
Haikyu! AU: Love Me

Kuro x Kageyama x Osamu Omegaverse Alternative Universe (Don't hesitate to read this cause it'll be a happy end for these three. They'll end up together because I got freaking traumatize on Love Triangles) After various of experiments, the society of the world changed. And the second gender was created. People was split into three different kind of second gender. At the bottom of the pyramid are the Omegas. Only 10% of the population are tested as omegas. They release pheromones that attracts the alphas. They went ito inconvenience called Heat where they unconsciously release their pheromones as it risen their sexual drive. Their heat lasts at least 3-7 days. Most of omegas are physically weak and dependent. At the middle of the pyramid, are the betas. The betas have the 70% of the world's population. They are just ordinary people, they don't smell Alpha or omega pheromones. But there are cases of Betas that release faint arousal pheromones with unique smell that only selected Alpha or Omega can smell. Finally, an alpha who consumes 20% of the population. At the top of the pyramid, unlike omegas, they are strong physically. They are the mighty ones in the society. They can be affected by the Omega's pheromones and get a sexual drive. They have certain inconvenient called Rut, their sexual drive risen at a time like that. It lasts to 3-5 days.

Renzi_Rei · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 4

As soon as the two Alphas heard that they were given permission, they took off their clothes while they explore the latter's body.

Kuroo nip on Kageyama's ear while Osamu pull up the latter's shirt.

"Bite on it." Osamu said which Kageyama did.

Kageyama can feel the pleasure from the warm mouth of the taller that plays with his nipple. Then his kisses travels all over his chest sucking on his skin and leaving marks.

From behind, Kuroo sneak his hands in Kageyama's pants and search for his hole. Kageyama was startled at the raven's action.

"Hmm. Its not wet." Kuroo whispered on his ears. "This is gonna be tough, Tobio-kun."

The blueberry-haired trembles as the raven's finger slip inside his hole.

"No. Kuroo, Not-- Haa~" He turn his gaze to Osamu who bit his nipple and now looking up to him. "Osamu.."

His saliva was dripping down his mouth. He felt dizzy. Is it because of the two alpha's combined pheromones that he felt like this? The scent is getting stronger that he can already smell it.

"Acckk! W-what.." Something was rubbed inside him that he was startled and started trembling more.

"Heeh. Found it." Kuroo bit on Kageyama's ear and kept rubbing the same spot making the latter wince in pleasure until he came inside his pants. "He came, Osamu. Let's change place."

Osamu silently nodded and change places with Kuroo. Osamu is now behind Kageyama and Kuroo is now on the front.

Kuroo put down Kageyama's pants and saw his shaft still hard even after coming. Kageyama was embarrassed at the sight and was about to cover it when Osamu stopped his hands and the ash-haired put two of his fingers inside Kageyama's mouth and played with his tongue.

"What a sight, Tobio-kun." Kuroo teased as he trace the dripping liquid on Kageyama's cock.

"S-stwop... D-dwon't wook at it." (Stop don't look at it)

"You don't want me to look at this cute thing?" Kuroo asked and held the latter's thing. Kageyama nodded as response. "Then, its okay to suck on them, right?"

"Wha-- ish not tha-- ahh~ I just cwame!" Kageyama's eyes rolled back as he felt the immense pleasure from his erect cock.

Kuroo put Kageyama's shaft inside his mouth gently and carefully not to get his teeth on it. He shove it deeper inside his mouth making Kageyama moan louder.

Then a finger continue to play inside Kageyama's mouth, which was Osamu's fingers. He spreads his tongue and slowly thrust his fingers inside the latter's mouth down to his throat. Kageyama's saliva is continuously dripping down to his chin. He felt like throwing up but as the pleasure he feels from Kuroo's blowjob he couldn't determine what to feel anymore. The pain and pleasure is mixing up making his head fuzzy.

"Cwome~ I'm cwoming!" He moans as he felt reaching the peek.

Kuroo stroke the lower part of Kageyama's shaft as he played on the tip with his mouth. Wrapping his tongue around it until the latter came. The white liquid went on Kuroo's cheeks and mouth. He looked to them and witness the breath taking kiss of Osamu and Kageyama.

"Enjoying his fresh mouth without me, Samu?" Kuroo wiped his mouth and crawl on top of the blueberry-haired then reach for his lips. He smiled as his eyes filled with lust stare onto the erotic face of the blueberry-haired. "So cute, Tobio-kun."

Kuroo slip his tongue inside the latter's mouth and began to suck his tongue as Kageyama tasted his own cum. Osamu's hands are clasp together with Kageyama then kuroo pulled away. Kuroo flip Kageyama to let him lie on his stomach.

"Shall we head to the main course?" The raven spread the latter's legs to see his hole more clearly. Kageyama's head is now facing the bulge of Osamu's hard shaft.

