. What a nightmare... More like a memory.

"Hey. You okay?"

I was startled when someone suddenly talked. He opened the lights and saw that it was Osamu.

"You're still not asleep?" I asked.

"Yeah. I was about to wake you up cause you need to swallow medicine." He said while he walks towards me holding a glass of water.

"Ah, thank you."

"How's your back?" He asked.

My face heated up again after remembering what caused my back to ache. It still hurts. Like its going to snap if I move even just a little.

"Not good." I answered honestly.

He gave me the medicine and I swallow it and drank the water.

"Thanks again." I said.

"I'm really sorry about what happened. I wasn't in my right mind then." He suddenly said.

I held onto the water glass tightly.

"Its already done and as you said I did gave my permission, right? Nothing to be guilty about since I'm practically on it too." I tried to smile.

"Tomorrow, I'll make you an onigiri to make it up."

"Really?" My smiled was from ear to ear.


"I can take it at work."

"You have to rest until you are better. We might get scolded by Shirabu if you went to work. Plus, we have informed the company you're working and they agreed to let you rest until you're fine." He said.

"But I was only at work for a month. I might get fired."

"We'll handle those things. You should sleep."

I was frozen statue when he suddenly kissed my forehead. He also stopped and I think he processes the thing he just did.

He immediately walked farther away from me. "I.. I'm sorry. I was like this to Tsumu whenever he's not feeling well, it became a habit. Sorry."

I smiled. "Its fine."

"Rest now. See you tomorrow." He waved a goodbye and walked out of the room.

I sigh and unconsciously touch my forehead. I lie down and felt my back aching. Curse this! I still can't believe I made those things with them. Its so embarrassing.


When Osamu got out of Kageyama's room, Kuroo was just by the door and waiting.

"Habit? Seriously?" Kuroo asked in ridiculousness.

"Shut up. Why are you here?" Osamu asked.

"Well, I was over thinking that you might have your own way with him. There's no way I'd let myself out, right? We're buddies remember?"

Osamu stare at Kuroo, intensely. "Seriously. I'm not like you."

"That's what made you even more dangerous."

Osamu didn't paid any more attention to Kuroo and just walked into his room.

"Hmm. I'm more dangerous but I'm not an a$$hole like you." He mumbled.