
Haikyu! AU: Love Me

Kuro x Kageyama x Osamu Omegaverse Alternative Universe (Don't hesitate to read this cause it'll be a happy end for these three. They'll end up together because I got freaking traumatize on Love Triangles) After various of experiments, the society of the world changed. And the second gender was created. People was split into three different kind of second gender. At the bottom of the pyramid are the Omegas. Only 10% of the population are tested as omegas. They release pheromones that attracts the alphas. They went ito inconvenience called Heat where they unconsciously release their pheromones as it risen their sexual drive. Their heat lasts at least 3-7 days. Most of omegas are physically weak and dependent. At the middle of the pyramid, are the betas. The betas have the 70% of the world's population. They are just ordinary people, they don't smell Alpha or omega pheromones. But there are cases of Betas that release faint arousal pheromones with unique smell that only selected Alpha or Omega can smell. Finally, an alpha who consumes 20% of the population. At the top of the pyramid, unlike omegas, they are strong physically. They are the mighty ones in the society. They can be affected by the Omega's pheromones and get a sexual drive. They have certain inconvenient called Rut, their sexual drive risen at a time like that. It lasts to 3-5 days.

Renzi_Rei · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 6

As soon as Kageyama felt better he insisted on going to work and its been a week since he woke up. He's in the bathroom and getting ready to take a bath.

He stand in front of the mirror and look at his body with full of fading red marks, some are still violet and bite marks. He shivers as he remembers what happened that day. He harshly shook his head and proceed on taking a bath. A faint pain lingers his back. He couldn't believe that he had lacerations.

'How did I survive those two days?' He asked himself while he take a bath.

As his hands touch his body he felt like someone touches them for him. He closes his eyes and felt four warms hands that freely roam his body. He groans for some reason.


He opened his eyes out of shock. His ears twitches as he heard soft voices of two people.

'I'm such a pervert!' He shouted in his mind and quickly washes his body.

"You done? That was quick." Kuroo said when he finally got out of the bathroom.

"Ah, yeah." He awkwardly smile and went to his room. There's only one bathroom and that's the one near the kitchen.

He wore his office clothes then went out of his room going to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Morning." Osamu greeted.

"Good Morning." Kageyama said and sat down the chair.

"Are you sure that you're fine now?" The ash-haired asked in sincerity.

"Yeah. I'm not really physically weak." Kageyama proudly said.

"That's great then." Osamu placed a plate with fried rice and egg. "This is the only thing I can cook since I woke up late today."

"It's fine. Thank you." Kageyama smiled.

"Tomorrow, I'll make as much as usual."

"Don't overdo it, Osamu-san." Kageyama said in concern.

Osamu smiled and pat Kageyama's head. Kageyama stumbled and looked up to Osamu. He immediately averted his gaze upon seeing the ash-haired's smile.

Kageyama ate quietly and as soon as Kuroo came, him and Osamu also started eating. Kageyama couldn't focus on eating because of the two alpha. He's still embarrassed because of what happened few days ago. It couldn't left in his mind and it kept on appearing for some reason.

"Kageyama, are you okay?"

Kageyama raise his head and turn to Kuroo who asked the question.

"Yeah... Why?"

"Your pheromones are unstable." Kuroo said and went back to eating.

Kageyama stare at Kuroo for a while confused at what he said. He actually didn't get what the raven just said.

"Pheromones? What pheromones?"

Both the alpha  stopped swallowing and chewing their food.

"P-pheromones? Huh? What do you mean?" Kuroo asked in panic as he turn his gaze somewhere.

Osamu rolled his eyes at Kuroo's bad acting. "Kageyama, you didn't know about your pheromones?"

"What...do you mean?" Kageyama awkwardly smiled. "I'm a beta. How could I have pheromones?"

"Ah.. Right. But, you should consult a doctor since we can smell it. Its..." Osamu's face became red.

"Uhm.. You mean, I have a pheromone that you can smell? But I don't smell anything nor my office mates whose mostly an alpha." Kageyama said.