Kuroo slip his finger inside Kageyama.

"Huwah~?" Kageyama is already slightly unconscious and couldn't process the whole scenario anymore. "Nooo~"

Kuroo neglected the latter's whining and raise his hips then put his finger inside the little hole which he just penetrated a while ago.

"Its so tight inside. Its like my finger's gonna break."

The raven inserted another one and thrust it deeper then parted his fingers to make the latter's insides wider so that it would less hurt when he enter. Kuroo is a very careful at everything, most alphas when on their rut don't care about anything whether they hurt their partner or not as long as they can release and feel blissful. But Kuroo hates it when he hurts people at the way he act.

He inserted the third finger and thrust it slowly then faster as he parted his fingers. Kageyama didn't suppress his moans and just let it out louder. Osamu then lifted the blueberry-haired's chin.

"Care to help me out?"

Osamu took out his cock and its already dripping wet and Kageyama can clearly see its veins. Kageyama swallow his own saliva then open up his mouth. Osamu then inserted his cock inside the latter's mouth slowly. Kageyama shuts his eyes as it enters his mouth.

"Ah." Osamu winced. "No teeth." He warned.

Kageyama did his best to not let his teeth touch Osamu's shaft. A drop of tear escape Kageyama's eyes.

'It hurts.' He wanted to cry. His jaw hurts because its pretty big to fit in his mouth.

Osamu couldn't maintain his patience anymore, he grabbed Kageyama's head and pushed it down making his cock go deep inside the latter's mouth hitting the back of his throat. At the same time, Kuroo thrusts his fingers deeper inside the blueberry-haired and hitting his sweet spot. For that reason, Kageyama's eyes rolled back and he came for the third time.

"Coming again, Tobio-kun, you're so nasty."


"You've already came three times. We haven't come even once. Its gonna be a long day, Tobio-kun. We hope you handle the two of us." Kuroo pulled out his fingers and spread the butt cheeks of Kageyama looking at the view of his hole the raven penetrated, Kuroo then pointed his erected cock on the latter's hole.

"Hmmm!!" Kageyama couldn't protest properly because of the cock inside his mouth.

Kuroo thrusts the tip of his cock then Kageyama winced in pain which he can't properly express. He felt like something inside him ripped so he trembles. Slowly, Kuroo thrusts his thing inside fully.

'I felt so full.' Kageyama thought. 'My mind's getting more and more fuzzy. It hurts but I felt numb.'

Osamu slowly moved the latter's head pulling and pushing it onto his shaft. Osamu also couldn't help but moan on the undeniably bliss he feels from being inside Kageyama's mouth. Plus the pheromones of Kageyama is like a drug making him go mad like a crazy bastard only cared for feeling the pleasure. But he tried suppressing it because it might hurt the blueberry-haired.

Kageyama feels so full on both mouth and butthole and he felt like cumming again. Kuroo's gentle and careful thrusts slowly became more aggressive. The pain that he felt just a while ago vanished like a magic and now, all he felt now is euphoria. Kuroo kept hitting his sweet spot and Osamu hitting the back of his throat felt very satisfying.

Their moans, slapping sound and the creaking of the sofa are the things that they hear.

Kageyama felt the two getting bigger and he knows that they're almost at their peek. Kageyama moved his hips meeting with the raven's thrusts which made it more blissful. He also tightens his butthole making it hard for Kuroo thrust freely.

"Fuck! I'm coming!" Kuroo comb his hair using his hand then he held the latter's hips.

Osamu's looking down on Kageyama as he push the latter's head onto his cock harder. The sofa is almost giving out because of the hard and fast thrusts of the three.

"I'm coming!" Osamu moans.

"Ahh~ fuck!" Kuroo hissed.

"Hmmff~ cwoming!" Kageyama moan.

The three of them bursted their load at the same time. Kuroo coming inside Kageyama, Osamu releasing inside the latter's mouth and Kageyama coming on the sheets.

The two alpha pulled out and Kageyama let out the sticky liquid in his mouth. Kageyama felt the sticky cum in his throat and he also held his tummy where it felt so hot and so full. It felt so good he thought.

Osamu then took Kageyama and let him sit on his lap. Kageyama held onto Osamu's shoulder and plop on his chest because his strength was drained.

"We're not done yet." A mischievous smile form onto Osamu's lips as he enters inside Kageyama. Kageyama arch his back as Kuroo's liquid all went out and was drooped on the floor.

Kuroo who went to the kitchen and get a bottled water came back. He drank from the bottle then raised Kageyama's chin and kissed him passing the water he drank in the latter's mouth.

Some of the water got wasted and only dripped down Kageyama's neck. Kuroo drank from the bottle again and did the exact same thing until Kageyama was able to drink the water.

"Have more energy, Tobio." Kuroo whispered onto Kageyama's ears and lick it.

They continue having sex again as it lasted for two more days.