"That's why you should get see a doctor. We're confused too since the doctor we brought last time also didn't smell anything from you." Kuroo said.

"Does that mean, I'm sick?" Kageyama asked in shock.

"No. That's not what we mean.. But you really should consult to a doctor to make it sure we could go with you too." Osamu said.

"Then, why not just go now? Skip work for a day again. We'll take care of it if something happened." Kuroo suggested.

"Hmm. I agree with Kuroo."

"Then... Okay." Kageyama said as he lower his head thinking about the current situation.

"You're either an omega or an alpha, Tobio-chan."

Kageyama felt shivers down his spine after remembering those whispers. He clenched his hands to fist.

"Kageyama.. Calm down."

"Ah... Sorry.."


After eating, Kageyama really didn't went to work and decided to go see a doctor with Kuroo and Osamu. They seem to know the doctor so he trusted them.

When they have arrived the doctor named Shirabu  Kenjiro was irritated to see the two alpha but became serious when he saw the beta behind them.

"He was the same person the last time, right? What's the problem now? Besides the laceration?"

The two alphas avoided their gaze and Kageyama just awkwardly smiled.

"Jeez! Its not about that. He wanted to know about the thing we told you when you checked him up." Kuroo said, holding the back of his head.

"Oh.. You mean about the pheromone thing that only you two can smell?" Shirabu said.

"Hmm." They nodded.

"Do you three plan on standing while we discuss about this? There are literally a lot of chair."

The three took a sit and Shirabu made a poker face. Looking at the three sitting in one couch with the blueberry-haired on the middle.

"Seriously?" Shirabu couldn't believe it then he rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

"So, regarding on that issue. I had my own research about the pheromone thing on the beta. Are you sure you didn't went into heat? Ever?" He asked.

Without hesitation, Kageyama shook his head.

"I have been tested as a beta ever since middle school so I believe that I really am a beta." He answered.

"Okay. Here's what I have found out. Some betas are emitting pheromones unconsciously, they don't notice it themselves that's why you wouldn't know it. But it became dangerous to some Alpha and Omega. Even so, only selected Alpha and Omega can smell those. And looks like these two are one of those selected people that could smell your pheromones." Shirabu explained.

"Is there a chance for him to suddenly became an omega? Because he's literally been around our pheromones." Kuroo asked.

"Hmm. I'm not sure. There are betas that was transformed as an omega because of being consumed by a lot of Alpha pheromones. But on his case, its still unknown." Shirabu answered.

"A-actually... S-some-o-one to-ld me.." Kageyama's chest started to pound faster.

"What is it?" Shirabu asked.

"His pheromones are being unstable." Osamu said. "You should calm down. We'll be in trouble if you keep emitting them."

Kageyama tried calming down but to no avail. He clenched his chest. Then suddenly a hand covered his eyes.

"Don't think about anything and calm down. It'll calm your pheromones." It was Kuroo's voice.

Kageyama emptied his mind and thought about calming down. Again and again until he successfully did it. He held down Kuroo's hand.

"I'm fine now. Thank you." Kageyama said.

"So, what were you saying?" Shirabu asked again.

"Someone told me that I was either an alpha or an omega because I attract those two genders." He finally said it.

"We still couldn't determine that. But if your pheromones indeed also attract an Omega then what that person said might be right. Anyway, who told you that?"

"A-an acquaintance... Back then." He nervously said while he played his hands.

"I see. Can I get a drop of your blood? I'll try to examine it to have a further information about your situation."

"Yeah. Sure.."

After Shirabu took a drop of his blood they went back to the apartment and its only 10 am.

Kageyama was out of himself so he got pulled on the couch by Kuroo.

"Be here first. Why were you so nervous back there?" Kuroo asked.

"Uhm.. N-nothing. Nothing really." He stuttered.

"Look, Kageyama, you can always tell us if you have any problem. We're here to listen to you."

"Really. Its nothing important." He stood up. "I'm sorry. I'm exhausted, I want to rest." He straightly went into his room and locked it.